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Instead of S5 or expansion, rework personal story and S1?


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> @"Arden.7480" said:

> > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > > @"Arden.7480" said:

> > > Everybody interested in the story can read the wiki, and there are a lot of playthroughs on the yt to know it all.

> >

> > Take a look:

> > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/758914/#Comment_758914

> >

> > A complete analysis of the handful of instances they'd need to reintroduce to the game, without changing anything else, to make the story coherent. Shouldn't even take many developer resources to implement those, provided their files already exist.


> it can be found on the internet. as long as it will be something additional to the major content I do not mind bringing the old stuff back, but as I said if their resources goes just for that, it'd be wrong and not fair to the players that want this game move forward, not to look behind. What's done is done, let's just look forward.


It's a handful of instances and some ambient dialogue. I agree bringing back the entirety of S1 is not going to help the game (and it's probably impossible to do so anyway) but adding back those little instances that introduce the Dragon's Watch characters should be enough to bridge gaps and offer a coherent story for new players. If it would take resources from developing future content (which is a no-no for me too) they could start implementing the old instances in pieces. Start with the simple instance were we first meet Braham as he goes to Hoelbrak and asks for help. How hard would that be to re-add to the game?

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> @"Arden.7480" said:

> > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > > @"Arden.7480" said:

> > > Everybody interested in the story can read the wiki, and there are a lot of playthroughs on the yt to know it all.

> >

> > Take a look:

> > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/758914/#Comment_758914

> >

> > A complete analysis of the handful of instances they'd need to reintroduce to the game, without changing anything else, to make the story coherent. Shouldn't even take many developer resources to implement those, provided their files already exist.


> it can be found on the internet. as long as it will be something additional to the major content I do not mind bringing the old stuff back, but as I said if their resources goes just for that, it'd be wrong and not fair to the players that want this game move forward, not to look behind. What's done is done, let's just look forward.


I disagree. I was there, i missed half of it, i want to PLAY IT, not read it.


Would you be satisfied with only being able to play a portion of Prophecies, or factions, or nightfall, and be forced to read what happened for the parts you couldnt play "Cause its in the past and not important", i know i wouldnt be. I want to *Play* the entire story that GW2 has. a decent chunk that introduces major characters is currently missing in game, and when i started playing LW2 it was really Jarring to be introduced to characters that somehow knew me already.


Im sorry you disagree, but i completely agree with maddoctor, provided the instances that introduce characters and plot points still exist they should be added, and if they dont then they should be added at the what i believe is reasonable one LW1 instance per new LW Episode(provided that it doesnt detract from new content).


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> @"Dante.1763" said:

> > @"Arden.7480" said:

> > > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > > > @"Arden.7480" said:

> > > > Everybody interested in the story can read the wiki, and there are a lot of playthroughs on the yt to know it all.

> > >

> > > Take a look:

> > > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/758914/#Comment_758914

> > >

> > > A complete analysis of the handful of instances they'd need to reintroduce to the game, without changing anything else, to make the story coherent. Shouldn't even take many developer resources to implement those, provided their files already exist.

> >

> > it can be found on the internet. as long as it will be something additional to the major content I do not mind bringing the old stuff back, but as I said if their resources goes just for that, it'd be wrong and not fair to the players that want this game move forward, not to look behind. What's done is done, let's just look forward.


> I disagree. I was there, i missed half of it, i want to PLAY IT, not read it. Im sorry you disagree, but i completely agree with maddoctor, provided the instances that introduce characters and plot points still exist they should be added, and if they dont then they should be added at the what i believe is reasonable one LW1 instance per new LW Episode.


Agreed, I was there and I absolutely want it back. No question for the health of the game it needs implementing - it is missing a significant part of the bridging story. I get the need for moving forward and newer content being more desirable, but at this point, ls1 redux would be new content.


Even if they added an additional delay to new seasons so we could staggered episodes of ls1 added, that would b something. But not having it all is an unfortunate hole and blemish on the game.


Watching youtube follow through are not a suitable replacement in an rpg story where it follows my character's journey and this whole Aurene arc I find so unejoyable, I actually almost miss Scarlet.



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There’s some Dev quotes in there that will shed light on how big a task this may be. This was 2yrs ago, and no mention of any real plans still, so I safely say, it is not going to happen, since Anets plan is always new content in the form of Living Story, QoL and expansion quality. This will always “be on the backlog”.


Also see this thread with a heap of quotes;


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The only thing they really need to do is rework the dungeon story modes the way they did Arah's.


LS1 was mostly bad (it's a shame they nuked the associated forum right after it ended, so you can't see what people thought of it at the time. Of course, the old forums are gone now too), we've already got most of the parts that weren't bad. You could turn the retaking of LA into a fractal, but that's about it (Before you say it, the Vinewrath is literally the Marionette with most of the latter's issues fixed).

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> @"Hyper Cutter.9376" said:

> The only thing they really need to do is rework the dungeon story modes the way they did Arah's.


> LS1 was mostly bad (it's a shame they nuked the associated forum right after it ended, so you can't see what people thought of it at the time. Of course, the old forums are gone now too), we've already got most of the parts that weren't bad. You could turn the retaking of LA into a fractal, but that's about it (Before you say it, the Vinewrath is literally the Marionette with most of the latter's issues fixed).


You mean these forums: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum

The sub-forums for every LS1 episode is available there

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> @"Haleydawn.3764" said:



> There’s some Dev quotes in there that will shed light on how big a task this may be. This was 2yrs ago, and no mention of any real plans still, so I safely say, it is not going to happen, since Anets plan is always new content in the form of Living Story, QoL and expansion quality. This will always “be on the backlog”.


> Also see this thread with a heap of quotes;

> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/6223/living-world-season-1-replay-current-situation-also-a-general-look-at-the-living-world


Well I forgot about those, so even bringing just the old story instances is a lot of trouble.

This part specifically:


> I've also taken a look at what it would take to update all the story beats and convert them from using the special event UI to living in the journal and since none of those objects exist (Season 1 didn't use QuestDef's which are the objects that show up in the journal) there's weeks of work there too, as the quests would all need to be created now, and everything would need to be unhooked from the event system and plumbed into the story journal, which on some levels is starting over from scratch given how the underlying story structure is scripted. Some of the gameplay can just get ported over without too much trouble, other things rely on actions/skills/etc. that we've since deprecated for perf reasons or to address bugs, so even the idea of copying and pasting encounters isn't "free".


Makes even my idea of bringing back just those an impossibility. Oh well I can live with it, but new players will always wonder who these characters are.

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This may be a bit unpopular, but as one of those "new players" that people are looking out for in regard to S1, the recap in game was more than enough info for me. Especially since, if one wants to spend the time, there's a breakdown of each of the characters right there, that tells me everything I need to know going forward.


As to reworking the personal stories, up until level 30, they're unique, unless you just play the same one over and over, ie: "I'm always human, and I'm always missing my sister". Even the Norn stories vary based on class, and choices made during creation. From 30 on, it's the main plot of the base game. It varies based on race, or more accurately species, but it's the beginning of the main story of the game, so a rework of that is asking to rework the entirety of the game's main plot. That's no simple task, and not something that can be done "on the weekends" or in "someone's free time". So there wouldn't be a non-trivial draught on new content, there wouldn't be any new content, probably for a couple of years. I'm not thinking that that would be good for the game.

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> @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

> It was not built to be replayable. Am I not saying this loud enough?


So? Just because the original idea for the Living World changed doesn't mean they can't go back and retrofit older content. See reworking Season 2 to include the PC's voice concept.


> @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

> Certain things could be reworked into the Fractal system (Twisted Marionette, Battle on the Breachmaker, some parts of Battle for Lions Arch but these would be a heavily diluted version of what they were), the content for LS1 is based too heavily on map populations, festivals that are recurring yearly now (Gauntlet), and different versions of certain maps (Kessex Hills and Lions Arch)


It would take just as much work - if not far more due to the four difficulty scaling - to make Season 1 content into fractals than into story journal entries and bringing back the flavorful open world events.


Besides which, you and many others have the false misconception that Season 1 was mostly large-scale events. This is incorrect. It was mostly small scale events that scaled up well.


Even then, most of the small events (which were soloable) weren't involved in the main plot - just return those as they were, bam done, they're as much flavor events in the open world as the Iron March mordrem events. The rest of Season 1 was mostly in story instances - about 30 of them, to be precise. There are literally **four cases** of map population being important: Scarlet's Invasions, Tower of Nightmares zone, Twisted Marionette, and Battle for LA zone. The two zones can be brought back as they were, with new zone portals (e.g., a tear in space-time next to the LA entrances could lead to the Battle for LA map); Scarlet's Invasions could be brought back as it was just like most small events, though some rebalance would be good (it'd be just like the Awakened invasions or Anomaly event then); the tricky one is just the Twisted Marioentte but honestly, bring it back how it was during Edge of the Mists, removing the "corpse" of the Marionette and it'd be fine tbh.


The only part that would be nigh impossible to bring back would be the Kessex Hills map while the Tower of Nightmares was still up. But there was so little uniquely involved there that, tbh, I could see it not being brought back.


> @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

> The learning curve between PS and HoT is LS2, or does this not count? I wouldn’t mind a dungeon rework, mostly to make all pathways solo-balanced and scale up to 5 players, but again, not at the cost of postponing new content.


The learning curve of S2 was lost when HoT launched because ArenaNet nerfed the hardest foes to simplicity.


And the only rework I'd like to see for explorable mode dungeons is making them all level 80 content and akin more akin to Aetherpath. And bringing back the old TA F/U path.


> @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

> If anybody ever played LS1, you would know that asking for it to be replayable is a HUGE task for Anet, and bottom line is, it is not justifiable to do so as the task is too big for it to not impact new content.


If you actually paid attention to the content of LS1 you'd know it's not as huge of a task for Anet as you think it is. 80% of the content was soloable, flavorful, events that could just be brought back. It's just that other 20% - the few group events and the 30 story instances - which would need real work.


So long as ArenaNet didn't remove the content from their test or backup clients, then all they would need to do for 80% of Season 1 content is just hit a switch to make them active again. The only thing actual work would be needed for would largely be the four things mentioned above and the story instances.


The crux of whether it'd be hard or easy is almost fully dependent on that. But since wiki folks managed to get event IDs and whatnot from the API long after the content was gone, then I'd imagine it is still in the client just with the "active" switch turned off. In which case, just turn it on and you can get the majority of Season 1 content for nearly no work.


> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > The solution would be rather simple too, tbh. Just take one LW team to work on Season 1, and have LW5->LW5->LW1 rinse repeat until Season 1 is done.


> Aren't you all forgetting that the largest part of S1 content was out in the world? Sure the instanced parts could come back but the rest of it cannot in come back as they were.


Yes, they can. Flame and Frost events, Southsun settler events, Scarlet Invasions, Twisted Marionette, and the energy probes are the main Season 1 open world events in the permanent zones. With maps being "stuck in time" yet also crossing multiple time frames (Iron Marches with mordrem events, or the new Side Stories stuff), you can just bring those events back without any alteration. They'd be "events from 1326 AE" in the zones.


If you think open world stuff can't be brought back as they were, then I'd say you're thinking too limitedly.


> @"Arden.7480" said:

> Everybody interested in the story can read the wiki, and there are a lot of playthroughs on the yt to know it all.


> How could they even advertise this whole thing?




> No new maps, no new stories, no new nothing.


> If Season 5 doesn't lead us to the next expansion, that will be the end of the game, and this whole rebuilding will barely make the veterans play- not me anyway.


Ignoring the fact that telling people to use third party sources for experiencing the main story is the dumbest idea any entertainment company can ever promote, if they were to bring back Season 1 content to the fullest reasonable amount, there'd technically be two zones that had been inaccessble for 5 years now - the Tower of Nightmares and Battle for Lion's Arch zones. Which would, technically, be free.


And honestly, people who think they'd have absolutely zero new rewards is a rather silly thought. If they were to devote a LW team - for example - then the artists would have nothing to do. So what better for them to do than to make a handful of new rewards for returning players.


Obviously if they'd put the effort to making the content permanent, they'd make alterations here and there to improve it, and that would include new rewards.


> @"robertthebard.8150" said:

> This may be a bit unpopular, but as one of those "new players" that people are looking out for in regard to S1, the recap in game was more than enough info for me. Especially since, if one wants to spend the time, there's a breakdown of each of the characters right there, that tells me everything I need to know going forward.


Eh, it really doesn't tell much though, and leaves a lot of details out. You might think it's "enough" but it's basically the equivalent of summarizing Star Wars A New Hope with "Star Wars is the science fantasy story of an farm boy who's family is killed in a military strike, converts to an ancient religion, and joins a band of rebels to confront the enforcer of an evil empire and destroy a world-ending superweapon."


It actually tells the story, but doesn't really _tell_ the story.

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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > If anybody ever played LS1, you would know that asking for it to be replayable is a HUGE task for Anet, and bottom line is, it is not justifiable to do so as the task is too big for it to not impact new content.

> If you actually paid attention to the content of LS1 you'd know it's not as huge of a task for Anet as you think it is. 80% of the content was soloable, flavorful, events that could just be brought back. It's just that other 20% - the few group events and the 30 story instances - which would need real work.

> So long as ArenaNet didn't remove the content from their test or backup clients, then all they would need to do for 80% of Season 1 content is just hit a switch to make them active again. The only thing actual work would be needed for would largely be the four things mentioned above and the story instances.

> If you think open world stuff can't be brought back as they were, then I'd say you're thinking too limitedly.


I did pay attention to LS1, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was an expansive story spread over a long period of time.



"I've also taken a look at what it would take to update all the story beats and **convert them from using the special event UI to living in the journal and since none of those objects exist (Season 1 didn't use QuestDef's which are the objects that show up in the journal)** there's weeks of work there too, as the quests would all need to be created now, and everything would need to be unhooked from the event system and plumbed into the story journal, **which on some levels is starting over from scratch**"

"We couldn't (and wouldn't even if we could) simply "port" Season 1 into the new framework. There would be a substantial amount of revision involved. **Anyone who thinks it would be "easy" to redo Season 1 doesn't fully understand the process or the time investment. I wouldn't expect them to**."




"If things went smoothly, with the entire living world team plus extra veteran developers working on it, maybe 6 months is theoretically possible. But with old content, things rarely go smoothly. Issues pop up that you weren't expecting that increase the amount of time required. **And even if it was feasible in 6 months, taking all those developers off of new content just isn't worth it IMO**. We have way cooler things that we can work on."


"one of the problems is much of the content is not instanced, and theres also a TON of bugs in that content that would need to be fixed, since our game code and tools have changed so much since then."


> If you actually paid attention to the content of LS1 you'd know it's not as huge of a task for Anet as you think it is.

>you'd know it's not as huge of a task for Anet as you think it is.

>huge of a task for Anet

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> @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

> > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > > If anybody ever played LS1, you would know that asking for it to be replayable is a HUGE task for Anet, and bottom line is, it is not justifiable to do so as the task is too big for it to not impact new content.

> > If you actually paid attention to the content of LS1 you'd know it's not as huge of a task for Anet as you think it is. 80% of the content was soloable, flavorful, events that could just be brought back. It's just that other 20% - the few group events and the 30 story instances - which would need real work.

> > So long as ArenaNet didn't remove the content from their test or backup clients, then all they would need to do for 80% of Season 1 content is just hit a switch to make them active again. The only thing actual work would be needed for would largely be the four things mentioned above and the story instances.

> > If you think open world stuff can't be brought back as they were, then I'd say you're thinking too limitedly.


> I did pay attention to LS1, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was an expansive story spread over a long period of time.




> "I've also taken a look at what it would take to update all the story beats and **convert them from using the special event UI to living in the journal and since none of those objects exist (Season 1 didn't use QuestDef's which are the objects that show up in the journal)** there's weeks of work there too, as the quests would all need to be created now, and everything would need to be unhooked from the event system and plumbed into the story journal, **which on some levels is starting over from scratch**"

> "We couldn't (and wouldn't even if we could) simply "port" Season 1 into the new framework. There would be a substantial amount of revision involved. **Anyone who thinks it would be "easy" to redo Season 1 doesn't fully understand the process or the time investment. I wouldn't expect them to**."


> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/6223/living-world-season-1-replay-current-situation-also-a-general-look-at-the-living-world


> "If things went smoothly, with the entire living world team plus extra veteran developers working on it, maybe 6 months is theoretically possible. But with old content, things rarely go smoothly. Issues pop up that you weren't expecting that increase the amount of time required. **And even if it was feasible in 6 months, taking all those developers off of new content just isn't worth it IMO**. We have way cooler things that we can work on."


> "one of the problems is much of the content is not instanced, and theres also a TON of bugs in that content that would need to be fixed, since our game code and tools have changed so much since then."


> > If you actually paid attention to the content of LS1 you'd know it's not as huge of a task for Anet as you think it is.

> >you'd know it's not as huge of a task for Anet as you think it is.

> >huge of a task for Anet





I am more inclined to believe someone who has access to and knowledge of the inner workings of the game than some of the posters here arguing that ANet could just flip a switch, or that otherwise reimplementing LS1 would be simple.

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Unfortunately Anet decided on the concept of the two week cadence and it didn’t work. Now we have a very large chasm of story and plot, which is not in the game. The story and plot in GW2 is important to me and we have large chunks of it missing. Even to this day when I replay Season 2, I go oh yeah, I forgot about that and that’s with content we have access to. I shudder at the details that we are missing from Season 1.


To piggy back off of Konig, the summary that we currently have of Season 1, is just that, a quick summary. Like reading the back of a novel and thinking that it’s sufficient to actually reading the book.

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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

> > It was not built to be replayable. Am I not saying this loud enough?


> So? Just because the original idea for the Living World changed doesn't mean they can't go back and retrofit older content. See reworking Season 2 to include the PC's voice concept.


> > @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

> > Certain things could be reworked into the Fractal system (Twisted Marionette, Battle on the Breachmaker, some parts of Battle for Lions Arch but these would be a heavily diluted version of what they were), the content for LS1 is based too heavily on map populations, festivals that are recurring yearly now (Gauntlet), and different versions of certain maps (Kessex Hills and Lions Arch)


> It would take just as much work - if not far more due to the four difficulty scaling - to make Season 1 content into fractals than into story journal entries and bringing back the flavorful open world events.


> Besides which, you and many others have the false misconception that Season 1 was mostly large-scale events. This is incorrect. It was mostly small scale events that scaled up well.


> Even then, most of the small events (which were soloable) weren't involved in the main plot - just return those as they were, bam done, they're as much flavor events in the open world as the Iron March mordrem events. The rest of Season 1 was mostly in story instances - about 30 of them, to be precise. There are literally **four cases** of map population being important: Scarlet's Invasions, Tower of Nightmares zone, Twisted Marionette, and Battle for LA zone. The two zones can be brought back as they were, with new zone portals (e.g., a tear in space-time next to the LA entrances could lead to the Battle for LA map); Scarlet's Invasions could be brought back as it was just like most small events, though some rebalance would be good (it'd be just like the Awakened invasions or Anomaly event then); the tricky one is just the Twisted Marioentte but honestly, bring it back how it was during Edge of the Mists, removing the "corpse" of the Marionette and it'd be fine tbh.


> The only part that would be nigh impossible to bring back would be the Kessex Hills map while the Tower of Nightmares was still up. But there was so little uniquely involved there that, tbh, I could see it not being brought back.


> > @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

> > The learning curve between PS and HoT is LS2, or does this not count? I wouldn’t mind a dungeon rework, mostly to make all pathways solo-balanced and scale up to 5 players, but again, not at the cost of postponing new content.


> The learning curve of S2 was lost when HoT launched because ArenaNet nerfed the hardest foes to simplicity.


> And the only rework I'd like to see for explorable mode dungeons is making them all level 80 content and akin more akin to Aetherpath. And bringing back the old TA F/U path.


> > @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

> > If anybody ever played LS1, you would know that asking for it to be replayable is a HUGE task for Anet, and bottom line is, it is not justifiable to do so as the task is too big for it to not impact new content.


> If you actually paid attention to the content of LS1 you'd know it's not as huge of a task for Anet as you think it is. 80% of the content was soloable, flavorful, events that could just be brought back. It's just that other 20% - the few group events and the 30 story instances - which would need real work.


> So long as ArenaNet didn't remove the content from their test or backup clients, then all they would need to do for 80% of Season 1 content is just hit a switch to make them active again. The only thing actual work would be needed for would largely be the four things mentioned above and the story instances.


> The crux of whether it'd be hard or easy is almost fully dependent on that. But since wiki folks managed to get event IDs and whatnot from the API long after the content was gone, then I'd imagine it is still in the client just with the "active" switch turned off. In which case, just turn it on and you can get the majority of Season 1 content for nearly no work.


> > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > > The solution would be rather simple too, tbh. Just take one LW team to work on Season 1, and have LW5->LW5->LW1 rinse repeat until Season 1 is done.

> >

> > Aren't you all forgetting that the largest part of S1 content was out in the world? Sure the instanced parts could come back but the rest of it cannot in come back as they were.


> Yes, they can. Flame and Frost events, Southsun settler events, Scarlet Invasions, Twisted Marionette, and the energy probes are the main Season 1 open world events in the permanent zones. With maps being "stuck in time" yet also crossing multiple time frames (Iron Marches with mordrem events, or the new Side Stories stuff), you can just bring those events back without any alteration. They'd be "events from 1326 AE" in the zones.


> If you think open world stuff can't be brought back as they were, then I'd say you're thinking too limitedly.


> > @"Arden.7480" said:

> > Everybody interested in the story can read the wiki, and there are a lot of playthroughs on the yt to know it all.

> >

> > How could they even advertise this whole thing?

> >


> >

> > No new maps, no new stories, no new nothing.

> >

> > If Season 5 doesn't lead us to the next expansion, that will be the end of the game, and this whole rebuilding will barely make the veterans play- not me anyway.


> Ignoring the fact that telling people to use third party sources for experiencing the main story is the dumbest idea any entertainment company can ever promote, if they were to bring back Season 1 content to the fullest reasonable amount, there'd technically be two zones that had been inaccessble for 5 years now - the Tower of Nightmares and Battle for Lion's Arch zones. Which would, technically, be free.


> And honestly, people who think they'd have absolutely zero new rewards is a rather silly thought. If they were to devote a LW team - for example - then the artists would have nothing to do. So what better for them to do than to make a handful of new rewards for returning players.


> Obviously if they'd put the effort to making the content permanent, they'd make alterations here and there to improve it, and that would include new rewards.


> > @"robertthebard.8150" said:

> > This may be a bit unpopular, but as one of those "new players" that people are looking out for in regard to S1, the recap in game was more than enough info for me. Especially since, if one wants to spend the time, there's a breakdown of each of the characters right there, that tells me everything I need to know going forward.


> Eh, it really doesn't tell much though, and leaves a lot of details out. You might think it's "enough" but it's basically the equivalent of summarizing Star Wars A New Hope with "Star Wars is the science fantasy story of an farm boy who's family is killed in a military strike, converts to an ancient religion, and joins a band of rebels to confront the enforcer of an evil empire and destroy a world-ending superweapon."


> It actually tells the story, but doesn't really _tell_ the story.


I found it to be enough. I appreciate that you think I need this whole larger breakdown, but I have stated that I, in fact, don't. Just a note: When I believe that I have enough information, that's what I believe. When I state that it informed me enough to go on w/out feeling like I'm missing the entirety of the main game or something, that's what I mean. What you believe I need is irrelevant to what I believe I need, and at the end of the day, what I believe is what matters. When Scarlett comes up in LS 2, I know who we're talking about, and I know what happened. Instead of reading the back of one book, it's like reading a chapter by chapter synopsis of the story. Any details about boss fights? Irrelevant to my understanding going forward. So far, LS 2 has added to that synopsis as well.

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I have never bothered to pay at sort of attention to stories, even the new released ones, skipped all the npc "blahblahblah", skipped all scenes when available or looked out my window when unskippable, looking at the sky is more interesting than those stories lines, done the stories once is way more than enough for me. Do not get me wrong, I love GW2, my only game for the past 15 months. I just simply do not give a Kitten about stories.


I am not against anything here, rework or not, but should always release new contents as schedule. But if there are new reworked stories, I doubt that I will re-done it again!

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What is truly astounding is that **multiple people** can post direct quotes from the devs that say "it's not as simple as all that..." with complete reasonable explanations.

.....and yet this thread goes on and on with multiple "all they have to do..." or "it's easy, just do this...." mostly written by players who clearly demonstrate they do not even possess the requisite skills to even _mod_ a game.


This community's armchair devs are really paragons of hubris.

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