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Awake Scarlet


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Funnily enough, there’s actually a possible way for the writing team at Anet to involve Tara Strong as Ceara/Scarlet Briar (or rather, as a kind of “resurrected” version of her if not counting us actually meeting her spirit in the Mists/wherever the sylvari afterlife is as we've so far only seen displaced sylvari souls in Domain of the Lost due to Balthazar hijinks) in a future story due to a certain line in [Prosperity’s Mystery](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Prosperity's_Mystery#Additional_interactive_objects) mission which was likely a lore oversight but which could indeed be expanded on. The notable line goes as thus:


> **Scarlet Briar:** I’ve used a portal to send most of my steam creature prototypes into Lornar’s Pass and Brisban Wildlands. I no longer need them.


So, we learn in this instance that Scarlet created the first [steam creatures](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Steam_creature). The thing is, however, that as far as lore goes, none of the steam creatures seen in Brisban Wildlands actually come from Scarlet’s lab, and the timeline for their appearance in said map wouldn’t fit either as the vanilla game’s Personal Story (and open world) events in Brisban take place when Scarlet has already moved on from creating steam creatures to forming her alliances elsewhere.


The two instances where we see stream creatures in Brisban are:


a) The [“Split Second”](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Split_Second) mission in the the asura Infinity Ball storyline where it was later confirmed in a [lore interview](

) that those creatures, alongside the Grand High Sovereign version of the asura PC, did not come from the future but simply an alternate fractal version (essentially the GHS and his lieutenant and the steam creatures there are the Mists’s fractal anomalies showing in Tyria, so no time travel was ever involved, and the GHS simply lied about having come from a possible alternate Tyria’s future).


b) The event [“Help Tekki fight off creatures swarming through the asura gate”](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Help_Tekki_fight_off_creatures_swarming_through_the_asura_gate) in Duskstruck Moors during which some steam creatures appear from the asura gate, but it’s implied they’re drawn from the batch of steam creatures in Lornar’s Pass and aren’t native to Brisban. Besides, if these were the other, Brisban-based batch Scarlet mentioned in her recording, we would be seeing invasions similar to the ones the Lornar batch accomplishes in Lornar’s through their own steam portals in the [steam Insurgence meta](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Steam_Insurgence), yet we never see any steam portals or steam creature colonies in Brisban.


What this means, then, is that the story has actually yet to address what exactly happened to the batch Scarlet sent to Brisban Wildlands years ago since in the present day the steam creatures are nowhere to be seen in that map invading places unlike their brethren in Lornar’s Pass. Based on how Scarlet says her line, it seems the Lornar and Brisban batches couldn’t have differed significantly in number, and we’ve seen how fast the Lornar batch multiplied and became a threat, so a similar thing should’ve happened in Brisban.


So, here’s one wild fan theory that could’ve happened (assuming the writers didn’t simply make a mistake regarding the Brisban batch’s involvement): what if the steam creatures sent to Brisban Wildlands never stayed there for long but continued on into one of the so far unseen maps (like the map beyond the broken bridge in Northern Brisban where we see a portal into a new map that we can’t interact with) and formed their colony there? What if this Brisban batch, unlike their savage Lornar brethren, actually “evolved” in programming due to a glitch or some such and became more civilized (or at least more morally grey), instead opting not to conquer the world but study it and form a civilization of their own?


I could imagine this “good” colony of steam creatures being led by an improved Steam Brain (let’s call it Mother Brain) which could, eventually, build a mechanical steam creature avatar model resembling Scarlet, their “machine mother”, out of reverence for granting them “life” and sentience. This “machine Scarlet” could then be voiced by Tara Strong, thus kind of bringing Scarlet back.


If we want to continue with this admittedly stretched train of thought, there’s also something else in the lore regarding Scarlet that’s yet to be addressed. The item [spinal Blade Pack Blueprint](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Spinal_Blade_Pack_Blueprint) from S1 actually had Scarlet’s message to Caithe which stated: "Caithe, someday you'll see, Tyria needs me." What did she mean by that? What if these “good” steam creatures play a part in what's yet to come? After all, the steam creatures are mechanical with hardened exteriors and thus can’t necessarily be corrupted easily by dragons or recreated as clones (such as mordrem), yet they’re powerful, durable and sentient so they could be a powerful asset against the Elder Dragons. Back in the Twisted Marionette release we had interesting drops in the game, namely [scarlet’s Lockbox Code Fragment](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Scarlet%27s_Lockbox_Code_Fragment) which eerily resembles Scarlet’s iconic cone hairdo. What if that acted as a hint that Scarlet may have uploaded her data into code fragments similar to these which could’ve contained crucial knowledge about her dragon research from the time when she was still struggling against Mordremoth’s growing influence over her mind?


Just picture this scene: the Pact Commander discovers the hidden, “good” steam creature community and meets with the "machine mother" avatar of the Mother Brain in the form of mecha-Scarlet. The machine mother has kept all of Scarlet’s crucial research in her databanks and, after some convincing from the PC, shares this knowledge, perhaps even having the good steam creatures join us in our fight against the remaining Elder Dragons due to the creatures being uncorruptable and very intelligent. That way Scarlet’s prophecy to Caithe would come true in a roundabout way as well as solve the plot discrepancy about what happened to the Brisban batch of steam creatures in one big twist.


Not that I expect the writers to actually do something wild like this when they have so many other plots to address at this time, but it is one possible way of doing it given what we know of Scarlet and steam creature lore. I for one wouldn’t mind seeing a “good” version of Scarlet, even if that Scarlet was only a steam creature recreation resembling their revered “machine mother”. :)

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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> Most I have seen in this thread say no new stories with scarlet but they welcome a reintroduction of season one.


Again, this will affect LS2 and HoT as they are the continuation and conclusion to that arc. Remove Scarlett and the entire arc will look janky and make no sense, if you play LS1 then LS2.

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> @"CalamityO.2890" said:

> > @"Linken.6345" said:

> > Most I have seen in this thread say no new stories with scarlet but they welcome a reintroduction of season one.


> Again, this will affect LS2 and HoT as they are the continuation and conclusion to that arc. Remove Scarlett and the entire arc will look janky and make no sense, if you play LS1 then LS2.


Did you even read my line I said "NO NEW STORIES WITH SCARLET", ls1 is a old story with scarlet that alot of people want back

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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> Did you even read my line I said "NO NEW STORIES WITH SCARLET", ls1 is a old story with scarlet that alot of people want back


Reread the entire thread, most DO NOT WANT Scarlet in any capacity. However they wouldn't mind LS1 back WITHOUT Scarlet. And yes I'm aware since I gave her a stomp.

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> @"Stinger.4120" said:

> > @"RoseofGilead.8907" said:

> > We did see her die, though. We killed her, and then her dead body is shown in the following cut scene.


> No ^^. You think as.


You are wrong. I did not get around playing the Scarlet content, but I watched the LWS1 movie on YouTube and you were definitely shown her dead body when the ley-line magic spread through Tyria. What she had foretold with her last breath, that we hadn't won, because it was already too late, happened - but she was definitely dead.

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> @"CalamityO.2890" said:

> > @"Linken.6345" said:

> > Did you even read my line I said "NO NEW STORIES WITH SCARLET", ls1 is a old story with scarlet that alot of people want back


> Reread the entire thread, most DO NOT WANT Scarlet in any capacity. However they wouldn't mind LS1 back WITHOUT Scarlet. And yes I'm aware since I gave her a stomp.


I reread entier thread most dont want scarlet back as in new story.

Here is what support what I stated before from first and second page.


> @"Fraghound.5730" said:

> While I would ADORE it if they returned LS1 somehow (I joined when HoT was already out - I never got the chance to play it and watching videos about are just not the same as experiencing it yourself.) Scarlet's story is done and over with. She is beyond dead and we explored her motives and stuff during LS2.


> We already had some light shined on both sylvari and humans, I want to see more things with Asura, Norn, or Charr next!


> @"Jwake.7013" said:

> I don't think she needs to be returned to, I'd be able to have my fill if I was ever allowed to play season 1 really.


> @"Zeefa.3915" said:

> She is dead, brining her back would be bad writing/retconing. So for future story leave her dead and move on (which they have done so far, thank goodness).


> I would however love Season 1 being made playable again somehow... although it could never be made the same as it once was, being mostly open world... and with many of the parts that was instanced back then, now being part of fractals, I wouldn't count on S1 ever making a return... unfortunately.


> @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

> I finished her off.


> What we need isn't Scarlet returning, it is Season 1 returning.


This poster dont say "no scarlet in season 1 returning" but her returning for current story.


> @"Lucius.2140" said:

> She destroyed LA, was an enemy of all the main races of Tyria, the pact commander and awakened a dragon, she will never have a tombstone, plaque or whatever: she didnt win and nobody wants to remember her (except Taimi that its already in other subjects, so gg).


> That been said, LS1 should be replayable.

> @"Zaraki.5784" said:

> Ok with bringing back season 1 for those who didn't enjoyed it, but nothing more than that with Scarlet. I mean not in CURRENT story.


This last one is the only one I found that support your view but it can just as easily be a none native english speaker being bad at expressing themselfs


> @"Dante.1763" said:

> Yea, we dont need scarlet, we need season 1 to return as a replayable thing.



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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> > @"CalamityO.2890" said:

> > > @"Linken.6345" said:

> > > Did you even read my line I said "NO NEW STORIES WITH SCARLET", ls1 is a old story with scarlet that alot of people want back

> >

> > Reread the entire thread, most DO NOT WANT Scarlet in any capacity. However they wouldn't mind LS1 back WITHOUT Scarlet. And yes I'm aware since I gave her a stomp.


> I reread entier thread most dont want scarlet back as in new story.

> Here is what support what I stated before from first and second page.


> > @"Fraghound.5730" said:

> > While I would ADORE it if they returned LS1 somehow (I joined when HoT was already out - I never got the chance to play it and watching videos about are just not the same as experiencing it yourself.) Scarlet's story is done and over with. She is beyond dead and we explored her motives and stuff during LS2.

> >

> > We already had some light shined on both sylvari and humans, I want to see more things with Asura, Norn, or Charr next!


> > @"Jwake.7013" said:

> > I don't think she needs to be returned to, I'd be able to have my fill if I was ever allowed to play season 1 really.


> > @"Zeefa.3915" said:

> > She is dead, brining her back would be bad writing/retconing. So for future story leave her dead and move on (which they have done so far, thank goodness).

> >

> > I would however love Season 1 being made playable again somehow... although it could never be made the same as it once was, being mostly open world... and with many of the parts that was instanced back then, now being part of fractals, I wouldn't count on S1 ever making a return... unfortunately.


> > @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

> > I finished her off.

> >

> > What we need isn't Scarlet returning, it is Season 1 returning.


> This poster dont say "no scarlet in season 1 returning" but her returning for current story.


> > @"Lucius.2140" said:

> > She destroyed LA, was an enemy of all the main races of Tyria, the pact commander and awakened a dragon, she will never have a tombstone, plaque or whatever: she didnt win and nobody wants to remember her (except Taimi that its already in other subjects, so gg).


> > That been said, LS1 should be replayable.

> > @"Zaraki.5784" said:

> > Ok with bringing back season 1 for those who didn't enjoyed it, but nothing more than that with Scarlet. I mean not in CURRENT story.


> This last one is the only one I found that support your view but it can just as easily be a none native english speaker being bad at expressing themselfs


> > @"Dante.1763" said:

> > Yea, we dont need scarlet, we need season 1 to return as a replayable thing.




That moment when you get called a non native English speaker but you for sure are! Forgive my odd way of typing, its caused issues elsewhere on the forums more than once.


I dont want scarlet to return for new content, shes dead, end of story.

I do however want LS1 to return so that those of us unlucky enough to have actual lives can experience it fully.

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> @"Dante.1763" said:

> > @"Linken.6345" said:

> > > @"CalamityO.2890" said:

> > > > @"Linken.6345" said:

> > > > Did you even read my line I said "NO NEW STORIES WITH SCARLET", ls1 is a old story with scarlet that alot of people want back

> > >

> > > Reread the entire thread, most DO NOT WANT Scarlet in any capacity. However they wouldn't mind LS1 back WITHOUT Scarlet. And yes I'm aware since I gave her a stomp.

> >

> > I reread entier thread most dont want scarlet back as in new story.

> > Here is what support what I stated before from first and second page.

> >

> > > @"Fraghound.5730" said:

> > > While I would ADORE it if they returned LS1 somehow (I joined when HoT was already out - I never got the chance to play it and watching videos about are just not the same as experiencing it yourself.) Scarlet's story is done and over with. She is beyond dead and we explored her motives and stuff during LS2.

> > >

> > > We already had some light shined on both sylvari and humans, I want to see more things with Asura, Norn, or Charr next!

> >

> > > @"Jwake.7013" said:

> > > I don't think she needs to be returned to, I'd be able to have my fill if I was ever allowed to play season 1 really.

> >

> > > @"Zeefa.3915" said:

> > > She is dead, brining her back would be bad writing/retconing. So for future story leave her dead and move on (which they have done so far, thank goodness).

> > >

> > > I would however love Season 1 being made playable again somehow... although it could never be made the same as it once was, being mostly open world... and with many of the parts that was instanced back then, now being part of fractals, I wouldn't count on S1 ever making a return... unfortunately.

> >

> > > @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

> > > I finished her off.

> > >

> > > What we need isn't Scarlet returning, it is Season 1 returning.

> >

> > This poster dont say "no scarlet in season 1 returning" but her returning for current story.

> >

> > > @"Lucius.2140" said:

> > > She destroyed LA, was an enemy of all the main races of Tyria, the pact commander and awakened a dragon, she will never have a tombstone, plaque or whatever: she didnt win and nobody wants to remember her (except Taimi that its already in other subjects, so gg).

> >

> > > That been said, LS1 should be replayable.

> > > @"Zaraki.5784" said:

> > > Ok with bringing back season 1 for those who didn't enjoyed it, but nothing more than that with Scarlet. I mean not in CURRENT story.

> >

> > This last one is the only one I found that support your view but it can just as easily be a none native english speaker being bad at expressing themselfs

> >

> > > @"Dante.1763" said:

> > > Yea, we dont need scarlet, we need season 1 to return as a replayable thing.

> >

> >


> That moment when you get called a non native English speaker but you for sure are! Forgive my odd way of typing, its caused issues elsewhere on the forums more than once.


> I dont want scarlet to return for new content, shes dead, end of story.

> I do however want LS1 to return so that those of us unlucky enough to have actual lives can experience it fully.


Yes I am nordic and I am horrible at english =)

Hence why I know that people can missunderstand what I type alot.

So do that mean you are an englishman/woman/other?

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