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Quitting Ranked


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> @"Draakfire.3691" said:

> Well lord, there was a bot in the top 100 last year, win traders and people who use the MOST obvious and useless hacks. I couldn't even finish my placements this year because I had an afk or a RQ or an intentional throw every. single. match. in my placements. I average at high gold low platinum and suddenly I'm going to end up in bottom teir bronze. That's absurd. I had a friend playing ranked that, in multiple matches, had their ENTIRE team go afk. It's ridiculous and not even worth the farm anymore.


In other seasons I reached mid gold, now I cannot surpass silver being matched with casuals, afkers and throwers. has become unplayable.

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> @"alcopaul.2156" said:

> ladder resets every some months, anyway. don't take your icon seriously. itll reset. just screen cap if you got plat/laddered for remembrance and get the gold and the grandmaster marks/ shards. but be sure to do your best and win so itll be faster.


This. However , i think people are generally rude. Balancing is debatable, but GW2 pvp is similar to what exists in other games . Season system, end season rewards, rng rewards along season, matchmaking not being the best. I mean, just check any forum, it's going to be the same complaints every where.


Game is 6 years old, has had many changed because people QQed. You can't blame devs for doing what seem to work in other games lately, it's not so bad for a 6 years old game.


If we wanna debate on something, this could be on the season system making the whole leaderboard meaningless though

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> @"Abazigal.3679" said:

> If we wanna debate on something, this could be on the season system making the whole leaderboard meaningless though


seasoned leaderboard is not meaningless. i've seen consistent people in the top of ladders every season so they must be really good.


consistency every cycle.


and if you don't see them in the leaderboards anymore, you'll conclude that they either quit the game, busy in real life, accidentally chopped their fingers when they are prepping on cooking or died in accident or some disease.


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> @"alcopaul.2156" said:

> > @"Abazigal.3679" said:

> > If we wanna debate on something, this could be on the season system making the whole leaderboard meaningless though


> seasoned leaderboard is not meaningless. i've seen consistent people in the top of ladders every season so they must be really good.


> consistency every cycle.


> and if you don't see them in the leaderboards anymore, you'll conclude that they either quit the game, busy in real life, or died in accident.



You know how it is for a few seasons though . Bottom players and top players pop close to their previous rank, nothing wrong. Rest in middle pop at a random spot between 1100 and 1600. If i was placed at 1700 after placement, i could easily remain at that spot too doing minimal requirements.

This season, i have several friends who maintained at 1500 doing so although they usually sit at 1100.


Not going to say " top players are lucky " they for sure deserve their spot. But the competition behind is meaningless and too random.

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When was the last time a new map was added?

If they are going to delete titles then why not add 5 man ranked back? Let me pick my team to have fun in a challenging game mode, let me fight other teams instead of waiting every 6 hours for tournaments. Split the queues into solo/team queue.

Solo/Duo queue effectively killed all pvp guilds.

Now that titles are removed, ANET is saying I will never have a chance to obtain top 25. Why remove titles, wasnt the point of having titles like that so that when people achieve god of pvp they have all the titles so no need to try anymore, and the titles will consistently get watered down.

Why did they put a vendor in for the champions gizmos? They put a vendor in the game for 5 people of the entire population to use?

The number of champions gizmos that exist in the game are 5 per server per month, compare that to some of the super rare infusions in the game like the chak egg sac or the confetti infusion. The rarity doesnt make sense. There are 150+ chak sacs in the game.

Make the jump pads on skyhammer like the mushrooms in verdant brink, so there is an elevated platform to jump on, if you miss the pad by 2 cm you wasted your jump.

Test releases before they go live, last time your "programmers" tried to release swiss tournaments, it kicked people out of the tournament with no rewards FOR WINNING MATCHES.

Improve the tournament rewards, I should be building some kind of currency like ascended shards of glory for playing and doing well in the daily tournaments, this currency should allow us to purchase cool things.

Add lesser quality champions gizmos to the game.

Fix the matchmaker so you only play with people in your division.

Ranked should cost like 200g to play but with increased rewards, a ranked "season pass" so that alt accounts and monkies who are not serious about it cant ruin games.

Ranked should be more skilled players trying their best to win in a challenging game mode, not babysit the monkies that are in 2 divisions lower than you.

Names should be deleted from ranked games, talking with the enemy should be forbidden, names should just be "Ranger 1, Warrior 2, etc" so you dont know who exactly you are playing with.

PVE is doing fine, lets revitalize pvp so those monkies come back to pvp and are not turned off by the state of the game.

You guys have teams of story writers and map artists working on pve content, but nothing is ever done to pvp, there are no path to target issues everywhere on the pvp maps and you can straight jump out of khylo and go swimming.

I am mad because this game shows a lot of promise, it has an extremely unique combat system that is fun to play and crazy stuff can happen when everyone is going ham in team fights. For goodness sake world vs world even gets updates and that game mode is nothing more than musical keeps.


Please devs please I beg you, breathe some life back into pvp. Make some exclusive pvp mounts, do something you guys have an amazing game and it has consistently gone down hill since world tournaments were cancelled.

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> @"chask.6028" said:

> I'm with resistance chaining h o m o on this, what's the point of even playing ranked? It's become a total meme.


same rating = same skill level


when you are on equal playing field, you'll know who's some garbages in your team.


it's like reverse pvp but still spelled as pvp. lel.

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Its selfexplaining enough to see not even one Dev commenting on the PvP Issue.

Why not just shut down PvP?

Its as if Anet simply abandoned everything competitive-related.

6 Years and nothing new in PvP added.

6 Years same old Modes, same old Hopes (Build Templates, true GvG, Alliance Battles).

A Matchmaking System, which literally destroyed any form of organized Teamplay while being forced to play with random people, also thanks to the famous solo/duo Vote (THX Community!).

All Modes in GW2 support teamplay, exept the PvP-Ranked Mode...

I remember times playing the whole night at weekends with friends in ranked, forging different tactics and strategies, trying out different synergies or simply trying out new ways to approach the Maps.

With the introduction of solo/duo queue this all ended abruptly.

Organized teamplay became almost impossible,

Due to the punishment on a Lose Players got toxic as kitten and Veterans frustrated for having no Opportunity to get a decent, communicating and basic rules knowing team.

People playing ranked just for the backpiece, the legendary armor or simply the Ascended gear while not caring about any form of teamplay was the final Nail in the rotting coffin of PvP.

Its not that the Community didnt warn Anet.

There were more than enough suggestions on how to improve PvP, but Anet simply ignored most of them while adding such nice changes like the long awaited Bench-feature and this beautiful but incredibly unnecessary remake of Heart of the Mists.

Its as if no one at Anet even plays PvP.

The "regular" Balance Updates defy all logics.

While top-Tier classes like Mesmer or Necro and Guard are untouched by heavy nerfs, Anet decides to nerf some of the weakest considered Professions in PvP.

Mallyx Revenant -which is barely even played by the Community- gets nerfed, Elementalist, which also had a hard stand in PvP got nerfed again.

I dont see any direction in Balance at all in this game and i gave up all hope on any positive changes in the future.

Its a 6 Year old game after all, but Anet wasted so much potential by ignoring their long time PvP Fanbase...

If GW3 ever will be released ill avoid buying it.

Gj Anet.


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> @"LeBub.9053" said:

> Its selfexplaining enough to see not even one Dev commenting on the PvP Issue.

> Why not just shut down PvP?

> Its as if Anet simply abandoned everything competitive-related.

> 6 Years and nothing new in PvP added.

> 6 Years same old Modes, same old Hopes (Build Templates, true GvG, Alliance Battles).

> A Matchmaking System, which literally destroyed any form of organized Teamplay while being forced to play with random people, also thanks to the famous solo/duo Vote (THX Community!).

> All Modes in GW2 support teamplay, exept the PvP-Ranked Mode...

> I remember times playing the whole night at weekends with friends in ranked, forging different tactics and strategies, trying out different synergies or simply trying out new ways to approach the Maps.

> With the introduction of solo/duo queue this all ended abruptly.

> Organized teamplay became almost impossible,

> Due to the punishment on a Lose Players got toxic as kitten and Veterans frustrated for having no Opportunity to get a decent, communicating and basic rules knowing team.

> People playing ranked just for the backpiece, the legendary armor or simply the Ascended gear while not caring about any form of teamplay was the final Nail in the rotting coffin of PvP.

> Its not that the Community didnt warn Anet.

> There were more than enough suggestions on how to improve PvP, but Anet simply ignored most of them while adding such nice changes like the long awaited Bench-feature and this beautiful but incredibly unnecessary remake of Heart of the Mists.

> Its as if no one at Anet even plays PvP.

> The "regular" Balance Updates defy all logics.

> While top-Tier classes like Mesmer or Necro and Guard are untouched by heavy nerfs, Anet decides to nerf some of the weakest considered Professions in PvP.

> Mallyx Revenant -which is barely even played by the Community- gets nerfed, Elementalist, which also had a hard stand in PvP got nerfed again.

> I dont see any direction in Balance at all in this game and i gave up all hope on any positive changes in the future.

> Its a 6 Year old game after all, but Anet wasted so much potential by ignoring their long time PvP Fanbase...

> If GW3 ever will be released ill avoid buying it.

> Gj Anet.



yet, someone(s) will come along and say it ain't that bad. they may even praise it. (we would have to assume they are very new or trolling)


Also, I don't think GW3 is coming, and if it ever was to come along, expect about another 6 years before that it is even mentioned as coming along.



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It's sad, but I too barely play PvP these days. I think the real culprit was poor concepts for the elite specs that are impossible to balance. It's sad how much less fun I have these days in PvP. I was trying to get my legendary armor, but at this rate, it might take me another 10 seasons....


It's still good for a game here and there, but the days of grinding out game after game on unique builds I made are just gone.


At least I still enjoy the story missions, but as someone who was 90% into PvP, I feel like I only log in for my daily these days between content patches.


I would even go back to hot, especially the last few patches before POF. But I think the best was vanilla, before all the changes to talents and amulets. I wanted more customization, but we ended up with so much cookie cutter.


I think the theme of my post is "but". Game was amazing, but they killed the balance in PvP with ridiculous elite specs.



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  • 2 weeks later...

i'm done. i came back. i continue and i'm done again and again.

one of my last season replacement, got 7 afks. won 5, lost 5 and still got to mid gold. what's this?

and that you get matched up against lower divisions all the time and get your ranking points jacked up.

got people call you names cuz you have top stats. they call it "fake" where you're just trying hard for some good games and wish people don't give up when there's just 100 points difference. random teammates are the worst.

i've been done and i decayed >1300 rank points past seasons. still played cuz i love the game mode but no more motivation whenever toxicity hit. finally they fixed the decay system. doesn't matter how long you're away, you can only decay this certain amount and not most of your rank points like previously. lol.


i glanced at the rewards table and i was like wtf. you give players who actively play to improve and more for some large pvp potion? seriously?

i'm not gonna lie i voted for the solo/queue because i think the idea and concept is very nice. it promotes skills base, you have to improve in order to climb the ladder, and not get carried by a full premade but in reality, the execution is terrible with MMR. if only solo/duo q exists the same time with 5 man q, that'll be awesome. i don't understand why they don't just do it like that.


i can't think of anything on top of my head. there are so many issues. lol. but i wish they'd divide at least 10 devs for spvp. so something gotta be done or new ideas will come to place, etc. i don't think Anet realize people who plays spvp, and wvw are actually playing pve too. i even think spvp and wvw players spend more than their pve counterpart cuz most of the time your mats and stuff built up while you're doing your killings. but sad that they just focus on one mode.



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It's quite disappointing that the framework for a good pvp game was there already in GW1 and yet nothing has ever been done in the past 6 years to refresh the pvp here. In 6 years there has been no new ideas on pvp? Yet PvE we can have the ever evolving Living World with new maps kicked out, new rewards, etc.

Where the PvP in GW1 was a large part of the game, GW2's PvP has (over time) not only missed the mark but has just been left to whither away.

I'll repeat some good ideas already here that has been stated for 6 years in a row:

- builds

- GvG

- Alliance

- capture flag, death match (similar to GW1)

- new maps new game modes


Has anyone else noticed the insanity of playing the same conquest game mode for 6 years on the same maps? lol...

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Ranked is the biggest joke on the community. If only they kept and improved off of seasons 1-4 instead of just dumping it and doing this duo crap with mmr.


Why couldn't the pvp that worked well in gw1 just be copied over?


Really it's sad that we are still here at that point and in reality the only fixes to this horrible state we are in ia a drastic change and they aren't willing to do that.


Every single patch: Minor patch here little bug fix here no added pvp content some living world stuff.


Then also in every patch.



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> @"Hex.2579" said:

> i'm done. i came back. i continue and i'm done again and again.

> one of my last season replacement, got 7 afks. won 5, lost 5 and still got to mid gold. what's this?

> and that you get matched up against lower divisions all the time and get your ranking points jacked up.

> got people call you names cuz you have top stats. they call it "fake" where you're just trying hard for some good games and wish people don't give up when there's just 100 points difference. random teammates are the worst.

> i've been done and i decayed >1300 rank points past seasons. still played cuz i love the game mode but no more motivation whenever toxicity hit. finally they fixed the decay system. doesn't matter how long you're away, you can only decay this certain amount and not most of your rank points like previously. lol.


> i glanced at the rewards table and i was like kitten. you give players who actively play to improve and more for some large pvp potion? seriously?

> i'm not gonna lie i voted for the solo/queue because i think the idea and concept is very nice. it promotes skills base, you have to improve in order to climb the ladder, and not get carried by a full premade but in reality, the execution is terrible with MMR. if only solo/duo q exists the same time with 5 man q, that'll be awesome. i don't understand why they don't just do it like that.


> i can't think of anything on top of my head. there are so many issues. lol. but i wish they'd divide at least 10 devs for spvp. so something gotta be done or new ideas will come to place, etc. i don't think Anet realize people who plays spvp, and wvw are actually playing pve too. i even think spvp and wvw players spend more than their pve counterpart cuz most of the time your mats and stuff built up while you're doing your killings. but sad that they just focus on one mode.




You simply experienced the biggest plague of the matchmaking, which is the gold division. You basically got everyone there, so it's hard to get even fights there. Fairly easy to climb back to plat, but it's way too frustrating. Probably anyone of the top players would get mad in that division.

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> @"Abazigal.3679" said:

> You simply experienced the biggest plague of the matchmaking, which is the gold division. You basically got everyone there, so it's hard to get even fights there. Fairly easy to climb back to plat, but it's way too frustrating. Probably anyone of the top players would get mad in that division.

it's true. i saw so many good players back in the days we got those I, II, III, IV, V season. and everyone get stuck in the mud because their teammates don't rotate.

it is also easy to climb to plat, but low plat is still a hit or miss. so i'm with OP, when you're within top 250 already, there's little to play unless you just want to smack some unranked with friends every now and then.

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I get an AFK or DC in about 1 out of every 3 matches. But since i couldn't care less about rating it doesn't bother me. I'm spamming ranked games for the ascended shards so i can finish my legendary armor. If you think ANET ignores PvP , talk to a WvW'er. It is literally twice as fast for me to get my legendary armor via PvP than it is via WvW. Once i'm done i can leave this dying mode and go to my fav other "dying" mode WvW.

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> @"huehuehueh.5106" said:

> Top 100 player, tired of pvp neglect, no meaningful rewards for time played, horrendous experience where players call you names regardless of performance. Forced to play games with random teamates in a team based game mode. If you agree just comment "Im Done" in this thread and we can see how many people share this opinion.




Welcome to the Unranked Tyrian meme build fight club.

You're free now kek

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> @"Namless.4028" said:

> As someone who recently made alt accounts i can say that gold is the worst place to be in.

> Most gold players are silver players who went lucky + some plat players that do not care or went unlucky.



Gold is fantastic if you dont care for rank...


it has bad players using meta builds, it has heaps of players who are mechanically sound on the off meta builds and overall just a good ol TDM scene as no one cares about capping nodes...


if youre the sort of player who wants to roll a Spirit Ranger, get 20 or more kills and 1 death but still lose the match then Gold is the perfect place to be ?


after gold its full of decent players using the exact same builds, wheres the excitement or fun in that?

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I almost wish Hotjoin comes back, its the best way to actually have fun in PvP atm, no wait times, hop in and out, swap builds, spectate, experiment, and generally enjoy the combat without any of the "weight" of conquest, just play match to match and enjoy yourself...but customs are dead and we get Toxic Ranked, and Toxic Ranked Lite (Unranked)

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