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Kung Fu Tea Promotion [Merged]

Gaile Gray.6029

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All anyone has to do is read only the Dev (Gaile) responses. Click the ArenaNet icon at the title, and the ArenaNet tag on each Dev post. No need to read the whole thread, or even the first post.


How to navigate to only Dev posts might be something that could be (if it's not already there) in one of the Stickies.


Another option for those interested would be to visit the KFT home page (there's a banner across the top of the page stating the promotion is on 'pause').

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> @"Absconditus.6804" said:

> > @"Turk.5460" said:

> > The people trying to play the "oh no my privacy" card need to sit the heck down and say what they really mean - "I feel that it is unfair that someone else is getting something that I am not." *Which is a valid point to make in this particular case*, but please stop playing the stupid "Datamine, privacy, my precious information!" cards, you were gleefully willing to give out all that information in the first place...it is very cringy.


> The problem is that I were duped into providing my private data and post history to a third-party company by a company which actually had my trust, ArenaNet. I trusted that ArenaNet would only partner up with a company it itself deemed trustworthy. The entire premise of providing your private data in a promotion such as this is that it is supposed to be a trade as well; the third-party company get access to my data, and in the cases where apps are involved, their app gets hits in the respective application store(s) giving it a trending status and exposure to those not even aware of/interested in the promotion (granted they got a terrible rating out of it, but the idea is for this to happen without the bad feedback) — in return I get something I want; it's a trade.


> Unfortunately, ArenaNet affiliated itself with an untrustworthy company which just up and changed the terms 5 days in after numerous problems. This results in me losing my trust in ArenaNet, since I trusted them to at least make sure they affiliate themselves with trustworthy companies, not some unprofessional one which KFT clearly is. On top of that, ArenaNet are seemingly now basically just brushing it under a rug, even though _they_ sent _their_ non-US customers over to KFT's blog which had misleading terms. ArenaNet, the company, are not exempt from blame in this whole mess. There's no excuse for the terms change happening after 5 days, at all. Since ArenaNet is a cross-promotion partner, they should have posted the accurate terms themselves here on their official site in a News post, or at the very least had one of their lawyers look at the terms on the KFT blog before it went live to make sure there's no room for "Oops, we made a mistake, tough luck guys, thanks for giving us your private data though!" If it were always going to be US-only, it should have been made clear from the very start to avoid customers like myself from feeling scammed into providing private data for nothing.


> It's genuinely not so much about the outfit or Heroic code anymore. It's about the absolute disgusting bait and switch that happened and that ArenaNet seems unwilling to do anything to try and resolve this mess for their non-US consumers, even though it is a cross-promotion and KFT even touts it as a partnership in their very first blog post sentence. Keep in mind that private data = money, as it is sold on to various companies for targeting ads and otherwise. I'm well aware of that and don't technically have a problem with it. But they basically got money out of me, while I got nothing in return.


I don't buy it. It's *clearly* about the outfit. Which, again, is a valid point to argue. A much more logical point to argue as well. But instead you're arguing about your "data" as if this is some sort of court of law, which it isn't. And as if *already* wasn't compromised just by being on whatever social media outlet you provided. Newsflash: your "private" data was never really private to begin with. You can hide it behind whatever wall of superficial text you want, but this is 100% about the outfit.

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> @"Absconditus.6804" said:

> It's genuinely not so much about the outfit or Heroic code anymore. It's about the absolute disgusting bait and switch that happened and that ArenaNet seems unwilling to do anything to try and resolve this mess for their non-US consumers, even though it is a cross-promotion and KFT even touts it as a partnership in their very first blog post sentence. Keep in mind that private data = money, as it is sold on to various companies for targeting ads and otherwise. I'm well aware of that and don't technically have a problem with it. But they basically got money out of me, while I got nothing in return.


Have you contacted KFT and asked that your data be removed from their system? Or are you waiting for the promotion to be restarted so that you can receive what was promised?

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  • ArenaNet Staff

Update: 14 September 2018:


The Kung Fu Tea / Guild Wars 2 promotion currently is paused while Kung Fu Tea works out issues with their distribution network.


As indicated in the [Kung Fu Tea blog](https://www.kungfutea.com/blog/2018/9/13/update-guild-wars-2-sweepstakes "Kung Fu Tea blog"), they will resume code distribution as soon as they make corrections to their systems.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @"DaFishBob.6518" said:

> > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> > > @"Etria.3642" said:

> > > What about those who were never able to claim one in the first place?

> >

> > If you were not able to claim a code, please try again when the promotion resumes.


> @"Gaile Gray.6029" Hey, can you put a sticky up mentioning the promotion is on pause? Every time this topic gets bumped up, it implies that it might still be going so it'd be a big help to those who can't read through this entire thread to know the current status of this promotion.


I think that starting the thread with word that the promotion is on hold is a good idea. We don't intend to make a sticky post about this. But the initial post update idea is an excellent idea, and I did that right away. I can edit the first post in this merged thread to give timely updates as the arise.


Thanks for the good suggestion.


> @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

> Since KFT is the company running the promo (technically, Anet just provides the codes), you should be looking at *their* website as well, which does state that it is paused until further notice.


That is true. They're working on things and will post when they have information to share, and I'll try to post here when that occurs. But the KFT site is a good place to focus for the most timely updates and I'll try to update the initial post in this thread as soon as possible afterwards.

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> @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

> > @"The Angle of Deth.2985" said:

> > It's a shame that something so iconic to GW, the dragon t-shirt, is only available through a third party that not all of us have access to... : /


> Ironic really.


The t-shirt was originally a rare prize for a contest Arenanet had. Come to think of it, it is odd they would just hand them out as a promo for a no-name company in the US to just anyone... /tinfoil hat

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> @"Zeivu.3615" said:

> > @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

> > > @"The Angle of Deth.2985" said:

> > > It's a shame that something so iconic to GW, the dragon t-shirt, is only available through a third party that not all of us have access to... : /

> >

> > Ironic really.


> The t-shirt was originally a rare prize for a contest Arenanet had. Come to think of it, it is odd they would just hand them out as a promo for a no-name company in the US to just anyone... /tinfoil hat


They also were given out at Anet launch events and at Gamescom and then later used as items for European fan site giveaways.

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> @"Miss Lana.5276" said:

> > @"JustTrogdor.7892" said:

> > Arby's > KFT

> >

> > The sandwich that looks like Rytlock.

> >

> >


> Which is just another marketing distraction from the KFT fiasco.


I think it was pretty smart and probably wasn't an attempt to distract from the KFT thing. It wasn't mentioned by Anet anywhere I know of outside of Twitter. In fact I think it was probably better marketing with lower effort than the KFT thing. Something that went right and was done well. Sure it probably didn't generate a ton of exposure for GW2 because I doubt most of Arby's Twitter followers know anything about Rytlock. Arby's probably got the better end of the deal via people that follow GW2 Twitter. I've not gone to Arby's in over a year, mostly because I don't usually eat fast food, and I know it made me think of their brand again.

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> @"JustTrogdor.7892" said:

> > @"Miss Lana.5276" said:

> > > @"JustTrogdor.7892" said:

> > > Arby's > KFT

> > >

> > > The sandwich that looks like Rytlock.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > Which is just another marketing distraction from the KFT fiasco.


> I think it was pretty smart and probably wasn't an attempt to distract from the KFT thing. It wasn't mentioned by Anet anywhere I know of outside of Twitter. In fact I think it was probably better marketing with lower effort than the KFT thing. Something that went right and was done well. Sure it probably didn't generate a ton of exposure for GW2 because I doubt most of Arby's Twitter followers know anything about Rytlock. Arby's probably got the better end of the deal via people that follow GW2 Twitter. I've not gone to Arby's in over a year, mostly because I don't usually eat fast food, and I know it made me think of their brand again.


Yes, as a vegan I would have no added desire to follow arby's. I can though appreciate how much buzz they were able to get for just a couple of tweets. Arby's (and I assume other companies) had to spend money for people to put things together but the cost to anet was no more than they would normally spend on PR.

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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> > @"Emprer.7256" said:

> > so I recently moved from the US to the SEA. Does that mean I am not eligible for this promotion as well? I would love to have the outfit!


> under current rules yes you arent eligble.



answer unclear, try again later


Assuming they have not changed their citizenship yet (most countries do not give you citizenship as soon as you arrive) they are still a US citizen. I do not recall ever seeing KFT clarifying if the clause meant US citizens or in the US at the time or what. At the same time, nobody knows if a citizen of another country would be eligible while visiting the US.

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> @"Menadena.7482" said:

> > @"Linken.6345" said:

> > > @"Emprer.7256" said:

> > > so I recently moved from the US to the SEA. Does that mean I am not eligible for this promotion as well? I would love to have the outfit!

> >

> > under current rules yes you arent eligble.



> answer unclear, try again later


> Assuming they have not changed their citizenship yet (most countries do not give you citizenship as soon as you arrive) they are still a US citizen. I do not recall ever seeing KFT clarifying if the clause meant US citizens or in the US at the time or what. At the same time, nobody knows if a citizen of another country would be eligible while visiting the US.


Well here I thought they been clear its location so if your in the usa you can claim the code.

So even if they are a us citizen if they aint in the country they are out of luck.

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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> > @"Menadena.7482" said:

> > > @"Linken.6345" said:

> > > > @"Emprer.7256" said:

> > > > so I recently moved from the US to the SEA. Does that mean I am not eligible for this promotion as well? I would love to have the outfit!

> > >

> > > under current rules yes you arent eligble.

> >

> >

> > answer unclear, try again later

> >

> > Assuming they have not changed their citizenship yet (most countries do not give you citizenship as soon as you arrive) they are still a US citizen. I do not recall ever seeing KFT clarifying if the clause meant US citizens or in the US at the time or what. At the same time, nobody knows if a citizen of another country would be eligible while visiting the US.


> Well here I thought they been clear its location so if your in the usa you can claim the code.

> So even if they are a us citizen if they aint in the country they are out of luck.


No, they are vague even when you ask for clarification. For example, they still have not clarified if giving them your social media or getting the message from them is what qualifies you as doing what you should do. I asked and they said 'both' ..... but that can mean 'either' or 'and'.


Yes, when it comes to KFT I do not take things for granted until they are carved in stone. I also know how to be EXTREMELY picky about word choice in legal documents and apply that to when they say things rather than use 'of COURSE they mean xyz'.

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> @"Menadena.7482" said:

> Assuming they have not changed their citizenship yet (most countries do not give you citizenship as soon as you arrive) they are still a US citizen. I do not recall ever seeing KFT clarifying if the clause meant US citizens or in the US at the time or what. At the same time, nobody knows if a citizen of another country would be eligible while visiting the US.


It states "Sweepstakes and APP PROMOTION limited to US CUSTOMERS only"


US customers implies you need to be able to visit one of their US locations. Maybe they'll do just that by requiring accounts to now be verified in-store, which would be their simplest solution and it's already implemented (make a purchase). If they keep it as is, it doesn't matter what they say, they can only estimate your location based on your IP, GPS or by mining your linked social media account. Delaying this promotion for as long as possible is in their best interest however, since actually fixing the app is only going to cost them and this problem is only happening because of GW2. I wouldn't be surprised if they delay it until the last weekend and re-activate it without changing anything, or maybe they'll just add a captcha to slow people down.

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> @"Healix.5819" said:

> > @"Menadena.7482" said:

> > Assuming they have not changed their citizenship yet (most countries do not give you citizenship as soon as you arrive) they are still a US citizen. I do not recall ever seeing KFT clarifying if the clause meant US citizens or in the US at the time or what. At the same time, nobody knows if a citizen of another country would be eligible while visiting the US.


> It states "Sweepstakes and APP PROMOTION limited to US CUSTOMERS only"


> US customers implies you need to be able to visit one of their US locations. Maybe they'll do just that by requiring accounts to now be verified in-store, which would be their simplest solution and it's already implemented (make a purchase). If they keep it as is, it doesn't matter what they say, they can only estimate your location based on your IP, GPS or by mining your linked social media account. Delaying this promotion for as long as possible is in their best interest however, since actually fixing the app is only going to cost them and this problem is only happening because of GW2. I wouldn't be surprised if they delay it until the last weekend and re-activate it without changing anything, or maybe they'll just add a captcha to slow people down.


I have a horrible feeling you're right. They'll keep it shut down as long as possible and then re-open it as quietly as they can, making sure you have to go out of your way to find out it's working again, so they can claim they honoured their agreement whilst limiting the number of people who try for codes as much as possible to keep traffic, and therefore problems, to a minimum.


Trouble is that would backfire completely. It doesn't matter how you find out - as soon as it's reenabled someone is going to see it and they're going to tell everyone else. The news will be on here, on Reddit and on Twitter within minutes. Even if it doesn't get the same attention as the original announcement that will be enough, and the less time there is remaining the more people are going to feel they have to try now and keep trying until it works instead of waiting for the rush to die down.

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> @"Healix.5819" said:

> > @"Menadena.7482" said:

> > Assuming they have not changed their citizenship yet (most countries do not give you citizenship as soon as you arrive) they are still a US citizen. I do not recall ever seeing KFT clarifying if the clause meant US citizens or in the US at the time or what. At the same time, nobody knows if a citizen of another country would be eligible while visiting the US.


> It states "Sweepstakes and APP PROMOTION limited to US CUSTOMERS only"


> US customers implies you need to be able to visit one of their US locations. Maybe they'll do just that by requiring accounts to now be verified in-store, which would be their simplest solution and it's already implemented (make a purchase). If they keep it as is, it doesn't matter what they say, they can only estimate your location based on your IP, GPS or by mining your linked social media account. Delaying this promotion for as long as possible is in their best interest however, since actually fixing the app is only going to cost them and this problem is only happening because of GW2. I wouldn't be surprised if they delay it until the last weekend and re-activate it without changing anything, or maybe they'll just add a captcha to slow people down.


The key word is 'implies'.

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