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Diviner Stat Set Coming to PvE/WvW


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I'm not exactly in awe with anything related to concentration because ANet loves to fade boon duration into irrelevance. They trounced Glint's boon duration from 50% to 10% and did some savage nerfs also to runes and sigils boosting this stat (glad didn't bought that 40+ gc sigils, lol!), so this new stats seems like a "you can crawl to get some of the boon duration you had at the cost of cutting your damage even more". But from a PvP/roaming perspective I have 0 interest in this because Path of Fire was widely designed to roast any foe (PvE goon or player) using boons exponentially increasing the amount of skills, traits and procs which remove/corrupt/counter boons...

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> @"Buran.3796" said:

> I'm not exactly in awe with anything related to concentration because ANet loves to fade boon duration into irrelevance. They trounced Glint's boon duration from 50% to 10% and did some savage nerfs also to runes and sigils boosting this stat (glad didn't bought that 40+ gc sigils, lol!), so this new stats seems like a "you can crawl to get some of the boon duration you had at the cost of cutting your damage even more". But from a PvP/roaming perspective I have 0 interest in this because Path of Fire was widely designed to roast any foe (PvE goon or player) using boons exponentially increasing the amount of skills, traits and procs which remove/corrupt/counter boons...


It actually gives 20% and allows you to bypass the 100% boon duration limit so it's still pretty good in a group setting..

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They picked Diviner over Seeker for a reason. Diviner + Leadership Runes will give you 103% boon duration. That's the goal here: to make a build with 100% boon duration easily accessible. Then, Anet has a finite benchmark for reasonable boon duration, with which they can balance their stats around. Going with Seekers would give us 42% boon duration, which with Leadership Runes + the 10% Sigil + Concentration food will give us about 84% boon duration. This would require traits to cap the boon duration, requiring significantly more investment. That's a lot of tradeoff for the extra 26% crit chance, which can more easily be made up with Sigils, Food, and Traits.


As it stands right now, I will only be getting Diviner parts for my Chronomancer. My worry is that Anet will make all PVE boons half-length in order to make dedicated boon builds a thing in fractals/raids/WvW. Meaning our full DPS builds will go by the wayside for all classes, aside from the ones that just don't give out boons like Thief and Necromancer. At the top of the chopping block are Guardians and Revenants, since they're the most boon-focused support classes in the game.

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Diviner will be pretty huge for chronoless comps potentially. Currently in order for power renegade to do perma alacrity on a group, they need to drop a ton of personal dps either through a lot of commanders or running salvation with ventari at which point they should just go full heal with harriers. Diviner will allow for much higher personal dps on a renegade with enough boon duration for perma alacrity for a whole raid squad. The reason to run power alacrity instead of condi alacrity renegade would be that you can take devastation for assassin's presence and invocation for charged mists which lets you fit in the energy cost of f4 more easily. Additionally with power you can actually swap to staff for the big cc without completely killing your dps for the next 10 seconds. Of course this would be for 1 renegade + 2 firebrand raid comps or 1 renegade 1 firebrand fractal comps in both cases 1 of them would generally be the healer. Diviner gear lets the renegade run offensive while one of the firebrands takes full harriers support which is kind of nice since full support firebrand has much better basic boon support (fury, swiftness, aegis, stability, protection, resistance) than full support renegade with double dps quickness firebrands. But we'll see how it plays out. Diviner also boosts support chrono dps which kind of sucks since the traditional advantage of firebrand renegade comps was the higher personal dps from the supports but that gap has been closing for a long time now if it even still exists.

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I think it'll be really good, especially for WvW... It will make LOADS of new Rune combo's as viable as their existing +% duration counterparts. For once the new goofy PvE direction actually has some positive off-flow into PvP/WvW.


> @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

>My worry is that Anet will make all PVE boons half-length in order to make dedicated boon builds a thing in fractals/raids/WvW. Meaning our full DPS builds will go by the wayside for all classes, aside from the ones that just don't give out boons like Thief and Necromancer. At the top of the chopping block are Guardians and Revenants, since they're the most boon-focused support classes in the game.


Same. As for PvE, I think this stat combo is a scary preview of them sticking to their new direction of "Having every raid member only being able to provide one to two groups boons." It'll make LFG/Pugging a real pain when you have to start finding a different dps member who can provide a different perma-boon.




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Will be interested to see a world where 25 stacks of might isn't always guaranteed in group content. We could definitely see more selfish boons too, providing the most crucial buffs yourself and less boon spam on everybody. I might give this stat a try on my Deadeye, just because I like having my boons up and running with my traits already.

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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> With the raging success of Plaguedoctor gear, what could possibly go wrong?


> Er..can someone spam some Alacrity on me so my Sarcasm Bolt comes off recharge faster?


Change vitality to expertise and Plaguedoctor would have been decent.

Diviner stats can be useful especially when they change classes to specialise in one boon.

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The idea behind Diviner gear, as I see it:


- Most boon players (whether rev or otherwise) sacrifice a lot of damage to play support.

- This in turn affects the ability of boon players to solo in story and open world content, and makes them feel less useful or versatile.

- Building multiple gear sets for different purposes is expensive in both cost and time, and removes the freedom to spontaneously join group content when you have to stop and change gear all the time. "Sure, I'll run fractals with you! Wait, let me get my boon set from bank...what do you mean group's full?"

- So basically, boon players are being punished in multiple ways for wanting to help their fellow players.


With Diviner gear, now boon support players will have better DPS, so they won't necessarily feel crippled outside groups, and they can build one set of gear for general use instead of two or three different sets. In that respect, Diviner gear kinda fills the same hybrid DPS-support category as Marshal gear, but with boons instead of heals. Which makes me think that maybe Anet wants to start separating the healer and boon support roles. We shall see...

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> @"Jimbru.6014" said:

> > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> > You could probably expect the difluorite stuff in sandswept to gain selectable diviner. But I asume its mainly for raid or wvw?


> I'd expect Diviner boon builds to be useful in pretty much any PVE content, and WvW groups.


So mainly for support as I understand it, and not offensive builds.

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> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> > @"Jimbru.6014" said:

> > > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> > > You could probably expect the difluorite stuff in sandswept to gain selectable diviner. But I asume its mainly for raid or wvw?

> >

> > I'd expect Diviner boon builds to be useful in pretty much any PVE content, and WvW groups.


> So mainly for support as I understand it, and not offensive builds.


Support with some teeth. Wouldn't match the damage of a true DPS build, but wouldn't be smacking the mobs with a wet sponge like a Magi or Harrier build either.

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