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Spectral Wall is obscenely powerful


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What are they corrupting stab with on a blood build?


Stunbreaking the ring stops you from getting feared again, it has a 1.5s icd. If you have three stacks of stab or resistance you can ignore it completely lol. They have no way to pull you into it or push you through it


Its significantly worse than wall was traited, less duration, longer cd, no icd

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and here we are, the road into oblivion for necros. they get weaker and weaker every patch while People already started complaining About unholy Sanctuary and now spectral ring xD.


anet plz, delete necro already to end every main necros suffer to get nerfed by incompetent developers of trashnet over and over again.

plz anet:

-decrease all aoes by 50% radius and dmg.

-decrease number of Targets a necro can hit to 1/ 2.

-remove every single stack of stability,might

-decrease lifeforce gain by 75 % because 2nd lifebar is so overpowered, i see necros outsustining whole enemy Groups all day

-implement that shroudentry automatically apply 10 sec of immo,weakness,chill,cripple,25 vuln stacks to necro because necro is so overpowered.


Forget About mirages and rangers and everything else. necro is solo 1v 5 everything. nerf plz...xD


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Necro remains the best teamfighter along with a firebrand, but i would never ever complain about that fear ring rofl.

Its not like the necro or the downed player is immune to ranged attacks or ranged CC :p

Necros also has the worst stability uptime in the game lol, just throw something at em and you are done.

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> @"Kumouta.4985" said:

> try using 'ranged attacks', a 'teleport' or even a 'stunbreak' and the ring will be completely wasted.


Teleporting in or out of any circles that apply any effects will still apply it's effects.

DH traps will hit you

Guard ring will knock you down

Spectral Wall will fear you

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> @"Ovark.2514" said:

> If the revive trait wasn't enough, now necro just has to place wall around downed player and boom, basically unstoppable rez. If you had stab, guess what? You're fighting a necro so it's corrupted and you're fear locked for 5 sec.


it is powerful and so many other skills in the game but

why only spectral ring is the powerful one how about cleans 6 condition from you and your team ,break stun and have 2 ammunition you dont think this powerful too and many many other skills

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> @"Master Ketsu.4569" said:

> The real problem is they increased the sisze but kept it unevadeable. Previously it was fine because it only covered a small section, but now it can nearly cover a point.


> A CC that can cover a point and be both unblockable and unevadeable is bad for the game as it lacks meaningful counterplay.



All the similar types of skills like Line of Warding, Ring of Warding, Hunter's Ward, Dragon's Maw and Unsteady Ground work that way. None of them are smaller than Spectral Ring and they all do hard cc rather than soft cc.

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