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Am I the only one missing the old dialogue scenes?


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Am I? I mean I know they had their limitations, like talking to someone lieing in a bed, or not standing up, but still, to get a close up of our characters, with emotes and everything, it made them look more alive and cool, now we just stand there moving our mouths with a speech bubble :/

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I miss them. What they do now is fine too, except for sound. With a 5.1 setup, they keep voices relative to this invisible microphone that’s a few feet in front of your face, and directional. If you look away from who’s talking, it falls off the center channel, which is realistic, but do you notice how they don’t really do that when you are watching TV or a movie? What people are saying is important. They need to force all story conversations in the center channel and crank it up a few notches.

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> @"coso.9173" said:

> Am I? I mean I know they had their limitations, like talking to someone lieing in a bed, or not standing up, but still, to get a close up of our characters, with emotes and everything, it made them look more alive and cool, now we just stand there moving our mouths with a speech bubble :/


No! You're not!

I was just discussing this with a friend yesterday, that kind of "cutscene" had a its own magic, and while the current delivery isn't too bad, it kind of lacks that "magic".

Like you said, getting to look at our characters interacting with other characters felt better. For one it took us out of the same view point we have 24/7 during normal play, allowing us a different perspective, and that break from the run of the mill game play, gave it a different gravitas. It felt close enough to proper cinematic cut-scenes while being a cheaper alternative.


This is another aspect of something i really dislike about Arena Net. They never compromise, even when they should. The old cut-scenes didn't work all the time, so lets just get rid of them entirely, and move to a new system, completely abandoning that.

That's what they did with dungeons, with core Tyria, that's what they're kinda doing with core classes. That's what they did with Global Meta events in PoF until the backlash was big enough they added a new one in the first Living World Episode.

It feels like it always has to be black or white, never grey. And that's sad, because grey is the most flexible of colours.

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> @"notebene.3190" said:

> I miss them. What they do now is fine too, except for sound. With a 5.1 setup, they keep voices relative to this invisible microphone that’s a few feet in front of your face, and directional. If you look away from who’s talking, it falls off the center channel, which is realistic, but do you notice how they don’t really do that when you are watching TV or a movie? What people are saying is important. They need to force all story conversations in the center channel and crank it up a few notches.


Left-and-right forward, please, or at least send the bass range to the subwoofer. My 5.1 setup has a sort of "tinny" effect on the centre speaker in GW2, which might be because they aren't feeding the .1 (subwoofer) channel as well, so the bass frequencies are lost.

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I think there's pros and cons to both.


The old style was good because you could see and hear everyone clearly and there was nothing else going on so you could concentrate on the dialogue, or alternatively you could skip it. But it was absolutely terrible for any kind of 'action' scene because _all_ you saw was the characters standing there. Also because it looked like people reading lines to each other it tended to pull me out of the game and remind me I was listening to actors reading lines, which made any issues with the voice acting very noticeable.


The new one is much better for action scenes and in some cases pacing because you don't have to stop what you're doing for dialogue, but it can be really annoying if anyone is behind you, off to one side or too far in front because you won't be able to hear what they're saying and may not have time to read it because there's too much going on. More than once I've had to wait until a conversation and the related running/fighting/whatever is over and then stop everything to read what was said in the chat box because I couldn't follow it at the time, which is even worse for pulling me out of the game than watching characters recite lines.


My preference would be for them to use a mix of both, plus the animated cut scenes, based on what's appropriate for the scene. If nothing else is going on and/or it's better to see the characters close up then use the old style. If things need to happen during the conversation then use the new style, but bear in mind what you're expecting the player to do and try to make sure people we need to hear are going to be within range and in front of us.

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I liked them a lot, because being able to see my characters' faces as they talked and reacted made me feel a lot more connected to them.


But I think that the newer style gives the devs a lot more freedom of story-telling. It's hard sometimes to take in all that's going on without missing things, you have to pay attention to a lot and make sure to move to all the spots where dialog can be seen.


So I agee with Danikat that a mix of the two would be ideal. I doubt that will happen though.


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> @"coso.9173" said:

> everyone wants to skip them I guess everyone has lots of alts XD i must be one of the few people to play 1 char in gw2 LOL


Has more to do with achievements i think. ecspecially the "dont get by X" ones, with no mechanic to just reset at that spot.

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> @"Kaliwenda.3428" said:

> I liked them a lot, because being able to see my characters' faces as they talked and reacted made me feel a lot more connected to them.


Yeah, this. Guild Wars 2 has a bit of a smaller ratio of character size to effective play area than a lot of other games have, so I don't spend an awful lot of time really zooming in close and *looking* at my character, or other characters. The cutscenes were a good way around this.


The new style is fine, too, though.

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