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Difficulty choices for clocktower JP


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I know that there are a lot of people who are having a very difficult time with the clocktower jumping puzzle, so perhaps there could be a difficulty setting similar to the wintersday jumping puzzle?


Keep the normal jumping puzzle as is for those who want a challenge, and maybe add a mode where you don't have to stop and wait for the material to explode out from the tower in certain places. Giving players who might have some issues with hand-eye coordination, ping problems or other troubles to familiarize themselves with the layout and take on the more harshly timed challenge later if so desired.


Of course you can adjust the rewards as appropriate for a lower difficulty.

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This has come up every year for 6 years and the JP has so far and prob always will be, untouched. It has reached a certain notoriety as one of the hardest jp challenges and I would doubt they want to make any changes or alternate difficulties for it.


As someone who can barely get past the first jumps, Im happy for them to leave it as is

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I'd very much welcome the option of a solo 'practice' instance of it, where you could enter and attempt it without waiting for bits to appear, and without any timers/bits falling away, and most importantly where If you fail then you could restart and attempt it again straight away, without that stupid waiting timer, as that's the main reason I don't bother with it. Even if this 'practice' mode didn't give rewards I'd be fine with that, it'd just be nice to have an instance to enjoy it and try to improve for the actual challenge.

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Maybe 3 times a year, because you need that many for the overall achievement.

A couple years back I got luck and had an instance all to myself for the near full time. With that, I was able to get a lot of runs in, and finally complete it (now I can do it with some regularity). What would help (and I think may be easier/more modest):

1) Cut the number of players down per instance, so less likely to be waiting around.

2) If there is less than 5 minutes on the clock, don't dump new players into an instance, as if there is less than 2 minutes, it won't start anyways. If I get in an instance with less than 5 minutes, I just exit and re-enter, hoping to get a better one.

Since I believe GW2 is not running in AWS, adding scaling/more instances should be easier vs back in the day when they were running on their own servers.


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> @"Gop.8713" said:

> Different difficulties work for the wintersday jp bc it is farmable in a way that the clocktower is not. You really only need to do it once a year . . .


I think the main thing which made adding difficulties to Wintersday jumping puzzle logical is that it already had 3 different paths through the timed section. All they had to do was adjust the timing on the snowflake platforms so one set take longer to disappear and one set take less time. Whereas the clocktower only has one path, so it would be a lot more work to change it.


Personally I like @"killermanjaro.5670"'s idea of a practice mode with no time limit and where you can restart immediately, so you can practice and learn the path and then get used to the timing separately.


Although I'd suggest keeping the final jump from the stairs into the clock timed, because that is the only thing which makes that jump challenging but it takes practice to get it right and I imagine it would be even harder to learn if you'd gotten used to just running up the stairs and jumping immediately and suddenly you're faced with having to wait and catch just the right moment to get in.

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I managed to complete it (3 times so far, still 12 to go for the full achievements... ) at my second year. I have nothing against difficult JPs, the only problem with this is that it's only available during the festival (well, 3 weeks is not a very short period of time, but still, not spammable as you wish, if you want to practice). In general I prefer to have difficult achievements outside of festivals, but we also had the Crown Pavilion, and I didn't complain because I haven't been able to defeat Turai Ossa and missed a good bunch of AP.


Maybe we could reduce the waiting time a bit, as @"killermanjaro.5670" said. If you are still learning how to jump, it's boring to wait until the honored in applied jumps reaches the top and opens the chest. I spent a whole night (from 23 o' clock to 6 in the morning) to get the gold in the Scrap Rifle Field Test, just because I could easily restart if I mistook something, so it was basically all playing time. With 7 hours inside this JP, most of the time would be waiting time, if you keep failing the first part (the hardest one) of the JP.


Anyway, ArenaNet did a good job with the Raceaway and with the new 50 AP achievement that only requires 9/10. We are talking about an old JP after all. Maybe they will also change it, maybe not, but so far I'm pleased with their decisions for this year.

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The tower is fine as it is and the challenge has been reduced already. Today, you dont see the other player characters in their real form. Today the other players are nearly invisible. Do you know how hard it was as every player was visible? How hard it is when you have Charr and Norn in your group and you cant see where to jump because of these big guys? That was a real mean challenge.

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> This has come up every year for 6 years and the JP has so far and prob always will be, untouched.


Not 100% true. The JP used to have full character models. So that bulky Norn or Charr would obstruct your view. Since year 2 everyone else just appears as a wisp. You probably knew that, but a nice historical fun fact for everyone. :D

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I was thinking the other day that it'd be great to just have a practice instance available or maybe a version that's just strictly timed without that rising tide taking people away so that even if there's no hope of reaching the top in time, you could still practice the area you got stuck on instead of waiting around doing nothing. Of course no loot boxes along the way in the strictly timed version!

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I remember when the clocktower was first released and everyone hated running it if there were fat norns and charr in the group. Also everyone ran it armorless so you could see where your feet landed, that is if you were well ahead in first and didn't have to see through all the other players. It's one of a very small number of achievements I'm most proud of.

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don’t change it. i never made it till last year. i mostly played fps games and now more mmo so i was a noob. now a bit better. it’s practice. if there is a difficult jp then it’s sanctum scramble or what’s called for revenant ascended shield. i raged few hours and tried everything and got bronze in last second i think. because the ability’s never worked. skill 2 if i remember. wanted a nerf. didn’t get it. on youtube it looks smooth and easy. for me everything goes wrong. never worked. now halloween jp. zoom in your char so close view.


if nerf. then nerf everything. i want title. leave no hero behind. i want so much. and no skill or interest. i can’t have everything. but i am proud with kingslayer and blazing light. that a not so skilled player like me (in mmo) got it.

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> @"Lini.2698" said:

> I know that there are a lot of people who are having a very difficult time with the clocktower jumping puzzle, so perhaps there could be a difficulty setting similar to the wintersday jumping puzzle?


> Keep the normal jumping puzzle as is for those who want a challenge, and maybe add a mode where you don't have to stop and wait for the material to explode out from the tower in certain places. Giving players who might have some issues with hand-eye coordination, ping problems or other troubles to familiarize themselves with the layout and take on the more harshly timed challenge later if so desired.


> Of course you can adjust the rewards as appropriate for a lower difficulty.


No achievement/collection progress but 5 ToT bags as reward if done on easy. That once a year choice box is also only available if done on normal.

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Please don't nerf clock tower. It's an amazing jp and so much fun even though it's hard. This is my third halloween and it just seemed to click for me this year. That practise and struggle makes it all worth while.


If people aren't willing to learn and 'git gud' those that enjoy it shouldn't have to sacrifice.

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Last year I said to hell with it and went after it for 3 straight hours before I got it. After that, I can complete it 4 out of 5. Once you get it you'll be shocked how easy it becomes and ask yourself, "How in the hell was this such a pain in the butt?"


Believe the issue here is people aren't dedicated enough to go after it like I did.


My best advice is DO NOT HESITATE. Go after it. You miss, you miss and try again. But the second you pause or 2nd guess yourself you will not get it. Commit to it and keep that "in the zone" up.

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Don't nerf the clock tower, BUT please: Let us play the clock tower jp solo without others players! The waiting time is the worst. And yeah, it's nice that Anet got rid of the Charr problem. But even the little blue spirits and the red name tags of the other players are distracting for me. Please please please let us enter the clock tower alone.


edit: Oh, and I AM able to finish the JP. Got it 3 times for this year already. But because of the waiting time it wasn't really enjoyable and that's a pity. I think it's one of the best JP ingame. I love the design, I love the music, everything. I just don't understand why we are forced into groups.

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