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How many active players there are?

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Arenanet don't say, and since they're the only people who have access to the data it's not possible for anyone else to get an accurate estimate.


But there certainly seem to be a lot of people in-game whenever I'm online. Not evenly spread out of course, some maps have multiple full copies and others have 1 half empty map, but there's no shortage of people as a whole.

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> @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

> How many active players there are?

First, define what you mean by "active player."


> Is there any credible estimate out there?

Yes, with caveats.



> @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> One guy [calculated the monthly login number](

) to be 2.5 million based on the 80/20/5 rule. Other than that it’s pretty much speculation and personal opinion.


There's also a discussion of the same idea already on the forums at



The 80/20/5 rule's definition of active player is an industry estimate that serves game studio needs. It answers the question important to them of "who is our audience?" It's looking at people who might have logged into a game at least once a month. That's useful info for ANet; it's not that interesting to us.


The OP (and I'm sure most other players) have entirely different reasons for asking how many active players. Things like:

* How many other people are running around Tyria when I do?

* How massively multi-player are the in-game events?

* How easy/difficult is it to find people to play with?


80/20/5 doesn't answer any of those questions. As @"Danikat.8537" mentioned: only ANet has that data and they (like nearly all game studios) never, ever share it.

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gw2efficiency is the only place to get any kind of accurate numbers but those numbers are only about gw2efficiency members and not the entire playerbase. At least 56,892 players finished the first story of the latest episode and at least 46,825 finished the last one. When the next episode is released we can see how many played the first instance and from there we can see how many are still playing. Those are the numbers of 100% active players, at least in PVE, some might be PVP or WVW only players, or others might not own Path of Fire, so they have no access to the latest episode, even if they are still active. So the total number is much higher, but how high we don't know.


Another way to get official numbers is by checking the [leaderboards](https://leaderboards.guildwars2.com/en/eu/achievements "leaderboards")

Those with a tiny green arrow are players that finished at least one achievement very recently, in the last few hours. Of course the leaderboards support only up to 1000 people but it's some kind of data regardless.

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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> At least 56,892 players finished the first story of the latest episode and at least 46,825 finished the last one.


Rounding off, we have 187k people who have achievements listed on GW2 Efficiency

* **LS4.4** [Made it to Jahai: 57k. Finished LS4.4: 47k](https://gw2efficiency.com/account/unlock-statistics?filter.category=216)

* **LS4.3** [Made it to Kourna: 79k. Finished LS4.3: 63k](https://gw2efficiency.com/account/unlock-statistics?filter.category=209)

* **LS4.2** [Made it to Sandswept: 82k. Finished LS4.2: 71k](https://gw2efficiency.com/account/unlock-statistics?filter.category=203)


There are many possible ways to interpret those results. Here's one:

* Since LS4.2 & 4.3 have similar chapter 1 numbers, I'd argue that it takes a while for everyone "active" to logon and get going. (Plus: Halloween probably slowed some down).

* 11 of 82k didn't finish LS4.2 versus 16k of 79k for LS4.3, suggesting LS 4.2 was more popular (although that doesn't tell us why).

* Less than half of GW2 efficiency stat-keepers are interested in the living world.



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> @"Magnus Godrik.5841" said:

> Gw2 efficiency has about 200k accounts. Which is probably around 10% of the population. Lets say most of these accounts have multiple alts. So i would say on a daily basis we have over 100k minimum. With a monthly max of over 1mil. Gw2 is the 3rd most played mmo behind ff14 and of course wow.


But if we're including alt accounts we definitely need to work out what we mean by active.


I have a second account which I log into daily...for about 1 minute to collect the login reward. Once a month I'm on a bit longer to drop some stuff into the guild bank. But I doubt that's what the OP or most people in this topic mean by 'active players'.


But that's also where it gets tricky to define, because if simply logging in isn't enough to be active how do you measure it? To be honest I think even if we had access to all the possible information it wouldn't be accurate to simply pick a definition and put a number on it. It'd be better to do something like total number of account logging in and then a graph of play time per account (which would probably look like a fairly typical bell curve), and probably some other factors too like time spent in PvE, PvP, or WvW.

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Since the End of LS4.3 showed pretty much the end of the entire Dragon Story, and where the Story is moving on in the Futer. And who will be the new Good of Tyria and the Guardian. The entire Story is just boring now. I am one of the active players, who havent played LS4.4 story.


Im i am not the only who who is dissapointed in the storytelling. LS4.3 ruined alot.

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> @"Deaths.9165" said:

> Since the End of LS4.3 showed pretty much the end of the entire Dragon Story, and where the Story is moving on in the Futer. And who will be the new Good of Tyria and the Guardian. The entire Story is just boring now. I am one of the active players, who havent played LS4.4 story.


> Im i am not the only who who is dissapointed in the storytelling. LS4.3 ruined alot.


Well, then you've made an assumption and your assumption is 100% incorrect...of course you wouldn't know that without playing LS4.4...but I can guarantee you the Dragon story is not over with, nor can you tell the future of the story from LS4.3, there's just to many directions it can go in right now.

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yes it is an assumption, but iam playing gw since release of gw1 first day and know the lore of all parts till ls 4.3. And it is much like 95% the direction Anet will take the lore.


Their needs to be a solution to take dawn the dragons without "killing" them.

Glints child is absorbing energy.

Theran beeing the hero of Tyria persanal story and we as the players were just buystanders.

Nightfall story tells the asscension of a God.

The Lore Arround GW2 is based arround Gods and mere humans.


Unlike Their is a turn arround of the storytelling. It is obiviouse where this all runs to.

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