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Open World Duel option - Yay / Nay / Who cares ?


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I'd personally like to see it, but I really enjoy the PvP in this game. It'd be a lot of fun to pass the time duelling and even finding really interesting places on the map to have duels.

WvW doesn't do it for me. Boring maps. Boring gank builds. Boring objectives. But open world would be quite interesting.


I understand people have concerns about it being abused or scared they're going to get challenged or whatever. This could easily be overcome by not having a challenge spammed on your screen. Duels only take place when 2 players have challenged each other within x amount of time.


Any concern that it'll take people away from PvP/WvW is unfounded. I can see something like this would actually increase the amount of people in these game modes. I know there are plenty of people that have never even tried PvP because they're worried they'd be no good. Friendly duels with others they know could potentially open their eyes to how good they actually are.

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Totally down for this, i'd like to spar with people without having to go to PVP maps, friendly random sparring is cool.


Also, if you don't like to pvp then why reject the idea for those that does? I'm only reading that kind of comments like "No, i dont like this, NOBODY WILL HAVE IT BECAUSE I DONT WANT IT".

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It was a good thing to have in other mmo's so I'd give it a try in GW2 as long as it was not in an area where you was fighting bosses or currently engaging in a fight with animals and enemies.


Last one I tried with it was several years back, in SHAIYA.

Could opt in the settings if you wanted to accept random duels, or instantly block the duels before they would even show up.

The "text box" that asked for a duel was no larger than the size of a text box asking if you'd like to enter an instance in GW2.

You had the option to add an item to the duel as a reward to the winner. Or not.


Only difference was that you could use priests classes to Ressurect you once you died (or go back to town by warp point).

In GW2 it should be that if you go into down state, you lose the duel, allowing you to simply recover your HP on your own and get back up without needing to warp.

Or, once you get to downstate, the fight ends and you instantly rise up/rally without downstate. And the Duel ends.


But Shaiya is not the best example.. I mean when you played the hardest mode for that MMO, if you died in Ultimate Mode (UM) without ressurection runes (which were costly) you could lose your character forever if someone didn't ress you, or if you didn't buy a revival online. Most people took too many risks by creating UM charactrs without any runes before venturing out. Especially in later PvE maps where if your PvP/WvW players weren't protecting the maps, other player factions could swoop in and assault players who were grinding for exp..

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We had dueling in SWTOR but as a safeguard, certain maps were "dueling free." I really don't see what the problem is with this feature, nor do I see why ppl get so upset over this feature. As long as it is implemented with the ability to turn off or "automatically ignore dueling invites" then it should not be a problem.

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I get the arguments against it, but I have to give my two cents every time this is brought up.


GW2 is full of BEAUTIFUL MAPS. They're huge and interesting with varied terrain and lots of obstacles and different environments.


.. and it's a real shame that I spend all my time in the same PvP instances and WvW maps that have existed for years because the PvE maps are full of boring, predictable NPCs. I would love to spend more time in the PvE maps if there was just *any* chance of having a fun fight against another real person.

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> @"coro.3176" said:

> I get the arguments against it, but I have to give my two cents every time this is brought up.


> GW2 is full of BEAUTIFUL MAPS. They're huge and interesting with varied terrain and lots of obstacles and different environments.


> .. and it's a real shame that I spend all my time in the same PvP instances and WvW maps that have existed for years because the PvE maps are full of boring, predictable NPCs. I would love to spend more time in the PvE maps if there was just *any* chance of having a fun fight against another real person.


THIS ^ ^ ^ , now i do understand it may stray players from playing in PvP but what hasn't already? Being matched with bad players constantly playing in 1 game mode which is king of the hill (because no one really plays the other game mode come on now, get real). And why not allow players to just do that just for fun? I don't see the big harm in that? Ofc we know this game isn't balanced off 1v1's yes we know that, but its all about making the game fun and enjoyable and giving players freedom! That's what i believe at least.

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Why not, if implemented properly it would be another feature the game can boast about having. Again though, shameless plug, I think open world should also contain a war banner type drop where when picked up by a player can be activated in your inventory which would allow unrestrained ability to kill other players not from your side, or server in this case and anyone in that players party would also be able to kill any enemies of the war banner wearing player, similar to how the game Allods implemented it. This would again be another feature the game could boast about and would help balance the hybrid situation the powers that be seem to be stuck on when it comes to mixing pvp and pve.


One last thing of note I think should be looked into is reforming either rewards, achievements or behavior in mechanics when it comes to WvWvW maps and EotM. If they find a nice balance to make WvWvW more aligned to larger guild/group organized fights with open space, longer caps, siege and coverage they should make the EotM no longer just a transition map but more for a small group/solo unorganized battle map. This may be something that could attract a larger audience than we have now if done properly as different people like pvp but in different variants. This just might well help some of the smaller guilds as well who are not looking to overdue it when it comes to organizing for large scale fights or who may be in training for it, but need the smaller scale unorganized experience first.

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> @"Kitty La Boom Boom.4065" said:

> > @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> > If you want to test it, Or make it permanent, Just add a fighting area in each major cities just like in the pvp lobby. Some Bosses area as well could use one while waiting.

> > But add em close anoth where everything is happening .


> I would not be opposed to a designated Arena in home cities. The Black Citadel has a story related Arena. I could see something like that in each home city where folks who just want to duel randoms for fun can go, but not be able to harass folk who don't want to be bothered. I would rather folks kept PvP in our already designated areas, but if enough folks really feel the need for this, at least an arena keeps it from adding even more chaos to the Bank/TP areas.


> If they could find a way, or if there is one already, to post announcements for your particular event in chat, you could use the Refuge training pit for dueling while waiting on events. Show up to event location, party with sparring partners, port to refuge, do your thing, return to sender in time for event.


That's kind of a good idea. I like it.

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> @"phokus.8934" said:

> > @"Kitty La Boom Boom.4065" said:

> > > @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> > > If you want to test it, Or make it permanent, Just add a fighting area in each major cities just like in the pvp lobby. Some Bosses area as well could use one while waiting.

> > > But add em close anoth where everything is happening .

> >

> > I would not be opposed to a designated Arena in home cities. The Black Citadel has a story related Arena. I could see something like that in each home city where folks who just want to duel randoms for fun can go, but not be able to harass folk who don't want to be bothered. I would rather folks kept PvP in our already designated areas, but if enough folks really feel the need for this, at least an arena keeps it from adding even more chaos to the Bank/TP areas.

> >

> > If they could find a way, or if there is one already, to post announcements for your particular event in chat, you could use the Refuge training pit for dueling while waiting on events. Show up to event location, party with sparring partners, port to refuge, do your thing, return to sender in time for event.


> That's kind of a good idea. I like it.


Yes i'm glad i thought of it. If it happen's, i coined it!

In the pass i even suggested using certain dead maps area's in core Tyria explicitly to open world pvp instead of WvW. Core Tyria could use the population.

Objective is simple. Mainly, limited Resources to harvest per cycle.

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Any game that i've played with dueling option there was ALWAYS an option to auto decline duels. Taking advantage of new players argument? How many new players are even lvl 1 any more ? lol every one is getting lvl 80 boost. I guess you could argue they don't know how to play? But wouldn't that be the players choice... No one is forcing dueling . you can chose yes or no. It's not automatic like as soon as i send request you have to fight to the death. Your arguments are funny. Do people proof read any more ? or they just type the first thing that comes to mind?

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> @"Kitty La Boom Boom.4065" said:

> > @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> > If you want to test it, Or make it permanent, Just add a fighting area in each major cities just like in the pvp lobby. Some Bosses area as well could use one while waiting.

> > But add em close anoth where everything is happening .


> I would not be opposed to a designated Arena in home cities. The Black Citadel has a story related Arena. I could see something like that in each home city where folks who just want to duel randoms for fun can go, but not be able to harass folk who don't want to be bothered. I would rather folks kept PvP in our already designated areas, but if enough folks really feel the need for this, at least an arena keeps it from adding even more chaos to the Bank/TP areas.


> If they could find a way, or if there is one already, to post announcements for your particular event in chat, you could use the Refuge training pit for dueling while waiting on events. Show up to event location, party with sparring partners, port to refuge, do your thing, return to sender in time for event.


They have this in Black Desert Online actually.

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Can you even imagine how fast people would start whining about balance? ^^;

PvE balance does not work for duels.


Also, yes, I like to go to separate maps for PvP. It's all fun, but when I play PvE, I highly appreciate that cooperative and relatively friendly community. When I see other players in PvE, I want to be pretty certain they're allies. :)

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> @"Fenella.2634" said:

> Can you even imagine how fast people would start whining about balance? ^^;

> PvE balance does not work for duels.


> Also, yes, I like to go to separate maps for PvP. It's all fun, but when I play PvE, I highly appreciate that cooperative and relatively friendly community. When I see other players in PvE, I want to be pretty certain they're allies. :)


Guild hall arena is based on PvE . NO EXCUSES

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We already have belchers bluff, costume brawl and other stuff that works on open world pve... So... Implementing this might not be tricky as it sounds... But then again, it might lead to irritating trolls and trash talkers... Then ppl will request for team vs team on open world pve... Then guild is guild... Then it'd be a replica of WvW...


The main intention of OP sounds more like he needs other people' attention... Or he wants other ppl to watch how good he is... It might be for bragging or for trashing others in public... If OP wants pure pvp fun, use guild arena or instanced pvp game browser...


Imagine PVP duels near world boss events... Idk how ppl would behave or react... But I'm intrigued... ;)

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I'm pretty sure OP is just a toxic troll who likes trashing people without a fair fight. Which would be pretty easy by picking a PvP oriented build against a PvE build. In GW2 people play very different builds in PvP and PvE and for a good reason. With a PvE build you don't really stand a chance against a PvP build in a duel. On the other hand the PvP build is vastly inferior when it comes to clear speed.


In every MMO I've played that had open world duels, high-lvl players would stand around the starter zones and spam new players with duel requests. Forget the gap in experience, they didn't even stand a chance from a lvl and equipment perspective. I don't want to see this kind of behaviour ever in GW2.

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> @"BunjiKugashira.9754" said:

> I'm pretty sure OP is just a toxic troll who likes trashing people without a fair fight. Which would be pretty easy by picking a PvP oriented build against a PvE build. In GW2 people play very different builds in PvP and PvE and for a good reason. With a PvE build you don't really stand a chance against a PvP build in a duel. On the other hand the PvP build is vastly inferior when it comes to clear speed.


> In every MMO I've played that had open world duels, high-lvl players would stand around the starter zones and spam new players with duel requests. Forget the gap in experience, they didn't even stand a chance from a lvl and equipment perspective. I don't want to see this kind of behaviour ever in GW2.


Well said... But opinions differ... Trolls could be controlled i hope... if such mode is implemented in the near future :p

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> @"Crystal Paladin.3871" said:

> > @"BunjiKugashira.9754" said:

> > I'm pretty sure OP is just a toxic troll who likes trashing people without a fair fight. Which would be pretty easy by picking a PvP oriented build against a PvE build. In GW2 people play very different builds in PvP and PvE and for a good reason. With a PvE build you don't really stand a chance against a PvP build in a duel. On the other hand the PvP build is vastly inferior when it comes to clear speed.

> >

> > In every MMO I've played that had open world duels, high-lvl players would stand around the starter zones and spam new players with duel requests. Forget the gap in experience, they didn't even stand a chance from a lvl and equipment perspective. I don't want to see this kind of behaviour ever in GW2.


>Trolls could be controlled i hope


they can't

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> @"Omnicron.2467" said:

> Maybe if we had a designated area like Queen's Gauntled where you can invite one another for a duel and you then get ported away for your fight into the arena


I think OP wants to duel players on a crowded place like waypoints, world boss events and lion's arch... Kinda like spectator sports... He isn't interested If there's little or noone to watch his playstyle, he would've used custom arena or guild arena or WvW if he didn't mind spectators presence...

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> @"Crystal Paladin.3871" said:

> > @"Omnicron.2467" said:

> > Maybe if we had a designated area like Queen's Gauntled where you can invite one another for a duel and you then get ported away for your fight into the arena


> I think OP wants to duel players on a crowded place like waypoints, world boss events and lion's arch... Kinda like spectator sports... He isn't interested If there's little or noone to watch his playstyle, he would've used custom arena or guild arena or WvW if he didn't mind spectators presence...


Ah I see, well that happens in ESO and it gets a bit annoying getting deuling requests every few mins if you are not interested, but it does work since there is always someone deuling


Edit: A way to fix this might be to have an option in settings to automatically decline deuling invitations so people not interested can just PvE in peace while others deul

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