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Reflection should scale off of the attackers stats


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I don't care how it scales in PvE. KIll something in 2 minutes or 1 minute 58 seconds who cares.


I shouldn't be able to literally walk towards an enemy ranger, have him activate quickness with rapid fire while I activate magnetic aura while still literally just walking towards him and have him be so bad at the game that he eats his entire cast INCLUDING his point blank shot yet he takes only 6k damage total. If someone is THAT bad then they should be punished for it. (That goes for many other things as well but let's just leave tit at reflection)

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Why should retaliation be that powerful? It needs to either be mass scaled down or have some sort of icd on it where the attacker only takes "x" amount of damage per second.


It's not good design to down yourself by doing something important to the game (attacking). Just as it's not good design to down yourself using skills as in the case of confusion. Probably better off if retaliation and confusion were outright removed.

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> @"DeadlySynz.3471" said:

> Why should retaliation be that powerful? It needs to either be mass scaled down or have some sort of icd on it where the attacker only takes "x" amount of damage per second.


> It's not good design to down yourself by doing something important to the game (attacking). Just as it's not good design to down yourself using skills as in the case of confusion. Probably better off if retaliation and confusion were outright removed.


Reflection, not retaliation.

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Reflection, retaliation and any other effect or skill that counters the enemy and attacks back should always scale on the stats of the one countering, not the one countered.

Someone who goes around in nomad stats should not be able to take down that easily someone with Berserker stats, no matter how careless they are being.


The opposite is fine for jujitsu and single player games, but not for an online game with people having different latencies and sharing experiences. There has to be rewards proportional to the risk.



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> @"Ruufio.1496" said:

> I don't care how it scales in PvE. KIll something in 2 minutes or 1 minute 58 seconds who cares.


> I shouldn't be able to literally walk towards an enemy ranger, have him activate quickness with rapid fire while I activate magnetic aura while still literally just walking towards him and have him be so bad at the game that he eats his entire cast INCLUDING his point blank shot yet he takes only 6k damage total. If someone is THAT bad then they should be punished for it. (That goes for many other things as well but let's just leave kitten at reflection)


Nah it's okay that if you miss your reflect you take 19k from rapid fire, but if they literally just keep spamming into reflect nothing happens. Risk-reward only applies when talking about stats. The ranged power burst classes are considered high-risk already because they run berserker, no amount of invulns/evades/movement skills/range can ever make that no high-risk /sarcasm

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> @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

> Reflection, retaliation and any other effect or skill that counters the enemy and attacks back should always scale on the stats of the one countering, not the one countered.


Not true afaik. The base attack remains fixed (ie noncrit dmg, which scales on the attackers power). It only scales by your precision and crit dmg. If an ele would do 6k dmg at crit and double dmg, if you reflect it and dont crit it would hit back for 3k, if you reflect and crit with no critdmg it would hit for 4.5k etc and so on.

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idk i often log into my full zerker chrono with focus and that glamour reflect bubble.

The specced focus reflect is kinda avrage due to terrain etc, but that bubble thrown in a enemy blob just does some extreme damage at times.

I remember a fight i joined as a pug vs a big gandaran blob and i threw that single bubble into the fray - it dealt 88k damage from a single utility spell.


88 K DAMAGE FROM 1 SPELL. 1 well placed bubble returned 88K DAMAGE in total.


Totally viable but very situational and quite hard to get those dreamreflects.



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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

> > Reflection, retaliation and any other effect or skill that counters the enemy and attacks back should always scale on the stats of the one countering, not the one countered.


> Not true afaik. The base attack remains fixed (ie noncrit dmg, which scales on the attackers power). It only scales by your precision and crit dmg. If an ele would do 6k dmg at crit and double dmg, if you reflect it and dont crit it would hit back for 3k, if you reflect and crit with no critdmg it would hit for 4.5k etc and so on.


Reading comprehension failure.

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Personally, to me it's a skill thing - if that ranger downs himself to a well timed reflect that's on him for not paying attention. In fact it's quite satisfying watching rangers die to their own mistakes. There are so many of them in WvW lately that something needs to be done to "thin the herd..." and if that something is their own mistake then so be it.

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> @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

> Reflection, retaliation and any other effect or skill that counters the enemy and attacks back should always scale on the stats of the one countering, not the one countered.

> Someone who goes around in nomad stats should not be able to take down that easily someone with Berserker stats, no matter how careless they are being.


> The opposite is fine for jujitsu and single player games, but not for an online game with people having different latencies and sharing experiences. There has to be rewards proportional to the risk.




So you say i should not be able to kill afk player with autoattack-on who is on berserk while im nomad? You SHOULD be able to kill careless people no matter our gear. Thats how you have a skill based game.

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> @"Caliburn.1845" said:

> I don't think reflect scaling would be a great thing. But I think it would be a good thing if double or triple the amount of skills were flagged as projectiles and could be reflected. As it is reflects only work on a minimum of skills.


I don't think you realize just how many things are counted as projectiles in this game,


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> @"Noha.3749" said:

> idk i often log into my full zerker chrono with focus and that glamour reflect bubble.

> The specced focus reflect is kinda avrage due to terrain etc, but that bubble thrown in a enemy blob just does some extreme damage at times.

> I remember a fight i joined as a pug vs a big gandaran blob and i threw that single bubble into the fray - it dealt 88k damage from a single utility spell.


> 88 K DAMAGE FROM 1 SPELL. 1 well placed bubble returned 88K DAMAGE in total.


> Totally viable but very situational and quite hard to get those dreamreflects.


> <3


Did you survive the retaliation?

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Considering the guardian (firebrand mostly) has the best up time I would be against this. While immersion-wise it seems like this would would make sense. Game balance would be horrible if a beefcake minstrel guardian could do DPS during blob engages. Furthermore, you would increase reflects uncapped nature (which is why reflects are "op") on burn guardians who use the numerous number of attacks to easily trigger virtue of justice's passive. Which reminds me! If you wanted to do damage with reflects, then use Permeating Wrath at least.



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> @"Justine.6351" said:

> > @"Caliburn.1845" said:

> > I don't think reflect scaling would be a great thing. But I think it would be a good thing if double or triple the amount of skills were flagged as projectiles and could be reflected. As it is reflects only work on a minimum of skills.


> I don't think you realize just how many things are counted as projectiles in this game,

> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Projectile


I'm aware. But from a WvW perspective its not enough. If say Necro marks and wells, Ele lava fonts, and Revs CoRs were flagged as projectiles, we might see some movement away from the range heavy zergs that instant pop people with little counterplay.

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> @"Caliburn.1845" said:

> > @"Justine.6351" said:

> > > @"Caliburn.1845" said:

> > > I don't think reflect scaling would be a great thing. But I think it would be a good thing if double or triple the amount of skills were flagged as projectiles and could be reflected. As it is reflects only work on a minimum of skills.

> >

> > I don't think you realize just how many things are counted as projectiles in this game,

> > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Projectile


> I'm aware. But from a WvW perspective its not enough. If say Necro marks and wells, Ele lava fonts, and Revs CoRs were flagged as projectiles, we might see some movement away from the range heavy zergs that instant pop people with little counterplay.


Are you suggesting a projectile cast component to deliver these attacks? I could go along with that. It's never sat right with me having necro marks instant attack-on-point. It originally was the one thing I couldn't stand about scourge until they added a delay to it's first attack.

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