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Kung Fu Tea Promotion [Merged]

Gaile Gray.6029

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  • ArenaNet Staff


> @"Jevati.4328" said:

> I feel bad for the devs and especially for Gaile. The average dev who works on the combat system or new armor skins or the LS plot, for example, likely has zero say or control over when things like this are done or even whether they're done at all. Yes, things did not go as planned. It would've been great if everyone (or, at this point, even "most people") had been able to easily log into the app, link a social media account, and get the code. But that's not what happened. Yes, it's frustrating to spend a lot of time trying to get the app to work. But at the end of the day, it's just pixels, and it's a fairly minor inconvenience if it's not working or if people have to unlock their social media accounts due to "suspicious activity."


> ANet is well aware that it's not working, and I'd wager they're well aware of exactly what went wrong at every point. What's done is done, and now I think it might be helpful for us, as the player base, to sort of chill out a bit, and realize that our feedback has been noted, and now the ball is in ANet's court to decide how to proceed. They're not a perfect company, ofc, but I think they know better than to just let something like this simmer. When the holiday is over, I'm sure they'll come back with some sort of work-around or extension or way to resolve this.


> And as a side note, I hope GW2 people stop leaving 1-star reviews on Kung Fu Tea's FB page. Yes, this whole thing is annoying, but if I'm looking up reviews for a restaurant or food place, I'd like to be able to trust that the reviews are good or bad based on things like the quality of the food, not how angry some gamers got because an app didn't work and they couldn't obtain codes for pixels on a screen.


Thanks, Jevati -- your advice is very welcome.

> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> Don't forget the promotion goes on until the end of September. You can always wait for them to fix the problems, or just for demand to die down, and then try again later.


Yes, this is exactly true. I've seen other forum members say the same. I totally understand wanting to get the rewards, but feel sure you'll be able to get the goody/goodies soon.

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Okay, I admit that I gave it a shot with Bluestacks. However, I got spooked by the FB hacks and account lock outs. I logged into FB to check, and my profile and activity log are missing. I'm not sure if it's related, but I'm not taking the chance. I'm not waiting for messages, codes or anything else, it's time to sever the connection to Kung Fu Tea.


I haven't had the shirt for 6 years, I'm sure I can live without it for another X years.


To those that were successful, congrats! I'm glad you were able to stick through it and get the outfit/Heroic upgrades. To those that are going to keep going, all the best. I would certainly recommend using throw away social media accounts or changing your passwords for any real accounts. It's not worth the risk.

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:


> Yes, this is exactly true. I've seen other forum members say the same. I totally understand wanting to get the rewards, but feel sure you'll be able to get the goody/goodies soon.


So will the promo format stay the same? What about people with no social media account? Should they just create one for this event, despite maybe not even living in the country? Would be sad. Some people I know are exactly in this situation and "gaming the system" (via creating a trash account for the social media links) shouldn't be the solution. :/


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> @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

> a promotion only for NA?


> wow, why does that feel like many other games where NA players drown in good stuff, while the rest of the world and especially EU is told to #?*$ themselves?


> really anet? Really?


As has been said already, EU players can participate in the code giveaway for the outfit and Heroic edition. The only part they (and anyone else not living near a Kung Fu Tea location) cannot take part in is the sweepstakes for the deluxe editions of PoF/HoT.

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> @"Rococo.8347" said:

> So they are disabling half the giveaway? and no one has bothered to come on here or reddit and actually explain what is going on?


> Meanwhile I logged in to discover that my Instagram linking was now active but cannot see actual rewards anywhere on the app? ( im using an emulator if that makes a difference) if I click on rewards it just states there nothing here....


Well idk about other locations but I went to a KFT near me and they didnt even have the drink, soooo the entire promotion ain't working for me

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> @"Digger.8659" said:

> I would like to get this Dragon Emblem outfit, but sadly I don't have a smartphone or any social media accounts to participate with. Is there another way to get the outfit?


You can download Blue Stacks 3, which is an android emulator for pc's [HERE](https://www.bluestacks.com/bluestacksgaming-platform-bgp-android-emulator.html "here "), then just make a FB, Twitter or Instagram account to link it to. There's no need to put in personal information in any of them.

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> @"Raizel.8175" said:

> > @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> > There's no way in hell i'm installing a foreign unknown third party App on my cell phone.

> > So i can get none stop add's & what ever crap that pops up over using my CPU & Bandwith.

> > Even less for Gw2 rewards.

> > Keep your D reward, ...

> >

> > **(Feel's like Esport is a great idea..will make tons of money & get more players to play all over again)**

> > Who takes credit for taken dease decisions? like really


> A little bit less paranoia would be healthy. I'm pretty sure KFT isn't some malicious company that does evil stuff with your data. All they probably wanted was some publicity among their target demographic group which are teenagers and young adults. That's why they probably did the stuff with social networks so your friends and the friends of your friends notice KFT. Data protection is important and fine, but some people really exagerrate.


> > @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > > @"Linken.6345" said:

> > > Well looks like they disabled the promo.

> > >

> > > Kung Fu Tea

> > > 18 tim ·

> > >

> > > Thank you for all the enthusiastic GW2 fans and your support for our promotion. We are very sorry for the inconvenience that occurred while claiming the DLC codes via our app.

> > > Our developers are working hard during the Labor Day weekend to fight against the hackers. Your patience and understanding is greatly appreciated while we are trying our best to resolve the issue.

> > > We will make sure that you guys get the DLC codes anyway. We will have another update for you guys tomorrow!

> >

> > Yeah... guess we all need to change passwords ASAP... “Our developers are working hard during the Labor Day weekend to fight against the hackers.”

> >

> > For emphasis... “the hackers”


> Unfortunate choice of words. The problem is probably that their infrastructure can't handle that much traffic, basically having people (and obviously also goldseller-bots) who participate in the promotion cause something that's very similar to a DDoS-attack. It has nothing to do with hackers, so chill.


> > @"Jevati.4328" said:

> > And as a side note, I hope GW2 people stop leaving 1-star reviews on Kung Fu Tea's FB page. Yes, this whole thing is annoying, but if I'm looking up reviews for a restaurant or food place, I'd like to be able to trust that the reviews are good or bad based on things like the quality of the food, not how angry some gamers got because an app didn't work and they couldn't obtain codes for pixels on a screen.


> I'd also like to second this. People really have to relax and not hurt that business (which is probably totally fine since they actually did receive several positive reactions about their service and their products) because of some not well thought out promotion. I also don't like the notion that this is purely KFT's fault. ANet should have been able to predict the outcome of such a promotion - they know their product better than KFT. It's possible that KFT didn't even know what codes they hand out. It's not necessarily obvious to a third party that the heroic edition codes are a feast for goldsellers and that the dragon emblem shirt is a much sought after cosmetic item.


Unfortunately there is a huge difference between a clear statement that uses the word “hackers”, and a statement like the infrastructure can’t handle the traffic...


Some people can do a lot of bad things with personal information, so there are alarm bells when we are talking about things being hacked. ID theft is real, and there are a lot of bad examples of this.

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> @"RoseofGilead.8907" said:

> > @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

> > a promotion only for NA?

> >

> > wow, why does that feel like many other games where NA players drown in good stuff, while the rest of the world and especially EU is told to #?*$ themselves?

> >

> > really anet? Really?


> As has been said already, EU players can participate in the code giveaway for the outfit and Heroic edition. The only part they (and anyone else not living near a Kung Fu Tea location) cannot take part in is the sweepstakes for the deluxe editions of PoF/HoT.


and that is a good thing?


Pro tip: it isn't.


well, I made a throwaway twitter account, my facebook account has been locked down, and I will never send a copy of my passport to FB, but.. do I really want that company access even a throwaway account?


I doubt that.


Maybe, just maybe, anet should rethink their decision to go down a route that screams 'NA only, screw the rest of the world'. I mean, they constantly doing it during events, where they only care about NA. So nothing new there. But still.

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I'm pretty sure when they said hackers they meant people who are using bots/macros to produce dozens of promo codes and using them to create accounts for botting or gold selling - they're hacking the promotion/KFT app, not your details. As we've been discussing all weekend that's part of why there's so much trouble getting the codes - the app is being overwhelmed with the traffic going through it and Anet have already noticed some of that is people creating botting accounts.


But if you're really worried you can create a brand new profile on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram and use that for the promotion so it can't get any of your details.


It doesn't worry me because I don't put anything on Facebook I'm not ok with the whole world knowing. I only add people I already know so I don't need a lot of info in my profile for my friends to see, and even though I keep my account and my posts as secure as I can using their profile settings I work under the assumption that everything I put there is public and if I'm not ok with that I don't share it.

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:


> > @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > Don't forget the promotion goes on until the end of September. You can always wait for them to fix the problems, or just for demand to die down, and then try again later.


> Yes, this is exactly true. I've seen other forum members say the same. I totally understand wanting to get the rewards, but feel sure you'll be able to get the goody/goodies soon.


Hi Gaile, could you confirm that the account upgrade is only usable to upgrade an existing account rather than a F2P one? im likely to use it on my main account as im only really after the armor, but I don't want to get caught up in any account locks with GW2 after getting a few from FB and Twitter.


Could you also clarify if its enough to have just downloaded the app and linked social media so its just a wait or if any failed attempts wont be logged by the promotion? I ask because some people who set this up after me have the rewards. Basically im trying to avoid having to keep logging in and de linking, re linking or deleting the app and restarting.


Im British and the thought of anything sullying a cup of tea like tapioca makes me slightly horrified but I want them shinies!

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> I'm pretty sure when they said hackers they meant people who are using bots/macros to produce dozens of promo codes and using them to create accounts for botting or gold selling - they're hacking the promotion/KFT app, not your details. As we've been discussing all weekend that's part of why there's so much trouble getting the codes - the app is being overwhelmed with the traffic going through it and Anet have already noticed some of that is people creating botting accounts.


> But if you're really worried you can create a brand new profile on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram and use that for the promotion so it can't get any of your details.


> It doesn't worry me because I don't put anything on Facebook I'm not ok with the whole world knowing. I only add people I already know so I don't need a lot of info in my profile for my friends to see, and even though I keep my account and my posts as secure as I can using their profile settings I work under the assumption that everything I put there is public and if I'm not ok with that I don't share it.


I’m sorry, we can’t do “pretty sure” and guess what KFT meant by “hackers”.


Damage is done if “hackers” already gathered up a bunch of data... And people have all sorts of levels of personal info out on the webs...


It’s not a topic to take lightly.


Edit- Additionally, it also generates bad press when you have to make a statement that your system was hacked. You also have people who have had their social media accounts banned... That’s not great coverage to have appear on gaming news sites.


It’s unfortunate that an innocent and fun promotion went sour, and feel bad for ANet, KFT and any person negatively affected by it.

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> @"HunterGreen.8071" said:

> > @"Digger.8659" said:

> > I would like to get this Dragon Emblem outfit, but sadly I don't have a smartphone or any social media accounts to participate with. Is there another way to get the outfit?


> You can download Blue Stacks 3, which is an android emulator for pc's [HERE](https://www.bluestacks.com/bluestacksgaming-platform-bgp-android-emulator.html "here "), then just make a FB, Twitter or Instagram account to link it to. There's no need to put in personal information in any of them.


It took me a while to do this the way Digger suggested, I had to look into emulators which ide never used before, throw away/encrypted emails ( and set one up) and set up social media with companies I don't usually use, but im an old - it is possible to do this and protect your privacy but its a pain ( plus Blue stacks seems to work at 1990's dial up speed for me)


Honestly? at this point do it if you want one of the three weight armor sets, otherwise I don't think its worth it - I saw a sea of Lara Crofts at the bank earlier in the outfit.

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Honestly I think we could have received something awesome as reward **if Anet had chosen Twitch instead of KFT.**


Honestly I would have preferred to connect my Guild Wars 2 account with Twitch, see someone's livestream for 30 minutes and know that I would receive something good for that, instead of all the drama that the app caused. I do not complain (don't think bad).


I received my code, but in reality I feel bad for all the people who are still trying to receive their codes since hours.

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> > @"leafjelly.8367" said:

> >

> > Well idk about other locations but I went to a KFT near me and they didnt even have the drink, soooo the entire promotion ain't working for me


> Hi leafjelly -- I was wondering if you asked about it, and what you learned in response.


~~For what it's worth, I just called the KFT in my city to see if they were still open, because I was gonna go down there and get some bubble tea. But I decided to ask if they have the drink, and they said no. I phrased it this way, "Do you have the Guild Wars 2 promotional drink?" and their response was, "No."~~


Edited: On [Gaile's great advice](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/669823/#Comment_669823 "Gaile's great advice"), I called back and asked, "Do you have the new drink, the Elder Dragon Dreamy Delight, also known as the Cocoa Cream Wow?" and the person said, "Yes, we do." :)

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> @"Rococo.8347" said:

> > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> >

> > > @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > > Don't forget the promotion goes on until the end of September. You can always wait for them to fix the problems, or just for demand to die down, and then try again later.

> >

> > Yes, this is exactly true. I've seen other forum members say the same. I totally understand wanting to get the rewards, but feel sure you'll be able to get the goody/goodies soon.


> Hi Gaile, could you confirm that the account upgrade is only usable to upgrade an existing account rather than a F2P one?


Why would she confirm that and where did you even get this idea? This is the first time I even see anyone assuming this.


Half this thread consists of people complaining about other people making lots of new accounts and using codes on them and we already know that people who heavily abuse the system by creating lots of new accounts and then use lots of codes on them to remove the f2p restrictions had these accounts closed, Chris Cleary posted that. How would that even work if newly created accounts would not accept the codes.



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Does anybody happen to know what the "Activity" tab is supposed to be for on the Social Rewards page?

It used to be empty, but I've got somebody's name there next to a generic person icon. Can't click on it or anything, and it seems weird for "activity" to have people in it. Looked up the name, and it's a GW2 player's either real or fake name they've used for several games.

It still says "Welcome back, [my name!]", though.

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> @"BlandSauce.4106" said:

> Does anybody happen to know what the "Activity" tab is supposed to be for on the Social Rewards page?


[https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/669564/#Comment_669564](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/669564/#Comment_669564 "https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/669564/#Comment_669564")


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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @"Jevati.4328" said:

> > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> > > @"leafjelly.8367" said:

> > >

> > > Well idk about other locations but I went to a KFT near me and they didnt even have the drink, soooo the entire promotion ain't working for me

> >

> > Hi leafjelly -- I was wondering if you asked about it, and what you learned in response.


> For what it's worth, I just called the KFT in my city to see if they were still open, because I was gonna go down there and get some bubble tea. But I decided to ask if they have the drink, and they said no. I phrased it this way, "Do you have the Guild Wars 2 promotional drink?" and their response was, "No."


Thank you for that information. That could be a case where the employee knows the name of the _beverage_ but not the name of the partner. For instance, asking if they have the drink by its name might get a different response. I'm not sure, of course, but in any case appreciate the details.

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> @"Shikigami.4013" said:

> > @"BlandSauce.4106" said:

> > Does anybody happen to know what the "Activity" tab is supposed to be for on the Social Rewards page?


> [https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/669564/#Comment_669564](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/669564/#Comment_669564 "https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/669564/#Comment_669564")



Thats for people to post their picture with the drink in hand they bought at the store to get in the digital deluxe drawing.

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> @"Menadena.7482" said:

> > @"Dreadshow.9320" said:

> > So ppl wanted to abuse the promotion by making free accounts heroic and now are mad they get lock out of facebook. Lol this is the best promotion ever, I don't use Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. :# =) B) :p =)


> Blame the victims much?


> The heroic edition as part of this can take a flying leap. I have two PAID accounts, both the highest digital level of basic while it was still on sale and one of those with both expansions. I wanted to add the DLC.


Naive much? Why do you think it's crashing. It suck for the legits but since it's open so easily to exploits I'm glad it's not working.

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> > @"Jevati.4328" said:

> > > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> > > > @"leafjelly.8367" said:

> > > >

> > > > Well idk about other locations but I went to a KFT near me and they didnt even have the drink, soooo the entire promotion ain't working for me

> > >

> > > Hi leafjelly -- I was wondering if you asked about it, and what you learned in response.

> >

> > For what it's worth, I just called the KFT in my city to see if they were still open, because I was gonna go down there and get some bubble tea. But I decided to ask if they have the drink, and they said no. I phrased it this way, "Do you have the Guild Wars 2 promotional drink?" and their response was, "No."


> Thank you for that information. That could be a case where the employee knows the name of the _beverage_ but not the name of the partner. For instance, asking if they have the drink by its name might get a different response. I'm not sure, of course, but in any case appreciate the details.


Good point! I just called them back, and I asked, "Do you have the new drink, the Elder Dragon Dreamy Delight, also known as the Cocoa Cream Wow?" and the person said, "Yes, we do." So that's cool. =)

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