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please stop duelling in WvW!!


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as someone have already mentioned above: my only issues with those "duellers" is that they take up map slots without contributing. a very crappy roamer would be better for the server on that map, than even bestest of best duelers that just stays on that one spot 1v1ing people.


if only there was a map, that falls under rulesets of wvw, but separated from main fighting maps....... oh wait, there is one.


except for some of duelers in here it's not valid spot because lo and behold "there is nothing in there"


(I really get argument why not sPvP, but I don't get why you can't move to Obsidian Sanctum and cease to be taking up map slots from people who wants to actually play the mode instead of running "buildcraft testing" - especially in scenarios when both duelers are old good friends sitting on voice chat)

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> @"Lord Trejgon.2809" said:

> as someone have already mentioned above: my only issues with those "duellers" is that they take up map slots without contributing. a very crappy roamer would be better for the server on that map, than even bestest of best duelers that just stays on that one spot 1v1ing people.


> if only there was a map, that falls under rulesets of wvw, but separated from main fighting maps....... oh wait, there is one.


> except for some of duelers in here it's not valid spot because lo and behold "there is nothing in there"


> (I really get argument why not sPvP, but I don't get why you can't move to Obsidian Sanctum and cease to be taking up map slots from people who wants to actually play the mode instead of running "buildcraft testing" - especially in scenarios when both duelers are old good friends sitting on voice chat)


You're talking as if queues are there in WvW 24/7, when in reality the queues on the borders are for about 2 hours per day on server links with *highest population*, and most duelers don't even duel at that time.


So what we're realistically looking at here is that duelists perhaps take up to maybe max 5 spots on a queued map 2 hours per day. I'm sure any server can live with that, so your argument is quite invalid. Don't blow things out of proportion just to try and make a valid point.


Even if your argument actually had any weight to it, people will play the game the way they want, they are not obliged to "help your server out" in any way. How do you define contribution anyway? You people are seriously nitpicking at stuff without comprehending the bigger picture.


When you blame a duelist for not contributing to the server, do you also port to every waypoint on the map and count the people afk on the map? Do you see what I mean by nitpicking?


There's a saying: "Live and let live". It also translates into gaming world. The sooner you people stop sticking your noses into how other people play, the sooner you will stop being frustrated.


Again, it's up to you, not them.

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> @"Lord Trejgon.2809" said:

> as someone have already mentioned above: my only issues with those "duellers" is that they take up map slots without contributing.


Yeah... Except for every dueler there is at least 10 people AFK in spawn ruining outnumbered, waiting for their "hardcore fighting guild" to start raiding in 1h or more or just queuing EB because they dont know how to fight border havocs without a blue commander holding their hand telling them its going to be alright.

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> @"samo.1054" said:

> > @"Lord Trejgon.2809" said:

> > as someone have already mentioned above: my only issues with those "duellers" is that they take up map slots without contributing. a very crappy roamer would be better for the server on that map, than even bestest of best duelers that just stays on that one spot 1v1ing people.

> >

> > if only there was a map, that falls under rulesets of wvw, but separated from main fighting maps....... oh wait, there is one.

> >

> > except for some of duelers in here it's not valid spot because lo and behold "there is nothing in there"

> >

> > (I really get argument why not sPvP, but I don't get why you can't move to Obsidian Sanctum and cease to be taking up map slots from people who wants to actually play the mode instead of running "buildcraft testing" - especially in scenarios when both duelers are old good friends sitting on voice chat)


> You're talking as if queues are there in WvW 24/7, when in reality the queues on the borders are for about 2 hours per day on server links with *highest population*, and most duelers don't even duel at that time.


> So what we're realistically looking at here is that duelists perhaps take up to maybe max 5 spots on a queued map 2 hours per day. I'm sure any server can live with that, so your argument is quite invalid. Don't blow things out of proportion just to try and make a valid point.


> Even if your argument actually had any weight to it, people will play the game the way they want, they are not obliged to "help your server out" in any way. How do you define contribution anyway? You people are seriously nitpicking at stuff without comprehending the bigger picture.


> When you blame a duelist for not contributing to the server, do you also port to every waypoint on the map and count the people afk on the map? Do you see what I mean by nitpicking?


> There's a saying: "Live and let live". It also translates into gaming world. The sooner you people stop sticking your noses into how other people play, the sooner you will stop being frustrated.


> Again, it's up to you, not them.


1. afk people are just as bad

2. "2 hours per day on server links with *highest population*" I am unsure which regions has that, it is not uncommon over here to get queues for whole duration of primetime - and yes I've seen those "duelers" in this time too, surprise surprise, duelers also tends to have life narrowing time in case "when" they can play.

3. "they are not obliged to "help your server out" in any way." this is WvWvW game mode, sorry to break it to you (or to be "that guy") but this mode whole PURPOSE is to provide battlefield for eternall full out war. Yes, no one is obliged to participate in it to help server win, but when you are stepping into it you are agreeing to follow ruleset of the mode. by this logic of yours in here I could go on into sPvP and "not be obliged to help out the team to win the match" by doing things irrelevant to the mode itself, and would be just as "fine" - go into sPvP forum and ask them how they would react.

4. don't get me wrong: I said this is my ONLY issue with them. I am not "blowing things out of proportion" and for most of time when I see them I ignore them, which does not change the fact that it is irritable slightly when I hear half of the guild on voice chat waiting in queue for group up and I notice bunch of folks doing effectively nothing.



> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"Lord Trejgon.2809" said:

> > as someone have already mentioned above: my only issues with those "duellers" is that they take up map slots without contributing.


> Yeah... Except for every dueler there is at least 10 people AFK in spawn ruining outnumbered, waiting for their "hardcore fighting guild" to start raiding in 1h or more or just queuing EB because they dont know how to fight border havocs without a blue commander holding their hand telling them its going to be alright.


"waiting for their "hardcore fighting guild" to start raiding" yes I have seen quite alot of people witing on wp waiting untill rest of the squad, commander included can even load into map due to queues.....


" just queuing EB because they dont know how to fight border havocs without a blue commander holding their hand telling them its going to be alright." still more contributing per map slot than most of duellers I have seen.


also, existance of somthing worse does not invalidate something being bad on it's own - just because afkers are a thing and worse thing, does not justify duellers being pretendious as if they owned the map just as much as people who play the mode as intended (by collectively yelling on forums over a guy who thought is engaging in 2v1, expected it to go by 2v1 scenario, but got left out by the other guy, resulting in his death, because "hurrdurr he interfered in honoraburu duelz!" and got irritated by that enought to make a post of it on the forum)

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> @"Lord Trejgon.2809" said:

> also, existance of somthing worse does not invalidate something being bad on it's own - just because afkers are a thing and worse thing, does not justify duellers being pretendious as if they owned the map just as much as people who play the mode as intended (by collectively yelling on forums over a guy who thought is engaging in 2v1, expected it to go by 2v1 scenario, but got left out by the other guy, resulting in his death, because "hurrdurr he interfered in honoraburu duelz!" and got irritated by that enought to make a post of it on the forum)


You said that the *only issue* was that they take up map slot and dont contribute, when in fact they are probably less than 10% of the players contributing nothing when considering people standing afk. In fact I think its more like less than 1% if you where to count hours people duel vs hours people stand in spawn across all servers.


Thats akin to saying my only issue with stealth is that warriors can blast finish a rangers smoke field, on the subject of thieves.


If you begin talking about the *attitude* of so called duelers then we are talking about another issue. But tbh, I still think they are outclassed by a couple of seconds of /team. The existance of sonething worse puts things in perspective

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"Lord Trejgon.2809" said:

> > also, existance of somthing worse does not invalidate something being bad on it's own - just because afkers are a thing and worse thing, does not justify duellers being pretendious as if they owned the map just as much as people who play the mode as intended (by collectively yelling on forums over a guy who thought is engaging in 2v1, expected it to go by 2v1 scenario, but got left out by the other guy, resulting in his death, because "hurrdurr he interfered in honoraburu duelz!" and got irritated by that enought to make a post of it on the forum)


> You said that the *only issue* was that they take up map slot and dont contribute, when in fact they are probably less than 10% of the players contributing nothing when considering people standing afk. In fact I think its more like less than 1%.


> Thats akin to saying my only issue with stealth is that warriors can blast finish a rangers smoke field, on the subject of thieves.


Your paralel in here does not apply.


if you really want to compare it to things this way it'd be more like me saying - on the subject of thieves, that I'm "only" irritated with, let's say torment output of condi thief, with hypothetical other class/build dishing out way more than that of this specific condition. (I'd prolly name specific class build, but I do not play much classes with access to torment per se, to name something dishing out more of it than my condi tief build with 100% sureness it DOES :P)


and maybe you've never run into situation where duelers were present on map and your guild raid commander was stuck on queue, but I have experienced few of these. more so I have even seen once a situation when border was full, couple of guys were "honoraburu duelling" on the side, and only "afk" people were... my guildmates waiting for commander to load in.


again, just because X is on average bigger contribution to a problem does not make Y innocent on the case.

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> @"Lord Trejgon.2809" said:

> and maybe you've never run into situation where duelers were present on map and your guild raid commander was stuck on queue, but I have experienced few of these. more so I have even seen once a situation when border was full, couple of guys were "honoraburu duelling" on the side, and only "afk" people were... my guildmates waiting for commander to load in.


Cant say I have, because 5-10 people have never impacted the success of our guilds and zergs fighting the enemy guilds and zergs.


The only issue I have seen is when our raid guilds decide they want "honoraburu duelling" against the enemy guilds while their zerg instead cap the entire border because we cant defend things when 2 raid guilds are GvGing for an hour and another of our raid guilds stand there watching the whole time waiting for their turn and not saying a peep when our T3 keeps burns and we try to fight 20 vs 60.


So no, I've never ran into that situation where a couple of duelers affect the whole border.



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> @"Reh.5986" said:

> Fine with dueling in WVW. Just don't cry in chat if you're dueling somewhere weird and get +1d, ganked or trucked by a blob. There are actually some really nice spots for it on the BLs and some more risky spots on each side of SM.


I don't think any dueler crys if they get ganked, that's part of it.

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> @"Reh.5986" said:

> Fine with dueling in WVW. Just don't cry in chat if you're dueling somewhere weird and get +1d, ganked or trucked by a blob. There are actually some really nice spots for it on the BLs and some more risky spots on each side of SM.


I don't think any dueler crys if they get ganked, that's part of it.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"Lord Trejgon.2809" said:

> > and maybe you've never run into situation where duelers were present on map and your guild raid commander was stuck on queue, but I have experienced few of these. more so I have even seen once a situation when border was full, couple of guys were "honoraburu duelling" on the side, and only "afk" people were... my guildmates waiting for commander to load in.


> Cant say I have, because 5-10 people have never impacted the success of our guilds and zergs fighting the enemy guilds and zergs.


> The only issue I have seen is when our raid guilds decide they want "honoraburu duelling" against the enemy guilds while their zerg instead cap the entire border because we cant defend things when 2 raid guilds are GvGing for an hour and another of our raid guilds stand there watching the whole time waiting for their turn and not saying a peep when our T3 keeps burns and we try to fight 20 vs 60.


> So no, I've never ran into that situation where a couple of duelers affect the whole border.


> Sorry.


I never said "whole border" I only explicitelly mentioned my guild's WvW activity.

and yes 5-10 people may be a huge deal when among those 5-10 people are all of your guild's experienced commanders....


fair point with GvGs altho I'd argue it's basically dueling but taken to extreme....



> @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

> > @"Reh.5986" said:

> > Fine with dueling in WVW. Just don't cry in chat if you're dueling somewhere weird and get +1d, ganked or trucked by a blob. There are actually some really nice spots for it on the BLs and some more risky spots on each side of SM.


> I don't think any dueler crys if they get ganked, that's part of it.


I think I have seen exacly once, a bunch of duellers complaining about "*kitten* roamers messing up their honoraburu duelz" at least the one of them that I could see what was writing did.

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> @"Lord Trejgon.2809" said:

> > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > @"Lord Trejgon.2809" said:

> > > and maybe you've never run into situation where duelers were present on map and your guild raid commander was stuck on queue, but I have experienced few of these. more so I have even seen once a situation when border was full, couple of guys were "honoraburu duelling" on the side, and only "afk" people were... my guildmates waiting for commander to load in.

> >

> > Cant say I have, because 5-10 people have never impacted the success of our guilds and zergs fighting the enemy guilds and zergs.

> >

> > The only issue I have seen is when our raid guilds decide they want "honoraburu duelling" against the enemy guilds while their zerg instead cap the entire border because we cant defend things when 2 raid guilds are GvGing for an hour and another of our raid guilds stand there watching the whole time waiting for their turn and not saying a peep when our T3 keeps burns and we try to fight 20 vs 60.

> >

> > So no, I've never ran into that situation where a couple of duelers affect the whole border.

> >

> > Sorry.


> I never said "whole border" I only explicitelly mentioned my guild's WvW activity.

> and yes 5-10 people may be a huge deal when among those 5-10 people are all of your guild's experienced commanders....


> fair point with GvGs altho I'd argue it's basically dueling but taken to extreme....


> edit:

> > @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

> > > @"Reh.5986" said:

> > > Fine with dueling in WVW. Just don't cry in chat if you're dueling somewhere weird and get +1d, ganked or trucked by a blob. There are actually some really nice spots for it on the BLs and some more risky spots on each side of SM.

> >

> > I don't think any dueler crys if they get ganked, that's part of it.


> I think I have seen exacly once, a bunch of duellers complaining about "*kitten* roamers messing up their honoraburu duelz" at least the one of them that I could see what was writing did.


But those 5-10 sitting in spawn waiting for their commander to get in and won't help the border aren't a problem?


Reality is, no. 5-10 doesn't affect the borders. It can impact some fights, but it won't turn a week. On either side of the equation.


Funny part is, OP complaining about it here in the forum. Makes no sense.

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > @"Lord Trejgon.2809" said:

> > > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > > @"Lord Trejgon.2809" said:

> > > > and maybe you've never run into situation where duelers were present on map and your guild raid commander was stuck on queue, but I have experienced few of these. more so I have even seen once a situation when border was full, couple of guys were "honoraburu duelling" on the side, and only "afk" people were... my guildmates waiting for commander to load in.

> > >

> > > Cant say I have, because 5-10 people have never impacted the success of our guilds and zergs fighting the enemy guilds and zergs.

> > >

> > > The only issue I have seen is when our raid guilds decide they want "honoraburu duelling" against the enemy guilds while their zerg instead cap the entire border because we cant defend things when 2 raid guilds are GvGing for an hour and another of our raid guilds stand there watching the whole time waiting for their turn and not saying a peep when our T3 keeps burns and we try to fight 20 vs 60.

> > >

> > > So no, I've never ran into that situation where a couple of duelers affect the whole border.

> > >

> > > Sorry.

> >

> > I never said "whole border" I only explicitelly mentioned my guild's WvW activity.

> > and yes 5-10 people may be a huge deal when among those 5-10 people are all of your guild's experienced commanders....

> >

> > fair point with GvGs altho I'd argue it's basically dueling but taken to extreme....

> >

> > edit:

> > > @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

> > > > @"Reh.5986" said:

> > > > Fine with dueling in WVW. Just don't cry in chat if you're dueling somewhere weird and get +1d, ganked or trucked by a blob. There are actually some really nice spots for it on the BLs and some more risky spots on each side of SM.

> > >

> > > I don't think any dueler crys if they get ganked, that's part of it.

> >

> > I think I have seen exacly once, a bunch of duellers complaining about "*kitten* roamers messing up their honoraburu duelz" at least the one of them that I could see what was writing did.


> But those 5-10 sitting in spawn waiting for their commander to get in and won't help the border aren't a problem?


> Reality is, no. 5-10 doesn't affect the borders. It can impact some fights, but it won't turn a week. On either side of the equation.


> Funny part is, OP complaining about it here in the forum. Makes no sense.


who is the bigger problem: the ones who are taking place not intended for them, or the ones rendered unable to act due to chain of command being stuck in the queue...... because of the ones taking place not intended for them?


and yeah 5-10 zerglings won't make huge change in most scenarios - but when those 5-10s are only people with experience to coordinate rest of the border into usefull group, then we have a problem. And yes I have also seen borders in shambles due to tags on border being utterly clueless on "how" and people experienced on "how" were stuck in the queue for half teh skirmish - and yeah sure you can say that what happened in one skirmish is unlikely to go in scope outside of that skirmish (would not exacly be true tho) but it's still one skirmish lost out of two skirmishes in the timezone when whole group could be assembled.....


and don;t get me wrong, while this specific case of OP may not be... well... most thought out issue, (assumptions, maybe a bit of l2p and need of ability to move on) main reason why I joined in with my opinion was due of overwhelming amount of people in here pretending it is completely fine to take up from limited space to do things unrelated to the mode - as I tried to underline with example with people joining sPvP matches with no intend to contribute towards their team win in said match.

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> @"Lord Trejgon.2809" said:

> > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > > @"Lord Trejgon.2809" said:

> > > > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > > > @"Lord Trejgon.2809" said:

> > > > > and maybe you've never run into situation where duelers were present on map and your guild raid commander was stuck on queue, but I have experienced few of these. more so I have even seen once a situation when border was full, couple of guys were "honoraburu duelling" on the side, and only "afk" people were... my guildmates waiting for commander to load in.

> > > >

> > > > Cant say I have, because 5-10 people have never impacted the success of our guilds and zergs fighting the enemy guilds and zergs.

> > > >

> > > > The only issue I have seen is when our raid guilds decide they want "honoraburu duelling" against the enemy guilds while their zerg instead cap the entire border because we cant defend things when 2 raid guilds are GvGing for an hour and another of our raid guilds stand there watching the whole time waiting for their turn and not saying a peep when our T3 keeps burns and we try to fight 20 vs 60.

> > > >

> > > > So no, I've never ran into that situation where a couple of duelers affect the whole border.

> > > >

> > > > Sorry.

> > >

> > > I never said "whole border" I only explicitelly mentioned my guild's WvW activity.

> > > and yes 5-10 people may be a huge deal when among those 5-10 people are all of your guild's experienced commanders....

> > >

> > > fair point with GvGs altho I'd argue it's basically dueling but taken to extreme....

> > >

> > > edit:

> > > > @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

> > > > > @"Reh.5986" said:

> > > > > Fine with dueling in WVW. Just don't cry in chat if you're dueling somewhere weird and get +1d, ganked or trucked by a blob. There are actually some really nice spots for it on the BLs and some more risky spots on each side of SM.

> > > >

> > > > I don't think any dueler crys if they get ganked, that's part of it.

> > >

> > > I think I have seen exacly once, a bunch of duellers complaining about "*kitten* roamers messing up their honoraburu duelz" at least the one of them that I could see what was writing did.

> >

> > But those 5-10 sitting in spawn waiting for their commander to get in and won't help the border aren't a problem?

> >

> > Reality is, no. 5-10 doesn't affect the borders. It can impact some fights, but it won't turn a week. On either side of the equation.

> >

> > Funny part is, OP complaining about it here in the forum. Makes no sense.


> who is the bigger problem: the ones who are taking place not intended for them, or the ones rendered unable to act due to chain of command being stuck in the queue...... because of the ones taking place not intended for them?


> and yeah 5-10 zerglings won't make huge change in most scenarios - but when those 5-10s are only people with experience to coordinate rest of the border into usefull group, then we have a problem. And yes I have also seen borders in shambles due to tags on border being utterly clueless on "how" and people experienced on "how" were stuck in the queue for half teh skirmish - and yeah sure you can say that what happened in one skirmish is unlikely to go in scope outside of that skirmish (would not exacly be true tho) but it's still one skirmish lost out of two skirmishes in the timezone when whole group could be assembled.....


> and don;t get me wrong, while this specific case of OP may not be... well... most thought out issue, (assumptions, maybe a bit of l2p and need of ability to move on) main reason why I joined in with my opinion was due of overwhelming amount of people in here pretending it is completely fine to take up from limited space to do things unrelated to the mode - as I tried to underline with example with people joining sPvP matches with no intend to contribute towards their team win in said match.


Both of the 5-10 who aren't helping are as much of a problem. Those players at spawn are capable of manning seige, repairing a wall, attacking attackers on a tower or keep.


Sitting is spawn in some ways is a morale killer for those that die and port back to spawn, see people standing around, and not coming to help.


Both have issues.

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > @"Lord Trejgon.2809" said:

> > > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > > > @"Lord Trejgon.2809" said:

> > > > > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > > > > @"Lord Trejgon.2809" said:

> > > > > > and maybe you've never run into situation where duelers were present on map and your guild raid commander was stuck on queue, but I have experienced few of these. more so I have even seen once a situation when border was full, couple of guys were "honoraburu duelling" on the side, and only "afk" people were... my guildmates waiting for commander to load in.

> > > > >

> > > > > Cant say I have, because 5-10 people have never impacted the success of our guilds and zergs fighting the enemy guilds and zergs.

> > > > >

> > > > > The only issue I have seen is when our raid guilds decide they want "honoraburu duelling" against the enemy guilds while their zerg instead cap the entire border because we cant defend things when 2 raid guilds are GvGing for an hour and another of our raid guilds stand there watching the whole time waiting for their turn and not saying a peep when our T3 keeps burns and we try to fight 20 vs 60.

> > > > >

> > > > > So no, I've never ran into that situation where a couple of duelers affect the whole border.

> > > > >

> > > > > Sorry.

> > > >

> > > > I never said "whole border" I only explicitelly mentioned my guild's WvW activity.

> > > > and yes 5-10 people may be a huge deal when among those 5-10 people are all of your guild's experienced commanders....

> > > >

> > > > fair point with GvGs altho I'd argue it's basically dueling but taken to extreme....

> > > >

> > > > edit:

> > > > > @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

> > > > > > @"Reh.5986" said:

> > > > > > Fine with dueling in WVW. Just don't cry in chat if you're dueling somewhere weird and get +1d, ganked or trucked by a blob. There are actually some really nice spots for it on the BLs and some more risky spots on each side of SM.

> > > > >

> > > > > I don't think any dueler crys if they get ganked, that's part of it.

> > > >

> > > > I think I have seen exacly once, a bunch of duellers complaining about "*kitten* roamers messing up their honoraburu duelz" at least the one of them that I could see what was writing did.

> > >

> > > But those 5-10 sitting in spawn waiting for their commander to get in and won't help the border aren't a problem?

> > >

> > > Reality is, no. 5-10 doesn't affect the borders. It can impact some fights, but it won't turn a week. On either side of the equation.

> > >

> > > Funny part is, OP complaining about it here in the forum. Makes no sense.

> >

> > who is the bigger problem: the ones who are taking place not intended for them, or the ones rendered unable to act due to chain of command being stuck in the queue...... because of the ones taking place not intended for them?

> >

> > and yeah 5-10 zerglings won't make huge change in most scenarios - but when those 5-10s are only people with experience to coordinate rest of the border into usefull group, then we have a problem. And yes I have also seen borders in shambles due to tags on border being utterly clueless on "how" and people experienced on "how" were stuck in the queue for half teh skirmish - and yeah sure you can say that what happened in one skirmish is unlikely to go in scope outside of that skirmish (would not exacly be true tho) but it's still one skirmish lost out of two skirmishes in the timezone when whole group could be assembled.....

> >

> > and don;t get me wrong, while this specific case of OP may not be... well... most thought out issue, (assumptions, maybe a bit of l2p and need of ability to move on) main reason why I joined in with my opinion was due of overwhelming amount of people in here pretending it is completely fine to take up from limited space to do things unrelated to the mode - as I tried to underline with example with people joining sPvP matches with no intend to contribute towards their team win in said match.


> Both of the 5-10 who aren't helping are as much of a problem. Those players at spawn are capable of manning seige, repairing a wall, attacking attackers on a tower or keep.


> Sitting is spawn in some ways is a morale killer for those that die and port back to spawn, see people standing around, and not coming to help.


> Both have issues.


5-10 players with builds specifically tailored for zerg action will not be of much use outside of that form of engagement, unfortunately.


as for morale issue - can't speak for all, but if I have seen noticeabel group with same guild tag, on spawn area, while struggling somewhere on the other side of the map, with no tag present in the vincinity, I'd assume that they are a guild grouping up for a raid, waiting for full composition to move out, and I'd actually be uplifted by perspective that perhaps we'll have organized group on border "soon". but that could be mostly because I have a guild for WvW raids so I know from the inside how grouping up for a raid looks like.


(also in scenarios where queue's are a problem, once commander gets onto the map they tend towant to move out asap without no more time wasted, which makes wandering off from the assembly point risky)

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> @"SloRules.3560" said:

> > @"Lexani.6152" said:

> > > @"SloRules.3560" said:

> > > Learn some WvW ethic. It formed throughout the years for a reason.

> >

> > WvW ethics? You probably kidding me. WvW ethics is to kill your enemy and not betray your ally. You want to spvp, there is full game mode for it...kitten, there is EotM for that, but not wvw.

> >

> > To the author. Just do like I do, wait until the enemy low health or downed and simply burst him. If you have fast class as thief etc, keep annoying them with hits, interrupts etc, stomp them.

> > You should respect your allies only if they respect you, there are no "ethics" against the enemy.


> So you are one of those idiots that com snipes, jumps into GvGs,... Generaly making life hard for people that want to have fun.


First, GvG is very different from sPVP. Do you know what sPVP is? You do realise that you can do it in PVP arenas and nobody will disturb you nor you will disturb others? Idiot? Dude...look at the mirror before attacking others...

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> @"Lord Trejgon.2809" said:

> > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > > @"Lord Trejgon.2809" said:

> > > > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > > > > @"Lord Trejgon.2809" said:

> > > > > > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > > > > > @"Lord Trejgon.2809" said:

> > > > > > > and maybe you've never run into situation where duelers were present on map and your guild raid commander was stuck on queue, but I have experienced few of these. more so I have even seen once a situation when border was full, couple of guys were "honoraburu duelling" on the side, and only "afk" people were... my guildmates waiting for commander to load in.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Cant say I have, because 5-10 people have never impacted the success of our guilds and zergs fighting the enemy guilds and zergs.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > The only issue I have seen is when our raid guilds decide they want "honoraburu duelling" against the enemy guilds while their zerg instead cap the entire border because we cant defend things when 2 raid guilds are GvGing for an hour and another of our raid guilds stand there watching the whole time waiting for their turn and not saying a peep when our T3 keeps burns and we try to fight 20 vs 60.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > So no, I've never ran into that situation where a couple of duelers affect the whole border.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Sorry.

> > > > >

> > > > > I never said "whole border" I only explicitelly mentioned my guild's WvW activity.

> > > > > and yes 5-10 people may be a huge deal when among those 5-10 people are all of your guild's experienced commanders....

> > > > >

> > > > > fair point with GvGs altho I'd argue it's basically dueling but taken to extreme....

> > > > >

> > > > > edit:

> > > > > > @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

> > > > > > > @"Reh.5986" said:

> > > > > > > Fine with dueling in WVW. Just don't cry in chat if you're dueling somewhere weird and get +1d, ganked or trucked by a blob. There are actually some really nice spots for it on the BLs and some more risky spots on each side of SM.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I don't think any dueler crys if they get ganked, that's part of it.

> > > > >

> > > > > I think I have seen exacly once, a bunch of duellers complaining about "*kitten* roamers messing up their honoraburu duelz" at least the one of them that I could see what was writing did.

> > > >

> > > > But those 5-10 sitting in spawn waiting for their commander to get in and won't help the border aren't a problem?

> > > >

> > > > Reality is, no. 5-10 doesn't affect the borders. It can impact some fights, but it won't turn a week. On either side of the equation.

> > > >

> > > > Funny part is, OP complaining about it here in the forum. Makes no sense.

> > >

> > > who is the bigger problem: the ones who are taking place not intended for them, or the ones rendered unable to act due to chain of command being stuck in the queue...... because of the ones taking place not intended for them?

> > >

> > > and yeah 5-10 zerglings won't make huge change in most scenarios - but when those 5-10s are only people with experience to coordinate rest of the border into usefull group, then we have a problem. And yes I have also seen borders in shambles due to tags on border being utterly clueless on "how" and people experienced on "how" were stuck in the queue for half teh skirmish - and yeah sure you can say that what happened in one skirmish is unlikely to go in scope outside of that skirmish (would not exacly be true tho) but it's still one skirmish lost out of two skirmishes in the timezone when whole group could be assembled.....

> > >

> > > and don;t get me wrong, while this specific case of OP may not be... well... most thought out issue, (assumptions, maybe a bit of l2p and need of ability to move on) main reason why I joined in with my opinion was due of overwhelming amount of people in here pretending it is completely fine to take up from limited space to do things unrelated to the mode - as I tried to underline with example with people joining sPvP matches with no intend to contribute towards their team win in said match.

> >

> > Both of the 5-10 who aren't helping are as much of a problem. Those players at spawn are capable of manning seige, repairing a wall, attacking attackers on a tower or keep.

> >

> > Sitting is spawn in some ways is a morale killer for those that die and port back to spawn, see people standing around, and not coming to help.

> >

> > Both have issues.


> 5-10 players with builds specifically tailored for zerg action will not be of much use outside of that form of engagement, unfortunately.


> as for morale issue - can't speak for all, but if I have seen noticeabel group with same guild tag, on spawn area, while struggling somewhere on the other side of the map, with no tag present in the vincinity, I'd assume that they are a guild grouping up for a raid, waiting for full composition to move out, and I'd actually be uplifted by perspective that perhaps we'll have organized group on border "soon". but that could be mostly because I have a guild for WvW raids so I know from the inside how grouping up for a raid looks like.


> (also in scenarios where queue's are a problem, once commander gets onto the map they tend towant to move out asap without no more time wasted, which makes wandering off from the assembly point risky)


Most times it's bodies. And of course respawning is... just a horrible thing to ask these people waiting for a raid.


And I guess the commander can't wait two to three minutes....


I've been there, been a part of the raids, and if my com was that much of a young cat that they couldn't wait for me to leave combat and bounce back, maybe rethink what they are doing.


And of course they are 'waiting for a raid'. We all get it. But only being willing to help when 'their commander is on' is as bad, if not worse than the 'terrible duelers'.


**The point is, neither is really a problem unless you let your small clothes get into a bunch**

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> @"Lord Trejgon.2809" said:

> as for morale issue - can't speak for all, but if I have seen noticeabel group with same guild tag, on spawn area, while struggling somewhere on the other side of the map, with no tag present in the vincinity, I'd assume that they are a guild grouping up for a raid, waiting for full composition to move out, and I'd actually be uplifted by perspective that perhaps we'll have organized group on border "soon". but that could be mostly because I have a guild for WvW raids so I know from the inside how grouping up for a raid looks like.


"Soon" doesnt help you know.


If we got 2 duelers spending 2 hours dueling... that's just 4 man hours wasted.

If we got 30 raiders+randoms spending 30m AFK in spawn... that's 15 man hours wasted.


And seeing 30 people in spawn is common compared to the many times the dueling spot is completely empty.


I dont care about duelers - I never duel and will interrupt anything that's even close to an objective if it's in my traveling path. And I will most definetly make snark remarks at them if they go "but muh duel!". Respect is not something I hand out like candy. But they *dont matter* in the grand scheme of things. Most of the time they arent even enough to affect outmanned, compared to the many, many people constantly AFK in spawns. That pisses me off **faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar** more than duelists and I wish Anet would fix that kitten so that people in spawn neither get pips or count toward the border population if they've been there a tick. No amount of "morale" from seeing people in spawn compared to an often empty dueling spot is going to help that.

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Look, you're free to do what you want and interrupt what you want, but the game has evolved certain ethics.


Eg. I'm roaming on red bl, guarding south camp, killing low-ranked wvw newbs 1v2 and 1v3. After about 20 minutes of this, some Platinum Legend shows up on a sword weaver and /bows to me. I respect that challenge, so I /bow back and move away from the camp so we can have a fair fight. We go at it for like 5 minutes and eventually someone wins. If I win, I let them up, /wave and either we go again, or they leave.


"Winning" the matchup matters so little in this game. Fun is what you make it. I personally enjoy a challenge, so I tend to respect duels. If you enjoy killing duelists, well, more power to you. Just know that if you jump on my opponent 2v1, I'm not going to help you, and I will /laugh if you lose.

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This thread is rife with common misconceptions.


Players who duel are rarely primarily sPvP players (though there are of course overlap over the game modes). They are more likely to be some of the better players in your server's roaming- and GvG guilds. They may just not flash their tag for it.


That means two pretty important things for your flawed arguments. One, if they were not duelling they would be more likely to actively seek to gank you in vulnurable positions on the map (eg., when you try to run back to tag), making you even more salty than you already are. Two, their friends are likely the blue tag that run the squads that you are trying to meet up with. So your negativity towards their friends make the groups you claim to represent (ie., the open squad) dislike you and be more likely to kick you. That would make you even more salty than you already are.


Welcome to WvW :) .

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> @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> There is a time and a place for everything

> WvW is **NOT** the time, and it is **NOT** the place for it.


> I constantly run into fights in wvw, I see people from my server fighting people from other servers.


> The result is always; the people from my server stop fighting, and watch as I get slaughtered by the enemy.


> I tell them to help me kill the enemy server's players, but they refuse, because apparantly '_i've interrupted a private fight_'.

> In every sense of the word, that is treason, or betrayal, or whatever word you want to give it.

> Newsflash, you're in WvW, there are no private fights, you are a member of your server, and if I see members of my server fighting members of other servers,

> I will attempt to help them kill the enemies.

> You are representing your server in WvW, if you don't want to WvW, then don't come into WvW maps.


> There's a lobby in PvP where you can fight freely with other players to your hearts contents.


So chasing down 1 guy 5vs1 for half the map is good instead?


There aren't only zerg fights and kill kill kill in wvw.

Good roamers becomes good at roaming nad winning 1vs1s around the map guess how? Dueling.

And no you can't practice in pvp 1vs1 because of capped stats, different skills rune and sigils from wvw, not in my experience 1vs1 in pvp feels like slow motion and they are so weird.

Dueling is fun and helps you become a better player.

If you like to do 2vs1s 3vs1s or 10vs1s becoming a worse plaudr2 that's all up to you.

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> @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> I constantly run into fights in wvw, I see people from my server fighting people from other servers.


> The result is always; the people from my server stop fighting, and watch as I get slaughtered by the enemy.


Your personal bias here is obvious: You suck as an individual player and get mad when you die to other people in even fights. You live only to win an unfair engagement, and the mere thought that people around you would want to sculpt fair fights for themselves drives you insane. Also your lack of cumulative perspective is both hilarious and hypocritical; for every intent and purpose your server/world _is_ fighting for their server/world and representing it, they are simply choosing to do it in a way with respect and etiquette, so your complaint of "You are representing your server in WvW, if you don't want to WvW, then don't come into WvW maps." is entirely invalid. You're just mad that their version of your rules doesn't match your version of your rules.


"There's a lobby in PvP where you can fight freely with other players to your hearts contents." also falls flat, considering that's exactly what you're fully capable of doing in WvW. You are entirely free to jump into your duelists' fights, and they are equally free to watch you die like a scrub. You can choose to fight, and they can choose not to. Get over yourself. You're not entitled to kill everyone, nor are you entitled to win every fight no matter the circumstances.


I have two words of advice for you to better deal with the source of your frustration: Get Good™.

Fortunately for you, I know **just** the people you can go to to help you get better at fending for yourself.

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> @"Lord Trejgon.2809" said:


> 5-10 players with builds specifically tailored for zerg action will not be of much use outside of that form of engagement, unfortunately.


> as for morale issue - can't speak for all, but if I have seen noticeabel group with same guild tag, on spawn area, while struggling somewhere on the other side of the map, with no tag present in the vincinity, I'd assume that they are a guild grouping up for a raid, waiting for full composition to move out, and I'd actually be uplifted by perspective that perhaps we'll have organized group on border "soon". but that could be mostly because I have a guild for WvW raids so I know from the inside how grouping up for a raid looks like.


> (also in scenarios where queue's are a problem, once commander gets onto the map they tend towant to move out asap without no more time wasted, which makes wandering off from the assembly point risky)


Maybe those 5-10 should carry some alternate gear and get some experience at fighting without a pin. I hear duelling is excellent for that.....


You and a lot of others in this thread are talking like 'Dueller' is some kind of breed of player which only duels and does nothing else. The majority of the ones I see are also scouts and 'useful' roamers that take things or kill yaks or kill zerglings running back to the blob. Duelling helps your skills in small scale fight a lot and doing it is therefore a service to your team, you are more likely to win those small scale fights over camps etc. I'd rather have someone fighting by me that I know duels than some idiot that sits in a tower on an ac all day.

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