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adding new mode to the game .. plz read


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as u guys all know many player are leaving the game lately becouse they dont find many things to do in this game plus no valueble gifsor rewards for being good players ...

I used to play an korean mmo called silkroad online .. it's idea is creative ! in this article I will try to explain how we can benifit from this old mmo in gw2 since gw2 needs new things to make the game more fun .

The idea of the new mode am suggesting is to have 3 jobs trader , hunter and thief .

traders buy the inventory ( jars , silks , etc from any city and carry it to another cities to sell it in higher price , in this journy the hunter will protect them from the thieves who will be around all the times searching for the caravans that have the traders and their inventory , when the trader and his hunters arrive safely to the next town their profit will be distturbuted by system 50% to trader and 50% for the hunters .. and if the thief could kill the hunters and the trader he can take the inventory and sell it in cities called thieves town ... notice ( the farther you go with your goods the more profit you will make as trader. )


they are the main charactars in the mode because they will buy the inventory and the transport pet which will carry the inventory ( starts from camel for low lvl trader and ends with elephant ) the bigger the transport pet is the more inventory you will carry to sell in the towns.


They Will help traders ,face the thieves and finally get their share from the profit when the caravan arrive safely.


they spend their life searching around hoping they find a weak trader to kill him and take his inventory to sell it in their theif town..

Now. all we need is to create towns in every map that has traders shops where they find the finest goods to carry all over the map plus creating three suits for each job so when we enter this mode each job will have diffent look and different name caller and there will be nick names ..

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It's not a bad idea, but I don't think it's right for this game.


Firstly one of the core design elements of this game is that PvE should be entirely cooperative - seeing another player should never be a problem or a reason to worry, the worst they'll do is nothing. This goes completely against that - anyone carrying goods would worry that every approaching player is a thief coming to take their goods, and then of course there's actual PvP between the hunters and the thieves which is something a lot of people have said they don't want in PvE maps.


Secondly there would have to be a way to prevent traders from using waypoints and asura gates to fast travel to their destination (while allowing them to use waypoints if they die or if they want to give up on the activity without finishing). There would also need to be a story explanation for why this isn't possible. Neither of which is impossible to do, but it's an extra complication.


Finally and maybe most importantly I'm not convinced this system would be any more interesting to the players you claim are leaving than all the stuff we've already got. If you look at it strictly as a way to farm gold and items then there's already multiple choices available and I can't imagine Anet would make this one so much better than all the rest that people who aren't happy with anything in the game now would be willing to stick around just for 1 activity. And if you look at it as an event/something to do for fun regardless of the profit then it doesn't sound any different to a lot of the dynamic events - except you'd be escorting a player controlled caravan instead of an NPC one.

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entering job mode will result changing your suits if ur trader you will wear a trader suit ,thief black suits with coverd face n a black hat .. and yea i think its all will be in pve maps so you will know if any aproachin player is a thief or hunter from his suit plus if hes hunter the font will show in green and if hes thief will be red

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Not a bad idea in part.

The only thing that eventually puts me off MMOs is that the entire game is based around killing things and very little else.

After you have killed your millionth monster it gets kinda boring.

A class that isnt involved in killing monsters like a trader would be something differant, but woudnt involve any PVP in the PVE world as the trader would have no offensive skills at all , some minimal defensive and healing skills and would advance thru the game by travelling around the world trading with NPCs and / or players.

Traders would be open to attack by monsters and if killed would lose whatever goods they carried.

Traders could improve their skills to help them evade detection by monsters, and improve their chances of getting away from the monsters.

Traders could use WPs , but the cost of using them would be substantially higher than for normal players, so the trader would have to way up whether it was worth it or not.

Apart from not being able to kill anything, traders could participate in all other aspects of the game.


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Well... Traders will just ride their pet whither its a low lvl pet (camel ) or elephant ( higher and more capacity for goods) defending the goods from the agrressive mobs or from the thieves is the Hunters job or he the trader can risk it and just ride alone avoiding the mobs and hopfully no thief is around so he geta all the profits without sharing with anyone

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Noone said it wil be pvp in pve guys... you will be able to see them but u will not be able to attack them boons or conditions.. for example .. you're in pve doing an event and sow caravan ! then u will click on job mode to start searchin where you sow it to steal it if u were a thief .. only the one who enters the mode ( got another name n clothes ) will be able to help if hes hunter or steal by killing the pet n the trader if hes thei

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> @"hmd.5719" said:

> Noone said it wil be pvp in pve guys... you will be able to see them but u will not be able to attack them boons or conditions.. for example .. you're in pve doing an event and sow caravan ! then u will click on job mode to start searchin where you sow it to steal it if u were a thief .. only the one who enters the mode ( got another name n clothes ) will be able to help if hes hunter or steal by killing the pet n the trader if hes thei


That is still PvP in the PvE maps so "No thank you"

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> ....“Thieves:-

>they spend their life searching around hoping they find a weak trader to kill him and take his inventory to sell it in their theif town..


>They Will help traders ,face the thieves and finally get their share from the profit when the caravan arrive safely.”


If the thieves are killing the traders and the hunters are fighting the thieves to protect the traders then how is it not PvP in PvE?

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You lost me at "korean mmo", but I get the gist. This is fairly similar to existing WvW mechanics, though but one aspect of a much larger game. The role of "traders" is played by NPC's carrying supplies and materials to the various important sites, and it is up to the players to either help or hinder said caravans, and "liberate" their sources.

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