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Should ArenaNet give us a free gear reset?

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The recent updates to the Sigils/Runes as well as the Winterday patch changed a lot of game play. When it would have been possible to buff professions to the level of usefulness, ArenaNet decided to go with nerf instead. The latest patch affected almost everyone, even chrono haters. More importantly it made a lot of gears less relevant - gear that many players spend a lot of time and money to obtain.

I think it would only be fair of ArenaNet to allow for the players to have a reset of gears with such significant changes. It is only fair for the players of every profession to be given a chance to rework their gear without grinding through the pain or spending money. I am only suggesting 3 aspect of free reset:


1. Reset all soul bound items to original account bound or free bound

2. Reset all select-stat weapons so we can reselect stats for the new builds ArenaNet suggested for us

3. Extract the runes and sigils from current slots so we could repurpose or trade them, without spending gems on extractors


I would like to see how many of the players supportive this suggestion. (Anonymous poll)


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I voted no. Why? Just because people already spend gold and becuase it happens every patch basically. And because thats what legendaries are for!

Realistically its case in every mmo ever. They do balance patches and some builds become irrelevant.


Doesn't mean I love that my buid got useless.

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We can certainly argue whether the pace of changes to skills and gear is dominated by a need to keep the meta fresh or a need to keep the economy fresh. I would argue that both significantly impact the studio's decision making. Rather than a free reset, I would begin by changing how upgrades are attached to gear within the hero panel. I do not understand why responding to changes should force players to either destroy gear by over-writing upgrades or pay the studio to preserve their gear.


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I think it's unlikely Anet would do it at all but if anything like this was offered I'd really want it to be on a per character basis and activated by the player. So you speak to an NPC and they convert any gear you currently have with you rather than logging in to find all your characters reset automatically.


Balance patches typically have very little impact on me, even big ones like this, and it would be really annoying to have to go through and reconstruct my builds on all 11 characters because they were wiped as some kind of PR move. I imagine it would be even worse for people who have more characters. _Especially_ if it became something that happened on a regular basis. (Elder Scrolls Online used to offer something similar - you have to pay gold to change which skills you have unlocked in that game and after a balance patch they'd reset all your skill points for free, but so many people complained that it wasted a huge amount of time after each update that they changed it to an optional reset at a reduced price instead.)


Although based on the original proposal in this thread it would only have a limited impact on me anyway. I get my equipment from wherever I can, I don't prioritise stat selectable items over other types so it would just mean various random pieces of my equipment are reverted to having no stats while the rest stay as they are and I'd have to search through each character's equipment to find the ones which have changed because I certainly can't remember which ones started out selectable.


Actually, since the people most likely to be affected by balance patches are 'end game' players - raiders, level 100 Fractal players and hardcore WvWers - and presumably they're all using ascended equipment which as far as I remember isn't stat selectable I'm not convinced this would have any benefit at all. It would probably be better to issue each character a limited number of soulbound tokens which can be used in place of the current Mystic Forge recipe to change the stats on ascended equipment.

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What I want is a way to unlock stats and switch between unlocked stats with a reasonable cost. , a cost that obviously would be voided for Legendary gear when updated to this new system.


Being limited to craft legendary gear and the convoluted ascended reforging recipes is not good enough to ready the game for the best possible template system GW2 could have.

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People asked for this, why would ANet soften it?


And to be clear, "people" in this case is "the ones that asked for raids, fractals, and the like". They wanted content that would force them to push the envelope, so to speak, of what could be done. The problem is that when you push that envelope hard enough, something has to give.


In most MMOs, what gives is a new level cap, or a new level of gear. You're forced to regear anyway, so it doesn't matter as much if your build shifts while you do it. Here, the level cap and gear level are set in stone, so something else has to give. The "give" is left open and exposed for what it is, there's no hiding it with uneven power growth over the new levels or anything else like that.


This is just part of having content like raids and high level fractals. (And yes, like the old dungeon speed clears, too. Though that was more on the players than the intent of the content.) To make such content what it's supposed to be, the devs have very little room to work with. This is the result of it. People wanted a challenge, this is just a part of it they'd forgotten about.

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> @"alchemist.6851" said:

> The recent updates to the Sigils/Runes as well as the Winterday patch changed a lot of game play. When it would have been possible to buff professions to the level of usefulness, ArenaNet decided to go with nerf instead. The latest patch affected almost everyone, even chrono haters. More importantly it made a lot of gears less relevant - gear that many players spend a lot of time and money to obtain.

> I think it would only be fair of ArenaNet to allow for the players to have a reset of gears with such significant changes. It is only fair for the players of every profession to be given a chance to rework their gear without grinding through the pain or spending money. I am only suggesting 3 aspect of free reset:


> 1. Reset all soul bound items to original account bound or free bound

> 2. Reset all select-stat weapons so we can reselect stats for the new builds ArenaNet suggested for us

> 3. Extract the runes and sigils from current slots so we could repurpose or trade them, without spending gems on extractors


> I would like to see how many of the players supportive this suggestion. (Anonymous poll)



I didn't vote, because neither yes nor no is my response.


They need to undo the terrible changes they made to runes and sigils. They were implemented as if they fixed some problem, but there were no problems with the old system.


A free reset won't solve the problem. The solution is as radical as what caused the problem: reverse it.

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> @"Daddicus.6128" said:

> They need to undo the terrible changes they made to runes and sigils. They were implemented as if they fixed some problem, but there were no problems with the old system.


> A free reset won't solve the problem. The solution is as radical as what caused the problem: reverse it.


Couldn't disagree more, BL kits are finally useful and everything I don't want is salvaged to components. It's finally perfect. Don't touch anything.


And on the original topic, I voted "No". That's what legendary gear is for. If you're so much into meta builds, invest in that.

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It's no for me.


Personal view of it: The game is alive, continuously evolving. Every change adds new objectives (like in this case, re-adapt whole equipment) and/or new activities. Changes can be positive to some, negative to others and also, often, many players simply don't care. Changes can be major or minor. I like this continuous "movement" securing that we always get something new to handle with. In this case, it is a rather major change, bringing a new approach to how work out/upgrade our equipment. Let's learn to manage with it! :)

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It is a no from me as well. Most players that play the game at a level that would need best in slot gear already have the means to change the gear easily by the resources they accumulate from the game modes they play. Everyone else will not really have much effect on their game play if they remain with the old gear for a little bit after the balance change.

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I still run builds that were meta over a year ago, and they still run alright (remember grievers/rune of balthazar Firebrand? Appariantly everyone's moved to sinister/viper/rune of revenant now @_@). That being said, I could imagine how some characters *cough* mesmer *cough* could be miffed at meta changes, considering it can cost A LOT to gear them up when compared to a set of zerk/scholars, and big changes like this mean these expensive changes may need to be undone.

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