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Will daily/monthly AP cap ever increase? New system perhaps?

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I was wondering if the developers ever plan to revisit the cap of 15,000 points on daily/monthly AP. Specifically, would a system that increases the cap by 500 points per year ever be considered? This would effectively be 50 days of log in AP rewards added to the cap every year. Such a move would heavily incentivize some players to chase the daily at least one day out of the week, and it would allow some players to accrue a bit more AP every year, but not completely outpace other accounts that haven’t reached the cap.


The addition of 500 AP to the cap would be game wide, and not tied to reaching the cap or account age. It would simply raise the cap once each year on the game’s anniversary.


Moreover, for players that are daily capped and primarily enjoy competitive play, this would allow some way for them to keep earning AP without having to grind PvE. There is a woeful amount of AP available to WvW and PvP players. It would be nice to at least have some way to slowly work towards higher AP levels while still focusing on competitive game modes.



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> @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> I hope not. 15000 AP is already a disappropriatly high cap considering how much effort you have to spend to get 10 AP without dailies. I wish they would delete daily AP entirely and rebalance the AP rewards accordingly


I think it is ok that the Achievement points show someone's dedication to the game. Having done the daily for 1500 times for a game that is a little over 6 years old, shows some real dedication. I am not one of those: however if they would do away with dailies and rebalance the AP rewards I would make a nice jump on the "charts" , since my dailies only make up 2k AP of my 10k. I have played on and off in spurts, but never really bothered with the dailies untill recently.

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The easy answer is no, it will never happen. But the primary reason the cap was introduced is that there are some unfortunate souls who felt 'forced' to do dailies to keep up with the max possible amount of ap available. So your suggestion would be a solid workaround, giving ppl a full year to play fifty days, but I just don't see them revisiting this decision so long after it was made . . .

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> @"Boysenberry.1869" said:

> I've always wondered what the majority of people care more about from doing dailies: the 10 AP or the 2 gold.


For me, it's the Spirit Shards. I don't do enough shard-generating stuff otherwise, so three dailies is an easy way to get some every day. (If I don't get my 400 gathered, making my pair of Quips will be a bit difficult.)


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I have a hard time understanding what makes the daily so special, especially with all the other time sink foot slings in the game? And I say that as someone who has mild problems with forced behavior and projecting my disorder on certain situations myself.


If you have a compulsive disorder of such a degree, you can project that on virtually everything in the game. You could feel "forced" to have every legendary in the game, you can feel forced to collect every AP available etc etc. If you follow down this path, you finally have to cap everything.


So why are people especially vulnerable to dailies? If you have found your fix of mental madness in the game, you will do it anyway regardless of the potential reward.

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Without a clear statement on why ANet decided on a cap, it's hard to predict what they might or might not do. Based on what _we_ were saying before the cap, it seems likely that they were concerned with new players being able to catch up veterans in terms of total AP and the resultant rewards. (And yes, that doesn't address the 4-5k AP gap from LS1, but that's it's own kettle of fish that can't be solved as simply.)


If that was indeed the primary reason, then I can't imagine why they'd ever increase the cap, even by 500 AP/year.

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I hit the cap in September with 1.1k from monthlies 13.9k from dailies.


Having been around when monthlies were a thing, I feel it's a disadvantage to have been around when monthlies were a thing considering if you weren't, you get 15k straight from 3 often easy dailies, whereas if you were you got subtracted whatever you got from monthlies and the dailies in the beggining were 5 per day instead of 3.


I'm OK with no ap everyday, it's a hit, but there's still gold to be made.


I'd like to see the gold increased for those that have hit the cap though, that would be a better incentive I think.

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> @"Boysenberry.1869" said:

> I've always wondered what the majority of people care more about from doing dailies: the 10 AP or the 2 gold. I'm sure lots of people find AP to be meaningless while a lot of farmers would find the 2 gold laughable. For purely selfish reasons I like the 15,000 cap as is.


AP chests have a lot of passive reward bonuses associated with them. Bonus % are big ones when high enough, free gems, currency (which you can convert to gold or useful items), and free gemstore items. The radiant and hellfire skins are also nice if you do high end Fashion wars.


It might seem minor in the short term, but seeing as how it plays with the "haves vs have-nots" mentality, its the impossibility of expending effort to close the gap that is causing people to get upset.

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The game has several time scales: The APs are meant to be the longest one. It is mostly interesting for veteran players who are playing since beginning and keeps playing over time. It's rewarding a certain "longevity".

I believe that it should stay like that. If this time scale is reduced, then it will need something else so that players staying at the game for a long time have something rewarding their fidelity.

Personally, I play since beta and since then, I just let it go on its own, progressing over time. I do daily only on days there are 3 easy tasks (meaning straight and no fight, like vista, mystic forge, spender, gathering...). Combined with the achievements I completed here and there, I am over 26k by now with this method. I reached the 15k cap some months ago. The only exception where I work a bit to push those anet points up is when I am approaching a "N x 5000" points with the gems content. :)


Globally, I believe that there are enough contents bringing same - or even better - rewards than the Anet chests, that have shorter time scales. There is no need to change the only long lasting one we have in the game.

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> @"Boysenberry.1869" said:

> I've always wondered what the majority of people care more about from doing dailies: the 10 AP or the 2 gold. I'm sure lots of people find AP to be meaningless while a lot of farmers would find the 2 gold laughable. For purely selfish reasons I like the 15,000 cap as is.


For me it's the gold and the chests. Most of the time it's very little effort and the side rewards (WvW Reward potions, Mystic Coin chest, bonus mats) are a great bonus. I got my first 5 Gifts of Battle without ever setting foot outside of EotM thanks to easy dailies.

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> @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

> I want that Radiant back someday. I don't like maximum effort achievements being only 3 points.


I am relatively close to the backpack (less than 500 AP to go), but I am not even looking forward to it anymore. It gets outclassed by most newer backpacks in art quality, that I will likely never use it. The AP rewards are stuck in 2012 just like the current pace of new AP does not match the AP reward system as it was designed in 2012/13.

For the amount of effort required, those backpacks should be of better art quality than legendaries. Currently I would rate them as low quality exotic.

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I like the achievement point system, I really do. But sometimes the effort of one achievement and the reward are not really consistent. I don't know about you guys, but it took the same amount of time for me to unlock my Daredevil and unlocking the ascended Staff Bo. But I got 10AP for the specialization and only 3AP for the collection. There are other examples where I think that the effort is just too much for the points you get.


And I also think that AP could be used more for some extra little benefits ingame. But that's just me.


For the cap increase - are there really people who could or want benefit from that? I have no idea what the demand is. I for example sure don't need that.

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> @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

> I don't like maximum effort achievements being only 3 points.


That's unfortunate because there's never going to be a magic formula converting perceived effort to AP. Besides that, there are several different styles of guidelines for allocation AP.

* The biggest AP to the achievements that everyone is probably going to do anyway. This means everyone gets a lot and only the most serious AP hunters eke out anything better.

* The biggest AP to achievements require the most skill (not the same as 'the most effort').

* The biggest AP to the grindiest achievements, to keep people playing.

* The biggest AP to the achievements requiring maximum effort.

* The biggest AP to the achievements that don't give any other rewards, i.e. that the total reward (AP + skins + tangible items + currency) is scaled.


There are good reasons why a game company might favor each/any of these. ANet seems to have chosen a combination, which is why we don't see consistency.

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The AP system is a bit of a mess. There is a truly bizarre "budget" per episode which doesn't need to exist, the reward track has rewards most players are unlikely to even see in the game's future and festivals give out ap like candy, whilst genuine achievements barely seem to reward at all. One of the excuses was that harder achievements already give otehr rewards, but that is missing the point entirely and doesn't really mean it shouldn't attach higher ap anyway.


As for the cap, I think 15k is satisfactory. I haven't reached it after 6 years (largely because I do it when i want to, not because I feel I have to). The 2g is an adequate carrot for dailies and I'd much rather see this "budget" thrown out the window and the ap rewards back to how to how they used be with regular 5, 10, 25 and those who wish to pursue the AP rewards can do so via a variety of content types and still feel like they are progressing.


Ap is after all, a very good, albeit entirely optional and easy to maintain horizontal progression system.

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> The AP system is a bit of a mess. There is a truly bizarre "budget" per episode which doesn't need to exist, the reward track has rewards most players are unlikely to even see in the game's future and festivals give out ap like candy, whilst genuine achievements barely seem to reward at all. One of the excuses was that harder achievements already give otehr rewards, but that is missing the point entirely and doesn't really mean it shouldn't attach higher ap anyway.


> As for the cap, I think 15k is satisfactory. I haven't reached it after 6 years (largely because I do it when i want to, not because I feel I have to). The 2g is an adequate carrot for dailies and I'd much rather see this "budget" thrown out the window and the ap rewards back to how to how they used be with regular 5, 10, 25 and those who wish to pursue the AP rewards can do so via a variety of content types and still feel like they are progressing.


> Ap is after all, a very good, albeit entirely optional and easy to maintain horizontal progression system.


I did notice that myself with the episode "budget" for AP, and it sucks cause there are some achievements which *should* be worth more than 5 due to difficulty or time required, but they arent due to the budget. I agree with the rest of what you said.

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I appreciate a lot of the feedback guys. I understand every one that does not want the cap raised, even if it is for selfish reasons. But almost no reply addresses why I asked this— to give some form of AP for players that don’t do PvE.


WvW and PvP players only really gain AP through dailies— and they rarely ever have to chase a specific task. Players that focus on these game modes just play the game and often earn the daily. However, once daily capped there is almost nothing they can do to earn AP in their competitive game modes. I believe there is less than 4,000 AP available to WvW and PvP combined, and this AP is even more restrictive than what is earned in PvE as much of it is ditctated by playing a specific class/character (with regards the PvP).


Why does this matter? Well, there are unique weapon and armor skins tied to AP. There are perks tied to it as well, and without having daily rewards there is pretty much nothing a PvP or WvW player can do to ever get things like Pinnacle weapon skins or to complete a set of Hellfire or Radiant armor— other than play PvE. You are capped at around 19,000 AP. Given how adamant some of you are about not wanting Anet to dictate your style of play, I am going to assume you would at least sympathize with not wanting to focus less on competitive game modes just to earn some AP.


I suppose the other option is to add a metric ton of AP to these game modes, just to be fair. But I think that would be both difficult and a waste of the developer’s time. (I also think many players here would not want to be forced into PvP and WvW again to chase AP.)


None of this has to do with chasing AP for pride or leaderboard status, because that will never matter if you don’t PvE. But there is definitely a desire to earn skins in these game modes that is equal to that of PvE players.

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I guess it comes down to...


Are there a large number of WvW and PvP players that care a lot about AP skins? I don't touch those game modes much myself but aren't people who focus more on the PvP aspect of games tend to care less about frivolous things? They are usually more competitive focused. Is this not the case and there's a large uproar in the PvP community about not having easy access to Pinnacle Weapon Skins or whatever?

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