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We Need More Expansive End-Game Content

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It doesnt bring anything to the thread but... I read it as "We need more expensive content" and was like - O.O who would ask for that hah.

Id actually like more rewards to be put in old and new content to have incentive to run it. Even if its just some cool skins.

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I don't think another piece of end-game content will provide what you are looking for. It would just add another place that gets used up by the existing player base. Tyria is massive but made up of disconnected pieces, it has a great skeleton and muscles but little connective tissue. If we want to bring more players back and create new players, then I think we need a reward topography that covers all of Tyria, something that will bring value to existing zones and content. Imho, a RP reward topography that allows the Commander to develop relationships with NPCs and NPC factions would revitalize Tyria.

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> @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> I agree OP, and @Xstein.2187 had some good suggestions too.


> Sadly nobody here will agree with us - we are at odds with the casual audience who make up 60% of the game and 95% of this forum.


> If it isn't player housing or a new chair idea I wouldn't advise suggesting the idea on here.


Calling people who don't agree with you the "casual audience" is really gonna change the direction of this game for the better and won't backfire spectacularly at all. :+1:

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> @"TheOrlyFactor.8341" said:

> > @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> > I agree OP, and @Xstein.2187 had some good suggestions too.

> >

> > Sadly nobody here will agree with us - we are at odds with the casual audience who make up 60% of the game and 95% of this forum.

> >

> > If it isn't player housing or a new chair idea I wouldn't advise suggesting the idea on here.


> Calling people who don't agree with you the "casual audience" is really gonna change the direction of this game for the better and won't backfire spectacularly at all. :+1:


But the people who don't want more substantial content and that are happy with the current "sushi buffet" style of content ARE part of the casual audience. Even if you play daily, that kind of "pick-and-choose" playstyle IS casual. Nothing is wrong with being a casual player, it's just a fact that it puts you at odds (in terms of what we want) with more hardcore players who enjoy things like grinding and content that requires a big time investment.

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I guess the point i'm trying to make is that it feels like the game hasn't really added anything "new" in terms of end-game PvE content. Raids are very exclusive, and i don't have the time to commit to that kind of community, and that can probably be said about 90% of the playerbase. So if the majority can't or won't raid, then we have fractals or open world maps. That's it. Now i'm not saying we should have more challenging content, nor does it need to be instanced content. Fractals are good instanced content and is challenging for the casual player. We just need different kinds of content. Something to connect the world together. To encourage the dynamic grouping of people to go out and do things and get rewards. Open world bosses and Metas are a great example of this. But please, we need unique rewards for this type of stuff. Like small chances of dropping Ascended gear? Mounts? Toys? literally anything.


HoT maps were actually much better than PoF maps when you think about progression and doing something for more rewards. The open-world "raid" style Metas in HoT maps encouraged people to group up and play together for pretty decent rewards. And not only that, but the Masteries in those maps made you more well equipped to deal with those maps and their design. It felt like leveling up, even though there weren't actually any levels. All of that tied together made it worthwhile to go back and spend time in those maps after you've moved on from them from a "story line" perspective. In PoF, you play the story, unlock a new map, but then what? There's really no reason to stay in that map any longer. And there's no reason to get a whole bunch of players in that one map either. LS3 was great because it introduced Aurora, but at the same time, it felt like an afterthought. Aurora was introduced way further down the line. Why don't we have something similar for LS4, but with a reason to work on these new maps now, and not in between expansions?


I want to like WvW, but I feel like it doesn't really serve a purpose. I feel like i'm a hamster on a wheel when I WvW. "Cap a base, rinse and repeat". What's the point of capping bases? Or even losing bases? It feels like there's absolutely zero stakes to WvW. You don't really get rewarded for taking control of a map, and you dont really get penalized for losing control. It's a zero stakes, zero sum game. So it seems like the only reason to play WvW is to flex on the opposing team, and roam around and kill people? There aren't any real rewards, except some extremely time gated ascended/legendary armour. Some people may enjoy this type of game mode, but i'm not one of them, and i'm okay with that.


And speaking in terms of PvP, why has there been only one game mode and practically zero new maps for the past 6 years? Isn't it about time we get more ways to enjoy PvP content? 10 or 15 man battlegrounds? 40 man battlegrounds? These kinds of game modes encourage the community to participate in PvP because it's more approachable and accessible than the super-serious 5 man arenas we have now. If you're bad at PvP, you're gunna get wrecked in arenas. But if you're bad at PvP, you can still join in on the fun of a larger scale fight because there's more room for error, as there's more room for error on the opposing team as well.

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I should also add, that I don't want this game to become WoW and for the record, I haven't played WoW in a long time. GW2 has it's identity for better or worse, and that's why I still play every now and then. I respect the work that goes into making the Living Story and giving it to us for free. But if you dig deeper than that, there's not a whole lot more to the game right now than simply completing the main story, and waiting around for the next one. There just needs to be more varied content, more content that gets people together, casual and hardcore players alike, with meaningful rewards/progressions and a reason for continuing to do so. Sticking to the same old fractal grind as the only meaningfully rewarding "group content" is getting old. Something fresh needs to be added to many areas of the game to breathe new life into it.

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I hate how stupidly complicated they make items... I am happy to wait 6 months a year to collect and farm etc... but the legendary auuroura is just ridiculous, do we really want to have our time abused in this manner? This is the answer to players asking for harder content... this is it, the designer must laugh when they see people with it and that they have jumped though their hoops.

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> @"finkle.9513" said:

> I hate how stupidly complicated they make items... I am happy to wait 6 months a year to collect and farm etc... but the legendary auuroura is just ridiculous, do we really want to have our time abused in this manner? This is the answer to players asking for harder content... this is it, the designer must laugh when they see people with it and that they have jumped though their hoops.


Well u dont have to make it just go farm for a normal ascended amulet and have the same stats.

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> @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> > @"TheOrlyFactor.8341" said:

> > > @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> > > I agree OP, and @Xstein.2187 had some good suggestions too.

> > >

> > > Sadly nobody here will agree with us - we are at odds with the casual audience who make up 60% of the game and 95% of this forum.

> > >

> > > If it isn't player housing or a new chair idea I wouldn't advise suggesting the idea on here.

> >

> > Calling people who don't agree with you the "casual audience" is really gonna change the direction of this game for the better and won't backfire spectacularly at all. :+1:


> But the people who don't want more substantial content and that are happy with the current "sushi buffet" style of content ARE part of the casual audience. Even if you play daily, that kind of "pick-and-choose" playstyle IS casual. Nothing is wrong with being a casual player, it's just a fact that it puts you at odds (in terms of what we want) with more hardcore players who enjoy things like grinding and content that requires a big time investment.


So if I pick and choose only to play fractals, I'm casual. If I pick and choose to only PvP every day, I'm casual. What if I pick and choose to only do WvW? Still casual? Sorry, I thought some of that content did in fact require grinding and big time investment. I guess we should be going to all those threads making these claims and calling them out for being the casuals that they are?

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> @"Xstein.2187" said:

> He doesn't just want a different type of content. He also wants a different type of reward, something to go for, a challenge.

> Examples: Boss portal --> should have been a rare boss drop instead of a gemstore item

> More legendary trinkets-don't even need to be cosmetic

> More guild decorations or house decorations/trophies if they give us housing

> infusions for your minis, including cosmetic ones like auroras or mini size increases, or backpacks that let you store more goods on your mini.

> mini game tournament titles-or items: Keg Brawl, southsun survival, etc - the games aren't really that bad, we just need a reason to play them.

> An example would be a barrel you can equip and carry around that you get for placing high in keg brawl.

> Masteries that are impactful and actually hard and challenging to get. -Example: critical hits have a small chance to poison enemies

> A city you can only way point to if you pass difficult open world content. - or fractal city

> A Mount you can use that allow other guildies to ride with you!

> A gw2 microphone chat channel based on server and location- not a reward, just an addition

> New Emotes you can unlock!

> Mount skins-yes as rewards

> Pets you can unlock to keep in your guild hall

> Guild hall bosses in your guild hall you can kill for guild commendations.

> More PvP and WvW game modes with rewards: like 10v10 or 20v20 WvW server with smaller maps (really the only reason I'm not a big fan of WvW is because I don't feel like my actions are impactful).



Why not just implement Ley-Energy Power on gear, and make the exclusive drops in raids. Then add new difficulty tiers, where the Ley Energy Power adds a damage bonus, which in turn drops gear with higher Ley-Energy power. And when a new Raid wing comes out, the cap for Ley-Energy Power is raised on the new gear drops, but you'll still need gear from the previous raid just to qualify to enter the new Raid. What could possibly go wrong?

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> @"Vayne.8563" said:

> I can see what the OP is asking for and you know, I wouldn't mind more ways to play the game. However, I doubt t hat would necessarily solve anything big scale. Someone that's played a game for five years and is bored sounds like every single other MMO I've ever played. I've seen these threads on WoW forums. I've seen these threads on FF XIV forums. Once you do the stuff the game is designed for, of course there's going to be less to do. It's just logical. All MMOs end up like this because development takes time and developing one thing means slacking on something else.


> That said, the Living World maps that are coming out now are far more interesting to me than any kind of instanced content or any kind of PvP, so I'm not so sure what adding that stuff will accomplish to the playerbase as a whole. What would happen however is this. There'd be an entirely different game type to screw up balancing, to making it harder to make changes moving into the future.


> Guild missions have existed in this game for ages, and I can't remember the last time they were updated. My guild still runs them, but it's just another type of content that was left behind. I'd rather see existing content updated than adding new types.


Diff is in ff14 said content gets added much more often.

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> @"starlinvf.1358" said:

> Why not just implement Ley-Energy Power on gear, and make the exclusive drops in raids. Then add new difficulty tiers, where the Ley Energy Power adds a damage bonus, which in turn drops gear with higher Ley-Energy power. And when a new Raid wing comes out, the cap for Ley-Energy Power is raised on the new gear drops, but you'll still need gear from the previous raid just to qualify to enter the new Raid. What could possibly go wrong?


My suggestions mention or imply nothing about a gear treadmill. They were only suggestions for novel reward ideas. No need to assume new types or rewards will mean the end of the game.


> @"finkle.9513" said:

> I hate how stupidly complicated they make items... I am happy to wait 6 months a year to collect and farm etc... but the legendary auuroura is just ridiculous, do we really want to have our time abused in this manner? This is the answer to players asking for harder content... this is it, the designer must laugh when they see people with it and that they have jumped though their hoops.


You know, now that I think about it, it is kind of funny. You say jumping through hoops to get a reward is abusing our time. However, you know what I think is abusing my time? Doing the same tasks EVERY SINGLE living story for the EXACT same type of rewards. Thats why I quite doing it. Thats the reason I haven't even completed the last living story episode even though I have thousands of hours of play time. Talk about hoops. Oooo a piece of chocolate, Oooo a piece of chocolate, Oooo a new mini, Oooo a new mini, Oooo a new mini. Why the hell would I want to collect 100 minis? I can only equip one at a time. Same with cosmetics.


A individual could spend a lot of time going for something like aurora. However, a person could also spend the exact same amount of time collecting minis, cosmetics, or achievements. This is in no way an argument between casuals and non casuals. This is an argument between people who think collections are fun and people who do not think collections are fun, and a collection doesn't need to be an achievement in the collections category to be a collection. If you are collecting minis, collecting cosmetics, collecting dyes, collecting achievments etc. you are still doing your own collections. What about the people who don't like collections? For example, the episode "A Star to Guide Us" contained 9 new minis. Who wants to jump through those hoops? Who on gods green Earth wants to collect another 9 new minis when they can only equip ONE. You're telling me they couldn't have dropped one of those minis and added something new? What, the mini collectors are going to freak out if there are only 8 new minis in the next episode? You are telling me someone who enjoys spending 8 hours obtaining a really difficult item is jumping through hoops while a person who enjoys spending 8 hours fulfilling achievements and collecting inconsequential, repetitive items isn't? Why not introduce rewards for both? The problem is, practically every single living world episode since HoT has showed a very stark bias for group two over group one.

Keep collecting away at those achievement points, minis, and cosmetics buddy. I'm sure there is no way the devs are copying the same old content ideas just to hush you over till the next episode. Don't worry, your path is hoop free.


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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> > @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > I can see what the OP is asking for and you know, I wouldn't mind more ways to play the game. However, I doubt t hat would necessarily solve anything big scale. Someone that's played a game for five years and is bored sounds like every single other MMO I've ever played. I've seen these threads on WoW forums. I've seen these threads on FF XIV forums. Once you do the stuff the game is designed for, of course there's going to be less to do. It's just logical. All MMOs end up like this because development takes time and developing one thing means slacking on something else.

> >

> > That said, the Living World maps that are coming out now are far more interesting to me than any kind of instanced content or any kind of PvP, so I'm not so sure what adding that stuff will accomplish to the playerbase as a whole. What would happen however is this. There'd be an entirely different game type to screw up balancing, to making it harder to make changes moving into the future.

> >

> > Guild missions have existed in this game for ages, and I can't remember the last time they were updated. My guild still runs them, but it's just another type of content that was left behind. I'd rather see existing content updated than adding new types.


> Diff is in ff14 said content gets added much more often.


But it's focused on content I don't want or care about, dungeons and raids. And you pay $15 a month for that content, but maybe it is. I can't say because I don't play it. I did try. Out of all the popular MMOs, it was my least favorite over all...and yes, I know it's quite popular.

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> @"Xstein.2187" said:

> > @"starlinvf.1358" said:

> > Why not just implement Ley-Energy Power on gear, and make the exclusive drops in raids. Then add new difficulty tiers, where the Ley Energy Power adds a damage bonus, which in turn drops gear with higher Ley-Energy power. And when a new Raid wing comes out, the cap for Ley-Energy Power is raised on the new gear drops, but you'll still need gear from the previous raid just to qualify to enter the new Raid. What could possibly go wrong?


> My suggestions mention or imply nothing about a gear treadmill. They were only suggestions for novel reward ideas. No need to assume new types or rewards will mean the end of the game.


> > @"finkle.9513" said:

> > I hate how stupidly complicated they make items... I am happy to wait 6 months a year to collect and farm etc... but the legendary auuroura is just ridiculous, do we really want to have our time abused in this manner? This is the answer to players asking for harder content... this is it, the designer must laugh when they see people with it and that they have jumped though their hoops.


> You know, now that I think about it, it is kind of funny. You say jumping through hoops to get a reward is abusing our time. However, you know what I think is abusing my time? Doing the same tasks EVERY SINGLE living story for the EXACT same type of rewards. Thats why I quite doing it. Thats the reason I haven't even completed the last living story episode even though I have thousands of hours of play time. Talk about hoops. Oooo a piece of chocolate, Oooo a piece of chocolate, Oooo a new mini, Oooo a new mini, Oooo a new mini. Why the hell would I want to collect 100 minis? I can only equip one at a time. Same with cosmetics.


> A individual could spend a lot of time going for something like aurora. However, a person could also spend the exact same amount of time collecting minis, cosmetics, or achievements. This is in no way an argument between casuals and non casuals. This is an argument between people who think collections are fun and people who do not think collections are fun, and a collection doesn't need to be an achievement in the collections category to be a collection. If you are collecting minis, collecting cosmetics, collecting dyes, collecting achievments etc. you are still doing your own collections. What about the people who don't like collections? For example, the episode "A Star to Guide Us" contained 9 new minis. Who wants to jump through those hoops? Who on gods green Earth wants to collect another 9 new minis when they can only equip ONE. You're telling me they couldn't have dropped one of those minis and added something new? What, the mini collectors are going to freak out if there are only 8 new minis in the next episode? You are telling me someone who enjoys spending 8 hours obtaining a really difficult item is jumping through hoops while a person who enjoys spending 8 hours fulfilling achievements and collecting inconsequential, repetitive items isn't? Why not introduce rewards for both? The problem is, practically every single living world episode since HoT has showed a very stark bias for group two over group one.

> Keep collecting away at those achievement points, minis, and cosmetics buddy. I'm sure there is no way the devs are copying the same old content ideas just to hush you over till the next episode. Don't worry, your path is hoop free.



You are right I have played since realise and I like to play though content. But I have not completed any living story achievements, I refuse to do tedious tasks in game to gain a tick. There are plenty of meaningless tasks to complete in the real world.


This game has actually made me become casual, as the competitionist in me has given up.. its far to tedious in gw2... I just enjoy other elements than feeling "I must finish it"

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> @"finkle.9513" said:

> > @"Xstein.2187" said:

> > > @"starlinvf.1358" said:

> > > Why not just implement Ley-Energy Power on gear, and make the exclusive drops in raids. Then add new difficulty tiers, where the Ley Energy Power adds a damage bonus, which in turn drops gear with higher Ley-Energy power. And when a new Raid wing comes out, the cap for Ley-Energy Power is raised on the new gear drops, but you'll still need gear from the previous raid just to qualify to enter the new Raid. What could possibly go wrong?

> >

> > My suggestions mention or imply nothing about a gear treadmill. They were only suggestions for novel reward ideas. No need to assume new types or rewards will mean the end of the game.

> >

> > > @"finkle.9513" said:

> > > I hate how stupidly complicated they make items... I am happy to wait 6 months a year to collect and farm etc... but the legendary auuroura is just ridiculous, do we really want to have our time abused in this manner? This is the answer to players asking for harder content... this is it, the designer must laugh when they see people with it and that they have jumped though their hoops.

> >

> > You know, now that I think about it, it is kind of funny. You say jumping through hoops to get a reward is abusing our time. However, you know what I think is abusing my time? Doing the same tasks EVERY SINGLE living story for the EXACT same type of rewards. Thats why I quite doing it. Thats the reason I haven't even completed the last living story episode even though I have thousands of hours of play time. Talk about hoops. Oooo a piece of chocolate, Oooo a piece of chocolate, Oooo a new mini, Oooo a new mini, Oooo a new mini. Why the hell would I want to collect 100 minis? I can only equip one at a time. Same with cosmetics.

> >

> > A individual could spend a lot of time going for something like aurora. However, a person could also spend the exact same amount of time collecting minis, cosmetics, or achievements. This is in no way an argument between casuals and non casuals. This is an argument between people who think collections are fun and people who do not think collections are fun, and a collection doesn't need to be an achievement in the collections category to be a collection. If you are collecting minis, collecting cosmetics, collecting dyes, collecting achievments etc. you are still doing your own collections. What about the people who don't like collections? For example, the episode "A Star to Guide Us" contained 9 new minis. Who wants to jump through those hoops? Who on gods green Earth wants to collect another 9 new minis when they can only equip ONE. You're telling me they couldn't have dropped one of those minis and added something new? What, the mini collectors are going to freak out if there are only 8 new minis in the next episode? You are telling me someone who enjoys spending 8 hours obtaining a really difficult item is jumping through hoops while a person who enjoys spending 8 hours fulfilling achievements and collecting inconsequential, repetitive items isn't? Why not introduce rewards for both? The problem is, practically every single living world episode since HoT has showed a very stark bias for group two over group one.

> > Keep collecting away at those achievement points, minis, and cosmetics buddy. I'm sure there is no way the devs are copying the same old content ideas just to hush you over till the next episode. Don't worry, your path is hoop free.

> >


> You are right I have played since realise and I like to play though content. But I have not completed any living story achievements, I refuse to do tedious tasks in game to gain a tick. There are plenty of meaningless tasks to complete in the real world.

There is no other bigger turn off than having to google, wiki, dulfy - doing research to play a game... I just had to have a word with myself, as it resembles research job and not having fun in a game.


> This game has actually made me become casual, as the competitionist in me has given up.. its far to tedious in gw2... I just enjoy other elements than feeling "I must finish it"



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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"Xstein.2187" said:

> > For example, the episode "A Star to Guide Us" contained 9 new minis. Who wants to jump through those hoops? Who on gods green Earth wants to collect another 9 new minis when they can only equip ONE.


> Summoning @"Danikat.8537"


You are correct. :)


I'm not the only one either. There are quite a few other mini pet collectors in the game, although we can be hard to spot...unless it's me in which case I keep going on about it. And of course there's people who will get any mini pet which appeals to them, even if they're not aiming for a full set.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > > @"Xstein.2187" said:

> > > For example, the episode "A Star to Guide Us" contained 9 new minis. Who wants to jump through those hoops? Who on gods green Earth wants to collect another 9 new minis when they can only equip ONE.

> >

> > Summoning @"Danikat.8537"


> You are correct. :)


> I'm not the only one either. There are quite a few other mini pet collectors in the game, although we can be hard to spot...unless it's me in which case I keep going on about it. And of course there's people who will get any mini pet which appeals to them, even if they're not aiming for a full set.


Ooo, btw don't take it personally if you like collecting minis. My statement was more of a hyperbole. Point being, different people like different things.

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