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So what has become of Edge of the Mist?


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Edge of the mist was where I had most fun playing GW 2 for a simple reason. I could login and just play, leading or following.


The rest of WvW was fun sometimes, but I also felt too much wasted time in waiting and running around.


I just could not find reasons to play vs some die hards used to live in the long lasting weekly WvW matches.


I was a causal player and never wanted to be more than that.


I used to feel bad for spending so much of my life, I mean time, in this game. It was curiosity that lead to an addiction, and looking for ways to escape.


Socializing has been a disappointment in the game because players just disappeared. Where did they go? Transferred? Quit?


I found meaningful socialzing challenging because of the enormous gaps in understanding among players due to difference in age, education, income, culture, etc



I have not played for a while and still at start of ROF after rescuing Raptors.


To my surprise, I found the sounds and visual of the game annoying to me this monday when I last logged in.


I would probably buy the next expansion, supporting the Dev, but not playing much.


I still have fun memories of several times I lead in Etom. I remember the heart pounding excitement leading the green to steal the blue fort, the fun of repeatedly beating the red in the red fort and wiping both the red and green at the green keep.


I remember seeing a golden Charr leading the Blue charging towards us. We beat them back, then came the green, lead by an Orange Norn, and we beat them too. I was leading PUGs. It was @ the beginning of HOT and I am sure many good players were in the PUG, farming for skill points at Etom.


It was a lot of fun for me.


Thanks all.

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > @"Clyan.1593" said:

> > Why are there no pips in Eotm?


> Because it isn't WvW.


> It was designed to be a waiting room.


"Behold our waiting room mansion for which we invested immense resources for you to wait in."


When you put it like that it's the most giving thing ANet has ever done for us, that goes utterly unused! How ungrateful we are.

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Basically the issue is that it outlived its usefulness, and each evolution of WvW has made it more and more irrelevant.


It was built for a time when we still had 24 separate servers and most of them had queues during many parts of the day. As the player pop shrank, the queues are pretty much gone except on reset night, so the need for anyone to go there to wait anymore has dwindled.


But, for awhile, it was the greatest place in the game to level new characters. You could farm some WxP, get a bit of loot, and pretty quickly get a new character up to speed while having some fun. You could usually find a decent-sized group there, even if most of them were newbies (and at the same time enjoy farming the other sides' newbies if you were on your 80.) Then they removed XP from WvW, so this reason went away.


Also, when it was created, supply was still a valuable commodity. Winning an EotM match gives you the Citadel supply, so there was at least some emphasis at higher levels in trying to win at EotM. Also, porting to EotM for supply was a useful tactic, and just having people flow in and out would lead at least to a bit of action there. But with the overhaul of the claiming and upgrading system, supply is plentiful everywhere and so this strategic use went away too.


And finally, as others have said, with the introduction of the pip reward system, it became relatively much more valuable to spend whatever WvW time you had on the "real" WvW maps since you don't get those rewards in EotM.


All that adds up to a map without an identity which means no one plays it. I think the arena area they added was a nice bone they threw to the GvG community that had been long begging for a dedicated fight area to fight cross-tier. But it doesn't lead to the map in general seeing any more activity.


Personally I hate the EotM mechanics and layout so I don't care, but the answer is, if they want it to see use again, they have to actually design a use for it, since all the others have gone away.

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> @"Tinnel.4369" said:

> > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > > @"Clyan.1593" said:

> > > Why are there no pips in Eotm?

> >

> > Because it isn't WvW.

> >

> > It was designed to be a waiting room.


> "Behold our waiting room mansion for which we invested immense resources for you to wait in."


> When you put it like that it's the most giving thing ANet has ever done for us, that goes utterly unused! How ungrateful we are.


You gotta say EotM got introduced, when WvW was actively played by way more players. So i guess they did listen back then :/

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> @"AmphibianX.7042" said:

> I miss EOTM, the place where we could go with ANY class, at ANY level, and have awesome fights with un-organized zergs that were not on comms, running random builds. currently in wvw is like:

> "play a meta class or GTFO"

> "get on discord/ts or GTFO"

> "use this build or GTFO"


God forbid a mode to require proper builds and knowledge of classes! Eotm was basically open world pve. You described it yourself. Thats it. Thats why people liked it. Mindless levelling up of characters, big karma farm, no need for any kind of build, no need to kill ANY enemies, just capping and recapping stuff. "fun". No wvw whatsoever.

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> @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> > @"AmphibianX.7042" said:

> > I miss EOTM, the place where we could go with ANY class, at ANY level, and have awesome fights with un-organized zergs that were not on comms, running random builds. currently in wvw is like:

> > "play a meta class or GTFO"

> > "get on discord/ts or GTFO"

> > "use this build or GTFO"


> God forbid a mode to require proper builds and knowledge of classes! Eotm was basically open world pve. You described it yourself. Thats it. Thats why people liked it. Mindless levelling up of characters, big karma farm, no need for any kind of build, no need to kill ANY enemies, just capping and recapping stuff. "fun". No wvw whatsoever.


That's your opinion. I had a lot of fun in EoTM when I played in it occasionally. I saw a lot of zerg vs zerg battles in there as well. There were also fights over keeps, towers, and camps just as there are in WvW. Funny thing is is that they were successful without the constant badgering of being on TS or Meta builds, you just had to know the flow of battle and when the comm typed in chat what to do you did it. So what does that say?

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> @"oOStaticOo.9467" said:

> > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> > > @"AmphibianX.7042" said:

> > > I miss EOTM, the place where we could go with ANY class, at ANY level, and have awesome fights with un-organized zergs that were not on comms, running random builds. currently in wvw is like:

> > > "play a meta class or GTFO"

> > > "get on discord/ts or GTFO"

> > > "use this build or GTFO"

> >

> > God forbid a mode to require proper builds and knowledge of classes! Eotm was basically open world pve. You described it yourself. Thats it. Thats why people liked it. Mindless levelling up of characters, big karma farm, no need for any kind of build, no need to kill ANY enemies, just capping and recapping stuff. "fun". No wvw whatsoever.


> That's your opinion. I had a lot of fun in EoTM when I played in it occasionally. I saw a lot of zerg vs zerg battles in there as well. There were also fights over keeps, towers, and camps just as there are in WvW. Funny thing is is that they were successful without the constant badgering of being on TS or Meta builds, you just had to know the flow of battle and when the comm typed in chat what to do you did it. So what does that say?


1. Zerg vs zerg were rare. I have played eotm for my first 300ish ranks. Can honestly tell you that the very few ZvZ were when a skirmish ended, when ambushing enemies (from spy reports to ambush em through a keep portal), or when one side severely outnumbered the enemy. So, nope. Eotm was about karma and levelling. Proof is that when Anet removed regular exp, and introduced proper wvw rewards (tickets), eotm got deserted and finally got the place it deserved.

2. You fought over camps? Strange, eotm has no camps. As for the keep fights, thats funny. Building 6 acs when expecting the enemy to bash the door down is hardly "fighting". It happens from various servers in normal wvw, still. Laughable.

3. "the comm typed in chat" comm types in chat at tequatl. That argument says nothing. Proper wvw fights require tactics, builds, experience, TS or discord because so much is happening you NEED to be precise. Eotm was a pve ktrain, zergs mostly avoided each other at all costs, thats it. I know because i was there. I thought eotm WAS what wvw is about. And when i switched to normal wvw, some years back, oh boy, was i surprised. Movement, terrain advantage, proper bombing, repositioning for heals/defensive bombs, proper builds for your char, eotm had none of this. Unless falling/getting feared off cliffs count as fighting.

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> @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> > @"oOStaticOo.9467" said:

> > > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> > > > @"AmphibianX.7042" said:

> > > > I miss EOTM, the place where we could go with ANY class, at ANY level, and have awesome fights with un-organized zergs that were not on comms, running random builds. currently in wvw is like:

> > > > "play a meta class or GTFO"

> > > > "get on discord/ts or GTFO"

> > > > "use this build or GTFO"

> > >

> > > God forbid a mode to require proper builds and knowledge of classes! Eotm was basically open world pve. You described it yourself. Thats it. Thats why people liked it. Mindless levelling up of characters, big karma farm, no need for any kind of build, no need to kill ANY enemies, just capping and recapping stuff. "fun". No wvw whatsoever.

> >

> > That's your opinion. I had a lot of fun in EoTM when I played in it occasionally. I saw a lot of zerg vs zerg battles in there as well. There were also fights over keeps, towers, and camps just as there are in WvW. Funny thing is is that they were successful without the constant badgering of being on TS or Meta builds, you just had to know the flow of battle and when the comm typed in chat what to do you did it. So what does that say?


> 1. Zerg vs zerg were rare. I have played eotm for my first 300ish ranks. Can honestly tell you that the very few ZvZ were when a skirmish ended, when ambushing enemies (from spy reports to ambush em through a keep portal), or when one side severely outnumbered the enemy. So, nope. Eotm was about karma and levelling. Proof is that when Anet removed regular exp, and introduced proper wvw rewards (tickets), eotm got deserted and finally got the place it deserved.

> 2. You fought over camps? Strange, eotm has no camps. As for the keep fights, thats funny. Building 6 acs when expecting the enemy to bash the door down is hardly "fighting". It happens from various servers in normal wvw, still. Laughable.

> 3. "the comm typed in chat" comm types in chat at tequatl. That argument says nothing. Proper wvw fights require tactics, builds, experience, TS or discord because so much is happening you NEED to be precise. Eotm was a pve ktrain, zergs mostly avoided each other at all costs, thats it. I know because i was there. I thought eotm WAS what wvw is about. And when i switched to normal wvw, some years back, oh boy, was i surprised. Movement, terrain advantage, proper bombing, repositioning for heals/defensive bombs, proper builds for your char, eotm had none of this. Unless falling/getting feared off cliffs count as fighting.


Again, your opinion. Perhaps difference between NA and EU as well. You cannot refute my claims simply because that is not what YOU encountered while in EotM. Yes there are supply camps in EotM. Maybe you have forgotten that fact, or you never were really in EotM. To refresh your memory, they were located around the center of the map and inside your Keeps. Commanders did type in chat what their plans were, "Take Scorps, Red Keep, Observ, Rams up, watch for enemies, push, left, right, back, take wurm tunnel, etc". Perhaps it's been too long for you to remember correctly, I dunno the last time you were in EotM. Yes there were Ktrains for the most part, but there was some actual fighting in WvW usually located around the center of the map or inside Keeps at Lord and just because YOU did not experience it does not make it so that there weren't.

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