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Difficulty choices for clocktower JP


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I never did it for years. Then I watched a video and saw that jump down thing I would've never guessed to do that. Then I tried a ton times and eventually I can do it in 1 attempt when it's daily and get mad when I fail now because it's become easy. I haven't had to try this year yet so well see if I'm out of practice.

Watch a video.

Keep practicing.

If it's some kind of physical reason you can't then that's why anet removed that from the 50 ap yearly so don't worry about it and do the other achieves

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> @"radda.8920" said:

> > @"TheQuickFox.3826" said:

> > I've tried it every year multiple times and never made it to the top.

> >

> > My character now is severely afraid of green goo.


> Seriously?

> I haven't play for almost 3 years (except living story update) and finish it the first try

> This jump is really easy now with the invisible players. There are much harder jumps in this game.



The main issue for me is the hurry. While hard, I completed the Chalice of Tears JP, The Wintersday JP and the Silverwastes JP. There I usually take a bit of time to position my character before the next jump. Here I hardly get this time because of the green slime problem.

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I don't care about the clock tower, I am fine to ignore it since years :)

But yesterday I got badly upset that I need it (the complete armor) to complete "mad memorial". KITTEN KITTEN KITTEN


And in fact some of you are right, what let me stop trying it immediately was the waiting time.

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> @"Dayra.7405" said:

> I don't care about the clock tower, I am fine to ignore it since years :)

> But yesterday I got badly upset that I need it (the complete armor) to complete "mad memorial". KITTEN KITTEN KITTEN


> And in fact some of you are right, what let me stop trying it immediately was the waiting time.


You can craft it and it still counts. You can buy the recipe for a Candy Corn Cob from one of the vendors in Lion's Arch.


I did it last year after I did the JP after numerous attempts, got the annual achievement but somehow didn't get the achievement for the helmet. Or are they boots? Whichever.

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There's already a difficulty decision: just get to the top or get there and also open all 3 bonus chests on the way there. An easier mode would just remove any satisfaction from completing it. There's really no enjoyment to be had from completing it other than overcoming the challenge. There's nothing particularly satisfying at the top.

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Waiting time is bad, but its something needed.


Hundreds, if not thousands of players do the clock tower jp at the same time. It takes an instance due to the "time race" nature of the JP, which is a really unique feature and adds a sense of emergency and pressure into it.

Instances holds around 5 players max iirc, if there were an instance per player, it would take 5x times the resources of the game, leading to possible lag or delays on the game's net performance.


Maybe a match making system would be the solution for this. put people that tends to fall a lot in the same instances, and put the 'expert' players that can 1 pull the entire jumping puzzle in another instance. So there won't be frustrated unexp jp players waiting for these JP farmers to finish their run.

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I was fortunate that a couple years ago, I managed to get into an instance by myself for the full 20 minutes. With the instant ability to restart, I was able to learn the jumps.

Anet could give everyone their own instance - since they are running on amazon now days, it would just mean scaling up more servers, which would probably cost them a little more money which they don't want to do. But entirely possible.

Aside from the waiting, the other annoying thing that happens is getting put into an instance with <2 minutes on the timer. It won't start a new puzzle, since there won't be time to complete it. So you sit around for that 2 minutes, then get tossed into a new instance, then wait another 30 seconds or so as it gives players time to join that instance.

And this happens fairly often, because players recognize that being in an instance with little time left is stupid, so they leave, hoping to find a better instance, leaving this instance that no one wants to be in active, which it then tosses players in.

There really should be some logic like not tossing a player into an instance with <5 minutes on the timer - create a new instance instead. That would be a worthwhile improvement, and not really use up much in the way of additional resources, as that new instance would be needed in 5 minutes anyways.

Sitting around waiting is my biggest annoyance with GW2 - if I'm playing the game, I actually want to be doing something, not sitting idly by. The time I have to wait for crafting is another big annoyance to me.


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> @"Naxos.2503" said:


> General tip : Handle the camera through Holding Right Click non stop, from the start to finish, and the only keys you have to worry about then is "Forward" and "Jump". This simple thing will prevent any fumbling with the keyboard. As for how to handle the camera, I recommend a Top down view, as it will help you gauge distances more easily, the path being circular, you dont necessarily need or want to see far ahead of you, since you -cant-.


Action camera works pretty well to handle the turns. No mouse button holding required.

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> @"Nogothanc.5014" said:

> The tower is fine as it is and the challenge has been reduced already. Today, you dont see the other player characters in their real form. Today the other players are nearly invisible. Do you know how hard it was as every player was visible? How hard it is when you have Charr and Norn in your group and you cant see where to jump because of these big guys? That was a real mean challenge.


I can only run this puzzle on my max size charr. It feels wrong any other way. But I also loved faking others out on the end clockface jump too by faking a jump early... So maybe I'm the one who is wrong?

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> @"Myrdreth.6829" said:

> Don't nerf the clock tower, BUT please: Let us play the clock tower jp solo without others players! The waiting time is the worst. And yeah, it's nice that Anet got rid of the Charr problem. But even the little blue spirits and the red name tags of the other players are distracting for me. Please please please let us enter the clock tower alone.


> edit: Oh, and I AM able to finish the JP. Got it 3 times for this year already. But because of the waiting time it wasn't really enjoyable and that's a pity. I think it's one of the best JP ingame. I love the design, I love the music, everything. I just don't understand why we are forced into groups.


Why are name tags red in this JP? As far I could tell you can't hit another player (no PvP) while jumping and no I am not going to ask for PvP in JP, it is just to understand why our name tag turns red in this JP.

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Man what a blast from the past this thread is! I actually turn combat camera off for this puzzle, I prefer to make small camera adjustments only when needed by holding rmb. I still maintain that low framerate is the absloute killer here. If you are not pushing at least 40 you will be suffering input latency leading to missed jumps, and you will get that sense of "I swear I jumped at the right damned time!".

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Even though I'm rather good at this puzzle now, I wouldn't be opposed to difficulty choices (or different pathing like the Wintersday puzzle). It's part of the yearly meta. It's needed to complete [Lunatic's Wardrobe](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Lunatic_Wardrobe). Optional, but also kinda not.


I think different levels of challenge (with proportional rewards) are a great way to handle content (fractals do this very well, imho) and it should be available for things like raids, strike missions, and other instanced content. Not only would this give players more leeway with how they complete content, but it also addresses the fact that difficulty sometimes has nothing to do with gaming skill (lag, PC specs, physical limitations, etc.)


For this JP in particular, doing something about the wait time between attempts would have to happen at the same time as any other changes. Get all that QoL in at once.

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The one that is out now is the easy one. It used to be harder when they had full player models enabled. Nothing but Charr and Norns blocking your vision and you couldn't see where you needed to jump.


First year I gave up on it didn't finish it once. The next year I decided I was going to do it no matter what. So I watched videos of people completing it watching for the optimal rout to take. I even went as far as counting the footsteps before the next jump so I that wouldn't jump to early. Next thing to note the drop to the chest don't jump! walk off the grey beam and fall to the piece that breaks apart to the right of the chest. This will prevent you from falling flat on your face and taking up precious time. The last tip is don't jump through the face of the clock tower until after it has passed by one time. The second time around as soon as you see the face of the clock jump forward and to the right to assure you make it in.

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I am 100% biased when I say this, but I love brutally hard content.


I grinded the clocktower for hours, just trying to perfect the opening segment. Finding a consistent path that I could follow through trial and error. And you know what? I still failed. I never managed to make it to the top before the Halloween event ultimately ended.


One year later, I've gotten a lot better at the game. I managed to clear the clock tower within my 20th attempt. I would then go on to complete it 2 more times in quick succession.


Let me tell you, it felt **good**. Being able to look back on what it took to reach that point. I felt like I really overcame a difficult obstacle that made no attempt to hold my hand along the way, and I felt proud of that.


Gw2 has no shortage of easy content for people to sink their teeth into. Adding an easy mode, in many ways diminishes from that thrill of discovery through trial and error. I say let players stumble, let them learn, and let them feel accomplished when they finally make it to the top.


If I were to change it in any way. Make it single player. Waiting on other players to finish between rounds ends up being more obnoxious than anything. I understand that it's meant to be a competition, but I believe that this would work much better as a difficult solo challenge where the only person you're competing against is yourself.


If anyone is struggling with the jumping puzzle, I'd be happy to lend some advice. Lyssa knows I've memorized the thing from top to bottom at this point.

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> @"Nogothanc.5014" said:

> The tower is fine as it is and the challenge has been reduced already. Today, you dont see the other player characters in their real form. Today the other players are nearly invisible. Do you know how hard it was as every player was visible? How hard it is when you have Charr and Norn in your group and you cant see where to jump because of these big guys? That was a real mean challenge.


They need to make them visible.

A lot of the fun events, get taken down, its so sad.


I remember FUN Skyhammer.

Knock people off.

Fight at hammer was intense sumo match.


People whine.

Fun stuff goes away.


The joy of Halloween and moreso Wintersday JP. You compete with others.

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The only thing that needs to be changes with clocktower is removing waiting times. Difficulty is fine, there are more difficult JPs in core tyria.

It's my first halloween and I completed it after like ten minutes of trying.


It was really disappointing to be honest, I heard so much about it that supposedly only 95% of people would complete it and I expected it to be long but it takes two minutes. It's easier than core tyria puzzles because distance between platforms is adjusted to the distance of a full forward jump and platforms are big so you don't have to aim and worry that you will jump too far over some 10 pixels wide wooden beam like the ones near the ship in Harathi JP.

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......well after 3 hours i finally did this JP, and came to forum to try help others. Totally agree with the consensus above, Anet really got to change the whole waiting time thing between runs, its really annoying if you keep kitten falling at the 1st few jumps and the other 4 players keep making it really high up...the wait is torture! Only reason I was determind to complete it was not for the armour set (not really a fan) but you need that collection for the Backpiece which i desperately wanted! https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mad_Memoires:_Complete_Ignition


Btw: I totally suck at JP's, in fact I'm so bad I get comments from total strangers saying "Dude why can't necro's ever jump :P ", " Mate have you tried opening your eyes to see where you are going ? " I actually laugh when I draw such attention at my total ineptness, as I can troll myself harder than total strangers, since my jumping co-ordination is as good as a goldfish.


So how did I get through the Mad King's Clock Tower JP ?


1) I abandoned using any race other than Asura (this is for someone that never uses Asura for any game mode): In fact I would even recommend making one of these little guys just for JP's as personally I find them so much easier. ( I'm sure the character hit-box is no different for each race, but my guildee on his Norn kept on saying on multiple occasions he got to the Clock Face, jumped and his Norn Face kept splatting on the top part of the hole, and he couldn't make it through! lmfao - Started a whole guild discussion about character hit boxes!


2) How to deal with the waiting thing ? I set up laptop next to my desktop to do other stuff during the down-time. Don't have a laptop ? Put some chilled music on, favourite movie in background or failing that jump on TS/Discord for a laugh with some buddies, or just play some Candycrush or Tetris on your mobile to kill the time. Keeping calm is half the battle with JP's. Put as much energy into keeping calm as you can: Not easy at all, but definitely something I had to learn.


3) The more frustrated I got with the JP, the more mistakes I was making, the more I was getting annoyed with the waiting: I quickly learnt at this point to.... W a l k A w a y: Go do something else either irl or in-game: You feel loads better to take a break, and more relaxed when you return to it later: In fact when I did this I actually improved a bit each time with the height I got: Neurokinetics & Muscle Memory ftw, and being more relaxed and focused after taking a break. Breaks really important!!!


4) Try set yourself a time-limit per day that you will practice, have a go at it. My personal time-limit was 60 minutes. If I'd had enough, I'd leave it to the next day. If was feeling I was getting somewhere with the jumps, I'd perserve a little longer.


5) Like me, if you suck at JP's ( I'm scared of heights irl so hate them more than most people) try to think differently that all your time failing with Clock Tower is not " I'm wasting my time, grrrrr" which I heard from loads of players, you're actually improving your jumping skills, and in general your whole finger-eye co-ordination ( "...Look at his neurokinetics- they're way above normal "). You maybe feel more brave to tackle some of the other harder JP's in the game you'd shied away from without the time-pressure of the Clock Tower ?


6) One thing I learnt early on, is at the very first jump, when you are waiting for the animation for the block to appear/turn-over: Just as the animation starts, jump then, and you'll make it ( well not too early ofc so you fall!), this shades maybe just a nano-second of the start-block but found once I'd mastered this, the first one-third of the JP was a lot easier as you keep nicely ahead of that nasty yellow mist rising to engulf you.


7) Know your JP Route: During the horrible "waiting downtime" : I repeatedly watched: Ayin Maiden>>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PaKOwHE4rN8;




8) This YouTuber's own 4 hours attempts help to get me through this >>>

His PAIN at 07:20 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We feel you brah.



This dude should seriously have more subscribers!




GOOD LUCK: Practice, keep calm, take regular breaks, more practice, watch the Video guides, and remember if its just not going your way, there is always tomorrow. If someone as inept as me at JP's can get through this: You can too.

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Completing it for the 1st time is always the hardest. However, you get used to it after some attempts. After some practice, I was able to complete the jp 3x in a row (and I suck at jp).


Some have already stated this: the difficulty is not the problem, but the waiting time once you have failed.

Wintersday jp is far far better and much more fun: you fail, no problem. You can try again almost immediately.



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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> This has come up every year for 6 years and the JP has so far and prob always will be, untouched. It has reached a certain notoriety as one of the hardest jp challenges and I would doubt they want to make any changes or alternate difficulties for it.


> As someone who can barely get past the first jumps, Im happy for them to leave it as is


Well, you make it sound like having more options is a bad thing.

I prefer more possibilities to having no choice at all.

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> @"JekthAvid.1408" said:

> ...I never thought this jumping puzzle was that hard. Yeah you might fall a couple times but HOLY is "Not so secret" SO MUCH HARDER.

And it just shows how it's all very subjective. For me, for example, Not so secret is _way_ easier. And as for fun, i absolutely loathe any JP with more strict time requirements (i can tolerate wintersday one, but only because it got nerfed more than once from its original version, and only because the right path exists).



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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

>it's all very subjective.


That's true, I guess. And after looking through (and actually, you know, reading) it all, I can see how the time you have to wait could bother people. I just like how you have to keep moving in the clock tower, that makes it more engaging and fun to me.

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