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GEMSTORE REQUESTS: New Items; Items offered again - [Merged]

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I would agree with some of those posts above that as we return to some of these areas we know so well from GW that outfits form them or weapon styles would be wonderful. I for one would not mind seeing things like the Voltaic Spear or Dolyak Prod make come backs as skins. I'd also second mount skins that mimic some of the creatures we already see in the world around. On an interesting note, I do miss some of the competitions for weapon and item designs that used to occur in GW1 and think that could be a fun way to incorporate some fresh air into the gemstore.

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Things I thought might be neat:

- A boomerang weapon skin for axe or sword would be fun. I need more than one or two axe skin that I would actually want to use seeing as how a bunch of spec. use that weapon.

- Cloak back pieces. thought about this since I got the back piece for choosing to have Amnoon stay independant.

- An endless wyvern tonic. Because it's only fair that we get to see some of the cooler creatures introduced in HoT have tonics instead of being stuck with... beetle tonic...

- New Charr male faces that aren't ugly as sin. Please. This NEEDS to happen.

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1. A very snowy guild hall

2. Roller beetle skin pack of all the previous packs

3. Giftable gems, character slots, bank tabs, etc

4. More wing glider/backpack combos

5. Much like the Requiem armor skins, a dyeable back piece (could match the requiem armor even) unlocked through collections and crafting combined

6. Iridescent armor skins - for all weight sets

7. Underwater mount - maybe the dismount shoots you upward and you leave behind a trail of conditions?

8. Kits for just eyes so we don't need to buy an entire makeover kit just to adjust character eye color, 200 gems?

9. LESS CLUNKY MEDIUM ARMOR!!!! So many trenchcoats... something short in front/long in back? Just not so clunky... more variety

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Now that I am thinking about it - I really would like to see some kind of effect added to the Gem Store that can grant some form of aura or effect for a short duration for a user. The reason I thought about this is there are many wonderful, helpful players in the community that go out of their way to help and assist new and veteran players alike. This would be a nice way to send something as a thank you to those whom assist you with things if reasonably priced and just make people feel appreciated. People could also use it for special occasions etc. Sure, you could just send them a few gold or some items in game, but I think something like this really would just have a more special feel to it and add to that community based feeling.

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A full body skin tight leather sneaking suit like Anne Hathaway’s Catwoman in The Dark Knight Rises. Something that shows NO skin, NO shiny or glowy parts, NO spikes or crystals sticking out, and NO lose or hanging parts.


I’m currently using the Elegy chest and pants (but with different gloves and boots) on my human female thief since that is the closest I can get to the style I’m going for. Unfortunately, the Elegy chest armor has shiny crystals and weird crisscrossed pattern. The pants also have awkward vertical lines.

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I'd love it if you could make a simple pair of high heeled boots that could be worn by all classes like the Foefire greaves. Something not flashy, but with the heel height like on the Desmina outfit. To be honest, heel choices are limited to non-existant depending on the weight class. Just one choice would be nice for those who want it.

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1) Branded roller beetle (and preferably ones to match the other mount packs, but branded is my priority because it's the one I have)


2) Primeval raptor, skimmer and griffon skins to match the springer, jackal and beetle.


3) More outfits which **don't** look like armour.

I've been thinking about why I buy and use so many more costumes in Elder Scrolls Online than outfits in GW2 even though they're basically the same thing, and I think it comes down to two things. Firstly ESO's costumes can all be dyed differently instead of sharing dye slots, so it's easier to get lots of them looking good without having to re-do the dyes every time, and secondly there are many more which are distinctly different from the armour and look more like normal clothing that NPCs wear around town. I appreciate having some armour outfits, because it makes it possible to look like you're wearing a different armour weight, but mostly I'm looking for things I can't do with armour and at the moment the selection is very limited.

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Beetle skins to match the other mounts sets: (Exo-Dynamic, Branded, Awakened, Spooky and so on....) but I'm not sure they should cost 2000 gems, sets include 5 mount skins, it means 400 gems for one skin, so if an alone beetle skin is added it should only cost 400 gems or 320 if you consider when sets are in sale for 1600. I feel bad that my beetle can't have like others the exo-mount skin.

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It would be really cool to have a Sylvari set of mount skins that come in a box together like the Branded, Exo-Suit, and Awakened sets.


The devs could draw inspiration from existing Mordrem, Sylvari, and Nightmare Court models and creatures in order to produce a new set of mount skins in keeping with the design of the Sylvari. It would be even cooler if they all had the "bioluminscent" feature that Sylvari have when it comes to coloring them.


There could even be a side story to go with the idea, helping the Pale Tree to produce the new creatures.


Here are a few creatures that could inspire some ideas:


Raptor: Mordrem Guard Mount

Jackal: Bioluminescent Lurcher / Teragriff / Mordrem Wolf / Thorn Wolf / Fern Hound / Sylvan Hound / Nightmare Hound

Griffon: Minor Mordrem Wyvern

Beetle: Rolling Devil

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today i did some map completion in mount maelstrom again and every time i come across the heart at Oxbow Isle ([&BNECAAA=]) , where you get a [risen disguise](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/index.php?title=Order_Risen_Disguise "risen disguise") to attack the local Krait with it, i wish there was a combat tonic for that.

it has different appearance based on race and a nice zombie walk animation. but it lacks some newer animations that came to the game with HoT/PoF.

i would love to be able to buy a combat tonic for this from the gem store (maybe also other corruption combat tonics to look branded or mordrem etc.), but also wouldnt mind it being add to the heart vendor.

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A thing I would like to suggest based on a technologgy added in Lake Doric and Bitterfrost Frontier: DISGUISES

(A kind of tonic turning foes into allies)


-> Turn yourself into a specific foe making all foes of the same type allies. Would be basically packs for 400 gems:

Icy foes/Jungle Foes /Risen foes /Baddies organizations...


Seriously if some order of whisper without experience can infiltrate, why not us?

(Since 6 years I'm wearing Inquest colors, Inquest symbol, Inquest weapon and armor and still that ninny doesn't recognize me as part of them?)



1- For RP where you incarnate a bad person, will avoid annoyances from foes around.

2- Usable only in PvE, outside of story/dungeons, can help when you are just exploring the map, want to take your time. No advantages since you can't kill the corresponding ennemy under disguise, only allow you to avoid fighting.


Only usable if level 80, or it will give an advantage for map completion?


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Hey there!


I'd lvoe to be able to get these _Short Katanas_ that Quetzal Tengu have in the Auric Basin. Their codes were present before the HoT release and I tought that it would be a great idea to add them as a new GemStore item. Thought I'd be more happy if it was craftable just like Beta HoT Revenant Weapons!


_This is the Tengu wielding those weapons in game_




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Not exactly a gem store request, but...


Can we get some new racial armors where heavy, medium, and light armors use the same skin? Unfortunately, majority of current armors are cross-race armors that don't look right on some races (Charr, particularly). Racial specific armors result in more armors that fit the race and character. Having all armor types look the same has the benefit of allowing characters to wear armors that break from the usual appearance.


It may also be easier for artists to create.


Currently, 3 unique skins (1 unique skin each for heavy, medium, and light), 5 races, and 2 genders each result in 30 total variations for artists to create.


Racial specific I mentioned requires 5 unique armors for the race and 2 variations for gender. This leads to 10 total variations since there is no need to create unique skins for heavy, medium, and light.

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