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Please adjust recipes that require Mystic Coins

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250 or more for a single item feels like too much. If you don't buy off TP getting the required amount takes longer than any other material.

For reference most lengendaries, in my mind, should take 3-4 months to craft. Mystic Coin full stacks, takes longer than that unless you have a couple 100 gold to drop on one component.

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Well MC's are much easier to acquire than some things I don't care to mention anymore.. back in the bad ole days MC's were scarce, but useless.. now they are less scarce but with a lot more uses, so for this mat/item its reasonably balanced imo… especially as you can open silly amounts of F2P accounts and get the daily login rewards over and over iirc.

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> @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> Well MC's are much easier to acquire than some things I don't care to mention anymore.. back in the bad ole days MC's were scarce, but useless.. now they are less scarce but with a lot more uses, so for this mat/item its reasonably balanced imo… especially as you can open silly amounts of F2P accounts and get the daily login rewards over and over iirc.


F2P accounts dont get daily login rewards.

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Months is not a helpful way to measure this. Are you allowing for people who play 2 hours a day vs. people who play 6+ hours a day? Going on vacation for a week? Playing living story episodes and festivals as they're released? And so on. There's too many variables which will affect different people in different ways to say that making a legendary typically will or should take a certain number of months.


I assume Anet wanted mystic coins to be more expensive than the were before HoT, or they wouldn't have made the changes they did to drive up demand. Apart from a small drop in September 2017 the price has been going up steadily ever since. Anet might be waiting to see if and when the market will balance itself - at what point do players decide it's just too expensive and stop buying them? Or, and I'm not saying this is the case, we might not have reached what they consider an excessive price for them.

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I think the OP makes an understandable request in relation to many recipes that existed at the start of the game, which were conceived well before Mystic Coins climbed to the value that they are now at.

If you look at the Mystic Coin requirements for the recipes on this page for example, [ [Mystic Coin Equipment](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mystic_Coin/Equipment "Mystic Coin Equipment") ] , adding the current Mystic Coin cost on top of all the other mats that are required does seem to push the cost of making these way higher than it feels that it needs to be, considering that most of them aren't particularly fancy skins by today's flashy standards.

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> @"Mysticjedi.6053" said:

> 250 or more for a single item feels like too much. If you don't buy off TP getting the required amount takes longer than any other material.


Yes and some of the other materials take way less time to gather. What's your point? You are unhappy with the one material which is the most expensive for the legendary?


Cost for legendarys has remained very stable over the years, the cost simply shifted between required items. (see bottom part of this post).


> @"Mysticjedi.6053" said:

> For reference most lengendaries, in my mind, should take 3-4 months to craft. Mystic Coin full stacks, takes longer than that unless you have a couple 100 gold to drop on one component.


Arenanet seems to disagree since they specifically designed new legendarys and more and more items to require Mystic Coins. The objective is obvious: make Mystic Coins a limited resource required for prestige items which is being traded over the TP for people who use up more than they naturally accumulate.


This is a direct benefit to new players who can easily trade away Mystic Coins for gold early on. This also encourages trade over the TP which removes gold from the economy.


> @"Vallune.8150" said:

> I think the OP makes an understandable request in relation to many recipes that existed at the start of the game, which were conceived well before Mystic Coins climbed to the value that they are now at.

> If you look at the Mystic Coin requirements for the recipes on this page for example, [ [Mystic Coin Equipment](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mystic_Coin/Equipment "Mystic Coin Equipment") ] , adding the current Mystic Coin cost on top of all the other mats that are required does seem to push the cost of making these way higher than it feels that it needs to be, considering that most of them aren't particularly fancy skins by today's flashy standards.


You are incorrect, here take a look at the cost of Twilight on the TP as far back as 2013: https://www.gw2tp.com/item/30704-twilight?full=1

Check any T1 legendary you want, they are all similar on this timeline.


The cost for legendarys has remained very stable and what was missing cost wise to craft on mystic coins was covered by T6 materials and ectoplasm in the past and which are dirt cheap currently.


So to assume legendarys used to be cheaper because Mystic Coins were cheaper is plain incorrect.


**TL;DR: the Mystic Coin price is desired by Arenanet where it is at right now. They will not change this.**

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Here we go another complaint about nothing. Just grind and get gold to get them or convert gems into gold. Anet does not need to change any recipes once they are locked in they should be locked in. I mean how fucked up would it be for all those who did get the items requiring all these mats just to be changed to less of a certain material. Those people matter as well and i would not want to invalidate their time and money spent.

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> @"Lambent.6375" said:

> > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > Well MC's are much easier to acquire than some things I don't care to mention anymore.. back in the bad ole days MC's were scarce, but useless.. now they are less scarce but with a lot more uses, so for this mat/item its reasonably balanced imo… especially as you can open silly amounts of F2P accounts and get the daily login rewards over and over iirc.


> F2P accounts dont get daily login rewards.


I wasn't sure tbh hence the iirc part, having never bothered or needed any second account+

Thanks for the heads up there though.

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> @"Airdive.2613" said:

> My mystic coins are accumulated much faster than tier 6 materials when I'm going for legendaries. Can we therefore adjust the legendary recipes to require less tier 6 materials?


If you trade your laurels from log in rewards for T6 mats your mystic coin accumulation will soon seem paltry.

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:


> > @"Vallune.8150" said:

> > I think the OP makes an understandable request in relation to many recipes that existed at the start of the game, which were conceived well before Mystic Coins climbed to the value that they are now at.

> > If you look at the Mystic Coin requirements for the recipes on this page for example, [ [Mystic Coin Equipment](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mystic_Coin/Equipment "Mystic Coin Equipment") ] , adding the current Mystic Coin cost on top of all the other mats that are required does seem to push the cost of making these way higher than it feels that it needs to be, considering that most of them aren't particularly fancy skins by today's flashy standards.


> You are incorrect, here take a look at the cost of Twilight on the TP as far back as 2013: https://www.gw2tp.com/item/30704-twilight?full=1

> Check any T1 legendary you want, they are all similar on this timeline.


> The cost for legendarys has remained very stable and what was missing cost wise to craft on mystic coins was covered by T6 materials and ectoplasm in the past and which are dirt cheap currently.


> So to assume legendarys used to be cheaper because Mystic Coins were cheaper is plain incorrect.


> **TL;DR: the Mystic Coin price is desired by Arenanet where it is at right now. They will not change this.**


I didn't actually mention Legendary weapons, I was talking specifically about the exotic weapons listed in the link I included.

I used the link that you provided to look at Mystic Battleaxe as an example., this was sitting around the 6-10g mark for 2-3 years until mystic coins starting rocketing in price, it is now sitting in the 55-60g range.

This is what I mean when I say that this has pushed some recipes to higher values than they need to be for a pretty basic skin.


Reducing the amount of coins required for some of these Exotic weapon recipes, for example, would not have a major impact on Mystic Coin prices, as the main consumption of coins lies elsewhere.

In fact it may be the case that more people would bother to craft them if the material cost was less, so the amount of coins used may even balance out.

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> @"Vallune.8150" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:


> > > @"Vallune.8150" said:

> > > I think the OP makes an understandable request in relation to many recipes that existed at the start of the game, which were conceived well before Mystic Coins climbed to the value that they are now at.

> > > If you look at the Mystic Coin requirements for the recipes on this page for example, [ [Mystic Coin Equipment](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mystic_Coin/Equipment "Mystic Coin Equipment") ] , adding the current Mystic Coin cost on top of all the other mats that are required does seem to push the cost of making these way higher than it feels that it needs to be, considering that most of them aren't particularly fancy skins by today's flashy standards.

> >

> > You are incorrect, here take a look at the cost of Twilight on the TP as far back as 2013: https://www.gw2tp.com/item/30704-twilight?full=1

> > Check any T1 legendary you want, they are all similar on this timeline.

> >

> > The cost for legendarys has remained very stable and what was missing cost wise to craft on mystic coins was covered by T6 materials and ectoplasm in the past and which are dirt cheap currently.

> >

> > So to assume legendarys used to be cheaper because Mystic Coins were cheaper is plain incorrect.

> >

> > **TL;DR: the Mystic Coin price is desired by Arenanet where it is at right now. They will not change this.**


> I didn't actually mention Legendary weapons, I was talking specifically about the exotic weapons listed in the link I included.

> I used the link that you provided to look at Mystic Battleaxe as an example., this was sitting around the 6-10g mark for 2-3 years until mystic coins starting rocketing in price, it is now sitting in the 55-60g range.

> This is what I mean when I say that this has pushed some recipes to higher values than they need to be for a pretty basic skin.


> Reducing the amount of coins required for some of these Exotic weapon recipes, for example, would not have a major impact on Mystic Coin prices, as the main consumption of coins lies elsewhere.

> In fact it may be the case that more people would bother to craft them if the material cost was less, so the amount of coins used may even balance out.


Sure that would work, so when do we stop with this intervention?


What about the acolyte of Dwayna collection? https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Acolyte_of_Dwayna


It spiked hard since some of the items require Superior Sigil of Nullification (which is now required for the new armor) thus increasing 4 fold in price.


If Arenanet intervenes now or at any point in time they would create a precedent. That being they are required to change weapon recepies to always remain equal in value. That is not going to happen. It is way to much of a balance nightmare and simply not needed.

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> @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> 20 coins monthly by logging in.

> 30 coins monthly by doing daily anomaly.

> 24 coins in 4 weeks by completing wvw Diamond chest.

> Fractal daily chests drop coins too.

> The occasional daily forger drops a coin too.

> Plus you can buy them in bulk from tp.




Indeed, I agree - this is a list with all the sources of MC in the game. The fractal daily chest has a **random** chance to drop MC. The daily forger is also a random daily event to be considered a reliable source.

Only the first 3 sources and the TP remains as reliable sources. From the first 3 sources, by logging in **every single day**, by killing the anomaly **every single day**, by completing without failure the Diamond chest in WvW **every week**, you can craft a second generation Legendary weapon in less than 7 months. Although, taking into account the fact that these are Legendaries, we can understand this (understand but not agree - this is something ANet forced in game), the OP spoke here to another side of the coin :) - the non-legendary items. For example, at this rate you can craft the **exotic** focus The Anomaly in only one and a half month (you have an ample compensation - the Sigil of Nullification is there). The **exotic** greatsword Vision of the Mist also need only one and a half month to be completed (also it contains the Sigil of Nullification). For the **exotic** hammer named Foefire's Power you need another month and a half. Without the Sigil of Nullification in this case :/. By completing **every** single day the Anomaly, and all the Diamond Chests without failure. For some exotic items. HM?


I don't know if you are content or discontent with the actual situation, but I'm not. Having only the TP left if you don't want to perform the same content every day for the next 5 months only to craft 3 exotic weapons is not something to make me happy.


As a note: To complete the diamond tier in WvW in a way allowing you to sleep (at least 2-3 nights per week) you should have a high rank in WvW **and** to belong to a good server. At 3 pips per tick you need a lot of time in WvW - and you will not have the time to do the Anomaly.


Does anyone consider that the crafting of an **exotic** weapon in only one and a half month should be a privilege only for the veteran players?


> @"zealex.9410" said:

> Mystic coins are fine.


Indeed, the MC are fine. Good design, the item looks good.

The problem discussed here is not the aspect of the MC, but the way the MC are introduced into game and the cost in MC for a lot of **exotic** items. And these aspects are not fine anymore. At least in my opinion.

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> @"Cristalyan.5728" said:

> > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> > 20 coins monthly by logging in.

> > 30 coins monthly by doing daily anomaly.

> > 24 coins in 4 weeks by completing wvw Diamond chest.

> > Fractal daily chests drop coins too.

> > The occasional daily forger drops a coin too.

> > Plus you can buy them in bulk from tp.

> >

> >


> Indeed, I agree - this is a list with all the sources of MC in the game. The fractal daily chest has a **random** chance to drop MC. The daily forger is also a random daily event to be considered a reliable source.


Fractals might be RNG when it comes to mystic coins, yet they most likely bring more coins into the market than any other source except the daily login rewards. From my personal experience, the amount of coins that drop from fractals is.. alot.

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> @"Cristalyan.5728" said:

> > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> > 20 coins monthly by logging in.

> > 30 coins monthly by doing daily anomaly.

> > 24 coins in 4 weeks by completing wvw Diamond chest.

> > Fractal daily chests drop coins too.

> > The occasional daily forger drops a coin too.

> > Plus you can buy them in bulk from tp.

> >

> >


> Indeed, I agree - this is a list with all the sources of MC in the game. The fractal daily chest has a **random** chance to drop MC. The daily forger is also a random daily event to be considered a reliable source.

> Only the first 3 sources and the TP remains as reliable sources. From the first 3 sources, by logging in **every single day**, by killing the anomaly **every single day**, by completing without failure the Diamond chest in WvW **every week**, you can craft a second generation Legendary weapon in less than 7 months. Although, taking into account the fact that these are Legendaries, we can understand this (understand but not agree - this is something ANet forced in game), the OP spoke here to another side of the coin :) - the non-legendary items. For example, at this rate you can craft the **exotic** focus The Anomaly in only one and a half month (you have an ample compensation - the Sigil of Nullification is there). The **exotic** greatsword Vision of the Mist also need only one and a half month to be completed (also it contains the Sigil of Nullification). For the **exotic** hammer named Foefire's Power you need another month and a half. Without the Sigil of Nullification in this case :/. By completing **every** single day the Anomaly, and all the Diamond Chests without failure. For some exotic items. HM?


> I don't know if you are content or discontent with the actual situation, but I'm not. Having only the TP left if you don't want to perform the same content every day for the next 5 months only to craft 3 exotic weapons is not something to make me happy.


> As a note: To complete the diamond tier in WvW in a way allowing you to sleep (at least 2-3 nights per week) you should have a high rank in WvW **and** to belong to a good server. At 3 pips per tick you need a lot of time in WvW - and you will not have the time to do the Anomaly.


> Does anyone consider that the crafting of an **exotic** weapon in only one and a half month should be a privilege only for the veteran players?


> > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > Mystic coins are fine.


> Indeed, the MC are fine. Good design, the item looks good.

> The problem discussed here is not the aspect of the MC, but the way the MC are introduced into game and the cost in MC for a lot of **exotic** items. And these aspects are not fine anymore. At least in my opinion.


I guess i wasnt clear, i think the price point, aquisition methods and quantity needed are all, in general, fine. The price has also not changed substantially since the pof launch were everyone came back and sold their mc.


Its ok for materials to be expensive, for every mc u got 10-15 or more mats that are dirt cheap.

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> @"Cristalyan.5728" said:

> > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> > 20 coins monthly by logging in.

> > 30 coins monthly by doing daily anomaly.

> > 24 coins in 4 weeks by completing wvw Diamond chest.

> > Fractal daily chests drop coins too.

> > The occasional daily forger drops a coin too.

> > Plus you can buy them in bulk from tp.

> >

> >


> Indeed, I agree - this is a list with all the sources of MC in the game. The fractal daily chest has a **random** chance to drop MC. The daily forger is also a random daily event to be considered a reliable source.

> Only the first 3 sources and the TP remains as reliable sources. From the first 3 sources, by logging in **every single day**, by killing the anomaly **every single day**, by completing without failure the Diamond chest in WvW **every week**, you can craft a second generation Legendary weapon in less than 7 months. Although, taking into account the fact that these are Legendaries, we can understand this (understand but not agree - this is something ANet forced in game), the OP spoke here to another side of the coin :) - the non-legendary items. For example, at this rate you can craft the **exotic** focus The Anomaly in only one and a half month (you have an ample compensation - the Sigil of Nullification is there). The **exotic** greatsword Vision of the Mist also need only one and a half month to be completed (also it contains the Sigil of Nullification). For the **exotic** hammer named Foefire's Power you need another month and a half. Without the Sigil of Nullification in this case :/. By completing **every** single day the Anomaly, and all the Diamond Chests without failure. For some exotic items. HM?


> I don't know if you are content or discontent with the actual situation, but I'm not. Having only the TP left if you don't want to perform the same content every day for the next 5 months only to craft 3 exotic weapons is not something to make me happy.


> As a note: To complete the diamond tier in WvW in a way allowing you to sleep (at least 2-3 nights per week) you should have a high rank in WvW **and** to belong to a good server. At 3 pips per tick you need a lot of time in WvW - and you will not have the time to do the Anomaly.


> Does anyone consider that the crafting of an **exotic** weapon in only one and a half month should be a privilege only for the veteran players?


> > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > Mystic coins are fine.


> Indeed, the MC are fine. Good design, the item looks good.

> The problem discussed here is not the aspect of the MC, but the way the MC are introduced into game and the cost in MC for a lot of **exotic** items. And these aspects are not fine anymore. At least in my opinion.


The exotic items are skins. Expensive skins. As such, their mystic coin cost is justified, to me at least. Theyre not QoL items, theyre not necessary living story achievement items. Theyre meant to be rare, rightly so. And, in case you didnt notice, mystic coins can be purchased off the tp. Tp has 32k+ coins, you can easily make every skin you want with those. Theyre not sigils of nullification, a reliable way to get them exists for every player, it is a great in come source for New players who wont make a legendary or a 200-500g skin. I fail to grasp the "lack" of coins. Theyre there in abundance.

Edit: i hope you know that mystic Clovers can be obtained without use of mystic coins. Non repeatable reward tracks in wvw and pvp give 7 Clovers each. But legendaries are much like foefire skins and the anomaly: overpriced skins, and a gold sink. If coin value drops, new players have a harder time getting gold. The way i see it, mystic coins are fine.

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Eh, I think MC could use a little more of a faucet. I say this because I think it's obvious they overshot their mark on the supply/demand curve. Look at early recipes for feasts and boxes of armor that take an absurd amount of coins in today's terms for what they are. When they made the switch to reduce the supply of coins, they didn't change these recipes. I'm thinking they thought they would rise in value because them being dirt cheap was bad, but I think they took the sinks too far (mainly guild halls) and didn't expect it to look like this. These and leather I think were their biggest miscalculations. It's not that either are unobtainably high, it's just that they are frustratingly high for all the things they are used for.

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> @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> 20 coins monthly by logging in.

> **30 coins monthly by doing daily anomaly.**

> **24 coins in 4 weeks by completing wvw Diamond chest.**

> **Fractal daily chests drop coins too.**

> The occasional daily forger drops a coin too.

> Plus you can buy them in bulk from tp.


Notice the options in bold were introduced only after it was clear to many players that MCs will be a problem. And _after_ certain dev mentioned that everything is fine and the problem is solely player-caused (and thus not something for Anet to solve), which suggests they did change their mind on it, to a degree at least.

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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> > 20 coins monthly by logging in.

> > **30 coins monthly by doing daily anomaly.**

> > **24 coins in 4 weeks by completing wvw Diamond chest.**

> > **Fractal daily chests drop coins too.**

> > The occasional daily forger drops a coin too.

> > Plus you can buy them in bulk from tp.


> Notice the options in bold were introduced only after it was clear to many players that MCs will be a problem. And _after_ certain dev mentioned that everything is fine and the problem is solely player-caused (and thus not something for Anet to solve), which suggests they did change their mind on it, to a degree at least.


I believe the coins through dailies were introduced while that dev was still working for anet. Furthermore with those method being added the item is still near its during hot price point so clearly this looks to be the price point most players and anet are content with.

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