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Thinking of creating a rev and need you guys opinion


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Hi man,


I remember you from necro section so I played necro from beggining mostly too.

Herald pDps(for me)

PvP- its kinda hard but you can shine. You need learn lot and learn energy managament

WvW-Roaming same as PvP but better condi cleanse, Hammer backline is i think still pretty strong

PvE- For Fractals it is enough. You bring nice boons and shiro/jalis F2 passive/active have some nice use. Rotation is braindead.DPS mediocre at best no big bursts. With staff you have nice CC breakbar and staf AA is just litle bit worst then sword AA(Be carefull with Staff5 skill :D ) For Raids maybe kinda worst.


Herald cDps

Does anybody play this?


Herald support (Glint+jalis/mallyx/ventari)

I guess you can find some pretty nice builds, you are able to buff10 ppl(only alacrity for 5)


Core pDps


WvW- same

PvE-Herald is still kinda better but after recent patch it seems core gets buff for power dps (if perma retaliation is on you)


For WvW you can watch this monster CondiCore Rev God


Big PLUS for Rev as whole is every spell have some impact and use.

Big MINUS is you cannot mix utilities so you are pretty predictable. For most of the time Glint/Shiro is the best solution. (MetaPvP,PvE,WvW roaming)

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Herald is the most viable specialization for PvP. It's the only specialization that most revenant players use in PvP and for good reason. In WvW, some revenants do tend to play a support renegade which can be useful to have one in your group if you don't have a lot of firebrands.


As for core revenant, it's a difficult task to make a core revenant build for PvP that is on par with herald, but feel free to use it in PvE as much as you want. In short, Herald in PvP is a +1 or an outnumbering profession like the thief that has strong burst damage and can really help out the team.

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Herald is in a really good spot. Once you get Revenant's general game play down you start to do very well with Herald. I main both Engineer and Revenant (and semi man Elementalist and Guardian, they've been getting most of my attention as of late). Both Engineer and Revenant have a learning curve that takes some practice to get used to. For Revenant you have to be good at thinking ahead in PvP because swapping into a Legend right when you need it typically means you missed your opportunity to do whatever it was you were attempting to do.


Once you adjust to what Revenant wants you to do it becomes a lot of fun.

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