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WvW - No Traits Weekend Event

Rasp Sabreblade.5421

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So I have been thinking about how traits effects builds and recharges of things. I wonder how WvW we be if Anet had a 'No Trait/Specialization' Weekend Event.


So basically this is how it would work. You can pick you specialization, but there is no further selection. This would allow you to pick you Elite specialization and equip that weapon, but there would be no modifiers after that.

I think this would also help Anet see how Specializations/Traits really effect a player vs. player (meaning WvW ) environment.


Please add discussion as I am curious why ppl wouldn't want to see an event like this.


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> @"Justine.6351" said:

> Nothing of value would be learned by disabling ALL traits. Everyone already knows that traits are a cornerstone in a build and that removing them would severely impact build diversity. We don't need a weekend event to see that.


I agree. Builds are supposed to be diverse so that we can counter other builds and create a balance. If one class with no specialization dominates the rest then it would be impossible for us to build counters.

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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> Why do I suspect that only Mesmer and Warrior mains would enjoy that week. Maybe Ranger? Does core Ranger get better without HoT/PoF traits around?


Core Guard, core Thief, and core Necro are all on par with core Mesmer viability.

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I don't care ether way to be honest. Mainly for the sake of hoping to be proved wrong (for what I'm about to say), if such a thing occurred.


I don't really see the benefit personally. I think it would create to much of a false reality; to really draw much heavily reliable opinions off of.

Though, hey... like I said. I'm hoping to be proved wrong.

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Oddly enough I did this not long ago for a season 2 story achievement. It''s beside the point, but the achievement Exposed Weakness Redux, which involved not passing any boons to enemies.


There are a lot of boons granted just from my traits, I never really thought about it until I was frustrated, tired and on my 10th try for that silly achievement. So, I cleared all traits, AA'd with the one weapon and skill that didn't give off boons and got it done.


As easy as it was in a 4 year old story, I don't think it'd work well in wvw.

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Pointless to discuss this as it will never happen because it's a restriction they will not want to use. The only information anet would gather from this is how a class performs with it's weapons and utility skills, but then the next week everything is normal and they still need to balance classes as a whole package, so again, pointless.

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> @"Blue.1207" said:

> I raise your no traits weekend and suggust a "No Elite Spec" weekend.


> Before Maguuma collapsed me and a bunch of guilds had inhouse tournaments with core classes. Fun as heck.


I raise your raise and suggest a No Armour, No Accessories, No Traits, No Elite Specs, No Utilities, No Boosters, No weapons weekend.


That'll sort out the skritt from the Charr.

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> @"Blockhead Magee.3092" said:

> I hope the OP isn't serious hoping for something like this.



I am very serious. This event would give Anet a real tool to see just how skills (weapon and utility) function without any modification. What's balanced. What seems under tuned or over tuned.

Being able to really see how WvW functions without some of the OP profession/specialization traits would be a great tool to help Anet balance WvW and PvP. By just saying we should do a core traits only event, wouldn't show anything hugely meaningful in terms of balance. Does all the power creep come from the Elite specs or can some it be attributed to the weapons or existing skills in combination with new skills. Some core Skills might be come useless without the newer functionality of the Elite Specs. Besides doing core only specs/traits would only prove how some professions can't even function without the elite specs.


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> @"Rasp Sabreblade.5421" said:

> > @"Blockhead Magee.3092" said:

> > I hope the OP isn't serious hoping for something like this.

> >

> >

> I am very serious. This event would give Anet a real tool to see just how skills (weapon and utility) function without any modification. What's balanced. What seems under tuned or over tuned.

> Being able to really see how WvW functions without some of the OP profession/specialization traits would be a great tool to help Anet balance WvW and PvP. By just saying we should do a core traits only event, wouldn't show anything hugely meaningful in terms of balance. Does all the power creep come from the Elite specs or can some it be attributed to the weapons or existing skills in combination with new skills. Some core Skills might be come useless without the newer functionality of the Elite Specs. Besides doing core only specs/traits would only prove how some professions can't even function without the elite specs.



I still don't think you are serious, despite your statement. For experimenting with the balance ANet should not turn us in Guinea Pigs or lab test subjects.

It is enough to do this in EoTM - the field to test the future changes, as per ANet intention. In this way ANet can have some results for this experiment, while the players can still play WvW.

Again: Why to destroy a week of WvW? You can implement this in a nonWvW environment - the EoTM.

As per: **Besides doing core only specs/traits would only prove how some professions can't even function without the elite specs.**, this is already well known. This is as intended. It already is a pattern for Anet - once you launch an XPac, the first thing you do is to destroy everything except the new specializations. If you the destruction is not complete, come back with patches until the result is as per first statement. One exception still - do not touch the core Guardian. So, we cannot help ANet hre - they already know this detail.

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