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[Serious Discussion] Why is there so much Mesmer Love from ANET?


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I am not asking for nerf or anything. I am just trying to understand.


Looks like in every GameMode mesmer is "broken":

Top Tier in SPvP, the most hated class by far (Mirage just made it worse). Its a joke that the same class can Portal, blink, evade, invulneb, burst, Stealth, etc...

Amazing and unique tools for organized WvW

PVE - There is no high level PVE (Raids, Fractals) without the Tank Chrono


Why does Anet loves Mesmer so much?

Is it beacause is the only "UNIQUE" GW2 Class?

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> @"WilnerGW.3275" said:


> Is it beacause is the only "UNIQUE" GW2 Class?


Clone manipulation class is unique for an MMO genre but not for game industry. Look at the Dota 2 heroes, that originally came from Warcraft 3


For instance [Phantom Lancer](https://dota2.gamepedia.com/g00/Phantom_Lancer?i10c.encReferrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmFtLw%3D%3D&i10c.ua=1 "Phantom Lancer") it's a tank, a line pushing class in moba(main role) but it can have different uses. And please check the skills when you get the time

He was called Azwraith back in Warcraft 3.


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Yes because it is unique to this game when all other classes (except maybe revenant with unique guild wars characters) are found in many other fantasy or science fantasy games, so to be honest why shouldn't it be the "poster child"?


In any case it's only been this way since HoT (maybe since specialisations), so roughly half the game's life.

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> @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> Because they buffed it so much and made it so essential in everything, they dont know how to balance it without completely breaking it and making it useless.


Thats true. First 3 years Mesmers was kitten on by all classes. Especially Thieves. Until Hot & Chrono came out. Then it got better.

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I have to give credit for the dev responsible for Mesmer. Mesmer is the only class with all weapons being PvE viable. Well GS and staff are on the lower end in group setting, but they are extremely good in solo PvE and meta in PvP.


Mesmer has a meta power, support and condi builds in group PvE. I personally think a bit of buffs in the domination line (PvE only) and Mesmer will the gold standard for balance. At least in PvE.


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> @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> > Because they buffed it so much and made it so essential in everything, they dont know how to balance it without completely breaking it and making it useless.


> Thats true. First 3 years Mesmers was kitten on by all classes. Especially Thieves. Until Hot & Chrono came out. Then it got better.


Made a video after Mesmer forums was al Doom and gloom back in the days.


Dont call u wrong but must say I enjoyed the first years and thiefs have some spice, first fights have thiefs :)


Ps old video from vanilla.





Ps feel free to sub for never vids :)

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> @"Osicat.4139" said:

> > @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> > > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> > > Because they buffed it so much and made it so essential in everything, they dont know how to balance it without completely breaking it and making it useless.

> >

> > Thats true. First 3 years Mesmers was kitten on by all classes. Especially Thieves. Until Hot & Chrono came out. Then it got better.


> Made a video after Mesmer forums was al Doom and gloom back in the days.


> Dont call u wrong but must say I enjoyed the first years and thiefs have some spice, first fights have thiefs :)


> Ps old video from vanilla.




> /Osicat


> Ps feel free to sub for never vids :)


Oh plzz.. obviously took all there wining battles vs obvious scrubs who dont know how to play. Anyone who dies from just frenzy & 1 clone shatter deserves to lose. At least show us some with actual players who knows hows to do builds & fight & not pve'ers.

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> @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> > @"Osicat.4139" said:

> > > @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> > > > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> > > > Because they buffed it so much and made it so essential in everything, they dont know how to balance it without completely breaking it and making it useless.

> > >

> > > Thats true. First 3 years Mesmers was kitten on by all classes. Especially Thieves. Until Hot & Chrono came out. Then it got better.

> >

> > Made a video after Mesmer forums was al Doom and gloom back in the days.

> >

> > Dont call u wrong but must say I enjoyed the first years and thiefs have some spice, first fights have thiefs :)

> >

> > Ps old video from vanilla.

> >

> >

> >

> > /Osicat

> >

> > Ps feel free to sub for never vids :)


> Oh plzz.. obviously took all there wining battles vs obvious scrubs who dont know how to play. Anyone who dies from just frenzy & 1 clone shatter deserves to lose. At least show us some with actual players who knows hows to do builds & fight & not pve'ers.


Not gone thru al my old vids so might be better stuff but found tis. Just saying i dont remember Mesmer be so bad back in the vanilla.




/Love Osicat

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> @"Osicat.4139" said:

> > @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> > > @"Osicat.4139" said:

> > > > @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> > > > > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> > > > > Because they buffed it so much and made it so essential in everything, they dont know how to balance it without completely breaking it and making it useless.

> > > >

> > > > Thats true. First 3 years Mesmers was kitten on by all classes. Especially Thieves. Until Hot & Chrono came out. Then it got better.

> > >

> > > Made a video after Mesmer forums was al Doom and gloom back in the days.

> > >

> > > Dont call u wrong but must say I enjoyed the first years and thiefs have some spice, first fights have thiefs :)

> > >

> > > Ps old video from vanilla.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > /Osicat

> > >

> > > Ps feel free to sub for never vids :)

> >

> > Oh plzz.. obviously took all there wining battles vs obvious scrubs who dont know how to play. Anyone who dies from just frenzy & 1 clone shatter deserves to lose. At least show us some with actual players who knows hows to do builds & fight & not pve'ers.


> Not gone thru al my old vids so might be better stuff but found tis. Just saying i dont remember Mesmer be so bad back in the vanilla.





> /Love Osicat


Mesmer was not bad..but was undertone vs all the classes. It was easy prey to thieves mainly. You had to be crafty & quick to win. That's how old vanilla mesmer players got so good. Everyone developed keyboard skill's. But you still was a free lunch to thieves.

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@"Vieux P.1238" agree and think I understand what you mean. Remember spend endless hours duel ppl and practice counters to different classes + keyboard before start to feel effective, but was a rush when everything worked :) specially remember looooong duels vs good else and engis.


Think Condi effectivnes gave mes a bit easier life. When pu runes came especially, u risked become slopy thu due to stealth and hybrid stats was so effectve with pu.



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> @"Osicat.4139" said:

> @"Vieux P.1238" agree and think I understand what you mean. Remember spend endless hours duel ppl and practice counters to different classes + keyboard before start to feel effective, but was a rush when everything worked :) specially remember looooong duels vs good else and engis.


> Think Condi effectivnes gave mes a bit easier life. When pu runes came especially, u risked become slopy thu due to stealth and hybrid stats was so effectve with pu.


> /Osicat


I remember the month before HoT came out. It got so bad for mesmers i was about to drop Gw2 until Robbert G was hired to fix Mesmers. When Chrono came out, did not understood at first the potential & how atm it was overtooned. But that feeling of vindication came about when i went looking for a vid showing some quick gameplay. & i found one of the best gameplay at that time. Still one of my favorites. Thieves were no longer laughing & trolling you to l2p after this.

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> @"WilnerGW.3275" said:

> Why does Anet loves Mesmer so much?


Why is mesmer the only profession that was cut by one third of his gameplay because of forum mafia ?


> @"Vieux P.1238" said :

>hats true. First 3 years Mesmers was kitten on by all classes. Especially Thieves. Until Hot & Chrono came out. Then it got better.

Not really, mesmer was way more stronger for the first 3 years, particulary in duel than it is now.

It's just that there was a forum sect, particulary on the mesmer forum who said : " play shatter burst pgm spec or you are a noob", they just promote monogameplay, kill builds diversity and never look at other things.

I can assure you that with somes old 20/25/15/10/0 or 20/30/20/0/0 or other hybrid spec, I was way more efficient than now.

Moreover I will not list the panel of nerf like 3 sword bs removed, 3 sword blink when clone die no more work and so on but combine that with all the teamplay class who get better in duel : mesmer was way more stronger than it is now despite being outmeta before.

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