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Superior Sigil of Nullification [Merged]


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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > @"gerrylix.5234" said:

> > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > > @"gerrylix.5234" said:

> > > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > > > Supply will sort itself over time as players go back to leveling new characters (veterans are starting to get those instant level 60 scrolls) and playing other areas where they can get the drops that have those sigils. Arc being such a drop that stands out as I used to get it a lot.

> > > >

> > > > Sure, over a long period of 6 month or more this sigil might come down again.

> > > > But who cares if a material for current content has a reasonable value in half a year?

> > > > I also don't see any argument for this price tag, the collection has plenty other stuff to buy and grind.

> > > >

> > > > Anet just didn't think about the consequences and we are getting 0 response.

> > > > **Looking at some TP charts makes me even think that this stinks a bit and can very well be insider trading.**

> > >

> > > Or it'll be sooner than that. I can see the price being around a gold each by the next episode release.

> > >

> > > I suggest looking at the charts more closely before throwing out the accusation of insider trading.

> >

> > "can very well be" =/= accusation

> >

> > But as a longtime EVE player i know very well what bounderies devs sometimes overthrow for personal gain.

> > It is a possibility and not a fact and in the end it doesn't really matter who bought 18k sigils in one swoop.

> >

> > What matters is that the economy is damaged big time and takes away fun from many players for an unforseeable future unless it is fixed.


> as we have seen may times in the past ... either it fixes itself or Anet intervenes. Threads like this are rehash and useless.


Well, not useless, ignoring the situation completely was no option for me.

It's not hard to understand that such a goldwall can be frustrating for many.

Don't get me wrong, i would be less frustrated if i would have to get those items from vendors for the same price, i just don't want to feed the whales anymore.

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> @"gerrylix.5234" said:

> It's not hard to understand that such a goldwall can be frustrating for many.


Exactly ... it's not hard to understand ... yet Anet did it anyways. Seems to me there is a reason Anet does things, even though it's really easy to understand why those things can be frustrating to players.


I didn't really see much consideration in these kinds of threads of what that reason might be. Everyone who's complaining just assumed the worst they could. That's just not being objective. Do people honestly think Anet went out of their way to make you frustrated for NO REASON? If people do honestly think that, then why would Anet care what they think in the first place? Is there any reason Anet could provide that would change those people's thinking?


You assumed you're feeding whales, so you already assumed the worst. Why should anyone take that seriously? It's part of the game; if you want stuff, you buy it ... or you farm it yourself. Frankly, if you are making excuses to exclude yourself from the market system based on some assumption you made; that's a choice you made. I see little reason to complain about that ... it's how the game has worked for 6+ years now.

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > > > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > > > > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > > > > > @"Zorn.9041" said:

> > > > > > I am voting with my wallet, not buying any more gems until they fix the sigil issue.

> > > > >

> > > > > Out of all the issues the game has, this is probably one of the most insignificant ones

> > > >

> > > > Only insignificant if you have in game resources to throw at the forge, or buy at elevated prices on the TP.. new players and players with less disposable income may see this as a barrier that stretches just too far... Of all the issues in game this is one of those that can be just as progress blocking, immersion breaking and tiresome to overcome as any other imo.. so I don't blame the poster for taking that stance one iota.

> > >

> > > I havent bought a single one on the trading post. I had some in bank because I never throw cheap superior runes and sigils away. The rest I got from creating a few new characters with lvl up books and mystic forging rare sigils instead of vendoring them.

> > >

> > > Also what is wrong with needing to put in some effort into the ultimate reward of this living story episode? It is not even a week old and people already despair if they havent unlocked it. It will probably take 3 months until we see something new.

> >

> > Lol.. your missing the point.. what you have done, is what I have done and will do... but that's the reason for the sink to take that away and then your left with 2 options.. farm to buy or whip out the credit card.

> > Grindfestwars kills the fun created by all the decent content, storytline and map for many players, others don't want to just buy their way through the game, but neither do they want to have to make GW2 a second job.

> > No one said it needs to be easy to do or even quick, but it does need some level of balance not just between grind and enjoyment what newer players and vets are able to do.. this acts like a very large barrier for new players, when it should be content that feels much more achievable within a timely fashion.

> > Lets not forget, there are now so many grind collections thrown at us in game now .. where is the time to fit them in . At the rate its going we will be grinding for years just to keep our heads above the water. Sure we don't need them all or like them all.

> > If this is the most creative ideas that can be put forward to I worry for the mid to long term of the game in general, there is only so much fun ANET can suck out of the game before players walk away... and right now were saturated in goldsinks and grindwars.

> > It's no wonder GW2 gets swamped with AFK farms everywhere these days.


> The armor is not required, thus the entire argument about grindfestwars is misplaced. It's an optional armor set which offers people something to do. Even at current highest cost of 16g per Sigil this set comes out as approximately 450 gold (lower now since Sigils have dropped and will continue dropping mid- to longterm) it is comparable to alternatives both gem wise in the shop as well as other cosmetic items and collections.


> Define easy or quick? There is multiple gold farms in this game which allow 20-30 gold per hour. That's 10 hours for a new player if he starts at 0 gold to get the set. There has been far worse farms or grinds in both GW2 and just about any other MMO (some of which are NOT optional).


> Collections are meant as mid- to long term goals. The fact that people finish these within 1-2 days after release just shows that people are willing to no life the game. Taking the 3 month cadence between releases, it is absolutely possible to finish most collections within this time frame. That is what they are balanced around.


> If Arenanet is sucking the fun out of the game for you, then you are playing and focusing on the wrong content. Having an OCD wanting to finish every collection even though you do not enjoy the process is on you, not Arenanet.


> It's always the same thing: players want unique and prestigious rewards (and/or long term goals) but then are unwilling to both pace themselves and/or invest the time and resources required.


> If you try to finish every bit of new content/collection within 24 hours of release and complain only to then again complain 1 week after the patch that you are left with nothing to do, then you are doing it wrong and will leave the game. There is nothing Arenanet will be able to do against this insanity.


> EDIT: just to be clear, I am not against people finishing stuff asap. I do so too occasionally. Please realize though that in those cases you are finishing content and objectives way faster than intended. That is something one should keep in mind. The one thing I've noticed across multiple players is: those who can exert patience are having a much easier time enjoying GW2 than those who require their constant instant gratification.


You obviously haven't read my posts.. where have I stated I must finish content so fast it burns my fingers... I do not have some OCD for fast content clearance, stop making stuff up for effect.. if you bothered to read I clearly state I am a player that for example has only focused on making 1 leggy weapon in 6+years, I don't farm Istan or SW or any content.. because its mind numbingly boring to me. Sure some like it, others choose to setup multiple F2P accounts and AFK farm it and some just rely on others and buy it to completion. hardly a great advert for creative design.

I play content for the long haul and set my own goals, I leave the fast and furious panic play for those who want to, but that's just me.

Then again this is not soley about rushing content, this is about balancing out supply and demand in order to make the collection feel that much more obtainable for all without the need or necessity to rely on others on the TP, but unless you get lucky or have several thousand tomes at your disposal such long term goals push players to obtaining them through other methods rather than playing the game.. that's the real creative element of this content, its about revenue streams nothing more, once players exhaust their tomes, and enough wealth taken from them, what do they do when the next collection drops needing such methods.... oh yeah that's it, credit card some more.

Choosing to use items in collections that have an extremely low yield of supply borne predominantly from luck out of the mystic toilet is just crazy bad creative design and makes even long term goals that much more frustrating, because by the time you do finally get enough of those items, the actual armour would of already of been superseded by a plethora of other collections and grindfarming requirements.

I mean getting enough Amalgamated gemstones for other things in game is already tedious enough, now we need to find the time and resource to get more and then pray to the RNG gods for forge to raindown nullification sigils by the dozens.

Sure I already said we can go burn through our tomes or tokens, but new players wont have that kind of facility available, it took us a fair while to build up the quantities of tomes required for just one lvl 64 toon reward.. 1 sigil, hardly a stout source of supply.

No yet again this is just a poorly thought out collection which is geared to do 2 things, retain players in game for as long as possible in the hope it steers us to buy gems and convert to gold.. .. but that comes at a risk of sucking that fun out of the game for players and pushing towards other titles.

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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> > @"gerrylix.5234" said:

> > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > > @"gerrylix.5234" said:

> > > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > > > > @"gerrylix.5234" said:

> > > > > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > > > > > Supply will sort itself over time as players go back to leveling new characters (veterans are starting to get those instant level 60 scrolls) and playing other areas where they can get the drops that have those sigils. Arc being such a drop that stands out as I used to get it a lot.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Sure, over a long period of 6 month or more this sigil might come down again.

> > > > > > But who cares if a material for current content has a reasonable value in half a year?

> > > > > > I also don't see any argument for this price tag, the collection has plenty other stuff to buy and grind.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Anet just didn't think about the consequences and we are getting 0 response.

> > > > > > **Looking at some TP charts makes me even think that this stinks a bit and can very well be insider trading.**

> > > > >

> > > > > Or it'll be sooner than that. I can see the price being around a gold each by the next episode release.

> > > > >

> > > > > I suggest looking at the charts more closely before throwing out the accusation of insider trading.

> > > >

> > > > "can very well be" =/= accusation

> > > >

> > > > But as a longtime EVE player i know very well what bounderies devs sometimes overthrow for personal gain.

> > > > It is a possibility and not a fact and in the end it doesn't really matter who bought 18k sigils in one swoop.

> > > >

> > > > What matters is that the economy is damaged big time and takes away fun from many players for an unforseeable future unless it is fixed.

> > >

> > > An economy isn't damaged because of a single item. The economy is bigger than that.

> > >

> > > > @"Nunna.6413" said:

> > > > I was having a blast until the sigil part hit me, I thought, oh, finally anet doing something that everyone can enjoy getting it without getting too much pressure, you know, like old times. Nope .. If they think this will make me throw my cc right away to buy some gems to convert or spent tons of hours grinding unreasonable gold for that kind of kitten .. yeah .. not gona happen my dude. I'd rather waste my time doing something else. The price of this thing wont go down, it will go up because they control the market. The hoarders are doing it on purpose, slowly releasing small amounts of sigils while jacking up the price. Even now some of you already moan about how many sigils left in the tp. Yep .. ya know what will happen next. Oh look 14g per sigils. Good job guys. Good job. Remember that morderm bloom event failure? This is also on that level of stupidity. Congratulations.

> > >

> > > That's the same thing people have stated about other items when they had heavily inflated costs right after a release but those prices are also down.

> >

> > Yes the whole sigil economy is, because now everyone and their mother are hording them again, just watch some threads on reddit.

> >

> > I can't really understand why you are defending the situation, may you elaborate why it is a good thing to lock out so many players from having the armor for an unknown timeframe?


> To keep people playing longer then the usualy 3-4 days and done I would guess.

> You do know that quite afew exotics have the sigil aswell have you checked to see if all those arent bought up already and have a black lion kit that you can use maybe?


Yeah and many of those items have already jumped hugely in price as well.. even basic weapons with them in were touching 20+ gold yesterday.. hardly a viable alternative.

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> @"ProtoGunner.4953" said:

> The armor looks kitten anyways and it's only exotic. Just wait a few months to finish it. The hype should be over by then.


It’s not just “only Exotic”, they aren’t even armor pieces, Requiem are applicable *skins*.


I’ve got the pieces I really like, but for completions sake, I’m gathering for all 18 pieces.

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The issue isn't the cost of the item, it's the cause of the cost of the item. If anet had introduced some vendor item that you needed a certain number of to complete the set and they cost some amount of gold each -- as they did with the griffon collection, for example -- then I wouldn't have a problem with it. That would just be what the item cost and ppl could decide whether they wanted to do it. What we have instead with this collection is an item that is only available in the quantities required from the tp, so gate is not time, or gold, or grind or even skill, but the behavior of other players. This does not benefit the game in any way . . .


Anyone who claims they would be fine with their access to content they enjoy being gated behind how much I think they should pay me for it is lying to themselves . . .

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> Exactly ... it's not hard to understand ... yet Anet did it anyways. Seems to me there is a reason Anet does things, even though it's really easy to understand why those things can be frustrating to players.


So why don't they give us ...that reason so we all understand? As simple as that. I can assure you there a lot more players with 'mixed feelings' on this that don't come here posting. Just discuss it in some Jihai instances and you will get the picture.

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> @"Gop.8713" said:

> The issue isn't the cost of the item, it's the cause of the cost of the item. If anet had introduced some vendor item that you needed a certain number of to complete the set and they cost some amount of gold each -- as they did with the griffon collection, for example -- then I wouldn't have a problem with it. That would just be what the item cost and ppl could decide whether they wanted to do it. What we have instead with this collection is an item that is only available in the quantities required from the tp, so gate is not time, or gold, or grind or even skill, but the behavior of other players. This does not benefit the game in any way . . .


> Anyone who claims they would be fine with their access to content they enjoy being gated behind how much I think they should pay me for it is lying to themselves . . .


Exactly, if Anet wanted the thing to cost 200 gold then the mist items you get for the collection, would have costed 25 gold or whatever per piece. If they wanted it time gated they could have added in an item that could only be collected once a day. Essentially the people, who completed it first would have acquired the armor for very little gold if any gold compared to people who have to spend +120 now.

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Many defending the situation seem to forget that it was possible to get the armor for next to nothing on day one. Those who rushed through the content on first evening got it for cheap, everyone else playing slowly or even only starting the episode on the weekend are now supposed to pay +200g for the exact same thing. On top of that, mostly the players with huge amounts of gold where the ones playing it on day one, most of the players with next to nothing in liquid gold started it way later. That is the current situation and it understandably frustrates a great number of players. Has nothing to do with OCD or anything you blame on them. And yeah, the price will probably go down, but you have to consider the flow of players, too. Most are at this point of the game now where prices are ridiculous.


If you defend the issue so vehemently why not wait until the first weekend on the next patch before you even start the new episode? Unless you have +2k gold lying around you'd probably be pissed that you have to pay so much for something the first players got basically for free.


My personal opinion on this: add a recipe for them with time gated currency on the new map. Prices will go down a bit and you'll have more choices on how to get the sigils. I will miss the opportunity to make a bit of gold with this, but it is ultimately more healthy for the game than to frustrate players with a collection that started nicely and then they hit the wall.

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> @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> It really does not matter if new players do not have the same options as veteran players. If I were a new player I would probably have different priorities than getting endgame skins. And if they really must have it right now they still have the option to trade 10 USD worth of gems to gold.


Of course it matters.. hardly a great advert for the game when newer players that reach max level are then thrown ridiculously slowarm collections that wont see them obtain what they want within a reasonable timeframe unless

1 - they farm their free time away endlessly until they have enough wealth to afford the sigils, amalg gems and leather etc.

2 - get hugely lucky with the Mystic forge in a reasonable timeframe... highly unlikely

3 - feel forced to play credit card wars.

Personally I wouldn't blame anyone for keeping their wallet firmly shut on this or feel frustrated enough by bait and hook creativity behind it all and simply leave the game.

It's poor choice on ANETs part imo and only serves to hand more control of the TP to the few once again to manipulate supply and spoil what was actually some decent content.

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> @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > It really does not matter if new players do not have the same options as veteran players. If I were a new player I would probably have different priorities than getting endgame skins. And if they really must have it right now they still have the option to trade 10 USD worth of gems to gold.


> Of course it matters.. hardly a great advert for the game when newer players that reach max level are then thrown ridiculously slowarm collections that wont see them obtain what they want within a reasonable timeframe unless

> 1 - they farm their free time away endlessly until they have enough wealth to afford the sigils, amalg gems and leather etc.

> 2 - get hugely lucky with the Mystic forge in a reasonable timeframe... highly unlikely

> 3 - feel forced to play credit card wars.

> Personally I wouldn't blame anyone for keeping their wallet firmly shut on this or feel frustrated enough by bait and hook creativity behind it all and simply leave the game.

> It's poor choice on ANETs part imo and only serves to hand more control of the TP to the few once again to manipulate supply and spoil what was actually some decent content.


That's such a short time frame that new players are disadvantaged though isn't it and such a niche group of new players affected?


They must have basically:

- started the game shortly before Episode 4 hit

- decided that they need this armor set right away

- forfeit all other things which are way more interesting to a new player and easier to get (especially gear wise)

- good enough at the game to rush through the content like a veteran

- yet not adept enough to buy the Sigils in the first few hours


What about new players who join the game 2 months from now?


I get the frustration people feel for not getting a free armor set. Yes the Sigil might not have been the best idea from a veteran player perspective (though I wonder how as a veteran you are still surprised with such things happening when we have had over close to 20 Living World Episodes drop with often similar effects).


Then again, new players who hit level 64 now get an extra chunk of gold if they pick the Sigil and sell it, similar to how Mystic Coins benefit new accounts early one giving new players a fast and easy access to gold (assuming a new player does not decide to get strait into legendary crafting).


I'd even go so far as to stipulate that a new player who is still working on masteries and achievements (if at all) left and right might benefit from this Sigil price increase if they are still on one of their first characters or just entering the game.


I'm sure some one else will come around though and accuse me of just wanting to make money off of this situation even though I've clearly stated in past threads on other topics that I have limited access to the game until early October and can't play currently besides login and home instance harvesting occasionally (and no, I have had 0 interaction with these Sigils at this time neither storing any, I have 0, or buying or selling). To some people though having a differing opinion automatically means one must be profiting off of a situation (interesting what that tells you about their mindset though, as I always like to say: point a finger at someone and you are pointing 4 back at yourself).

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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> > @"Pirindolo.9427" said:

> > As I said, we won't get a single word from ANET, cause ANET knew what they were doing and they wanted to do it. The sigil problem is not an unforeseen problem at all. They wanted this.

> >

> > 1) There were over 25,000 sigils on sale for less than 3s each before the patch was released.

> > 2) There was a leak the same day the patch was released, with details of the new use for that particular sigil

> > 3) There was (at least) 1 player that bought all the sigils and is (or are) putting them on sale now slowly, keeping the supply low and the price high

> >

> > How does this benefit Anet?

> > Many ppl will buy gems to convert them in gold and buy the sigils to have the armor as soon as possible

> > Many other ppl will start playing alts to get the sigil as a lvl 64 reward, some of them buying also gems in the process.


> 2 point is wrong there was no leak just someone playing and unlocking the collection quickly.

> If there was a leak you would have seen people buy the stuff the second episode hit instead of an hour or two after.


You don't know who WOODEN POTATOES is, right?

Check what he posts every patch day.

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> @"Gop.8713" said:

> The issue isn't the cost of the item, it's the cause of the cost of the item. If anet had introduced some vendor item that you needed a certain number of to complete the set and they cost some amount of gold each -- as they did with the griffon collection, for example -- then I wouldn't have a problem with it. That would just be what the item cost and ppl could decide whether they wanted to do it. What we have instead with this collection is an item that is only available in the quantities required from the tp, so gate is not time, or gold, or grind or even skill, but the behavior of other players. This does not benefit the game in any way . . .


> Anyone who claims they would be fine with their access to content they enjoy being gated behind how much I think they should pay me for it is lying to themselves . . .

So the issue for you isn't the cost of the item but rather that the cost is supply and demand driven and might benefit other players?


Personally, I had about 50 gold in my wallet when the patch hit. I've been playing for close to 6 years (started just after the original Southsun update in November) and enjoy this game because it lets me play the content I enjoy rather than pushing me towards farming this or rushing that or repeating a certain boss or dungeon ad nauseum just to keep being able to play all content. I rarely do world bosses and never farm for gold as my free time is too valuable to waste it with content I don't enjoy. I also try not to spend a lot of time on new maps during the first week, apart from casually playing through the story to avoid too many spoilers, as I have found that the people rushing through the content close to release often make my playtime unenjoyable.


That said, I'm perfectly fine with requirements for the new armor skins. Putting in a previously worthless drop that is tradable on the trading post to me is much preferable to requiring a flat-out npc vendor purchase like the griffon collections did, since it'll increase the chance of getting interesting drops as well as allow me to get the sigils off the trading post whenever I get around to wanting to finish the armor at a then-reasonable price.


The fact that other players might get some gold out of this either by farming new characters, having a bunch of sigils in their hoard for however long they were useless, or even early flipping on the tp doesn't bother me. I'm playing the content I enjoy (and tp flipping by the way isn't something I enjoy either, so I don't do it) and don't begrudge others their luck, either through drops or through hoarding junk items. I'd rather keep a working trading post in which most players participate which keeps all tradeable items at a decent price in the long run, than go back to auction house systems where you either have to spend a lot of time following price trends or forever ask yourself if the trade you just did wasn't a lousy one ;) . And I'd much rather trade stuff on the trading post, both sell and buy, than trade with npc vendors with static prices.

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If ANET had used some other method (eg 250 mystic runestones, which equal to 250g) , people wouldnt be upset. Theyre mostly upset and salty because those who finished the collection very quickly bought en masse the sigils, and made a huge buck out of it. If I had finished the collection very quickly, I would have bought 5k sigils myself. We all would have. Thats just my 2 cents on this. And before you ask, personally, I farmed these via lv64 toons. Just finished the collection.

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> @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> If ANET had used some other method (eg 250 mystic runestones, which equal to 250g) , people wouldnt be upset. Theyre mostly upset and salty because those who finished the collection very quickly bought en masse the sigils, and made a huge buck out of it. If I had finished the collection very quickly, I would have bought 5k sigils myself. We all would have. Thats just my 2 cents on this. And before you ask, personally, I farmed these via lv64 toons. Just finished the collection.

So you're not upset about the price, but just jealous that some people made a profit?

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > > It really does not matter if new players do not have the same options as veteran players. If I were a new player I would probably have different priorities than getting endgame skins. And if they really must have it right now they still have the option to trade 10 USD worth of gems to gold.

> >

> > Of course it matters.. hardly a great advert for the game when newer players that reach max level are then thrown ridiculously slowarm collections that wont see them obtain what they want within a reasonable timeframe unless

> > 1 - they farm their free time away endlessly until they have enough wealth to afford the sigils, amalg gems and leather etc.

> > 2 - get hugely lucky with the Mystic forge in a reasonable timeframe... highly unlikely

> > 3 - feel forced to play credit card wars.

> > Personally I wouldn't blame anyone for keeping their wallet firmly shut on this or feel frustrated enough by bait and hook creativity behind it all and simply leave the game.

> > It's poor choice on ANETs part imo and only serves to hand more control of the TP to the few once again to manipulate supply and spoil what was actually some decent content.


> That's such a short time frame that new players are disadvantaged though isn't it and such a niche group of new players affected?


> They must have basically:

> - started the game shortly before Episode 4 hit

> - decided that they need this armor set right away

> - forfeit all other things which are way more interesting to a new player and easier to get (especially gear wise)

> - good enough at the game to rush through the content like a veteran

> - yet not adept enough to buy the Sigils in the first few hours


> What about new players who join the game 2 months from now?


> I get the frustration people feel for not getting a free armor set. Yes the Sigil might not have been the best idea from a veteran player perspective (though I wonder how as a veteran you are still surprised with such things happening when we have had over close to 20 Living World Episodes drop with often similar effects).


> Then again, new players who hit level 64 now get an extra chunk of gold if they pick the Sigil and sell it, similar to how Mystic Coins benefit new accounts early one giving new players a fast and easy access to gold (assuming a new player does not decide to get strait into legendary crafting).


> I'd even go so far as to stipulate that a new player who is still working on masteries and achievements (if at all) left and right might benefit from this Sigil price increase if they are still on one of their first characters or just entering the game.


> I'm sure some one else will come around though and accuse me of just wanting to make money off of this situation even though I've clearly stated in past threads on other topics that I have limited access to the game until early October and can't play currently besides login and home instance harvesting occasionally (and no, I have had 0 interaction with these Sigils at this time neither storing any, I have 0, or buying or selling). To some people though having a differing opinion automatically means one must be profiting off of a situation (interesting what that tells you about their mindset though, as I always like to say: point a finger at someone and you are pointing 4 back at yourself).


I never said any such thing about you.. your free to express your opinions of it, and that I respect.. I don't have to agree with your views just like you don't have to with mine.. however your the one I have seen make blasé comments to posters who don't agree with you.

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> @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > > > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > > > It really does not matter if new players do not have the same options as veteran players. If I were a new player I would probably have different priorities than getting endgame skins. And if they really must have it right now they still have the option to trade 10 USD worth of gems to gold.

> > >

> > > Of course it matters.. hardly a great advert for the game when newer players that reach max level are then thrown ridiculously slowarm collections that wont see them obtain what they want within a reasonable timeframe unless

> > > 1 - they farm their free time away endlessly until they have enough wealth to afford the sigils, amalg gems and leather etc.

> > > 2 - get hugely lucky with the Mystic forge in a reasonable timeframe... highly unlikely

> > > 3 - feel forced to play credit card wars.

> > > Personally I wouldn't blame anyone for keeping their wallet firmly shut on this or feel frustrated enough by bait and hook creativity behind it all and simply leave the game.

> > > It's poor choice on ANETs part imo and only serves to hand more control of the TP to the few once again to manipulate supply and spoil what was actually some decent content.

> >

> > That's such a short time frame that new players are disadvantaged though isn't it and such a niche group of new players affected?

> >

> > They must have basically:

> > - started the game shortly before Episode 4 hit

> > - decided that they need this armor set right away

> > - forfeit all other things which are way more interesting to a new player and easier to get (especially gear wise)

> > - good enough at the game to rush through the content like a veteran

> > - yet not adept enough to buy the Sigils in the first few hours

> >

> > What about new players who join the game 2 months from now?

> >

> > I get the frustration people feel for not getting a free armor set. Yes the Sigil might not have been the best idea from a veteran player perspective (though I wonder how as a veteran you are still surprised with such things happening when we have had over close to 20 Living World Episodes drop with often similar effects).

> >

> > Then again, new players who hit level 64 now get an extra chunk of gold if they pick the Sigil and sell it, similar to how Mystic Coins benefit new accounts early one giving new players a fast and easy access to gold (assuming a new player does not decide to get strait into legendary crafting).

> >

> > I'd even go so far as to stipulate that a new player who is still working on masteries and achievements (if at all) left and right might benefit from this Sigil price increase if they are still on one of their first characters or just entering the game.

> >

> > I'm sure some one else will come around though and accuse me of just wanting to make money off of this situation even though I've clearly stated in past threads on other topics that I have limited access to the game until early October and can't play currently besides login and home instance harvesting occasionally (and no, I have had 0 interaction with these Sigils at this time neither storing any, I have 0, or buying or selling). To some people though having a differing opinion automatically means one must be profiting off of a situation (interesting what that tells you about their mindset though, as I always like to say: point a finger at someone and you are pointing 4 back at yourself).


> I never said any such thing about you.. your free to express your opinions of it, and that I respect.. I don't have to agree with your views just like you don't have to with mine.. however your the one I have seen make blasé comments to posters who don't agree with you.


I was not blaming you, go read further up on this page. From previous interactions I know that you are fine with differing opinions and dialogue even if we don't always agree.

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> @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > The issue isn't the cost of the item, it's the cause of the cost of the item. If anet had introduced some vendor item that you needed a certain number of to complete the set and they cost some amount of gold each -- as they did with the griffon collection, for example -- then I wouldn't have a problem with it. That would just be what the item cost and ppl could decide whether they wanted to do it. What we have instead with this collection is an item that is only available in the quantities required from the tp, so gate is not time, or gold, or grind or even skill, but the behavior of other players. This does not benefit the game in any way . . .

> >

> > Anyone who claims they would be fine with their access to content they enjoy being gated behind how much I think they should pay me for it is lying to themselves . . .

> So the issue for you isn't the cost of the item but rather that the cost is supply and demand driven and might benefit other players?


No, but that was a good try and I'm glad that you felt my post gave you an opportunity to say what you wanted to say anyway :)

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> @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> > If ANET had used some other method (eg 250 mystic runestones, which equal to 250g) , people wouldnt be upset. Theyre mostly upset and salty because those who finished the collection very quickly bought en masse the sigils, and made a huge buck out of it. If I had finished the collection very quickly, I would have bought 5k sigils myself. We all would have. Thats just my 2 cents on this. And before you ask, personally, I farmed these via lv64 toons. Just finished the collection.

> So you're not upset about the price, but just jealous that some people made a profit?


I am not jealous. Couldnt care less, as i already made the collection. I speak of those who complain about the cost. The more correct question would be, "so theyre not upset about the price, but just jealous that some people made a profit?"

I would answer yes.

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> @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > It really does not matter if new players do not have the same options as veteran players. If I were a new player I would probably have different priorities than getting endgame skins. And if they really must have it right now they still have the option to trade 10 USD worth of gems to gold.


> Of course it matters.. hardly a great advert for the game when newer players that reach max level are then thrown ridiculously slowarm collections that wont see them obtain what they want within a reasonable timeframe unless

> 1 - they farm their free time away endlessly until they have enough wealth to afford the sigils, amalg gems and leather etc.

> 2 - get hugely lucky with the Mystic forge in a reasonable timeframe... highly unlikely

> **3 - feel forced to play credit card wars. **

> Personally I wouldn't blame anyone for keeping their wallet firmly shut on this or feel frustrated enough by bait and hook creativity behind it all and simply leave the game.

> It's poor choice on ANETs part imo and only serves to hand more control of the TP to the few once again to manipulate supply and spoil what was actually some decent content.


I think a lot of players doing already the credit card wars when I look here : https://www.gw2tp.com/gems

The gem price dropped to 25g for 100 gems (temporary ) why it is partially up gain ? Don't know perhaps some people saw this or the flippers trying to do a double flip.



This indeed not funny and it will takes months to come to an acceptable price or even never like for the shoulders out of the winter fest where you need so far I remember 750 superior sigils of mischief (6000g atm). You could built them yourself but I calculated a minimum sum of 3000g.


The difference is those events there always some piece which is absurd expansive in those maps achievements we never saw that and the sigil seems to be chosen by Arena NET because it was so cheap so players didn't expect this price increase at all .


I don't know if Arean.NET just had a bad hand in this or 'marketing' because in some p2win MMO I often saw something similar with limited goods which are need for progress an already limited supply will be even more limited by market players and when possible in the game declaring war on another clan/gild on the server to disturb their farming/raiding. Then people buying gems to convert them into gold to buy those goods but the same players who generate the rare goods or flipping the goods buying then the gems up much cheaper . Market players then selling them again later(the others using them) and the publisher is happy because they are seeling their gems a lot.


Its not exactly what they are doing here but it smells a bit like it

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