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Episode 4: A Star to Guide Us


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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> Yeah, it refers to the Olmakhan phrase. And he followed up saying that's right with "[The question is...why?](



> It would imply that someone dies, and if we take leaks into account...



Taimi's illness gets worse, she gonna die.


Don't you mean...




The speculation does not seem that fruitful as the possibilities are fairly expansive. It may refer to someone who has died (e.g., Glint, Vlast), the possibility that someone will die (pick your character of choice), or none of the above.


The question "why?" is not really that tantalizing or interesting. It will probably become obvious with hindsight.


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Aurene's gonna die. That's why the trailer focuses so much on her. The last moment will feature Kralkatorrik coming from the left side of the screen, coming out of nowhere somehow, and biting down on Aurene and eating her body as we look on in horror. It will also be done indoors with the camera facing the main way into the area.


Of course, since Kralkatorrik's neck is hollow, Aurene's body will just flop out of him a moment later. Then he'll precede to eat her again. And an endless cycle will form.

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> @"Phillip.9318" said:

> I'm just wondering who is going to replace Zhytan and Mordremoth? Isn't magic crazy unstable now, doesn't matter what Aurene does?


My interpretation is the elder dragons focused only on one element in the (ley) magic spectrum to not get in each others way then choose the best place to harvest this magic . We already heard and saw how Jormag and Primordous eat the remains of Zhytan and Mordremoth magic so when one die another takes over.


The problem is the dead of those 2 elder dragons released it like a bomb so it was released into the wild at least those are the short term consequences in the long term it effect everything because all the animals going crazy and so on also I don't know what happens with the magic when the dragons digest it + they stopped sucking it out of the ley lines.


Means in theory Aurene can take over those jobs too. Problem is she looks way too small which in turn means Taimi must find a way to contain the magic and suck it back in Orr and the jungle and when they kill another elder dragon they need something like a containment field so no magic escapes the area..


In the end its all up to the author which can write a only Tamini solution , both with Aurene or only Aurene solution or Aurene + future kids of her.

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> @"Lord of the Fire.6870" said:

Two issues with the theory.


First, is that all three nearby Elder Dragons took from Zhaitan and Mordremoth (and all four, before Mordy's death). If they didn't touch the other magic for sake of "not stepping on toes" (which seems very silly for beings of ultimate greed that the ED are presented as), then they wouldn't tug-o-war over the magic but fall under a "first come first served" order. One could argue that might have happened for Z's magic, but we know it didn't for Mordremoth. And tbh, it makes sense that it isn't a simple choice of theirs to eat or not to eat, given the aforementioned "beings of ultimate greed" thing we got going on (though this does make the whole "dragon magic is in the ley lines and it gets filtered" dealio that Taimi postulates and, at least partially, contradicts with established lore about dragon energies).


Second being that Season 3 establishes that a third ED dying will kill Tyria, and the need to stop Balthazar shows that it isn't just a matter of too much magic in the world, which means we need a minimum of 4 "Elder Dragons" connected to The All, though having five or even six is ideal.

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> @"derd.6413" said:

> > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > > @"draxynnic.3719" said:

> > > > So, Tom Abernathy has apparently been commenting on people not having recognised the true reference of the title, and says it's something to do with this season (


> > > >

> > > > I'm thinking... I don't think there's been anything star-related in the main story so far, so it's probably something that's easy to overlook.

> > >

> > > he hes confirmed that it was to do with a line from episode 2. after the golem battle

> > >

> > > the line is: "may his memory be a star to guide us."

> >

> > Yeah, it refers to the Olmakhan phrase. And he followed up saying that's right with "[The question is...why?](


> >

> > It would imply that someone dies, and if we take leaks into account...

> >

> >

Taimi's illness gets worse, she gonna die.



> my guess would be the memories we get to see from glint/hear from Vlast.


Particularly given that we hear a lot from Vlast (and see a shot of him in Glint's lair) in the trailer. Yes, much of it comes from back in PoF, but it could be that now is the time Aurene gets the chance to actually reflect upon what Vlast left for her.

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> https://massivelyop.com/2018/09/12/guild-wars-2s-next-living-world-episode-a-star-to-guide-us-launches-september-18-heres-the-trailer/


> Didn't personally grab me, but we are clearly moving straight onto Kralk and potentially not exploring any post-Joko fall out in Elona



Probably the new personally story will help to solve plot parts not explored in the main episode.

The list is big:

- Jokos death aftermath.

- God killed aftermath: principally in divinity reach.

- Primordus sleeping aftermath: Tengu and dwarves.

- Jormag sleeping aftermath: Norn + Svanir.

- Garn's health.

- Whatever Rytlock said to the legions.

- Logan as the Pact head.

- Pale's tree health.

- Sylvari after Mordremonth.

- Largos friend of Traherne after the later death.

- Exalted after Aurene leaved.

- Taimi ideas about the elder dragons.

- Plunt plundering Rata Novus.

- Sojjas health.

- Reunion with Magnus and Kiel.

Not sure if i forgot something.


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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > @"Lord of the Fire.6870" said:

> Two issues with the theory.

> which means we need a minimum of 4 "Elder Dragons" connected to The All, though having five or even six is ideal.


that's not true. tyria is dying, just at a slow pace. 4 EDs isn't immediately apocalyptic but it sure isn't sustainable

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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> Aurene's gonna die. That's why the trailer focuses so much on her. The last moment will feature Kralkatorrik coming from the left side of the screen, coming out of nowhere somehow, and biting down on Aurene and eating her body as we look on in horror. It will also be done indoors with the camera facing the main way into the area.


> Of course, since Kralkatorrik's neck is hollow, Aurene's body will just flop out of him a moment later. Then he'll precede to eat her again. And an endless cycle will form.


Maybe **Joko** will kill Aurene(who made a weak roar after eating Joko) from the inside before making his big reveals(confirmed by Kasmeer's living lie detector) on his true identity(a lot of Players suspect he is Lyssa in disguise while I personally suspect Lyssa is actually **_him_** in disguise due to the Ignacious name which is **_fiery_** enough to hint towards him being Balthazar's father and we all know Gods like Dhuum are supposedly eternal) as well as how far his Illusions extend.


I also suspect that since Caithe(who has faced the Nightmare itself at Orr and would certainly recognize the heart of it should she face it again) shows up that we will get big reveals influenced connected to Lyssa's Duality Theme and be forced in the next Living Story to go to Tangle Root to find Malyck's Tree in order to stop Joko/Lyssa(who obviously will be having at least one secret withheld from the characters not related to any Dream/Nightmare related shenanigans that is pivotal to his plot).

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> @"Lucius.2140" said:

> Probably the new personally story will help to solve plot parts not explored in the main episode.

> The list is big:

> - Jokos death aftermath.

> - God killed aftermath: principally in divinity reach.

> - Primordus sleeping aftermath: Tengu and dwarves.

> - Jormag sleeping aftermath: Norn + Svanir.

> - Garn's health.

> - Whatever Rytlock said to the legions.

> - Logan as the Pact head.

> - Pale's tree health.

> - Sylvari after Mordremonth.

> - Largos friend of Traherne after the later death.

> - Exalted after Aurene leaved.

> - Taimi ideas about the elder dragons.

> - Plunt plundering Rata Novus.

> - Sojjas health.

> - Reunion with Magnus and Kiel.

Most of these aren't even questions that need answers TBH.

* Balthazar being killed isn't going to have much of an effect in the long run. At this point, its been basically a year since he died, and everyone knows what he did, and that he died. We can expect the church to pull the classic move of "we will remember him for who he was, not what he became" and continue on from there. He will lose followers for his actions, but people will still venerate him for all the things he did to help people in the past.

* Primordus being asleep isn't going to change much either since all of his minions are still active, and will continue doing whatever Primordus's champions dictate. Meaning what few dwarves still exist will sill be fighting underground, and the Tengu will still get some attacks, though the Tengu were never really that majorly threatened by the Destroyers.

* The same would go for Jormag being asleep, and the affect it would have on the Svanir, Kodan, and other northern races. Jormag's forces still exist, and are still attacking, no real change there.

* There is nothing wrong with Garm's health. He just not actively going out on adventures anymore.

* The Sylvari are unlikely to be changed by Mordremoth in the long run either. Their history is a short 30 or so years, and they spent all of that not knowing they were freed dragon minions. Them finding out that they were would only be a problem as long as Mordremoth was alive to control them, but now hes dead, and that fact is now nothing more then a footnote in their history. There will likely be some suspicion around the Sylvari because of it, but that plot thread died in HoT.

* The Exalted will do what they were designed to do, which is maintain the city so Aurene can use it as a crash pad, and offer what assistance/knowledge they can in regards to Glint's plan and fighting the dragons.

* Phlunt is too stupid to ever get anything out of Rata Novus, not to mention, Taimi already took the best stuff anyways.

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> @"Sajuuk Khar.1509" said:

> * Balthazar being killed isn't going to have much of an effect in the long run. At this point, its been basically a year since he died, and everyone knows what he did, and that he died. We can expect the church to pull the classic move of "we will remember him for who he was, not what he became" and continue on from there. He will lose followers for his actions, but people will still venerate him for all the things he did to help people in the past.


We can possibly expect that, but I wouldn't call it certain. After all, apart from that one guy in Siren's Landing, nobody took that attitude with Abaddon. Admittedly, the gods themselves took the lead there... but one could argue that the gods have taken the lead here as well. Balthazar was cast out of the pantheon by the gods... is it really appropriate to continue treating him as part of the pantheon after what happened? Or will we start to see baskets appearing on statues of Balthazar all across Tyria?


That part doesn't need to be more than a brief reference, but if ArenaNet chooses, they could do something bigger with the diehard followers of Balthazar. With Caudecus gone, one of the main problem-causers for humanity has been removed from the picture... but if Balthazar is cast out of the pantheon, that gives ArenaNet an opportunity to create a new set of troublemakers out of those who refuse to let Balthazar go (and possibly don't believe that he died). This could be as small as an indication that the followers of Balthazar have gone into the countryside and turned to banditry - the various bandit threats across Kryta could then be reframed as happening due to Balthazar-worshipers instead of being a White Mantle hand-in-glove operation.

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> @"draxynnic.3719" said:

> We can possibly expect that, but I wouldn't call it certain. After all, apart from that one guy in Siren's Landing, nobody took that attitude with Abaddon. Admittedly, the gods themselves took the lead there... but one could argue that the gods have taken the lead here as well. Balthazar was cast out of the pantheon by the gods... is it really appropriate to continue treating him as part of the pantheon after what happened? Or will we start to see baskets appearing on statues of Balthazar all across Tyria?


> That part doesn't need to be more than a brief reference, but if ArenaNet chooses, they could do something bigger with the diehard followers of Balthazar. With Caudecus gone, one of the main problem-causers for humanity has been removed from the picture... but if Balthazar is cast out of the pantheon, that gives ArenaNet an opportunity to create a new set of troublemakers out of those who refuse to let Balthazar go (and possibly don't believe that he died). This could be as small as an indication that the followers of Balthazar have gone into the countryside and turned to banditry - the various bandit threats across Kryta could then be reframed as happening due to Balthazar-worshipers instead of being a White Mantle hand-in-glove operation.

They COULD conceivably do something like that for everything above. It just isn't likely.


As for treating him as part of the Pantheon. Given that the gods have left, and whoever replaced Balthazar was never worshiped by the Tyirans, he was never part of their Pantheon, whereas Blathazar was. Even though he was cast out of the 6, the 6 had moved beyond the Tyrians. Balthazar isn't part of the 6 currently, but the Tyrian 6 isn't the 6 as they are now, but the 6 ones that took place in Tyria's history. The Tyrians could be worshiping the 6 as they are now thousands of years into the future, even if they learned Lyssa died, Melandru gave up and was replaced, and any number of changes, because none of that would matter to them since those changes happened after the 6 left, and thus, aren't their 6.


As for the Bandit thing, that seems like an entirely unnecessary thing to do given that its understood that maps are largely time locked.

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Aurene ate and assimilated Jokos memories, and we will now be guided by those memories (through Aurene?) - Aftger all, It did seem Joko had a lot of in-depth knowledge of ED, their workings and our miserable attempts to contain it that we never got the chance to learn due to Aurene's unexpected feasting.....

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> @"Fleebag.1384" said:

> Aurene ate and assimilated Jokos memories, and we will now be guided by those memories (through Aurene?) - Aftger all, It did seem Joko had a lot of in-depth knowledge of ED, their workings and our miserable attempts to contain it that we never got the chance to learn due to Aurene's unexpected feasting.....


Actually, thinking some more on this:

- Joko was the star of his own show - at least in his own view

- and we already had one of his memories played up for us in the "hidden" Joko statue


So maybe not through Aurene after all - , but through additional recorded Joko memories we need to chase down?

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> @"draxynnic.3719" said:

> We can possibly expect that, but I wouldn't call it certain. After all, apart from that one guy in Siren's Landing, nobody took that attitude with Abaddon. Admittedly, the gods themselves took the lead there... but one could argue that the gods have taken the lead here as well. Balthazar was cast out of the pantheon by the gods... is it really appropriate to continue treating him as part of the pantheon after what happened? Or will we start to see baskets appearing on statues of Balthazar all across Tyria?


> That part doesn't need to be more than a brief reference, but if ArenaNet chooses, they could do something bigger with the diehard followers of Balthazar. With Caudecus gone, one of the main problem-causers for humanity has been removed from the picture... but if Balthazar is cast out of the pantheon, that gives ArenaNet an opportunity to create a new set of troublemakers out of those who refuse to let Balthazar go (and possibly don't believe that he died). This could be as small as an indication that the followers of Balthazar have gone into the countryside and turned to banditry - the various bandit threats across Kryta could then be reframed as happening due to Balthazar-worshipers instead of being a White Mantle hand-in-glove operation.

"Bounty on the heretic human PC who killed our god!"


Seriously though, I am curious about his replacement among the pantheon, assuming he has one. Presumably he was replaced by his unknown sister. And then in the next Elona-themed expansion in GW3, we will replace Grenthaddon with Desmina.


Or did they just split up his spheres of influence among themselves? I could see Kormir getting "war" and becoming pseudo-Athena, but I would be at a loss about who gets "fire" and "smithing."


And I am curious about whether Divinity's Reach, in particular, will get an update reflecting the new state of affairs with Balthazar.


But I suspect that the repurcussions of Balthazar will receive less attention than the Pale Tree and Malyck's tree.

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I'd like for Balthazar's replacement to be a "Nameless" God that people can choose to assume is (one of) the human PCs from GW1. Emphasise the "good" part of Balthazar's profile, such as honour, fighting to protect, etcetera.




Looking like this. Blue fire. Guardian motifs, stuff like that.


Failing that, just bring Balthazar back and have him learn his lesson and do something to help redeem himself.


But who am I kidding, it's never going to be touched on again, and if it is it'll be negative.

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> @"draxynnic.3719" said:

> Particularly given that we hear a lot from Vlast (and see a shot of him in Glint's lair) in the trailer. Yes, much of it comes from back in PoF, but it could be that now is the time Aurene gets the chance to actually reflect upon what Vlast left for her.


It's also possible that the two segments that were distorted will be fixed.

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> @"Sajuuk Khar.1509" said:

> > @"draxynnic.3719" said:

> > We can possibly expect that, but I wouldn't call it certain. After all, apart from that one guy in Siren's Landing, nobody took that attitude with Abaddon. Admittedly, the gods themselves took the lead there... but one could argue that the gods have taken the lead here as well. Balthazar was cast out of the pantheon by the gods... is it really appropriate to continue treating him as part of the pantheon after what happened? Or will we start to see baskets appearing on statues of Balthazar all across Tyria?

> >

> > That part doesn't need to be more than a brief reference, but if ArenaNet chooses, they could do something bigger with the diehard followers of Balthazar. With Caudecus gone, one of the main problem-causers for humanity has been removed from the picture... but if Balthazar is cast out of the pantheon, that gives ArenaNet an opportunity to create a new set of troublemakers out of those who refuse to let Balthazar go (and possibly don't believe that he died). This could be as small as an indication that the followers of Balthazar have gone into the countryside and turned to banditry - the various bandit threats across Kryta could then be reframed as happening due to Balthazar-worshipers instead of being a White Mantle hand-in-glove operation.

> They COULD conceivably do something like that for everything above. It just isn't likely.


> As for treating him as part of the Pantheon. Given that the gods have left, and whoever replaced Balthazar was never worshiped by the Tyirans, he was never part of their Pantheon, whereas Blathazar was. Even though he was cast out of the 6, the 6 had moved beyond the Tyrians. Balthazar isn't part of the 6 currently, but the Tyrian 6 isn't the 6 as they are now, but the 6 ones that took place in Tyria's history. The Tyrians could be worshiping the 6 as they are now thousands of years into the future, even if they learned Lyssa died, Melandru gave up and was replaced, and any number of changes, because none of that would matter to them since those changes happened after the 6 left, and thus, aren't their 6.


> As for the Bandit thing, that seems like an entirely unnecessary thing to do given that its understood that maps are largely time locked.


There's nothing about human religion that says that they _have_ to worship 6. The were content with five for over a thousand years after Abaddon's betrayal.


I don't think humans are likely to just ignore any future changes in the pantheon that they hear about. Sure, if a god dies in the line of duty or has an honorary retirement, they'll be remembered... but I suspect that any actual worship will turn to the current gods, whoever they are. There's a distinction between worship and commemoration, after all. This is compounded by the fact that Balthazar didn't die in the line of duty. He died a traitor, to both the pantheon and to the humans of Tyria. That's going to severely impact any remaining impetus humans have towards worshiping him.


Even if the priests of Balthazar refrain from making trouble and try to take the "we'll remember him as he was" angle, it's likely that most humans aren't going to be interested in even commemorating a traitor: they'll rapidly become like that one priest of Abaddon in Siren's Landing. Assuming that a replacement doesn't become known, Balthazar's patronage of soldiers will probably migrate to Kormir, as she was a military commander in life, likely with a focus on fighting _for the right reasons_ rather than fighting for the sake of fighting. Balthazar would become a warning, a symbol of what can be lost through pride and unchecked aggression.


> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > @"draxynnic.3719" said:

> > Particularly given that we hear a lot from Vlast (and see a shot of him in Glint's lair) in the trailer. Yes, much of it comes from back in PoF, but it could be that now is the time Aurene gets the chance to actually reflect upon what Vlast left for her.


> It's also possible that the two segments that were distorted will be fixed.


It's also struck me that Beast of War has Taimi trying to contact you about something related to the balance, Elder Dragons, Exalted, and the gods, which I don't think was ever followed up. It's _probably_ something like "if you kill Balthazar while Kralkatorrik is around, Kralkatorrik will consume Balthazar's magic and grow stronger" - and thus it doesn't _need_ to be followed up when we see the result. If that's not the case, though, we might see that getting explained in the upcoming episode.

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> @"draxynnic.3719" said:

> It's also struck me that Beast of War has Taimi trying to contact you about something related to the balance, Elder Dragons, Exalted, and the gods, which I don't think was ever followed up. It's _probably_ something like "if you kill Balthazar while Kralkatorrik is around, Kralkatorrik will consume Balthazar's magic and grow stronger" - and thus it doesn't _need_ to be followed up when we see the result. If that's not the case, though, we might see that getting explained in the upcoming episode.


To me this is still kinda misterious, why "the Exalted" mentioned with " the gods" ?


to recap, she discovered something in the lab,.


> Taimi: Commander...

> : Not now, Taimi.

> Taimi: (static)...In the Dragon Lab... (static)...Still doing..(static)...research on the...(static)...in Kesho...

> : I can't understand what you're saying.

> Taimi: (static) ...Sadizi said...(static) ...Balance...(static) ...Elder Dragons...

> : Taimi? Taimi...?




> Taimi: ...Commander...

> Taimi: ...**The Exalted**...(static)..**.the gods**...

> : What just happened? Why did it get quiet?

> : Taimi? Are you still there?


EDIT --- :


Oh well, in the conclusion of [Way Forward](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/The_Way_Forward "Way Forward"), the commander narrative remenber thats Forgotten had connections with gods and glint, > After a lot of legwork, I found a promising lead on the answers Kormir told us were out there: Kesho, a city built by the Forgotten, who themselves had connections to both Glint and the gods. As such, Kesho may well contain the knowledge we need to make a stand against Balthazar.


> After a lot of legwork, I found a promising lead on the answers Kormir told us were out there: Kesho, a city built by the Forgotten, who themselves had connections to both Glint and the gods. As such, Kesho may well contain the knowledge we need to make a stand against Balthazar.


So Taimi suggests that Tarir has some kind of connection? perhaps some kind of knowledge of the Gods on how to share magic?


EDIT 2,..

in the Small Victory


> : Taimi, focus... When Balthazar died, Kralkatorrik absorbed most of his freed energy.

> : Kralkatorrik's even stronger and more dangerous than ever.

> Taimi: Oh boy. **That could seriously accelerate the Elder Dragon imbalance**. I should run some worst-case hypotheticals right away.


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> @"ugrakarma.9416" said:

> > @"draxynnic.3719" said:

> > It's also struck me that Beast of War has Taimi trying to contact you about something related to the balance, Elder Dragons, Exalted, and the gods, which I don't think was ever followed up. It's _probably_ something like "if you kill Balthazar while Kralkatorrik is around, Kralkatorrik will consume Balthazar's magic and grow stronger" - and thus it doesn't _need_ to be followed up when we see the result. If that's not the case, though, we might see that getting explained in the upcoming episode.


> To me this is still kinda misterious, why "the Exalted" mentioned with " the gods" ?


Given the relatively brief period of static there, it could be as simple as "the Exalted say the gods..." - and then the meat of what they said got cut off altogether.



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> @"draxynnic.3719" said:

> There's nothing about human religion that says that they _have_ to worship 6. The were content with five for over a thousand years after Abaddon's betrayal.

True, but the Abbadon thing wasn't humanity's choice, it was forced upon them by the gods who tried to systemically remove any and all mention of Abbadon's existence from the history books. Had they not, I find it very probable there would have been at least some small Abbadon worship group among humanity even into the time of Guild Wars.


While its not worship per say, the Durmand Priory has some sort of reverence for Abbadon, and his former position as the keeper of secrets. The keep a big honking statue of him as the center piece of the staircase leading into the special archives.

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Well, there WAS a secret core of Abaddon worship. That's how Nightfall happened in the first place.


But it's hardly mainstream, and while the gods certainly played a part, I think it's fair to say that Abaddon-worship would naturally have dwindled even if the gods hadn't attempted to whitewash his existence. And in Abaddon's case, there was always the possibility that he would return (at least, until after Nightfall). Balthazar isn't just imprisoned - he's dead.


As a dead traitor... I don't think he's going to be very popular from here on out. We're _already_ seeing indications of backlash against him in PoF.


Regarding the statue of Abaddon in the Priory... the statue is accompanied by the inscription "Beware the danger of secrets kept". I don't think that's reverence, I think that's the Priory using Abaddon as an object lesson that what you don't know CAN hurt you.

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> @"draxynnic.3719" said:

> Well, there WAS a secret core of Abaddon worship. That's how Nightfall happened in the first place.


> But it's hardly mainstream, and while the gods certainly played a part, I think it's fair to say that Abaddon-worship would naturally have dwindled even if the gods hadn't attempted to whitewash his existence. And in Abaddon's case, there was always the possibility that he would return (at least, until after Nightfall). Balthazar isn't just imprisoned - he's dead.


> As a dead traitor... I don't think he's going to be very popular from here on out. We're _already_ seeing indications of backlash against him in PoF.


> Regarding the statue of Abaddon in the Priory... the statue is accompanied by the inscription "Beware the danger of secrets kept". I don't think that's reverence, I think that's the Priory using Abaddon as an object lesson that what you don't know CAN hurt you.

-Secret yes, but I was speaking of public worship.

-Dwindled yes, as I expect Balthazar's too as well. I never said it would remain at the same level.

-Given that the statue is located in a literal secret archive where they horde, and withhold, vast amounts of knowledge from the general public, that interpretation doesn't really make sense given that they are doing the exact same thing Abbadon did. One does not generally put up statues of warnings in areas where you are doing the very thing one is warning against. It's more a general warning of "This stuff is down here because its dangerous"


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