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Fractals with current chrono nerf


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> @"Laila Lightness.8742" said:

> > @"Dante.1763" said:

> > > @"TexZero.7910" said:

> > > > @"Xentera.4560" said:

> > > > ... with the current chrono nerf, and post a video of how smoothly things went.

> > > > Please save me the BS of "it was done multiple times before", and "you don't need a chrono". Or even the generic "GIT GUD".

> > > > Yes I know it can be done, and that it's been done on a regular basis after the patch. It's just not fun anymore, very frustrating, takes a a much longer amount of time, and not worth at the end. I am personally done with fractals for now.

> > > > I want to see those who designed the latest patch actually play endgame for once, then tell me the nerf was all right.

> > >

> > > You know there was a time before chrono's existed and yet you're gonna complain about the nerf ?

> > > If that doesn't tell you just how busted Chrono actually was, then i have no other ways to convince you that the nerf was warranted especially given you think they were the progenators of FUN.

> >

> > SHhhh, that was the before before times before the chrono came and made all content easy, we dont speak of the before before times.

> >

> > Jokes aside, i agree with you Tex, if players just cant imagine playing without a chrono that shows how badly the "spec" needed nerfed, no class should be so needed that a nerf destroys(which it didnt) all group content.


> Now we dont need chrono anymore but we still need druid (new broken boonbot XD)


You absolutely do not need druid either. Neither classes have ever been required for fractals, players took them because it made them feel safe and they could neglect knowing the mechanics. Not every class/spec needs nerfed and from your posts i can tell you hate *hate* classes that are "meta" even if they arent forced upon players by anet. Nerfing classes because of that, leads to them being in the state ele is in now, and it needs to stop.

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> @"phs.6089" said:

> > @"rabenpriester.7129" said:

> > > @"theory.3580" said:

> > > I'm a chrono main, with Leaves No Hero Behind, 150+ cosmic essences, Voice in the Void, 1000+ LI.

> > >

> > > I'm not doing support chrono in fractals anymore. It's absolutely garbage now.

> >

> > You and me both. 400+ Essences, 1700+ LI, all titles, I'm welcome in statics and pugs and get whispered to join for sells / help out for free / just be around / fill a chrono slot a lot. I have a lot of free time now.

> >

> > I seriously suggest everyone who plays fractals at a higher level (daily cms+t4s) to either get a static or stop playing. You'll wait a lot for good chronos at the moment.


> Stop making Crono vital for CM's, There is no game that offers attack speed(quickness) and skill cool down reduction(alacrity) in one class-free for all. Anet made that mistake, took them 2 years to realize it.


Sure, then let's move on to Firebrand after wards.


No class needs permanent fury, quickness, insane healing and aegis spam in one class-free for all.

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > @"phs.6089" said:

> > > @"rabenpriester.7129" said:

> > > > @"theory.3580" said:

> > > > I'm a chrono main, with Leaves No Hero Behind, 150+ cosmic essences, Voice in the Void, 1000+ LI.

> > > >

> > > > I'm not doing support chrono in fractals anymore. It's absolutely garbage now.

> > >

> > > You and me both. 400+ Essences, 1700+ LI, all titles, I'm welcome in statics and pugs and get whispered to join for sells / help out for free / just be around / fill a chrono slot a lot. I have a lot of free time now.

> > >

> > > I seriously suggest everyone who plays fractals at a higher level (daily cms+t4s) to either get a static or stop playing. You'll wait a lot for good chronos at the moment.

> >

> > Stop making Crono vital for CM's, There is no game that offers attack speed(quickness) and skill cool down reduction(alacrity) in one class-free for all. Anet made that mistake, took them 2 years to realize it.


> Sure, then let's move on to Firebrand after wards.


> No class needs permanent fury, quickness, insane healing and aegis spam in one class-free for all.


Sounds good to me. If they want no class to have access to all the support boons, id say let each class have 2-3(including druid). Chrono should get Alacrity back as a unique boon to it though. I still think anet goofed and didnt make enough changes to other support classes at the same time as they did Chrono.

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> @"Dante.1763" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > @"phs.6089" said:

> > > > @"rabenpriester.7129" said:

> > > > > @"theory.3580" said:

> > > > > I'm a chrono main, with Leaves No Hero Behind, 150+ cosmic essences, Voice in the Void, 1000+ LI.

> > > > >

> > > > > I'm not doing support chrono in fractals anymore. It's absolutely garbage now.

> > > >

> > > > You and me both. 400+ Essences, 1700+ LI, all titles, I'm welcome in statics and pugs and get whispered to join for sells / help out for free / just be around / fill a chrono slot a lot. I have a lot of free time now.

> > > >

> > > > I seriously suggest everyone who plays fractals at a higher level (daily cms+t4s) to either get a static or stop playing. You'll wait a lot for good chronos at the moment.

> > >

> > > Stop making Crono vital for CM's, There is no game that offers attack speed(quickness) and skill cool down reduction(alacrity) in one class-free for all. Anet made that mistake, took them 2 years to realize it.

> >

> > Sure, then let's move on to Firebrand after wards.

> >

> > No class needs permanent fury, quickness, insane healing and aegis spam in one class-free for all.


> Sounds good to me. If they want no class to have access to all the support boons, id say let each class have 2-3(including druid). Chrono should get Alacrity back as a unique boon to it though. I still think anet goofed and didnt make enough changes to other support classes at the same time as they did Chrono.


My guess is they will move towards 2-3 support classes per boon. Meaning alacrity will get added to 1-2 more classes, same as quickness. Unique boons are a bad idea. People who think that mandatory slots per class in raids is a good idea are in big denial. That would be terrible to implement but who knows, maybe we have to go down that road 1nce so people realize the folly.


The problem with chrono and alacrity is that baseline mesmer brings quickness (and it used to be its staple and unique ability back in vanilla) but sure, let's rework chrono/mesmer again and get it right this time. Better than this abomination which will soon get nerfed yet again due to the new SoI.


Firebrand has been more powerful than chrono for a few patches now, it was only not outperforming it in easy of use in 1 specific area: fractal and raid role compression. Everywhere else FB was way more overpowered and is even more so now.

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> @"Dante.1763" said:

>Nerfing classes because of that, leads to them being in the state ele is in now, and it needs to stop.

I'm just reading stuff and that made me wonder in what state ele now? Amazing? Bad?Unplayble ? From video before with 3 eles chrono and bs evaporated every boss close to instant ,so I would like to know what you meant

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Can see how it affects raids since that's more about min/maxing dmg with enraged timers (not doing any though due to all the LI reqs for lfg's, can't be bothered) but in fracts, there's barely any difference. Still doing t4's + recs in more or less 45mins, usually about half an hour for t4's and 15mins for recs. (that's with a fixed setup of druid/reaper/scourge + 2 randoms which are chrono + bannerslave/dps or just 2 dps if it's the cheesy rotations where chrono doesn't even do that much)


As others have posted before: people have just become too used to spamming skills instead of actually understanding their profession and the mechanics of mobs. For example as a condi reaper, if there's a fract where you're struggling, just swap out the 50% extra condi duration for the 10 or 15% healing of your condi dmg, makes you pretty much unkillable. Duo'd 99 nightmare about a month ago with my brother who hadn't played the game in 2 years, just by both playing condi reaper with the healing trait, that's how OP it is.


Ofc in a regular t4 group you shouldn't need it when a druid is doing the healing, but when guild parties get stuck and you hear they're desperately hanging on to the "meta" instead of changing 1 trait that allows you to carry the entire thing and even solo most stuff, it just shows how brainlessly people are playing the game.


If only they'd restore world bosses back to their proper state from before megaservers instead of mere hit dummies.. The rage of so many people who can just spam 1-1-1 would be real xD


(edit: removed some kitties)

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> Can you imagine that there was a time when we went into the endgame PvE, Arah explorable, and proceeded to wipe for hours before giving up?


> People have become spoiled babies today.


No, because you brought a thief and mesmer and proceeded to skip 90% of it.

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > @"phs.6089" said:

> > > @"rabenpriester.7129" said:

> > > > @"theory.3580" said:

> > > > I'm a chrono main, with Leaves No Hero Behind, 150+ cosmic essences, Voice in the Void, 1000+ LI.

> > > >

> > > > I'm not doing support chrono in fractals anymore. It's absolutely garbage now.

> > >

> > > You and me both. 400+ Essences, 1700+ LI, all titles, I'm welcome in statics and pugs and get whispered to join for sells / help out for free / just be around / fill a chrono slot a lot. I have a lot of free time now.

> > >

> > > I seriously suggest everyone who plays fractals at a higher level (daily cms+t4s) to either get a static or stop playing. You'll wait a lot for good chronos at the moment.

> >

> > Stop making Crono vital for CM's, There is no game that offers attack speed(quickness) and skill cool down reduction(alacrity) in one class-free for all. Anet made that mistake, took them 2 years to realize it.


> Sure, then let's move on to Firebrand after wards.


> No class needs permanent fury, quickness, insane healing and aegis spam in one class-free for all.


They will come to that, don't worry, in a year or so.

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So much hyperbole.


Plenty of compositions can clear 100CM in 15 minutes or less still. A good group will still clear CM's + T4 in under an hour.


Chrono; Druid; BS, 2DPS

Chrono; support FB; BS, 2DPS

Support Renegade; support or condi quickness FB; BS, 2DPS

Support FB; BS, 3DPS


All of the above with another DPS instead of BS, and plenty of other creative compositions as well, from heal Scourge to stacking dps Chronos.


People just can't be completely ignorant of their's and other's class mechanics anymore, as well as need to understand the boss mechanics.


The Boss is about to phase, forcing the group into some sort of split phase? Maybe delay your Chrono wells instead of wasting them on a position where people can't stay, leading to terrible boon uptime.

See the Chrono put down a well? Actually stand in it, it's their class mechanic of giving you boons. They can't just boon epidemic everything to you after only standing in it themselves anymore. Just pay attention.


For FB's, make sure that as a group, no matter how spread out around the boss you are, especially with SA, you are all reachable by the mantra cone. Symbols are your friend, they heal you and give you boons. Keep in mind your position relative to your teammates, don't make the support's life a nightmare, just because you can't be bothered to pay attention.


For the Renegade, make sure you are aware of the range of the Orders, as well as understand that the tablet is your friend, it's not a mechanic you need to kite around, driving your support insane.


Instead of complaining, adapt, learn to play, and understand what you are playing with.

The game still plays just fine if you are an okay player, arguably is more fun and interesting now, as well as having increased profession diversity, if you would just give alternative comps a shot, Chrono just isn't a free carry for bad players anymore.



I understand nobody likes to think they just got carried, but if you are struggling so much since the patch, maybe take it as an opportunity to improve yourself as player.

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> @"Lord of the Fire.6870" said:

> I can only agree fractals aren't fun anymore you wipe way way more often then before to be more precise the more difficult the fractal were before the more difficult it became. So in something like solid ocean you won't notice a difference but stuff like chaos , Mai Trin , things get a lot harder Twllight Oasis is already absurd and has turned into a 5 man raid nightmare and shattered observatory I haven't tested yet but I have a feeling it won't be nice.


> I don't play CMs but from what I heard from my guild mates they became unplayable . It obvious they were balanced with a boonsharing chrono in mind and I have a feeling the balance team didn't talk to the fractal/raid team about what they planning otherwise I can't explain myself this.


> After I tried the new balance 3 days into a row I have no more interest in this kind of content anymore

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Did the T4 + rec last night with Druid/Chrono + 3 DPS, only the second time doing the dailies since the patch (busy doing Wintersday stuffs :( ).


The run took exactly the same amount of time it took the week before, and the week before that, and the week before that. The chrono used portals on Deepstone and Cliffside, focus pulls, wells, and while the breakbars didn't vanish instantly the way they used to, I found myself using my CC abilities regularly for the first time in months.


The Chrono did say it was, and I quote "so much easier before the patch", but the bosses were dead, we weren't, and tons of loot were enjoyed by all.


I can't speak for anyone else, but for me, the experience remains largely unchained, save for the requirement of the other players to stack on wells and learn which of their abilities can be used for CC. /shrug


EDIT: ANET, now that we are forced to stack for max DPS again, how about that re-vamp of Social Awkwardness you promised many moons ago?

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> @"Dante.1763" said:

> > @"Lord of the Fire.6870" said:

> > > @"Dante.1763" said:

> > > > @"TexZero.7910" said:

> > > > > @"Xentera.4560" said:

> > > > > ... with the current chrono nerf, and post a video of how smoothly things went.

> > > > > Please save me the BS of "it was done multiple times before", and "you don't need a chrono". Or even the generic "GIT GUD".

> > > > > Yes I know it can be done, and that it's been done on a regular basis after the patch. It's just not fun anymore, very frustrating, takes a a much longer amount of time, and not worth at the end. I am personally done with fractals for now.

> > > > > I want to see those who designed the latest patch actually play endgame for once, then tell me the nerf was all right.

> > > >

> > > > You know there was a time before chrono's existed and yet you're gonna complain about the nerf ?

> > > > If that doesn't tell you just how busted Chrono actually was, then i have no other ways to convince you that the nerf was warranted especially given you think they were the progenators of FUN.

> > >

> > > SHhhh, that was the before before times before the chrono came and made all content easy, we dont speak of the before before times.

> > >

> > > Jokes aside, i agree with you Tex, if players just cant imagine playing without a chrono that shows how badly the "spec" needed nerfed, no class should be so needed that a nerf destroys(which it didnt) all group content.

> >

> > The time before the chrono came was pre HoT this isn't even comparable to the content we have these days . With HoT came also raids and with raids came enrage timers some examples on what around those raids were balanced : Chrono had alacrity had 66% recharge rate , quickness had 100% cast time reducing instead of 50%. Tempest had 60k Dps all this was made to make sure you need the new elite specs to do the raids and also to make sure that the old content is obsolete in terms of a challenge. (marketing)


> My point, thank you. They made 90% of content cheese with chrono + druid, something that shouldnt have ever happened.


> >

> > I think they reduced the requirements just once everything else cam e from better teamplay and better group compestion . You may notice the chrono nerf wasn't the only nerf we had this year they they brought down all classes previously so that a class can make a best just under 40k dps outside a burst.( there are always silly guys who bring up the dps on the ice golem in the fractals no the 100k+ on him don't count you do that with a debuff/condi from the fractal mechanic).


> My ele got destroyed and its only job was damage, which many classes now offer more support, and DPS at the same time than ele ever can, believe me, i know how it feels to have a class destroyed.


> >

> > You can still do all content but everything now takes longer and is harder , we as a guild did the vale guard and we already defeated him successfully but what the data said to me during our trys is we can either have 4 dps classes wo can do 17-25k+ dps and the other 2 are not essential then or 2 top dps and 4 wo do around 14-15 k dps.


> this is a good thing, content shouldnt be a cake walk. my training group was finishing all bosses(with the exception of bosses like Diemos) without any issues or failures aside from when a mechanic failed.

> >

> > We haven't tried since the chrono patch but with dps lose it will become harder to find the right players which are good enough and anymore nerfs which effects the dps in this game and val guard won't be doable for normal mortals.

> >

> > Fractals before you needed only druid + chrono many wanted a BS but from my experience that wasn't necessarily. I remember an amazing run with a DH and a scourge and me as weaver and we all did 21k DPS :) The new meta has no options anymore in which variant ever :(

> >


> Fractals *DID NOT* require a druid or chrono. My group would often run the following:

> Condi SB(myself), Weaver(sword/d, or sword/f depending on who came), Dead Eye, an engineer or a necro(whatever spec they used was okay), and the fifth was whatever we could grab, the only fractal we never finished with that group was 100CM but we also never tried.


1.) I talk about the old content this clear ? And yes the old content is cheese with a meta setup mainly means dungeons because world bosses are done with a lot of randoms players which play randoms classes.


2.) I play ele too the class didn't got destroyed I was even after patches often 1# dps in fractals as weaver only DH was better in burst or when someone played with sword and dagger which were also besides one players I saw laying always on the ground. In general it was very different from boss to boss but it was good enough.


4) Fractals are designed to be causally except maybe CM's this means I should be able to go with a random group and do it in a not too much time


3&4) I think this is the misunderstanding most developers and some players have in the beginning to have a challenging content is good but ultimately every guild/clan in every MMORPG wants to have those instances on farm status because we don't do it solely for the challenge but also for the loot. After the instance hasn't any new mechanic to learn people want only do it for the loot. Making the old content harder instead adding new content is a....... move.


This is the whole reason we have metas this is also why people pump into each other sometimes in the LFG some wants to do the content for the first time but the other half of the group just wants to farm the content.


The old meta wasn't to do necessarily optimized to do the most damage but to make the run as short as possible and eliminating random things as far as possible which could turn the run longer in addition the chrono had portals to shorting things. Funny they target it all what make the fractals shorter in terms of class abilities. I once was run a Cliffside T1 with a recommended group under 5 minutes the chrono open portals after portals by always running a head such stuff can be simply stopped by adding doors , they also never fixed Aetherblade , same goes for Vulcan.


I don't know if my Weaver is to 100% out of the new meta its depend how good the FB+ Rev combo is in terms of boons supply but chrono and druid are then kicked from the farm meta . Over 90% of the players which doing this kind of content using the meta or a meta . In addition to this there are a lot more classes which are potentially left out of the meta now.

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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> Did the T4 + rec last night with Druid/Chrono + 3 DPS, only the second time doing the dailies since the patch (busy doing Wintersday stuffs :( ).


> The run took exactly the same amount of time it took the week before, and the week before that, and the week before that. The chrono used portals on Deepstone and Cliffside, focus pulls, wells, and while the breakbars didn't vanish instantly the way they used to, I found myself using my CC abilities regularly for the first time in months.


> The Chrono did say it was, and I quote "so much easier before the patch", but the bosses were dead, we weren't, and tons of loot were enjoyed by all.


> I can't speak for anyone else, but for me, the experience remains largely unchained, save for the requirement of the other players to stack on wells and learn which of their abilities can be used for CC. /shrug


> EDIT: ANET, now that we are forced to stack for max DPS again, how about that re-vamp of Social Awkwardness you promised many moons ago?


Which fractals were these? It is really depends on which fractal in some are stacking harder then others not only because of Social Awkwardness but because you need to doge/ jump and a lot of cc can also ruin everything like in Chaos.

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Been running smoothly with the following setup:


1) Renegade Healer - permanent alacrity/25 might, protection, regen, retal, excellent CC, assassins presence (150 ferocity bonus to group), and stonecleave’s summit is uncapped insane life steal that is underrated AF as a damage increaser because Arcdps ignores it.


2) condi support FB - permanent quickness and fury, decent amount of aegis, a little bit of might, stability through F3 tome, decent DPS. >>> you can still run a chrono in this slot that focuses on quickness uptime (rune of the firebrand, Well of Action, Time Warp, Sig of Inspiration, Well of Precognition for stab)


3) banner war


4) Two DPS - a soulbeast is nice in a DPS slot because you can take Frost/Sun Spirit depending on whether most of your teams damage is power or condi.


The only thing that takes long with using this setup is finding pugs that can fill slots that aren’t popular on metabattle or snowcrows. Once you get players that understand each of the roles, it goes just as quickly, if not quicker, than the old standard comp.


I believe the change was healthy for the game overall. Chrono had a nice, long run, but the amount of support you could get from one class was broken and limited acceptance of other classes.



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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> EDIT: ANET, now that we are forced to stack for max DPS again, how about that re-vamp of Social Awkwardness you promised many moons ago?


It wasn't "promised." Ben said he wanted to overhaul instabilities in general, especially S/A, and it was going to take a while. The most likely scenario is that it was harder to implement a holistic & comprehensive plan than first imagined, with "other things came up" being a close second (e.g. maybe some folks were tasked with fixing bugs or making sure the next fractal/raid is ready for LS3.5). It's also possible they changed their mind, but, based on Ben's track record, I think it's likely he'd say so if he knew that for sure.



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> @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > @"theory.3580" said:

> >

> >

> > It has exactly zero viability in any content wherein you cannot stack in one spot, stationary.


> This is objectively false.


Sry he/she is partially right in raids this isn't the problem because you have often other boons sources and you are usually in a voice chat but there are a few fractals in which this doesn't work with a random group especially Twilight Oasis. In the CMs I don't know for sure but my guess is they have also problems there.

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> @"Lord of the Fire.6870" said:

> > @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > > @"theory.3580" said:

> > >

> > >

> > > It has exactly zero viability in any content wherein you cannot stack in one spot, stationary.

> >

> > This is objectively false.


> Sry he/she is partially right in raids this isn't the problem because you have often other boons sources and you are usually in a voice chat but there are a few fractals in which this doesn't work with a random group especially Twilight Oasis. In the CMs I don't know for sure but my guess is they have also problems there.


Not even partially right (in terms of the part I quoted).



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> @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > @"Lord of the Fire.6870" said:

> > > @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > > > @"theory.3580" said:

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > It has exactly zero viability in any content wherein you cannot stack in one spot, stationary.

> > >

> > > This is objectively false.

> >

> > Sry he/she is partially right in raids this isn't the problem because you have often other boons sources and you are usually in a voice chat but there are a few fractals in which this doesn't work with a random group especially Twilight Oasis. In the CMs I don't know for sure but my guess is they have also problems there.


> Not even partially right (in terms of the part I quoted).




Care to elaborate? Considering support chrono needs to run wells to even achieve partially satisfying up-time on quickness (not possible to perma solo and almost not possible with 2 chronos) and almost as bad an up-time on alacrity. How does chrono provide these 2 boons in content were stacking is not possible? Maybe we are missing something here.

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > > @"Lord of the Fire.6870" said:

> > > > @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > > > > @"theory.3580" said:

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > It has exactly zero viability in any content wherein you cannot stack in one spot, stationary.

> > > >

> > > > This is objectively false.

> > >

> > > Sry he/she is partially right in raids this isn't the problem because you have often other boons sources and you are usually in a voice chat but there are a few fractals in which this doesn't work with a random group especially Twilight Oasis. In the CMs I don't know for sure but my guess is they have also problems there.

> >

> > Not even partially right (in terms of the part I quoted).

> >

> >


> Care to elaborate? Considering support chrono needs to run wells to even achieve partially satisfying up-time on quickness (not possible to perma solo and almost not possible with 2 chronos) and almost as bad an up-time on alacrity. How does chrono provide these 2 boons in content were stacking is not possible? Maybe we are missing something here.


He said that the class has zero viability. Others have, in this very thread, commented that they have successfully run the class in the content in question since the nerfs. By definition that means that it is viable. Perhaps not as potent as it once was. Certainly not as efficient as it once was. But there is a huge difference between viable and optimal.

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> @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > > > @"Lord of the Fire.6870" said:

> > > > > @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > > > > > @"theory.3580" said:

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > It has exactly zero viability in any content wherein you cannot stack in one spot, stationary.

> > > > >

> > > > > This is objectively false.

> > > >

> > > > Sry he/she is partially right in raids this isn't the problem because you have often other boons sources and you are usually in a voice chat but there are a few fractals in which this doesn't work with a random group especially Twilight Oasis. In the CMs I don't know for sure but my guess is they have also problems there.

> > >

> > > Not even partially right (in terms of the part I quoted).

> > >

> > >

> >

> > Care to elaborate? Considering support chrono needs to run wells to even achieve partially satisfying up-time on quickness (not possible to perma solo and almost not possible with 2 chronos) and almost as bad an up-time on alacrity. How does chrono provide these 2 boons in content were stacking is not possible? Maybe we are missing something here.


> He said that the class has zero viability. Others have, in this very thread, commented that they have successfully run the class in the content in question since the nerfs. By definition that means that it is viable. Perhaps not as potent as it once was. Certainly not as efficient as it once was. But there is a huge difference between viable and optimal.


So it's semantics?


Depending on how much awareness people bring, they might not notice how bad their boon up-time is. Hence they might not notice that they are being carried or actually useless.


You are also forgetting the one distinction added: stacking.


People are clearing content with chrono, content which lends itself to stacking together, hence chrono can provide its boons.


In situations where the group can not stack or has a lot of mobility during the encounter, the usefulness of the chrono takes a nosedive. The fact that content will still be cleared is no indicator of how useful the chrono is or was (considering people are clearing the content without chrono or quickness or alacrity).


Suffice to say, from an efficiency perspective, chrono is pretty much useless now for boons in high mobility or non stacking fights. Less evident in fractals, more so in raids.


Any one who has raided ever since the patch can attest to this. Many of the fights have gotten a lot tighter on damage needed and boon up-time (quickness+alacrity) is a lot lower compared to prenerf.

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> @"theory.3580" said:

> I'm a chrono main, with Leaves No Hero Behind, 150+ cosmic essences, Voice in the Void, 1000+ LI.


> I'm not doing support chrono in fractals anymore. It's absolutely garbage now. There's no point whatsoever to bringing chrono anywhere except raids. It has exactly zero viability in any content wherein you cannot stack in one spot, stationary. ArenaNet completely destroyed my favorite class outside of one content mode, raids. I'm actively searching for a new MMO, because the biggest thing I enjoyed in this game - supporting people in fractals and handling mechanics - has been completely gutted.


you can still do perma alacrity.. if u want?

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> @"alchemist.6851" said:

> > @"theory.3580" said:

> > I'm a chrono main, with Leaves No Hero Behind, 150+ cosmic essences, Voice in the Void, 1000+ LI.

> >

> > I'm not doing support chrono in fractals anymore. It's absolutely garbage now. There's no point whatsoever to bringing chrono anywhere except raids. It has exactly zero viability in any content wherein you cannot stack in one spot, stationary. ArenaNet completely destroyed my favorite class outside of one content mode, raids. I'm actively searching for a new MMO, because the biggest thing I enjoyed in this game - supporting people in fractals and handling mechanics - has been completely gutted.


> you can still do perma alacrity.. if u want?


Renegade does it better and does not rely on people standing in wells and brings healing and a shit ton of boons like might.

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > @"alchemist.6851" said:

> > > @"theory.3580" said:

> > > I'm a chrono main, with Leaves No Hero Behind, 150+ cosmic essences, Voice in the Void, 1000+ LI.

> > >

> > > I'm not doing support chrono in fractals anymore. It's absolutely garbage now. There's no point whatsoever to bringing chrono anywhere except raids. It has exactly zero viability in any content wherein you cannot stack in one spot, stationary. ArenaNet completely destroyed my favorite class outside of one content mode, raids. I'm actively searching for a new MMO, because the biggest thing I enjoyed in this game - supporting people in fractals and handling mechanics - has been completely gutted.

> >

> > you can still do perma alacrity.. if u want?


> Renegade does it better and does not rely on people standing in wells and brings healing and a kitten ton of boons like might.


oh of renegade can do perma alacrity then rip chrono :)

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