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Episode 5: All or Nothing Trailer Discussion.


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> @"Dimi Gravedancer.1463" said:

> > @"ugrakarma.9416" said:

> > The post-Joko "good awakened" being part of the "save the world crew" is a nice touch. We have the pact, the Destiny Edge, persons from GW1-NightFall, the Sunspears. I'm curious to know who else more will come up, or if will be there more "famous ghosts" from the mists.


> You know, this would be a good opportunity to get someone from Cantha to show up. Even if just for some "Foreshadowing", as I am 90% sure the next Xpac will be Cantha (at least I am praying)




Marjory is from Cantha, she may get a letter at some point from her homeland.

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> @"Arden.7480" said:

> > @"Dimi Gravedancer.1463" said:

> > > @"ugrakarma.9416" said:

> > > The post-Joko "good awakened" being part of the "save the world crew" is a nice touch. We have the pact, the Destiny Edge, persons from GW1-NightFall, the Sunspears. I'm curious to know who else more will come up, or if will be there more "famous ghosts" from the mists.

> >

> > You know, this would be a good opportunity to get someone from Cantha to show up. Even if just for some "Foreshadowing", as I am 90% sure the next Xpac will be Cantha (at least I am praying)


> Marjory?


> Marjory is from Cantha, she may get a letter at some point from her homeland.


Her family hasn't been in Cantha for 100+ years. And there's no way to tell whether they were simply stranded or, more likely, one of the many exiles from Usoku's reign. If the former, why would anyone even know about her (and why *now*)? If the latter, why would any even care?

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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> Her family hasn't been in Cantha for 100+ years. And there's no way to tell whether they were simply stranded or, more likely, one of the many exiles from Usoku's reign. If the former, why would anyone even know about her (and why *now*)? If the latter, why would any even care?



If and when we go to Cantha it will likely be due to the simple fact that we CAN now that we have defeated Zhaitan, who was blocking the ocean ways out of Tyria, and the fact that all the local dragons(Zhaitan, Mordremoth, and Kralkatorrik) have been defeated, and Jormag and Primordus are sleep again. I mean, Kamadan is as close, if not closer, to Cantha then it is Orr, It would be a relatively short boat ride to get there at this point.


If there is any sort of outside influence that directs us to Cantha it will likely either be

A. The Tengu want to go back and reclaim the homeland of many of their tribes, and so are starting some expedition to head out that way. We just happen to join in.

B. Some people flee from Cantha and arrive in Istan or Lion's Arch talking about how the Emperor has gone crazy and started doing something evil and we need to go there and stop it.

C. Some people flee from Cantha and arrive in Istan or Lion's Arch talking about how the DSD is attacking all laong the coast and its minions are doing massive damage to the area, so we, the dragon slayers that we are, go there to stop the dragon.


Cantha is just like right down there based roughly on the Durmand Priory floor map(and no these maps are obviously not entirely to scale with each other) Also threw the rough location of the Battle Isles in there because why not

![](https://i.imgur.com/3N2Bviy.jpg "")



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> @"Sajuuk Khar.1509" said:

> > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > Her family hasn't been in Cantha for 100+ years. And there's no way to tell whether they were simply stranded or, more likely, one of the many exiles from Usoku's reign. If the former, why would anyone even know about her (and why *now*)? If the latter, why would any even care?

> This.


> If and when we go to Cantha it will likely be due to the simple fact that we CAN now that we have defeated Zhaitan, who was blocking the ocean ways out of Tyria, and the fact that all the local dragons(Zhaitan, Mordremoth, and Kralkatorrik) have been defeated, and Jormag and Primordus are sleep again. I mean, Kamadan is as close, if not closer, to Cantha then it is Orr, It would be a relatively short boat ride to get there at this point.


> If there is any sort of outside influence that directs us to Cantha it will likely either be

> A. The Tengu want to go back and reclaim the homeland of many of their tribes, and so are starting some expedition to head out that way. We just happen to join in.

> B. Some people flee from Cantha and arrive in Istan or Lion's Arch talking about how the Emperor has gone crazy and started doing something evil and we need to go there and stop it.

> C. Some people flee from Cantha and arrive in Istan or Lion's Arch talking about how the DSD is attacking all laong the coast and its minions are doing massive damage to the area, so we, the dragon slayers that we are, go there to stop the dragon.


> Cantha is just like right down there based roughly on the Durmand Priory floor map(and no these maps are obviously not entirely to scale with each other) Also threw the rough location of the Battle Isles in there because why not

> ![](https://i.imgur.com/3N2Bviy.jpg "")




Oooo something i thought of just now, with the rising of Orr from the ocean depths the geopgraphy(think its the proper term?) of the Continent of Tyria has changed dramatically along the cost, and even a little inland, i wonder if any of Cantha got destroyed/flooded out.

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> @"Dante.1763" said:

> Oooo something i thought of just now, with the rising of Orr from the ocean depths the geopgraphy(think its the proper term?) of the Continent of Tyria has changed dramatically along the cost, and even a little inland, i wonder if any of Cantha got destroyed/flooded out.

Elona didn't seem to suffer too many changes from the rising of Orr, so I doubt Cantha did either. Though, IIRC, it is mentioned that the Battle Isles sunk.


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> @"Sajuuk Khar.1509" said:

> > @"Dante.1763" said:

> > Oooo something i thought of just now, with the rising of Orr from the ocean depths the geopgraphy(think its the proper term?) of the Continent of Tyria has changed dramatically along the cost, and even a little inland, i wonder if any of Cantha got destroyed/flooded out.

> Elona didn't seem to suffer too many changes from the rising of Orr, so I doubt Cantha did either. Though, IIRC, it is mentioned that the Battle Isles sunk.



Well, the crystal desert did for sure which is a part of Elona, but what i did notice is that lower regions of Elona seemed to have gotten drier recently. Since the Battle Isles sank, id expect at least parts of the coast to be sunk as well.

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> @"Dante.1763" said:

> Well, the crystal desert did for sure which is a part of Elona, but what i did notice is that lower regions of Elona seemed to have gotten drier recently. Since the Battle Isles sank, id expect at least parts of the coast to be sunk as well.

The change in Elona was caused by Joko damming the river Elon, and redirecting it. Not the rising of Orr.


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> @"Sajuuk Khar.1509" said:

> > @"Dante.1763" said:

> > Well, the crystal desert did for sure which is a part of Elona, but what i did notice is that lower regions of Elona seemed to have gotten drier recently. Since the Battle Isles sank, id expect at least parts of the coast to be sunk as well.

> The change in Elona was caused by Joko damming the river Elon, and redirecting it. Not the rising of Orr.



Not all of the changes in Elona where caused by that(the ones on the lower end of the continent i agree with), but the upper portions i highly doubt, also you can see the Dam locations on the map.

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> @"Dante.1763" said:

> Not all of the changes in Elona where caused by that(the ones on the lower end of the continent i agree with), but the upper portions i highly doubt, also you can see the Dam locations on the map.



The monster's name was Palawa Joko. Within sixty years of Kormir's rise to godhood, Palawa Joko mustered his former power and marched a new army of mummies, zombies, and other undead out of the Crystal Desert into war with Vabbi. To ensure his dominance, Palawa dammed and diverted the river Elon, causing drought and famine amid the northern provinces of Elona **and creating a green and growing area within the Crystal Desert**. In this area, Palawa Joko established the seat of his new kingdom.

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> @"Sajuuk Khar.1509" said:

> C. Some people flee from Cantha and arrive in Istan or Lion's Arch talking about how the DSD is attacking all laong the coast and its minions are doing massive damage to the area, so we, the dragon slayers that we are, go there to stop the dragon.


To be fair, given the lore we have on the DSD, if it attacks Cantha, it'd be attacking from Cantha's north. So people fleeing by boat (which would be fairly idiotic) would have to go through the DSD to get to Tyria.


> @"Sajuuk Khar.1509" said:

> > @"Dante.1763" said:

> > Oooo something i thought of just now, with the rising of Orr from the ocean depths the geopgraphy(think its the proper term?) of the Continent of Tyria has changed dramatically along the cost, and even a little inland, i wonder if any of Cantha got destroyed/flooded out.

> Elona didn't seem to suffer too many changes from the rising of Orr, so I doubt Cantha did either. Though, IIRC, it is mentioned that the Battle Isles sunk.


Elona was at an akward angle from Orr, in that it wouldn't really be hit much by it. There was some hitting, as the Olmakhan do mention the giant tsunami that Zhaitan's rise caused, but even most of Istan would be in a position where it would barely get hit, if at all. And if it did get hit, it would mostly have been Zehlon Reach that suffered, which we didn't see.


The Movement of the World stated that Zhaitan's rise flooded the Battle Isles, and [the Durmand Priory map](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/File:Tyria_%28world%29_map_2.png) does show some geographical differences from the GW1 map - namely the sudden landbridge connecting Shing Jea Island to the mainland and quite a bit of water at Tahnnakai Temple and Vizunah Square areas were. Though how the Durmand Priory found any of this out after contact was cut off is unclear - either from tengu or some Canthan exiles most likely.


> @"Dante.1763" said:

> Not all of the changes in Elona where caused by that(the ones on the lower end of the continent i agree with), but the upper portions i highly doubt, also you can see the Dam locations on the map.


If you're referring to the Elon Riverlands, then that was indeed primarily caused by the damming of the Elon. Both the water and the quicksand.


If you look at the position of things, only Amnoon would really be hit by the rising of Orr tsunami - and that may be why "old Amnoon" is sunk (even though those structures could not have been from GW1 Amnoon; if they were the initial attempts at Amnoon by the corsairs and nomads after Joko's conquest and it got hit by the tsunami, that'd make more sense).

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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> The Movement of the World stated that Zhaitan's rise flooded the Battle Isles, and [the Durmand Priory map](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/File:Tyria_%28world%29_map_2.png) does show some geographical differences from the GW1 map - namely the sudden landbridge connecting Shing Jea Island to the mainland and quite a bit of water at Tahnnakai Temple and Vizunah Square areas were. Though how the Durmand Priory found any of this out after contact was cut off is unclear - either from tengu or some Canthan exiles most likely.

Sure, but the Priory map also shows us a lot of things like a giant lake where Vabbi should be that isn't anywhere in the game itself.


> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

>To be fair, given the lore we have on the DSD, if it attacks Cantha, it'd be attacking from Cantha's north. So people fleeing by boat (which would be fairly idiotic) would have to go through the DSD to get to Tyria.

I was going by your previous guesses that the DSD was off in that region of the world between the battle Isles, the sunken Islands, and the "Arid" landmass. Based on this location the DSD would be attacking fro mthe west/north-west, and the northern coast would be used to flee. Assuming it takes the shortest possible path from its presumed location to Cantha


![](https://i.imgur.com/keHLqjh.png "")

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> @"Klipso.8653" said:

> I mean at this point in the story, why didn't we just let Balthazar kill the dragons if we are gonna do it anyway

Because we had nothing to stabilize the world's magical supply when Balthazar tried to kill the dragons. Balthazar also didn't care about what happened to the world and was going to do it knowing full well we had nothing and that the planet would be destroyed.

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> @"Klipso.8653" said:

> I mean at this point in the story, why didn't we just let Balthazar kill the dragons if we are gonna do it anyway


Because he acted like a total jerk?


PoF story never stated that we won't be killing the dragons: the cinematic in Kesho said that we need the vessels that will share the magic, not keep it for themselves. The Glint's Legacy is all about it.


Also we know that the gods cannot fight the dragons, because it will either destroy them or Tyria, so if they actually kill the dragons, the magic of the dragons will destroy them, and if they fail then Tyria will die, because the dragons will get all the divine magic.


Which we know what could cause after episode 4- Kralkatorrik gets an access to the Mists.


So the Gods will die anyway- no matter if the dragons die or not. They are in the deadlock.


The only thing I wonder about is will they react to Kralkatorrik's current actions?


We stand at this point when Aurene is not enough, Tyrian forces are not enough, so what? Edge of Destiny 2.0? Trying to create the Dragonspear and trying to get into Kralkatorrik's mind?


It's kind of what Blish's notes are suggesting. (Check Sun's Refuge to get more details).



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> @"Teratus.2859" said:

> I really hope we're setting up for a big loss..


> I do not feel comfortable with huge story moments like an Elder Dragon being killed being done in the living world rather than an expansion.

> It greatly diminishes the feeling or threat that these Dragons pose and so far living world 4 has done a great job at hyping up the Crystal Dragon.


> To kill it now in the living world rather than in a large paid expansion just makes me feel like Anet even making expansions is a total waste of thier time and a total waste of our money if we can get the expansion experience as free living world content.


> I don't like this.. I want to keep buying expansions and I want to keep supporting Anet as a company but if the games biggest and most dominant antagonists can be so easily deafeted in free living world content then you might as well just put them back to sleep wrap up the dragon story and stop focusing on them entirely.


> I'm going to go out on a limb and continue to believe that this battle will not result in the death of Kralk but rather a big loss for us.. and I really hope i'm right XD


It's hard to tell what will happen in the end, but there seem to be 3 possibilities, that are based on the current knowledge:

1) Kralkatorrik will die, Aurene takes over his power, after using some secret, out of nowhere idea. We will avenge everyone we hold dear that was killed by him.

2) We will not kill him, he will be putted to sleep

3) He will kill is all.


Another conclusion in my opinion of Season 4 can be that the Gods make a stand, and help us kill him, but the cost will be their death. So the Gods make the sacrifice and give Aurene tge knowledge how she should share the magic of Tyria.

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> @"Artyport.2084" said:

> Is it possible we will find a secret stash of glints other eggs? I mean she had a ton in her lair in gw1


Not after I was through with that instance. :(


(I always thought it was the most bizarre bonus requirement: the mission requires us to meet up with Glint to get advice; the bonus required that we kill her.

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> @"Artyport.2084" said:

> Is it possible we will find a secret stash of glints other eggs? I mean she had a ton in her lair in gw1


Pact Commander: I saw the Master of Peace take an egg.

Ogden Stonehealer: The last one intact. It's been in stasis since her death. The Master of Peace is taking it where it will be safe and allowed to hatch.



Aurene's Egg was the "last one intact" meaning something happened to the other eggs. We do not know what, but given that the destroyers went after Vlast after he hatched, and did the same with Aurene, then it's likely some were sent after the other eggs and the eggs were destroyed.

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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > @"Artyport.2084" said:

> > Is it possible we will find a secret stash of glints other eggs? I mean she had a ton in her lair in gw1


> Pact Commander: I saw the Master of Peace take an egg.

> Ogden Stonehealer: The last one intact. It's been in stasis since her death. The Master of Peace is taking it where it will be safe and allowed to hatch.

> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Hidden_Arcana#At_the_Durmand_Priory


> Aurene's Egg was the "last one intact" meaning something happened to the other eggs. We do not know what, but given that the destroyers went after Vlast after he hatched, and did the same with Aurene, then it's likely some were sent after the other eggs and the eggs were destroyed.


oh nooo thats so sad. my dream of a baby dragon army is oer

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> @"Arden.7480" said:

> > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > I really hope we're setting up for a big loss..

> >

> > I do not feel comfortable with huge story moments like an Elder Dragon being killed being done in the living world rather than an expansion.

> > It greatly diminishes the feeling or threat that these Dragons pose and so far living world 4 has done a great job at hyping up the Crystal Dragon.

> >

> > To kill it now in the living world rather than in a large paid expansion just makes me feel like Anet even making expansions is a total waste of thier time and a total waste of our money if we can get the expansion experience as free living world content.

> >

> > I don't like this.. I want to keep buying expansions and I want to keep supporting Anet as a company but if the games biggest and most dominant antagonists can be so easily deafeted in free living world content then you might as well just put them back to sleep wrap up the dragon story and stop focusing on them entirely.

> >

> > I'm going to go out on a limb and continue to believe that this battle will not result in the death of Kralk but rather a big loss for us.. and I really hope i'm right XD


> It's hard to tell what will happen in the end, but there seem to be 3 possibilities, that are based on the current knowledge:

> 1) Kralkatorrik will die, Aurene takes over his power, after using some secret, out of nowhere idea. We will avenge everyone we hold dear that was killed by him.

> 2) We will not kill him, he will be putted to sleep

> 3) He will kill is all.


> Another conclusion in my opinion of Season 4 can be that the Gods make a stand, and help us kill him, but the cost will be their death. So the Gods make the sacrifice and give Aurene tge knowledge how she should share the magic of Tyria.


I highly doubt we'll see the gods again anytime soon..

Their reason for leaving was a fair one, their powers are too great for conflict and their interference would cause more harm than good in the end, They learned that lesson when they took down Abaddon which unleashed so much energy it turned the Crystal sea into a desert.

The gods reluctance to take action against the Elder Dragons for the same reason is why Balthazar turned rogue and also why the other gods refused to get involved in taking him down as well.


We were spared such destruction in PoF because Aurine and Kralkatorrik were there to absorb the magic Balthazar had accumulated.

Kralkatorrik gaining the leftovers but Aurine appears to have absorbed something important which has not been disclosed yet.. My personal opinion is that Aurine has absorbed the bulk of whatever magic made Balthazar a God.. similar to what happened to Kormir at the end of Guildwars Nightfall resulting in her ascending and becoming a God.

I suspect due to Aurine being unconscious at the time, this was the very last action willed by the remaining Gods who despite leaving Tyria likely still watch events unfold.

(The Gods are always watching being a line from one of Lyssa's avatars in Guildwars 1 before the battle with Abaddon)

I expect the Gods know how important Aurine is to Tyria's salvation.. she's the only one who can usurp Kralkatorrik but she's far too young and lacking the power to do so.

Absorbing Balthazar give her a big growth spurt but she's still a juvenile.. and she's made it clear to us that if she stands against Kralkatorrik now.. she will die.


So unless Anet goes down the road where we challenge another Elder dragon and pull a win out of our butts like we did with Mordremoth (which I think would annoy a lot of people) I expect the fight with Kralkatorrik is going to go very badly.


My guess is we challenge him and loose much like what happened with Destiny's Edge and we're forced to retreat and come to the realization that we cannot defeat Kralkatorrik without Aurine and she simply isn't ready, leaving us with a single choice.. protect Aurine from Kralkatorrik at all costs thus forcing us to potentially abandon Tyria to take Aurine out of Kralkatorriks reach.. likely to Cantha and side lining this conflict for a later date when she is older and powerful enough to stand against him.




We challenge him.. Aurine is a no show thus the battle goes badly for us but before we are all destroyed by Kralkatorrik Aurine much like her mother sacrifices herself to save us and ends up being branded and forced to serve Kralkatorrik as his new champion.

This then leads into Season 5 where we attempt to track down and find the Forgotten hoping that the process they originally used to free Glint from Kralkatorriks control will work on Aurine.


Either way I don't see this fight with Kralkatorrik going well and I think a lot of people are going to be very disappointed if Kralkatorrik falls in the living world despite all the buildup he's had lately to depict him as unstopable.

Pulling a win out now wouldn't feel right and would kind of undermine the overwhelming power the Crystal dragon currently posseses.

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> @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > @"Arden.7480" said:

> > > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > > I really hope we're setting up for a big loss..

> > >

> > > I do not feel comfortable with huge story moments like an Elder Dragon being killed being done in the living world rather than an expansion.

> > > It greatly diminishes the feeling or threat that these Dragons pose and so far living world 4 has done a great job at hyping up the Crystal Dragon.

> > >

> > > To kill it now in the living world rather than in a large paid expansion just makes me feel like Anet even making expansions is a total waste of thier time and a total waste of our money if we can get the expansion experience as free living world content.

> > >

> > > I don't like this.. I want to keep buying expansions and I want to keep supporting Anet as a company but if the games biggest and most dominant antagonists can be so easily deafeted in free living world content then you might as well just put them back to sleep wrap up the dragon story and stop focusing on them entirely.

> > >

> > > I'm going to go out on a limb and continue to believe that this battle will not result in the death of Kralk but rather a big loss for us.. and I really hope i'm right XD

> >

> > It's hard to tell what will happen in the end, but there seem to be 3 possibilities, that are based on the current knowledge:

> > 1) Kralkatorrik will die, Aurene takes over his power, after using some secret, out of nowhere idea. We will avenge everyone we hold dear that was killed by him.

> > 2) We will not kill him, he will be putted to sleep

> > 3) He will kill is all.

> >

> > Another conclusion in my opinion of Season 4 can be that the Gods make a stand, and help us kill him, but the cost will be their death. So the Gods make the sacrifice and give Aurene tge knowledge how she should share the magic of Tyria.


> I highly doubt we'll see the gods again anytime soon..

> Their reason for leaving was a fair one, their powers are too great for conflict and their interference would cause more harm than good in the end, They learned that lesson when they took down Abaddon which unleashed so much energy it turned the Crystal sea into a desert.

> The gods reluctance to take action against the Elder Dragons for the same reason is why Balthazar turned rogue and also why the other gods refused to get involved in taking him down as well.


> We were spared such destruction in PoF because Aurine and Kralkatorrik were there to absorb the magic Balthazar had accumulated.

> Kralkatorrik gaining the leftovers but Aurine appears to have absorbed something important which has not been disclosed yet.. My personal opinion is that Aurine has absorbed the bulk of whatever magic made Balthazar a God.. similar to what happened to Kormir at the end of Guildwars Nightfall resulting in her ascending and becoming a God.

> I suspect due to Aurine being unconscious at the time, this was the very last action willed by the remaining Gods who despite leaving Tyria likely still watch events unfold.

> (The Gods are always watching being a line from one of Lyssa's avatars in Guildwars 1 before the battle with Abaddon)

> I expect the Gods know how important Aurine is to Tyria's salvation.. she's the only one who can usurp Kralkatorrik but she's far too young and lacking the power to do so.

> Absorbing Balthazar give her a big growth spurt but she's still a juvenile.. and she's made it clear to us that if she stands against Kralkatorrik now.. she will die.


> So unless Anet goes down the road where we challenge another Elder dragon and pull a win out of our butts like we did with Mordremoth (which I think would annoy a lot of people) I expect the fight with Kralkatorrik is going to go very badly.


> My guess is we challenge him and loose much like what happened with Destiny's Edge and we're forced to retreat and come to the realization that we cannot defeat Kralkatorrik without Aurine and she simply isn't ready, leaving us with a single choice.. protect Aurine from Kralkatorrik at all costs thus forcing us to potentially abandon Tyria to take Aurine out of Kralkatorriks reach.. likely to Cantha and side lining this conflict for a later date when she is older and powerful enough to stand against him.


> Or


> We challenge him.. Aurine is a no show thus the battle goes badly for us but before we are all destroyed by Kralkatorrik Aurine much like her mother sacrifices herself to save us and ends up being branded and forced to serve Kralkatorrik as his new champion.

> This then leads into Season 5 where we attempt to track down and find the Forgotten hoping that the process they originally used to free Glint from Kralkatorriks control will work on Aurine.


> Either way I don't see this fight with Kralkatorrik going well and I think a lot of people are going to be very disappointed if Kralkatorrik falls in the living world despite all the buildup he's had lately to depict him as unstopable.

> Pulling a win out now wouldn't feel right and would kind of undermine the overwhelming power the Crystal dragon currently posseses.


My bet, is that the Gods will help, but only marginally. they will probably come to help to shoo kralkatorrik out of the mists, and the commander/aurene will solve the rest in Tyria. It is good to remember that this setup of Krakatorrik in the mists is not there for nothing: is to justify the narrative of a dragon more supermassive than it once was, an exceptional enemy to require exceptional methods..

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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > @"Artyport.2084" said:

> > Is it possible we will find a secret stash of glints other eggs? I mean she had a ton in her lair in gw1


> Pact Commander: I saw the Master of Peace take an egg.

> Ogden Stonehealer: The last one intact. It's been in stasis since her death. The Master of Peace is taking it where it will be safe and allowed to hatch.

> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Hidden_Arcana#At_the_Durmand_Priory


> Aurene's Egg was the "last one intact" meaning something happened to the other eggs. We do not know what, but given that the destroyers went after Vlast after he hatched, and did the same with Aurene, then it's likely some were sent after the other eggs and the eggs were destroyed.


why are Primordus' minions so interested in killing the eggs, though?


Why is Primordus so eager to destroy Glint's Legacy? Does he feel the danger?

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> @"Arden.7480" said:

> > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > > @"Artyport.2084" said:

> > > Is it possible we will find a secret stash of glints other eggs? I mean she had a ton in her lair in gw1

> >

> > Pact Commander: I saw the Master of Peace take an egg.

> > Ogden Stonehealer: The last one intact. It's been in stasis since her death. The Master of Peace is taking it where it will be safe and allowed to hatch.

> > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Hidden_Arcana#At_the_Durmand_Priory

> >

> > Aurene's Egg was the "last one intact" meaning something happened to the other eggs. We do not know what, but given that the destroyers went after Vlast after he hatched, and did the same with Aurene, then it's likely some were sent after the other eggs and the eggs were destroyed.


> why are Primordus' minions so interested in killing the eggs, though?


> Why is Primordus so eager to destroy Glint's Legacy? Does he feel the danger?


It think it's more to do with him being the closest to them.

We don't know what happened to the others but I suspect it was Kralkatorrik who sort them out and Vlast who originally found and protected the last surviving egg.

When Aurine was attacked by Destroyerrs I think it was just because her egg was a significantly powerful object full of magic and since Mordremoths death Primordus was the next closest Dragon to want it.

Mordremoth also wanted the egg in HoT if you remember and he was likely keeping the other dragons minions out of his territory while he was alive.

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> @"Arden.7480" said:

> > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > > @"Artyport.2084" said:

> > > Is it possible we will find a secret stash of glints other eggs? I mean she had a ton in her lair in gw1

> >

> > Pact Commander: I saw the Master of Peace take an egg.

> > Ogden Stonehealer: The last one intact. It's been in stasis since her death. The Master of Peace is taking it where it will be safe and allowed to hatch.

> > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Hidden_Arcana#At_the_Durmand_Priory

> >

> > Aurene's Egg was the "last one intact" meaning something happened to the other eggs. We do not know what, but given that the destroyers went after Vlast after he hatched, and did the same with Aurene, then it's likely some were sent after the other eggs and the eggs were destroyed.


> why are Primordus' minions so interested in killing the eggs, though?


> Why is Primordus so eager to destroy Glint's Legacy? Does he feel the danger?


Destroyers were fairly indiscriminate in what they killed and destroyed in gw1. Poss attracted to the magic otherwise I suspect they saw them just as a target

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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > @"Artyport.2084" said:

> > Is it possible we will find a secret stash of glints other eggs? I mean she had a ton in her lair in gw1


> Pact Commander: I saw the Master of Peace take an egg.

> Ogden Stonehealer: The last one intact. It's been in stasis since her death. The Master of Peace is taking it where it will be safe and allowed to hatch.

> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Hidden_Arcana#At_the_Durmand_Priory


> Aurene's Egg was the "last one intact" meaning something happened to the other eggs. We do not know what, but given that the destroyers went after Vlast after he hatched, and did the same with Aurene, then it's likely some were sent after the other eggs and the eggs were destroyed.


That could just mean that they hatched, though. Even with Glint, Vlast, and Aurene, it wouldn't enough replacements to stabilize things, which sounds like a bad plan. And now we're down to one known scion, unless Vlast is restored. (Maybe Braham should be his champion, they've got the emo thing to bond over.)


Could be there are some other scions waiting in the woodwork. But for whatever reason, Vlast was supposed to wait before replacing Kraalkatorik. Not sure what for, but I guess we will find out.

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