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Superior Sigil of Nullification [Merged]


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> @"Ezrael.6859" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > @"gerrylix.5234" said:

> > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > > > @"gerrylix.5234" said:

> > > > > If the sigil pool dries up more, this armor will cost more than a gemstore skin for 800 gems.

> > > > >

> > > > > This LWS is one of the finest so far (besides the usual bugs) but this sigil issue overshadows the whole experience for me.

> > > >

> > > > And in a month the price will be back down.

> > >

> > > The influx is way to low for this reasoning. Read it a few times in this thread but i don't see where all those sigils should come from.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > The episode has been out less than a week so the price is super high. Things like this have happened multiple times and the prices have always fallen. It just takes time.


> You were saying?





> Are you going to ask for these facts to be moderated too?


Did you read the post you quoted?

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> @"Riku.9743" said:

> As of today the sigils are 12g a piece with only 900 left total. Anet you have got to put another way to get these other than grinding a character to lv 64 25 times for ONE set of armor Just ONE set. You expect us to buy or play the mystic forge THAT much to finish an EXOTIC SKIN set? Not even armor. Are you kidding me? Please give feedback on this.


900? werent they at 50-200 yday or something?

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I bought my 25 after they had already jumped from 2s55c to 1g85s and that was morning after patch day. I do feel for the people that are stuck with these super inflated prices and hopefully with any luck they come down for you all very soon. Baron's are a real thing and by now they have made all the money they were hoping to make if not more, at this point guys just be patient and wait it out.

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Yesterday they were 5g and change. Today they're 12g and change.


Well done Anet /clap /clap /clap /clap...


This from the reddit post sums it up "Who could have possibly foreseen that requiring a sigil without any reliable sources for a collection would cause those sigils to skyrocket in price?"



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> @"Fleabite.7528" said:

> For those blithely claiming 'the market will sort this out' - it won't. Demand once again far exceeds supply.


> Take a look at Red Steamed Dumplings, of which 500 were needed to get 25AP from Droobert back in February. Even today there are only enough on the TP for 80 players to complete this, at 44 silver minimum price. Total present cost? Around 300 gold. For the lucky ones.


> Devs are making some meh choices it seems with these items: supply needs to improve, relatively, or the bulk of the player base is left frustrated.


> For both the sigil and the dumplings, enabling player recipes (even with a relatively high mat cost) appears the obvious solution. That would also share the bounty more widely across the player base than those lucky enough to have hoarded these items at low prices.


Dumplings don’t have a year-round source so that’s not the same.


You also forget that demand for the sigil is finite. Once players complete the collection, they know longer need them.

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> @"Ferus.3165" said:

> > @"Zaoda.1653" said:

> > I thought it was really random to make this particular sigil, required for the requiem armour. COMPLETELY random.

> >

> > Oh well, I'll make hay while it lasts and just create new chars with my level up scrolls and tomes of knowledge, level them to 64 (or perhaps 68 for the 1 ecto), get the sigil, sell on the trading post, and repeat.

> >

> > I can't be bothered paying for 25 of these ridiculously over-priced sigils simply because some 'genius' decided to make it a 'requirement' for the requiem armour. Apparently it's something like a 30,000% price increase from their original value. How absurd is that!?!? I say a big HELL NOPE to that!

> >

> > The prices will come down, because as long as it's available at level 64 on a new character, it'll always be available to obtain. If people want them badly enough, just farm them on new characters and make it dirt cheap again - as it should be. Use your level scrolls and tomes of knowledge (if you aren't using them for making mystic-forge-specific exotic weapons) to make a bit of money, or simply for using them for the requiem armour.

> >

> > As for me, I refuse to pay 120+ gold for something that would have normally not even cost a total of 1g before the announcement of the sigil being required for requiem armour.


> the problem is, that even if everyone would just have bought the amount he/she needs for the collection the price would still be that high, because there are not enough sigils available in the game. At monday there were ~ 20k sigils in the traiding post, that is enough for 800 players. And now search how many people play gw2 and compare the numbers. The few people that don't want to spent the gold and have enough toks are lucky.


It have already been answered why the supply was so low it was a crap sigil that you got vendor value for if you ever sold them so people sold them to npc merchants or just deleted them like some do with green sigil/runes.

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I agree that it was a very poor decision.

Even if it was a crap sigil, you can't put the cost of the item bound to something with such a low supply. It makes it way too easy to manipulate. I was pretty excited about the armor and was looking foward using some pieces for my characters, but now i'm looking at a paywall of 130g+ just to craft the gloves...and I really do not like it.


Should have bought them earlier, but I wasn't too much alarmed by the price spike...at 1 g and something I was like "Eh, no big deal, they will come down. It's just the hype...plus, even if it doesn't, something like 30g isn't that much for a whole set". But paying 13g each now because of hoarders and speculators ? Hell no


I really hope that Anet decides to do something about it...make it craftable or change the item, I don't care. Just do something that isn't so tied to the "market"...hell, put 50 icy runestone or stuff like that If you need a certain gold sink, just not that...I'm not willing to pay 325g+ just to have a skin. It's not even an ascended piece.

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> Supply will sort itself over time as players go back to leveling new characters (veterans are starting to get those instant level 60 scrolls) and playing other areas where they can get the drops that have those sigils. Arc being such a drop that stands out as I used to get it a lot.


Sure, over a long period of 6 month or more this sigil might come down again.

But who cares if a material for current content has a reasonable value in half a year?

I also don't see any argument for this price tag, the collection has plenty other stuff to buy and grind.


Anet just didn't think about the consequences and we are getting 0 response.

**Looking at some TP charts makes me even think that this stinks a bit and can very well be insider trading.**

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> @"gerrylix.5234" said:

> **Looking at some TP charts makes me even think that this stinks a bit and can very well be insider trading.**


There is litterally no reason to suspect insider trading, as there were practically no sales of them prior to the patch or even for several hours after the patch.


Some of those most likely to finish the story content fastest are also the type of people familiar enough with the gw2 market to realize "oh crap, these are going to be *very* wanted for the next few weeks, better buy as much as I can and make a profit!"

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> @"gerrylix.5234" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > Supply will sort itself over time as players go back to leveling new characters (veterans are starting to get those instant level 60 scrolls) and playing other areas where they can get the drops that have those sigils. Arc being such a drop that stands out as I used to get it a lot.


> Sure, over a long period of 6 month or more this sigil might come down again.

> But who cares if a material for current content has a reasonable value in half a year?

> I also don't see any argument for this price tag, the collection has plenty other stuff to buy and grind.


> Anet just didn't think about the consequences and we are getting 0 response.

> **Looking at some TP charts makes me even think that this stinks a bit and can very well be insider trading.**


Or it'll be sooner than that. I can see the price being around a gold each by the next episode release.


I suggest looking at the charts more closely before throwing out the accusation of insider trading. The huge drop in supply didn't occur until 7PM PST on Tuesday which was well after the patch was already released.

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> @"Ganathar.4956" said:

> > @"Neosayayin.3498" said:

> > so 15 gold for each Superior Sigils of Nullification is to much Arenanet needs to add a recipe so we can craft them and sell the recipe on the Jahai Bluffs hearts.

> >


> It's not even the gold cost, just look at that supply. Soon it will drop to 0, with no way for it to go up for months.


Yeah sorry did not notice the quantity of that sigil on the TP and you are right is to low. Arenanet needs to change this because is not a good way for people to complete this. Like I said before they need to create a recipe for this sigil and put it on the heart vendors on the map so people can craft them. They need to learn from this because is a bad design choice to make people rely on a extremely random drop to complete something in game. Sorry about my English.


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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > @"gerrylix.5234" said:

> > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > Supply will sort itself over time as players go back to leveling new characters (veterans are starting to get those instant level 60 scrolls) and playing other areas where they can get the drops that have those sigils. Arc being such a drop that stands out as I used to get it a lot.

> >

> > Sure, over a long period of 6 month or more this sigil might come down again.

> > But who cares if a material for current content has a reasonable value in half a year?

> > I also don't see any argument for this price tag, the collection has plenty other stuff to buy and grind.

> >

> > Anet just didn't think about the consequences and we are getting 0 response.

> > **Looking at some TP charts makes me even think that this stinks a bit and can very well be insider trading.**


> Or it'll be sooner than that. I can see the price being around a gold each by the next episode release.


> I suggest looking at the charts more closely before throwing out the accusation of insider trading.


"can very well be" =/= accusation


But as a longtime EVE player i know very well what bounderies devs sometimes overthrow for personal gain.

It is a possibility and not a fact and in the end it doesn't really matter who bought 18k sigils in one swoop.


What matters is that the economy is damaged big time and takes away fun from many players for an unforseeable future unless it is fixed.

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I was having a blast until the sigil part hit me, I thought, oh, finally anet doing something that everyone can enjoy getting it without getting too much pressure, you know, like old times. Nope .. If they think this will make me throw my cc right away to buy some gems to convert or spent tons of hours grinding unreasonable gold for that kind of shit .. yeah .. not gona happen my dude. I'd rather waste my time doing something else. The price of this thing wont go down, it will go up because they control the market. The hoarders are doing it on purpose, slowly releasing small amounts of sigils while jacking up the price. Even now some of you already moan about how many sigils left in the tp. Yep .. ya know what will happen next. Oh look 14g per sigils. Good job guys. Good job. Remember that morderm bloom event failure? This is also on that level of stupidity. Congratulations.

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> @"gerrylix.5234" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > @"gerrylix.5234" said:

> > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > > Supply will sort itself over time as players go back to leveling new characters (veterans are starting to get those instant level 60 scrolls) and playing other areas where they can get the drops that have those sigils. Arc being such a drop that stands out as I used to get it a lot.

> > >

> > > Sure, over a long period of 6 month or more this sigil might come down again.

> > > But who cares if a material for current content has a reasonable value in half a year?

> > > I also don't see any argument for this price tag, the collection has plenty other stuff to buy and grind.

> > >

> > > Anet just didn't think about the consequences and we are getting 0 response.

> > > **Looking at some TP charts makes me even think that this stinks a bit and can very well be insider trading.**

> >

> > Or it'll be sooner than that. I can see the price being around a gold each by the next episode release.

> >

> > I suggest looking at the charts more closely before throwing out the accusation of insider trading.


> "can very well be" =/= accusation


> But as a longtime EVE player i know very well what bounderies devs sometimes overthrow for personal gain.

> It is a possibility and not a fact and in the end it doesn't really matter who bought 18k sigils in one swoop.


> What matters is that the economy is damaged big time and takes away fun from many players for an unforseeable future unless it is fixed.


An economy isn't damaged because of a single item. The economy is bigger than that.


> @"Nunna.6413" said:

> I was having a blast until the sigil part hit me, I thought, oh, finally anet doing something that everyone can enjoy getting it without getting too much pressure, you know, like old times. Nope .. If they think this will make me throw my cc right away to buy some gems to convert or spent tons of hours grinding unreasonable gold for that kind of kitten .. yeah .. not gona happen my dude. I'd rather waste my time doing something else. The price of this thing wont go down, it will go up because they control the market. The hoarders are doing it on purpose, slowly releasing small amounts of sigils while jacking up the price. Even now some of you already moan about how many sigils left in the tp. Yep .. ya know what will happen next. Oh look 14g per sigils. Good job guys. Good job. Remember that morderm bloom event failure? This is also on that level of stupidity. Congratulations.


That's the same thing people have stated about other items when they had heavily inflated costs right after a release but those prices are also down.

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > @"gerrylix.5234" said:

> > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > > @"gerrylix.5234" said:

> > > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > > > Supply will sort itself over time as players go back to leveling new characters (veterans are starting to get those instant level 60 scrolls) and playing other areas where they can get the drops that have those sigils. Arc being such a drop that stands out as I used to get it a lot.

> > > >

> > > > Sure, over a long period of 6 month or more this sigil might come down again.

> > > > But who cares if a material for current content has a reasonable value in half a year?

> > > > I also don't see any argument for this price tag, the collection has plenty other stuff to buy and grind.

> > > >

> > > > Anet just didn't think about the consequences and we are getting 0 response.

> > > > **Looking at some TP charts makes me even think that this stinks a bit and can very well be insider trading.**

> > >

> > > Or it'll be sooner than that. I can see the price being around a gold each by the next episode release.

> > >

> > > I suggest looking at the charts more closely before throwing out the accusation of insider trading.

> >

> > "can very well be" =/= accusation

> >

> > But as a longtime EVE player i know very well what bounderies devs sometimes overthrow for personal gain.

> > It is a possibility and not a fact and in the end it doesn't really matter who bought 18k sigils in one swoop.

> >

> > What matters is that the economy is damaged big time and takes away fun from many players for an unforseeable future unless it is fixed.


> An economy isn't damaged because of a single item. The economy is bigger than that.


> > @"Nunna.6413" said:

> > I was having a blast until the sigil part hit me, I thought, oh, finally anet doing something that everyone can enjoy getting it without getting too much pressure, you know, like old times. Nope .. If they think this will make me throw my cc right away to buy some gems to convert or spent tons of hours grinding unreasonable gold for that kind of kitten .. yeah .. not gona happen my dude. I'd rather waste my time doing something else. The price of this thing wont go down, it will go up because they control the market. The hoarders are doing it on purpose, slowly releasing small amounts of sigils while jacking up the price. Even now some of you already moan about how many sigils left in the tp. Yep .. ya know what will happen next. Oh look 14g per sigils. Good job guys. Good job. Remember that morderm bloom event failure? This is also on that level of stupidity. Congratulations.


> That's the same thing people have stated about other items when they had heavily inflated costs right after a release but those prices are also down.


Yes the whole sigil economy is, because now everyone and their mother are hording them again, just watch some threads on reddit.


I can't really understand why you are defending the situation, may you elaborate why it is a good thing to lock out so many players from having the armor for an unknown timeframe?

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> @"gerrylix.5234" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > @"gerrylix.5234" said:

> > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > > > @"gerrylix.5234" said:

> > > > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > > > > Supply will sort itself over time as players go back to leveling new characters (veterans are starting to get those instant level 60 scrolls) and playing other areas where they can get the drops that have those sigils. Arc being such a drop that stands out as I used to get it a lot.

> > > > >

> > > > > Sure, over a long period of 6 month or more this sigil might come down again.

> > > > > But who cares if a material for current content has a reasonable value in half a year?

> > > > > I also don't see any argument for this price tag, the collection has plenty other stuff to buy and grind.

> > > > >

> > > > > Anet just didn't think about the consequences and we are getting 0 response.

> > > > > **Looking at some TP charts makes me even think that this stinks a bit and can very well be insider trading.**

> > > >

> > > > Or it'll be sooner than that. I can see the price being around a gold each by the next episode release.

> > > >

> > > > I suggest looking at the charts more closely before throwing out the accusation of insider trading.

> > >

> > > "can very well be" =/= accusation

> > >

> > > But as a longtime EVE player i know very well what bounderies devs sometimes overthrow for personal gain.

> > > It is a possibility and not a fact and in the end it doesn't really matter who bought 18k sigils in one swoop.

> > >

> > > What matters is that the economy is damaged big time and takes away fun from many players for an unforseeable future unless it is fixed.

> >

> > An economy isn't damaged because of a single item. The economy is bigger than that.

> >

> > > @"Nunna.6413" said:

> > > I was having a blast until the sigil part hit me, I thought, oh, finally anet doing something that everyone can enjoy getting it without getting too much pressure, you know, like old times. Nope .. If they think this will make me throw my cc right away to buy some gems to convert or spent tons of hours grinding unreasonable gold for that kind of kitten .. yeah .. not gona happen my dude. I'd rather waste my time doing something else. The price of this thing wont go down, it will go up because they control the market. The hoarders are doing it on purpose, slowly releasing small amounts of sigils while jacking up the price. Even now some of you already moan about how many sigils left in the tp. Yep .. ya know what will happen next. Oh look 14g per sigils. Good job guys. Good job. Remember that morderm bloom event failure? This is also on that level of stupidity. Congratulations.

> >

> > That's the same thing people have stated about other items when they had heavily inflated costs right after a release but those prices are also down.


> Yes the whole sigil economy is, because now everyone and their mother are hording them again, just watch some threads on reddit.


> I can't really understand why you are defending the situation, may you elaborate why it is a good thing to lock out so many players from having the armor for an unknown timeframe?


To keep people playing longer then the usualy 3-4 days and done I would guess.

You do know that quite afew exotics have the sigil aswell have you checked to see if all those arent bought up already and have a black lion kit that you can use maybe?

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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> > @"gerrylix.5234" said:

> > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > > @"gerrylix.5234" said:

> > > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > > > > @"gerrylix.5234" said:

> > > > > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > > > > > Supply will sort itself over time as players go back to leveling new characters (veterans are starting to get those instant level 60 scrolls) and playing other areas where they can get the drops that have those sigils. Arc being such a drop that stands out as I used to get it a lot.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Sure, over a long period of 6 month or more this sigil might come down again.

> > > > > > But who cares if a material for current content has a reasonable value in half a year?

> > > > > > I also don't see any argument for this price tag, the collection has plenty other stuff to buy and grind.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Anet just didn't think about the consequences and we are getting 0 response.

> > > > > > **Looking at some TP charts makes me even think that this stinks a bit and can very well be insider trading.**

> > > > >

> > > > > Or it'll be sooner than that. I can see the price being around a gold each by the next episode release.

> > > > >

> > > > > I suggest looking at the charts more closely before throwing out the accusation of insider trading.

> > > >

> > > > "can very well be" =/= accusation

> > > >

> > > > But as a longtime EVE player i know very well what bounderies devs sometimes overthrow for personal gain.

> > > > It is a possibility and not a fact and in the end it doesn't really matter who bought 18k sigils in one swoop.

> > > >

> > > > What matters is that the economy is damaged big time and takes away fun from many players for an unforseeable future unless it is fixed.

> > >

> > > An economy isn't damaged because of a single item. The economy is bigger than that.

> > >

> > > > @"Nunna.6413" said:

> > > > I was having a blast until the sigil part hit me, I thought, oh, finally anet doing something that everyone can enjoy getting it without getting too much pressure, you know, like old times. Nope .. If they think this will make me throw my cc right away to buy some gems to convert or spent tons of hours grinding unreasonable gold for that kind of kitten .. yeah .. not gona happen my dude. I'd rather waste my time doing something else. The price of this thing wont go down, it will go up because they control the market. The hoarders are doing it on purpose, slowly releasing small amounts of sigils while jacking up the price. Even now some of you already moan about how many sigils left in the tp. Yep .. ya know what will happen next. Oh look 14g per sigils. Good job guys. Good job. Remember that morderm bloom event failure? This is also on that level of stupidity. Congratulations.

> > >

> > > That's the same thing people have stated about other items when they had heavily inflated costs right after a release but those prices are also down.

> >

> > Yes the whole sigil economy is, because now everyone and their mother are hording them again, just watch some threads on reddit.

> >

> > I can't really understand why you are defending the situation, may you elaborate why it is a good thing to lock out so many players from having the armor for an unknown timeframe?


> To keep people playing longer then the usualy 3-4 days and done I would guess.

> You do know that quite afew exotics have the sigil aswell have you checked to see if all those arent bought up already and have a black lion kit that you can use maybe?


The 3 options are "Arc" farm in silverwastes, "Grimward" farm at mystic forge or powerleveling 25 chars to level 63.

(Option 4 is hoping for a random exotic with the correct sigil.)


All items with the attached sigil are priced now well over 10g from worthless.



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> @"gerrylix.5234" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > @"gerrylix.5234" said:

> > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > > > @"gerrylix.5234" said:

> > > > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > > > > Supply will sort itself over time as players go back to leveling new characters (veterans are starting to get those instant level 60 scrolls) and playing other areas where they can get the drops that have those sigils. Arc being such a drop that stands out as I used to get it a lot.

> > > > >

> > > > > Sure, over a long period of 6 month or more this sigil might come down again.

> > > > > But who cares if a material for current content has a reasonable value in half a year?

> > > > > I also don't see any argument for this price tag, the collection has plenty other stuff to buy and grind.

> > > > >

> > > > > Anet just didn't think about the consequences and we are getting 0 response.

> > > > > **Looking at some TP charts makes me even think that this stinks a bit and can very well be insider trading.**

> > > >

> > > > Or it'll be sooner than that. I can see the price being around a gold each by the next episode release.

> > > >

> > > > I suggest looking at the charts more closely before throwing out the accusation of insider trading.

> > >

> > > "can very well be" =/= accusation

> > >

> > > But as a longtime EVE player i know very well what bounderies devs sometimes overthrow for personal gain.

> > > It is a possibility and not a fact and in the end it doesn't really matter who bought 18k sigils in one swoop.

> > >

> > > What matters is that the economy is damaged big time and takes away fun from many players for an unforseeable future unless it is fixed.

> >

> > An economy isn't damaged because of a single item. The economy is bigger than that.

> >

> > > @"Nunna.6413" said:

> > > I was having a blast until the sigil part hit me, I thought, oh, finally anet doing something that everyone can enjoy getting it without getting too much pressure, you know, like old times. Nope .. If they think this will make me throw my cc right away to buy some gems to convert or spent tons of hours grinding unreasonable gold for that kind of kitten .. yeah .. not gona happen my dude. I'd rather waste my time doing something else. The price of this thing wont go down, it will go up because they control the market. The hoarders are doing it on purpose, slowly releasing small amounts of sigils while jacking up the price. Even now some of you already moan about how many sigils left in the tp. Yep .. ya know what will happen next. Oh look 14g per sigils. Good job guys. Good job. Remember that morderm bloom event failure? This is also on that level of stupidity. Congratulations.

> >

> > That's the same thing people have stated about other items when they had heavily inflated costs right after a release but those prices are also down.


> Yes the whole sigil economy is, because now everyone and their mother are hording them again, just watch some threads on reddit.


> I can't really understand why you are defending the situation, may you elaborate why it is a good thing to lock out so many players from having the armor for an unknown timeframe?


Only logical reason why I think he/she is defending this situation is because they are one of the few who found out about it early and cashed in on it.

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> @"Clipbord.8726" said:

> > @"gerrylix.5234" said:

> > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > > @"gerrylix.5234" said:

> > > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > > > > @"gerrylix.5234" said:

> > > > > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > > > > > Supply will sort itself over time as players go back to leveling new characters (veterans are starting to get those instant level 60 scrolls) and playing other areas where they can get the drops that have those sigils. Arc being such a drop that stands out as I used to get it a lot.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Sure, over a long period of 6 month or more this sigil might come down again.

> > > > > > But who cares if a material for current content has a reasonable value in half a year?

> > > > > > I also don't see any argument for this price tag, the collection has plenty other stuff to buy and grind.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Anet just didn't think about the consequences and we are getting 0 response.

> > > > > > **Looking at some TP charts makes me even think that this stinks a bit and can very well be insider trading.**

> > > > >

> > > > > Or it'll be sooner than that. I can see the price being around a gold each by the next episode release.

> > > > >

> > > > > I suggest looking at the charts more closely before throwing out the accusation of insider trading.

> > > >

> > > > "can very well be" =/= accusation

> > > >

> > > > But as a longtime EVE player i know very well what bounderies devs sometimes overthrow for personal gain.

> > > > It is a possibility and not a fact and in the end it doesn't really matter who bought 18k sigils in one swoop.

> > > >

> > > > What matters is that the economy is damaged big time and takes away fun from many players for an unforseeable future unless it is fixed.

> > >

> > > An economy isn't damaged because of a single item. The economy is bigger than that.

> > >

> > > > @"Nunna.6413" said:

> > > > I was having a blast until the sigil part hit me, I thought, oh, finally anet doing something that everyone can enjoy getting it without getting too much pressure, you know, like old times. Nope .. If they think this will make me throw my cc right away to buy some gems to convert or spent tons of hours grinding unreasonable gold for that kind of kitten .. yeah .. not gona happen my dude. I'd rather waste my time doing something else. The price of this thing wont go down, it will go up because they control the market. The hoarders are doing it on purpose, slowly releasing small amounts of sigils while jacking up the price. Even now some of you already moan about how many sigils left in the tp. Yep .. ya know what will happen next. Oh look 14g per sigils. Good job guys. Good job. Remember that morderm bloom event failure? This is also on that level of stupidity. Congratulations.

> > >

> > > That's the same thing people have stated about other items when they had heavily inflated costs right after a release but those prices are also down.

> >

> > Yes the whole sigil economy is, because now everyone and their mother are hording them again, just watch some threads on reddit.

> >

> > I can't really understand why you are defending the situation, may you elaborate why it is a good thing to lock out so many players from having the armor for an unknown timeframe?


> Only logical reason why I think he/she is defending this situation is because they are one of the few who found out about it early and cashed in on it.


If i didnt oppose anet choosing to use a very limited supply item like the Sigil id agree with them. Because things like this *have* happened in the past, and eventually after the initial surge prices go down. They never match pre surge values but they do go back down alot.

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> @"gerrylix.5234" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > @"gerrylix.5234" said:

> > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > > > @"gerrylix.5234" said:

> > > > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > > > > Supply will sort itself over time as players go back to leveling new characters (veterans are starting to get those instant level 60 scrolls) and playing other areas where they can get the drops that have those sigils. Arc being such a drop that stands out as I used to get it a lot.

> > > > >

> > > > > Sure, over a long period of 6 month or more this sigil might come down again.

> > > > > But who cares if a material for current content has a reasonable value in half a year?

> > > > > I also don't see any argument for this price tag, the collection has plenty other stuff to buy and grind.

> > > > >

> > > > > Anet just didn't think about the consequences and we are getting 0 response.

> > > > > **Looking at some TP charts makes me even think that this stinks a bit and can very well be insider trading.**

> > > >

> > > > Or it'll be sooner than that. I can see the price being around a gold each by the next episode release.

> > > >

> > > > I suggest looking at the charts more closely before throwing out the accusation of insider trading.

> > >

> > > "can very well be" =/= accusation

> > >

> > > But as a longtime EVE player i know very well what bounderies devs sometimes overthrow for personal gain.

> > > It is a possibility and not a fact and in the end it doesn't really matter who bought 18k sigils in one swoop.

> > >

> > > What matters is that the economy is damaged big time and takes away fun from many players for an unforseeable future unless it is fixed.

> >

> > An economy isn't damaged because of a single item. The economy is bigger than that.

> >

> > > @"Nunna.6413" said:

> > > I was having a blast until the sigil part hit me, I thought, oh, finally anet doing something that everyone can enjoy getting it without getting too much pressure, you know, like old times. Nope .. If they think this will make me throw my cc right away to buy some gems to convert or spent tons of hours grinding unreasonable gold for that kind of kitten .. yeah .. not gona happen my dude. I'd rather waste my time doing something else. The price of this thing wont go down, it will go up because they control the market. The hoarders are doing it on purpose, slowly releasing small amounts of sigils while jacking up the price. Even now some of you already moan about how many sigils left in the tp. Yep .. ya know what will happen next. Oh look 14g per sigils. Good job guys. Good job. Remember that morderm bloom event failure? This is also on that level of stupidity. Congratulations.

> >

> > That's the same thing people have stated about other items when they had heavily inflated costs right after a release but those prices are also down.


> Yes the whole sigil economy is, because now everyone and their mother are hording them again, just watch some threads on reddit.


> I can't really understand why you are defending the situation, may you elaborate why it is a good thing to lock out so many players from having the armor for an unknown timeframe?


How does a single sigil that had pretty much no value before the patch, and now does after, harmful to the economy or just other sigils? There's really no point in hoarding them because demand will just fall as time goes on and whatever value they could have gotten had they sold now will be reduced. The issue that players have is with the price and not because of its acquisition methods. Had the price remained at 2 silver a piece, this thread would not exist. The price will fall.


> @"Clipbord.8726" said:

> > @"gerrylix.5234" said:

> > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > > @"gerrylix.5234" said:

> > > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > > > > @"gerrylix.5234" said:

> > > > > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > > > > > Supply will sort itself over time as players go back to leveling new characters (veterans are starting to get those instant level 60 scrolls) and playing other areas where they can get the drops that have those sigils. Arc being such a drop that stands out as I used to get it a lot.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Sure, over a long period of 6 month or more this sigil might come down again.

> > > > > > But who cares if a material for current content has a reasonable value in half a year?

> > > > > > I also don't see any argument for this price tag, the collection has plenty other stuff to buy and grind.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Anet just didn't think about the consequences and we are getting 0 response.

> > > > > > **Looking at some TP charts makes me even think that this stinks a bit and can very well be insider trading.**

> > > > >

> > > > > Or it'll be sooner than that. I can see the price being around a gold each by the next episode release.

> > > > >

> > > > > I suggest looking at the charts more closely before throwing out the accusation of insider trading.

> > > >

> > > > "can very well be" =/= accusation

> > > >

> > > > But as a longtime EVE player i know very well what bounderies devs sometimes overthrow for personal gain.

> > > > It is a possibility and not a fact and in the end it doesn't really matter who bought 18k sigils in one swoop.

> > > >

> > > > What matters is that the economy is damaged big time and takes away fun from many players for an unforseeable future unless it is fixed.

> > >

> > > An economy isn't damaged because of a single item. The economy is bigger than that.

> > >

> > > > @"Nunna.6413" said:

> > > > I was having a blast until the sigil part hit me, I thought, oh, finally anet doing something that everyone can enjoy getting it without getting too much pressure, you know, like old times. Nope .. If they think this will make me throw my cc right away to buy some gems to convert or spent tons of hours grinding unreasonable gold for that kind of kitten .. yeah .. not gona happen my dude. I'd rather waste my time doing something else. The price of this thing wont go down, it will go up because they control the market. The hoarders are doing it on purpose, slowly releasing small amounts of sigils while jacking up the price. Even now some of you already moan about how many sigils left in the tp. Yep .. ya know what will happen next. Oh look 14g per sigils. Good job guys. Good job. Remember that morderm bloom event failure? This is also on that level of stupidity. Congratulations.

> > >

> > > That's the same thing people have stated about other items when they had heavily inflated costs right after a release but those prices are also down.

> >

> > Yes the whole sigil economy is, because now everyone and their mother are hording them again, just watch some threads on reddit.

> >

> > I can't really understand why you are defending the situation, may you elaborate why it is a good thing to lock out so many players from having the armor for an unknown timeframe?


> Only logical reason why I think he/she is defending this situation is because they are one of the few who found out about it early and cashed in on it.


Nope. I didn't buy those sigils.

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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> It have already been answered why the supply was so low it was a crap sigil that you got vendor value for if you ever sold them so people sold them to npc merchants or just deleted them like some do with green sigil/runes.

That's not it. I happen to be a bit of a skritt and keep a ton of stuff i probably shouldn't. Superior sigils are among that stuff. I happen to posess superior sigils of all kinds in large amounts. Even the most useless ones. Nullification? I have exactly **7** of those. Gathered since the beginning of the game.

The sources of supply _are_ bad for it.



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