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Are there any ele player left?


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I played maybe 20 games tonight, all I met was a scepter FA Weaver... Lots of Guards though. Had a match with like 3 in each team, but 2 per team is common. Even Rev is more represented, had at least 1 or 2 each time, sometimes in the same team. Have all ele mains rerolled, or is there some kind of boycott that I'm not aware of?

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I'm abroad for a couple of months, otherwise I'd still keep playing (mostly) ele. :tongue: It's sad, but all the other classes are mechanically just... so... _boring_. Ele piano is the only class I am always having fun with, no matter the meta. I would never reroll anything as my main. If I ever should, I'd rather change the whole game.

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> @"MyPuppy.8970" said:

> I played maybe 20 games tonight, all I met was a scepter FA Weaver... Lots of Guards though. Had a match with like 3 in each team, but 2 per team is common. Even Rev is more represented, had at least 1 or 2 each time, sometimes in the same team. Have all ele mains rerolled, or is there some kind of boycott that I'm not aware of?


I played ele a few days ago as a buff bot D/F

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That's good to hear there are still ele maniacs out there! I tried to play something else, at least just to improve build/class knowledge and mechanical skills, but i really can't play anything else. Sometimes I face a great ele player, and i tell myself there's still so much to improve on. And satisfaction to beat more well rounded and polished builds. I don't really care anymore about balance and ele's state, as long as the class is fun to play. Hope to see you all in game one of those days!


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I main fa weaver scepter/focus, dagger if there isnt more then 1 pewpewer on the other team . Its tough to play it in a game where nearly all the damage is aoe and then you got this ele that is mostly a single target dpser and can only top 12k on a dps burst it makes playing the class reliably, really difficult. Sure you got pheniox and dragons tooth but they are so easily avoided or countered that they become a hindrance in this fast pace combat system.

Then you got deadeye that can do exactly what ele scepter can do but at 1200 range with 15k+ burst stealth with unblockable, with mobility, with interupts. Yes the extra damage the de doesmatter alot it means the difference between a dead mesmer or a dead you, or a dead gaurdain or a dead you, or a dead rev or a dead you.

I mean its no contest on what to choose. In terms of comparison of benefits to a team.

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Hello, I rarely post in this forums, but I'm pretty sure a lot of highly skilled players know my name or at least have seen me in their games. I play dps ele exclusively.


I've always played scepter/focus dps ele in high rank (fluctuate from plat 1/2). Doesn't matter how "meta" ele might or might not be in that particular patch. Right now i'm playing a 1 shot build. I wouldn't say its good for tournament play where the entire enemy team will coordinate and focus you down, but its definitely good for ranked play.


But yeah, I don't see many eles capable of playing sword/whatever , dagger/whatever builds at high rank. Melee classes just hit a lot harder than you or have better defensive capabilities as a whole. It has a lot to do with applying pressure while actively defending yourself. Offensive revs, guards, wars, necros, rangers, mesmers can apply pressure while they pop their defensive cooldowns. But not eles, when eles defend themselves the other classes just have to time their burst and wait the ballerina dances out. It doesn't matter how good you are playing sword/x dagger/x, with the current amount of damage flying around at melee range, you will drop after all your dodges against skilled players.


I play scecepter/focus because we can burst while dodging, we can be aggressive very quickly and in short timed windows, and after this latest patch, we can actually get a kill by ourselves, with good team support it gets very deadly. We can counter reapers at long range.


Notice how i don't mention FA. It's not FA because on weaver fresh air is bad.


Callout to Koto Z / steeziraf.5307 which is one of the other eles I respect in high rank.


- Seikir

- Viprek


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I started playing my fa ele again. I go into each match knowing that my team is probably going to lose and it's my fault for just playing it, but there's not much of a reason to try to compete anyways.


I used to try hard when ele was relevant, but now I just grab a drink and chill as my team rages, and enjoy the pve rewards from either winning if my team can carry me or losing if they can't. The results are the same either way with how crippled they've become. Yes, I know I'm a dirt bag, but that's not going to change until ele becomes useful again. I'm stubborn like that. ?


If anyone is raging that their ele won't swap to something useful, they SHOULD be raging that ele is not simply just as useful as anything else and joining in the effort to bring ele up to par with everything else. ?

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Ele's greatest counter is a single step backwards. They should remove the ICD on Elemental Pursuit (or change it to .5 seconds) and let the superspeed stack. It'll never be worse than Reaper/Engi having permanent quickness and would encourage different choices between the Adept traits. You could have 3k extra hp or actually use 50% of your skills/autoattacks for once.


Also, Warrior's Sprint gives a 25% movement speed buff, while Ele's Woven Stride only gives 20%. Warriors can literally outrun most of your damage just by hightailing it in the opposite direction. They should lower the cooldown of Ride the Lightning by 30% to match the similar but much more useful Duid's Ancestral Grace while they're at it.


Make these changes and we might actually see some Ele players for once. It doesn't need more damage (on double attunment skills nonetheless) or less sustain. It needs to not get kited by your 80-year old grandma playing with one hand.

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> @"NaturallyNick.4058" said:

> (...)

> Also, Warrior's Sprint gives a 25% movement speed buff, while Ele's Woven Stride only gives 20%. (...)


Woven stride increases effectiveness of swiftness by 20%, meaning you get 40% in total. Just like protection for tempest. :smile:


However, warrior is still quicker due to low CD movement abilities, yeah. RtL is stuck in classic game with its CD.

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> @"Poelala.2830" said:

> > @"Alatar.7364" said:

> > I play Ele a lot in sPvP to a great success if I am lucky with teammates.

> > Most people say its thrash but I still don't see why.


> What is your rating?


Currently at 1620.

But it is worth mentioning I got DC'ed at least 4 times at the end of won matches past few days... T.T

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