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Guild Wars 2 Classic

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I would put the chance at being very slim. Putting balance aside for a moment, the quality of life changes that have been added over the years are enormous. Not to mention the much wider variety of content. I suppose if you only want to WvW or PvP then that might be less of an issue. I think a lot of games release a "Classic" version to try to recapture some of the magic that existed at release, but that magic was there because it was a new game.

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> @"Ghostdogk.3280" said:

> is there a chance to bring back a gw2 server without the addons? i think alot people would like it. the game/builds feels just alot different as at the beginning. the addon builds are just too op and not balanced i think. before the addons was alot more balance


By "addons" do you mean "expansions"? Then no, it's extremely expensive to maintain just one version of the live game. Any change to the game would have to be tested in two environments, rebalancing would have to be done for two different games, and ANet would have to worry about how to generate revenue in two different ways.

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> @"Boysenberry.1869" said:

> I suppose if you only want to WvW or PvP then that might be less of an issue.

No, for WvW it would be much, much more of an issue: All meta builds are expansion builds and you'd need not one but three servers to make a matchup. IE it's dead from the start.

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If you just want to play PvE you can get close by making a free account. That way you have no gliding, no mounts, no elite specs and only the core maps.


Of course it won't be exactly the same - you won't have to buy trait manuals before you can unlock each tier of traits, or have to choose traits based on the stats they give, or train each weapon skill individually before you can use it and you will get level up rewards and profession skills unlocked gradually. But in terms of the options you have and the content you're doing it's fairly similar.


> @"Boysenberry.1869" said:

> I would put the chance at being very slim. Putting balance aside for a moment, the quality of life changes that have been added over the years are enormous. Not to mention the much wider variety of content. I suppose if you only want to WvW or PvP then that might be less of an issue. I think a lot of games release a "Classic" version to try to recapture some of the magic that existed at release, but that magic was there because it was a new game.


And then you run into the problem where many of the people who initially support the idea start following up with "Oh when you said a server that was like the game was at release I thought you meant with all the balance changes from update 1.6 - which was obviously the golden age of balance - and we can keep features A B and C from the first expansion because everyone likes those, but everything else like release."


Then someone else says "Surely you mean update 1.8? 1.6 was horrible and it took until 1.8 to fix the problems so if we're only ever going to have 1 version of the skills it should be that one. And no features B and C because those are what everyone hated about the first expansion."


And so on. Everyone has their own idea of when exactly the game was at it's best, and what made it worse and therefore their own ideas of what should be included and excluded. In games which simply allow players to set up their own servers with whatever version they want quickly end up with dozens of slight variations on the idea so everyone can have their ideal version, but then they all struggle to maintain any kind of population.

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Makes no sense from an economic perspective.


The addons have added a ton of content which generates revenue (glider skins, mount skin, novelty items, living world content, etc.). This revenue is an essential part of the business plan (take a guess why more and more things are added to the wardrobe).


Classic servers would generate almost no revenue. Especially when populated with free to play players or players unwilling to purchase expansions (not necessary every one since there might be people who absolutely enjoy classic GW2) . It makes no sense to produce content aimed at part of the population which already generates no or very little revenue.


That's on top of the added workload and cost.

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> @"Ghostdogk.3280" said:

> is there a chance to bring back a gw2 server without the addons? i think alot people would like it. the game/builds feels just alot different as at the beginning. the addon builds are just too op and not balanced i think. before the addons was alot more balance


Balance was a joke in vanilla PvE wise.


Also when doing a vanilla version, where do you want that version to be? Right after release or just before HoT?

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Lol GW2 classic because of southsun cove that is impossible. If you wanna play GW in the classic way then go try GW itself. Just remember there are invisible walls, no jumping, no gliding, no mounts, each part of the game is a game in itself prophecies, factions and nightfall. Eye of the north is GW only expansion. But I know why you want something like GW2 classic because blizzard is so desperate to keep people that they have reintroduced WoW vanilla and you think that would be good for this game well its not. Wow is warn out but for some reason people love the early part of the game never played it so don't understand why but it don't matter to me anyway lol. Another post is asking for dwarves probably for similar reasons because they are a stable in WoW. Asurans are much smarter, Charr are much meaner, Norn are much tougher and Sylvari are more earthly than any races in other games. So no dwarves are needed in GW2.

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> @"Dante.1763" said:

> It would honestly be empty in like 90% of the zones unless they forced all F2P onto it, so highly unlikely.


it would fill WvW and leave PoF/HoT crap behind. balance is horrible nowadays most likely it will fill up sPvP also if we could play classic gw2.

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I understand all the reasons why it is a bad idea from a market situation, and I'd agree with all of them.


But, I honestly just miss the game from before the 2015 pre-hot patch, before they changed to the specialization system, and later HOT and all the things they changed with the builds/powercreep.


I've loved all the things HOT did for the PVE side, but for WvW it was pretty much the point where I stopped being engaged in teh game and slowly drifted more and more away. All the combat (wvw) just gotten more and more dull/boring to me, removing the last thing that kept me engaged with this game.


So yes, bring back a server from before the 2015 pre-hot patch, and I'm there. Perhaps I can finally have fun with the combat in this game again.

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If your problem is with the elite specs and balance, they could do a weekly event for either PVP or WVW where no elite specs are allowed.

A bit of warning: before Heart of Thorns the game wasn't balanced AT ALL and those saying that the game was better back then probably don't remember:


Ranger, Engineer and Necromancer actively being kicked from dungeons for being useless. Mesmer taken as a filler only for TW and portal.

Elementalist being absolute trash in PVP for the first half of the era, and god tier bunker for the second half (when D/D bunker became a thing)

Warrior being a meme in PVP before the specialization update (signet warrior OP!)


Oh yes the good old times before elite specs :)

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I hope not. Nowadays many MMOs open these "restart" servers and I just don't understand the point of them. Why would anyone want to lose years of progression, items, achievements, etc in an MMO just to start over? Maybe I'm weird but I would **never** do that, lol. I also prefer GW2 now, it was kind of underwhelming at release. We have more stuff to do now.

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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> If your problem is with the elite specs and balance, they could do a weekly event for either PVP or WVW where no elite specs are allowed.

> A bit of warning: before Heart of Thorns the game wasn't balanced AT ALL and those saying that the game was better back then probably don't remember:


> Ranger, Engineer and Necromancer actively being kicked from dungeons for being useless. Mesmer taken as a filler only for TW and portal.

> Elementalist being absolute trash in PVP for the first half of the era, and god tier bunker for the second half (when D/D bunker became a thing)

> Warrior being a meme in PVP before the specialization update (signet warrior OP!)


> Oh yes the good old times before elite specs :)


Thank you! I can still remember some groups specifically stating "no rangers, no necros".



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> @"Maikimaik.1974" said:

> > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > If your problem is with the elite specs and balance, they could do a weekly event for either PVP or WVW where no elite specs are allowed.

> > A bit of warning: before Heart of Thorns the game wasn't balanced AT ALL and those saying that the game was better back then probably don't remember:

> >

> > Ranger, Engineer and Necromancer actively being kicked from dungeons for being useless. Mesmer taken as a filler only for TW and portal.

> > Elementalist being absolute trash in PVP for the first half of the era, and god tier bunker for the second half (when D/D bunker became a thing)

> > Warrior being a meme in PVP before the specialization update (signet warrior OP!)

> >

> > Oh yes the good old times before elite specs :)


> Thank you! I can still remember some groups specifically stating "no rangers, no necros".


I was once kicked from a group before I even had time to type "I'll swap characters".


Although in some ways groups refusing to allow rangers in was good for me. It made it much easier to avoid the annoying elitists who just wanted to rush through everything. We wouldn't get along regardless of profession, so it was kind of a helpful 'filter'.

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