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Battle Royale PLS


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Let's be real, Battle Royale is the hotness and would bring some population and fun to the stale pvp community. Some casual gameplay would be great for those who have grown tired of cap/decap/bunker/rotate and praying to god your condi cleanse is off CD for the next fight.


IDGAF if the mode is polished, throw 50 players in skyhammer for all I care.

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Guild Wars 2 was praised for not being another World of Warcraft clone, for being unique and doing something different and now you're saying that they should do the same thing other games are doing? I'm sorry, but no. It won't work, it will never work and I guarantee you nobody wants it in Guild Wars 2.


Just because Battle Royale games are popular, doesn't mean that it's going to make more people play Guild Wars 2. Also, you already have your Battle Royale games like Fortnite, PUBG, H1Z1 etc., so if you want to play Battle Royale, play those games instead of Guild Wars 2.

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> @"Hoodie.1045" said:

> Guild Wars 2 was praised for not being another World of Warcraft clone, for being unique and doing something different and now you're saying that they should do the same thing other games are doing? I'm sorry, but no. It won't work, it will never work and I guarantee you nobody wants it in Guild Wars 2.


> Just because Battle Royale games are popular, doesn't mean that it's going to make more people play Guild Wars 2. Also, you already have your Battle Royale games like Fortnite, PUBG, H1Z1 etc., so if you want to play Battle Royale, play those games instead of Guild Wars 2.


I want Battle Royale in GW2. A lot of high tier players also think it would be fun.


And yes, I am currently playing other games like Fortnite instead of GW2 because there haven't been any new (fun) gamemodes added since release.


Besides, GW2 already has all the mechanics you would find in a BR game, wide open maps, gliding, skill-based combat. I don't see why it wouldn't work nor do I see why people are opposed to new gamemodes.

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> @"Silinsar.6298" said:

> WvW solo roaming?


The difference between GW2BR and WvW is that BRs have a heavy focus on combat, further encouraged by a closing circle that forces all of the players together. Not to mention BRs are generally solo, duo, or team based. WvW has large scale PvP so roamers always run the risk of getting zerged down by one of the other 2 servers.


You can also go for long periods of time without fighting players in WvW simply because there may not be a lot of people roaming.

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> @"Hoodie.1045" said:

> Guild Wars 2 was praised for not being another World of Warcraft clone, for being unique and doing something different and now you're saying that they should do the same thing other games are doing? I'm sorry, but no. It won't work, it will never work and I guarantee you nobody wants it in Guild Wars 2.


> Just because Battle Royale games are popular, doesn't mean that it's going to make more people play Guild Wars 2. Also, you already have your Battle Royale games like Fortnite, PUBG, H1Z1 etc., so if you want to play Battle Royale, play those games instead of Guild Wars 2.


I want Battle Royale but you're right, bout time we all let go and play other games that actually support modes other than conquest.... I know Mobile Phone games that support more game modes than this.

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> @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > @"Silinsar.6298" said:

> > WvW solo roaming?


> The difference between GW2BR and WvW is that BRs have a heavy focus on combat, further encouraged by a closing circle that forces all of the players together. Not to mention BRs are generally solo, duo, or team based. WvW has large scale PvP so roamers always run the risk of getting zerged down by one of the other 2 servers.


> You can also go for long periods of time without fighting players in WvW simply because there may not be a lot of people roaming.


exactly.. I love roaming it's what I spend like 60-70% of my time on but the annoying thing is you always run the risk of, not only getting zerged but just targeted by a group of 2-5 that are roamers too. in a BR you could either choose solo or duo.. which would make everything a lot more fair and engaging.

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The one BIG problem that we'd have though, is mixed mobility issues. Some classes are just not going to be good in this game mode, whilst others will be exceedingly good at it. A great example is current Deadeye, which would be superior to every other class in the game mode for obvious reasons. Then you'd have some Mesmers/Warriors/Rangers who could pull it off in a world of DEs, but the other classes would have serious problems with disengage factor to avoid bad situations. Revenant = screwed, Guardian = screwed unless it used a rune of trapper spec with very high swiftness uptime, Engi might be able to compete with stealth gyro and elixir s play, Ele = screwed, Necro = screwed unless it goes Scourge for portal with flesh wurm with spectral walk, which at best isn't even rocking any stealth mechanics for a truly strong disengage. The only reason I put Warrior as viable is because of its generally strong mobility with no real CD and very high self sustain as a spellbreaker while running around and surviving like a cockroach. Aside from Warrior, this game mode would be harsh and very unforgiving for any class that cannot run a semi viable build fronting stealth mechanics and a lot of mobility.


I would really like to see a Battle Royale styled match, but it would need some design to cater to the above mentioned problem.


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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> The one BIG problem that we'd have though, is mixed mobility issues. Some classes are just not going to be good in this game mode, whilst others will be exceedingly good at it. A great example is current Deadeye, which would be superior to every other class in the game mode for obvious reasons. Then you'd have some Mesmers/Warriors/Rangers who could pull it off in a world of DEs, but the other classes would have serious problems with disengage factor to avoid bad situations. Revenant = screwed, Guardian = screwed unless it used a rune of trapper spec with very high swiftness uptime, Engi might be able to compete with stealth gyro and elixir s play, Ele = screwed, Necro = screwed unless it goes Scourge for portal with flesh wurm with spectral walk, which at best isn't even rocking any stealth mechanics for a truly strong disengage. The only reason I put Warrior as viable is because of its generally strong mobility with no real CD and very high self sustain as a spellbreaker while running around and surviving like a cockroach. Aside from Warrior, this game mode would be harsh and very unforgiving for any class that cannot run a semi viable build fronting stealth mechanics and a lot of mobility.


> I would really like to see a Battle Royale styled match, but it would need some design to cater to the above mentioned problem.



it would be very easy to fix this. I'm gonna give an example of how it could work. you can decide to tweak numbers later.


Every time you exit stealth you get revealed for 10-15 seconds. stealth cannot be stacked for more than 3-4 seconds at a time. DE elite skill Is removed from the game mode to avoid rule collision.


this forces all players who have stealth available to use it with care, and others will keep it solely for combat rotation purposes without being able to reset fights by going out of combat or using stealth as a the way to escape.

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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> The one BIG problem that we'd have though, is mixed mobility issues.


I'm confused and since I haven't played other Battle Royale games, but aren't Battle Royale games not using skills and you find your weapons/items on the ground? If a GW2 "version" is added then it stands to reason that no skill, weapon or trait would be available to players, but instead you'd find your gear and skills on the ground. Like in Southsun Survival. This eliminates all profession balance issues from the game and only the items that are used in the game mode will be required to be balanced (which should be much easier)

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the thing is, the gw2 game engine has everything it needs to run this game mode. wvw supports up to 100+ players on the same map. they can split certain skills between game modes. BR requires very little balance design tweaking to AT LEAST get the gamemode running ( like mentioned above with stealth ). furthermore, anet doesn't even need to create a new map to run experiments with this. they could honestly just take desert borderland map, remove all npcs and buildings and voilá there you have a test map. if 100 players is too much, just start with 50 and work from there.




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> @"bigo.9037" said:

> the thing is, the gw2 game engine has everything it needs to run this game mode. wvw supports up to 100+ players on the same map. they can split certain skills between game modes. BR requires very little balance design tweaking to AT LEAST get the gamemode running ( like mentioned above with stealth ). furthermore, anet doesn't even need to create a new map to run experiments with this. they could honestly just take desert borderland map, remove all npcs and buildings and voilá there you have a test map. if 100 players is too much, just start with 50 and work from there.





Yes but why allow players to use their own skills and items? This isn't Battle Royale anymore

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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > The one BIG problem that we'd have though, is mixed mobility issues.


> I'm confused and since I haven't played other Battle Royale games, but aren't Battle Royale games not using skills and you find your weapons/items on the ground? If a GW2 "version" is added then it stands to reason that no skill, weapon or trait would be available to players, but instead you'd find your gear and skills on the ground. Like in Southsun Survival. This eliminates all profession balance issues from the game and only the items that are used in the game mode will be required to be balanced (which should be much easier)


Start with skills, last man standing is the objective. No need to make things complicated.


I don't understand why anyone would have a problem with BR, dont like... dont play.

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> @"Bear.9568" said:

> > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > > The one BIG problem that we'd have though, is mixed mobility issues.

> >

> > I'm confused and since I haven't played other Battle Royale games, but aren't Battle Royale games not using skills and you find your weapons/items on the ground? If a GW2 "version" is added then it stands to reason that no skill, weapon or trait would be available to players, but instead you'd find your gear and skills on the ground. Like in Southsun Survival. This eliminates all profession balance issues from the game and only the items that are used in the game mode will be required to be balanced (which should be much easier)


> Start with skills, last man standing is the objective. No need to make things complicated.


> I don't understand why anyone would have a problem with BR, dont like... dont play.


Because skills and builds in this game are not very balanced around something like that? And it's... not BR at least don't call it BR this 100-man deathmatch and has very little to do with BR

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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > @"Bear.9568" said:

> > > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > > > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > > > The one BIG problem that we'd have though, is mixed mobility issues.

> > >

> > > I'm confused and since I haven't played other Battle Royale games, but aren't Battle Royale games not using skills and you find your weapons/items on the ground? If a GW2 "version" is added then it stands to reason that no skill, weapon or trait would be available to players, but instead you'd find your gear and skills on the ground. Like in Southsun Survival. This eliminates all profession balance issues from the game and only the items that are used in the game mode will be required to be balanced (which should be much easier)

> >

> > Start with skills, last man standing is the objective. No need to make things complicated.

> >

> > I don't understand why anyone would have a problem with BR, dont like... dont play.


> Because skills and builds in this game are not very balanced around something like that? And it's... not BR at least don't call it BR this 100-man deathmatch and has very little to do with BR


Again.... don't like.... don't play.

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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > @"Bear.9568" said:

> > > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > > > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > > > The one BIG problem that we'd have though, is mixed mobility issues.

> > >

> > > I'm confused and since I haven't played other Battle Royale games, but aren't Battle Royale games not using skills and you find your weapons/items on the ground? If a GW2 "version" is added then it stands to reason that no skill, weapon or trait would be available to players, but instead you'd find your gear and skills on the ground. Like in Southsun Survival. This eliminates all profession balance issues from the game and only the items that are used in the game mode will be required to be balanced (which should be much easier)

> >

> > Start with skills, last man standing is the objective. No need to make things complicated.

> >

> > I don't understand why anyone would have a problem with BR, dont like... dont play.


> Because skills and builds in this game are not very balanced around something like that? And it's... not BR at least don't call it BR this 100-man deathmatch and has very little to do with BR


pretty sure BR just means everyone vs everyone .. BR with the same skills is what everyone is talking about here. balance is a non issue other than certain stealth mechanics. saying we should never create BR in gw2 just because "it wasn't made with BR in mind" is silly.


it can work, it doesn't need to be a competitive mode right away with perfect balance.


also, wvw balance for roaming is OK.. and those two share the same kind of balancing goals.

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> @"OutOfOrder.3719" said:

> Requesting Battle Royal is a silly request.


> However, requesting GvG for 10 vs 10 would be much easier to implement using the current PvP system with amulets.


> GvG is what you should be asking for. I personally hate DOTA and league of legends.


Unfortunately, they already have said they have no plans of adding this/supporting GvG.

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