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New Race Idea: Kitsune


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> @"narwhalsbend.7059" said:

> Seeing as how there are mounts and raids now, even this wouldn't be a surprise.


Except you can add raids and mounts without having to write an entirely new beginnings story, create a new area for that and add a lot of history lore that is new entirely and having to redo all the armor skins in the game to fit the new racial model cause even if they're humanoid there are things like fur and tails to consider in that.


In short, there's a LOT of work involved in adding a new race, so I wouldn't hold my breath.

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Charr already cover the "mammalian beast" trope. They are a mix of carnivore and ungulate traits.

Not just felines, some charr have fur patterns and face features seen in both 'feliformia' and 'caniformia' carnivores. A bear-like nose, hyena-like teeth, civet-like fur, dog-like mouth...

Foxes are just another carnivore. So while their faces are too cute and their snouts too thin and long to be used for charr, there's already charr with fox-like vertical eyes. Not vertical pupils like those of cat, those of foxes. One can tell the difference.


As unlikely as new races are, the main possibilities for new races I see are:


* A non-evil mist entity humanoid. That is, whatever [Razah](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Razah "Razah") was.

* A marine race with aquatic adaptions. Maybe largos getting a more in-depth development. Maybe a distant relative or sub-type of largos that doesn't have the back fins and has eyes of marine cephalopods like octopus and cuttlefish instead to make their faces look less human.

* A draconic or reptilian humanoid, like a tribe of non-slithering krait who isn't evil and split from other krait. Krait used to mutate in the past. Their ancestors stopped mutating and got stuck with hands and snake tails. But some of their [ancient forms](https://wiki.guildwars.com/images/d/dd/Krait_Necross.jpg "ancient forms") were bipedal. Or maybe some bipedal krait mingled with naga, and the result was a a bunch of bipedal naga to have a bipedal reptilian aquatic race.

* A Free Awakened, starting their story replacing their previous Commander when they die, or the commander becoming awakened, sometime during season 4 or 5.

* Sentient humanoid golems that kind of look like the Dynamics exo-suit, but with simpler and more smooth skin and a flat digital screen as face, showing emotions with drawings in he screen. Like a smiley face.

* Something completely new and never seen before from territories never visited until now.

* And of course, Tengu, the only ones with all the tickets to become playable:

* Rich lore.

* Space for a city and starting zone.

* Immense possibilities of customization.

* Advanced culture that allows all professions, so they are not considered a 'lesser race'.

* Rig similar enough to charr to share animations and use their version of gear with a few adjustments



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If it's not tengu or dwarves, it doesnt really matter. the majority of the community not only wants one of those two but its already in the lore.


as far a tengu go. I can really see us helping them in Cantha instead of them being a playable race. the story can even kick start in Lions Arch ;)


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First of all, thank you to those that have given feedback. I honestly expected this to get just a couple of replies of "stupid" or "won't happen", and that would be it.


> @"Tanith.5264" said:

> Because we'll finally find out what they say! ;)


"Stand your ground!" "Hold the line!" "Your soul is mine!" "Rise!"


> @"phokus.8934" said:

> We are not getting Cantha due to NCSoft.

I think it's more accurate to say that we'll not be returning to the Cantha of GW1. It's been 250 years, and things have surely changed. Modern Cantha could be made in such a way as to avoid the ... issues ... that NCSoft had with it. We might even find the heroes of old now demonized in stories of the age, and a government that has wiped away all traces of the "old ways" that it can to keep people in line with the modern regime.

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> @"Palador.2170" said:

> First of all, thank you to those that have given feedback. I honestly expected this to get just a couple of replies of "stupid" or "won't happen", and that would be it.


> > @"Tanith.5264" said:

> > Because we'll finally find out what they say! ;)

> >

> "Stand your ground!" "Hold the line!" "Your soul is mine!" "Rise!"


> > @"phokus.8934" said:

> > We are not getting Cantha due to NCSoft.

> I think it's more accurate to say that we'll not be returning to the Cantha of GW1. It's been 250 years, and things have surely changed. Modern Cantha could be made in such a way as to avoid the ... issues ... that NCSoft had with it. We might even find the heroes of old now demonized in stories of the age, and a government that has wiped away all traces of the "old ways" that it can to keep people in line with the modern regime.


Well, we know the empire has absorbed the Luxons and Kurzicks, so they no longer exist, the Tengu have been completely pushed out of Cantha, and unless the city got burned down completely and only one specific Asian culture survived(the mix of cultures is a nono, which i i find weird.) the issues that prevented(more than likely) the Canthan district being added to DR at launch also will still prevent us from going back to Cantha.

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> @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

> * A draconic or reptilian humanoid, like a tribe of non-slithering krait who isn't evil and split from other krait. Krait used to mutate in the past. Their ancestors stopped mutating and got stuck with hands and snake tails. But some of their [ancient forms](https://wiki.guildwars.com/images/d/dd/Krait_Necross.jpg "ancient forms") were bipedal. Or maybe some bipedal krait mingled with naga, and the result was a a bunch of bipedal naga to have a bipedal reptilian aquatic race.


Essentially, the GW1 Naga.

They were good until they were driven into a corner and had to snarl back for survival.


But to the best of my understanding the part surviving Naga all fled/left Cantha and joined/became Krait

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So wait, you want a whole new anthropomorphic race of catdogs that no one has ever heard of before while we already have a race of anthropomorphic cats ArenaNet struggles with? I admire the suggestion and the time you put into it but... please no. Outside the obvious wall ArenaNet would be running themselves into with them there are plenty of other more iconic races that could use the representation that wouldn't involve jumping the shark and writing in a whole new random race.

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> @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

> > * A draconic or reptilian humanoid, like a tribe of non-slithering krait who isn't evil and split from other krait. Krait used to mutate in the past. Their ancestors stopped mutating and got stuck with hands and snake tails. But some of their [ancient forms](https://wiki.guildwars.com/images/d/dd/Krait_Necross.jpg "ancient forms") were bipedal. Or maybe some bipedal krait mingled with naga, and the result was a a bunch of bipedal naga to have a bipedal reptilian aquatic race.


> Essentially, the GW1 Naga.

> They were good until they were driven into a corner and had to snarl back for survival.


> But to the best of my understanding the part surviving Naga all fled/left Cantha and joined/became Krait


GW1 naga would not do, because of their snake-like lower bodies. That's why we would need something giving them legs.

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> @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

> > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > > @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

> > > * A draconic or reptilian humanoid, like a tribe of non-slithering krait who isn't evil and split from other krait. Krait used to mutate in the past. Their ancestors stopped mutating and got stuck with hands and snake tails. But some of their [ancient forms](https://wiki.guildwars.com/images/d/dd/Krait_Necross.jpg "ancient forms") were bipedal. Or maybe some bipedal krait mingled with naga, and the result was a a bunch of bipedal naga to have a bipedal reptilian aquatic race.

> >

> > Essentially, the GW1 Naga.

> > They were good until they were driven into a corner and had to snarl back for survival.

> >

> > But to the best of my understanding the part surviving Naga all fled/left Cantha and joined/became Krait


> GW1 naga would not do, because of their snake-like lower bodies. That's why we would need something giving them legs.


Yea, just like centaurs and other non-bipedal races.

I was merrily reflecting the quoters' request for "good krait"


Edit: i just saw you were the same guy




Skritt out

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