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Open World Duel option - Yay / Nay / Who cares ?


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> @"PyrateSilly.4710" said:

> At the moment Bless Online is having major problems even having people log into the game so not sure why you think GW2 needs to be like Bless Online.


In fairness to the OP, you could substitute many, many games for Bless in their comment, and it would be equally applicable. For example, WoW has two factions, and open world PvP (on some servers).


It is definitely, IMO, a terrible, no good, very bad, horribly thing to have, but like all the other "seeing another player makes your life worse" decisions in most MMOs, this sort of factional and open world PvP is attractive to some people.


Mostly, in my experience, the people who would also be super-annoyed that GW2 downscales you to the zone level, because open world PvP is all about hanging out in locations where you overpower levelling players, and making them suffer. Nobody wants, or engages in, actual at-level combat in these things. The people begging for open world PvP, just like in any other PvP, want easy wins, not fair fights. They just turn it into another way to cause pain and suffering.

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> @"ChosenOnes.9571" said:



> Build OPEN-PVP in game and everybody will play it!



> GW2 is such a great game, but the aspect that pvp is only for "pros" is disturbing the experience. If pvp would be open like in "Bless online" , everybody would play it.

> Thank you



I was talking of the duels in a common sense, not actually the fact that everybody should kill her/himself. A duel option would be fine for me

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> @"ChosenOnes.9571" said:



> Build OPEN-PVP in game and everybody will play it!



> GW2 is such a great game, but the aspect that pvp is only for "pros" is disturbing the experience. If pvp would be open like in "Bless online" , everybody would play it.

> Thank you



Everyone whos left would be forced to play it yes you are correct there OP.

I dont think many would be left tho.

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I'd be fine with duels with the following restrictions:


* "Accept Duel Invites" would be a toggle that players would opt in on (not a toggle players would have to deselect to opt out). If left as _opt out_, the player would not see invites.

* Dueling would be disabled within a radius of 1500 from merchants, vendors, banks, TP or from social gathering areas (if such can be ID'd).


This way, those who are not interested can choose not to be bothered. If, as some fear, someone pesters a non-dueler (pesters, as in keeps talking at them, not just asks once), then there is the existing report system (under spam). Heh, ANet could even use a dueling time-out as a consequence for pestering related to duels.


Open-world ganking such as I've seen in many Asian MMO's ported over to the west? In all the time I played such games, I encountered these behaviors.


+ Attacked while outnumbered? Check.

+ Attacked while out-leveled? Check. Often, grossly out-leveled.

+ Attacked while still ressing in? Check.

+ Attacked while nearly dead from fighting mobs? Check.

+ Attacked by a player of my approximate level, when I was ready? Never happened, not once.


So, no to open PvP.

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> @"IndigoSundown.5419" said:

> I'd be fine with duels with the following restrictions:


> * "Accept Duel Invites" would be a toggle that players would opt in on (not a toggle players would have to deselect to opt out). If left as _opt out_, the player would not see invites.

> * Dueling would be disabled within a radius of 1500 from merchants, vendors, banks, TP or from social gathering areas (if such can be ID'd).


> This way, those who are not interested can choose not to be bothered. If, as some fear, someone pesters a non-dueler (pesters, as in keeps talking at them, not just asks once), then there is the existing report system (under spam). Heh, ANet could even use a dueling time-out as a consequence for pestering related to duels.


> Open-world ganking such as I've seen in many Asian MMO's ported over to the west? In all the time I played such games, I encountered these behaviors.


> + Attacked while outnumbered? Check.

> + Attacked while out-leveled? Check. Often, grossly out-leveled.

> + Attacked while still ressing in? Check.

> + Attacked while nearly dead from fighting mobs? Check.

> + Attacked by a player of my approximate level, when I was ready? Never happened, not once.


> So, no to open PvP.


Or Anet can just not bother with the hassle of coding all of that, making sure it's bug-free, making sure it doesn't break the game and it functions correctly. Taking devs away from other things they could be working on.


And instead, if two people wanted to duel each other they could use the systems already in place to do that such as finding a custom pvp lobby for dueling or go to their guild halls arena.

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> @"Matiole.6857" said:

> > @"IndigoSundown.5419" said:

> > I'd be fine with duels with the following restrictions:

> >

> > * "Accept Duel Invites" would be a toggle that players would opt in on (not a toggle players would have to deselect to opt out). If left as _opt out_, the player would not see invites.

> > * Dueling would be disabled within a radius of 1500 from merchants, vendors, banks, TP or from social gathering areas (if such can be ID'd).

> >

> > This way, those who are not interested can choose not to be bothered. If, as some fear, someone pesters a non-dueler (pesters, as in keeps talking at them, not just asks once), then there is the existing report system (under spam). Heh, ANet could even use a dueling time-out as a consequence for pestering related to duels.

> >

> > Open-world ganking such as I've seen in many Asian MMO's ported over to the west? In all the time I played such games, I encountered these behaviors.

> >

> > + Attacked while outnumbered? Check.

> > + Attacked while out-leveled? Check. Often, grossly out-leveled.

> > + Attacked while still ressing in? Check.

> > + Attacked while nearly dead from fighting mobs? Check.

> > + Attacked by a player of my approximate level, when I was ready? Never happened, not once.

> >

> > So, no to open PvP.


> Or Anet can just not bother with the hassle of coding all of that, making sure it's bug-free, making sure it doesn't break the game and it functions correctly. Taking devs away from other things they could be working on.


> And instead, if two people wanted to duel each other they could use the systems already in place to do that such as finding a custom pvp lobby for dueling or go to their guild halls arena.


That's what I expect will happen. The current options are not convenient (or even viable, tbh) for people who would like to do something beside map chat or costume brawl while waiting for meta events. However, the current options keep dueling out of sight, and thus out of mind for those that have duel-phobia.

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Open world pvp is not going to happen


>“The overall design for Guild Wars 2 does not support fully open world PvP and it would take a prohibitive amount of work to even make it possible. World versus world is our version of open world PvP, and while it isn’t ‘true’ open world PvP for more PvP purists, it does contain many of the elements that make world PvP so exciting. Hopefully it will mostly satisfy people that want open world PvP.” — Mike Ferguson


They added dueling to guild so I doubt they’ll add that to PvE maps.

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> @"Oldirtbeard.9834" said:

> This can only work if it's isolated from the rest of the non PVPers, I suggest using the Mega Server to make new maps that World PVP Squads would populate, then these maps would have to be redesigned to be more like WvWvW maps in that case.


And wouldn’t that pull players out of WvW, possibly causing that part of the game to fail?


The whole game would need to be redesigned to handle it. There aren’t enough WvW/pvp players to make it worthwhile.

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As someone who enjoys WvW and PvE, just no. No one except griefers and dedicated pvpers would enjoy that. When I hear a MMO is Open world PvP based, I immediately cross it off the list of games to try at some point. It is a terrible concept. Though dueling in set locations like in the arena in Black Citadel might be nice for roleplaying reasons, it's not worth the effort to code. I would not want Anet to waste time and effort on something only a select few people would ever use.

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I'd like to see guilds with the ability to go to war "everywhere" with rival guilds... or join an alliance that can do the same.


Something would need to be built in so ppl couldn't swap guilds and kill someone then swap back, but that would be fun.



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> @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > @"Oldirtbeard.9834" said:

> > This can only work if it's isolated from the rest of the non PVPers, I suggest using the Mega Server to make new maps that World PVP Squads would populate, then these maps would have to be redesigned to be more like WvWvW maps in that case.


> And wouldn’t that pull players out of WvW, possibly causing that part of the game to fail?


> The whole game would need to be redesigned to handle it. There aren’t enough WvW/pvp players to make it worthwhile.


Hasn't it already failed, that's why they're getting rid of servers and making it Guild vs Guild to revitalize it?

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