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Where are the mount skeptics from the old forums?


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> @pho.9412 said:

> well Anet arrange the maps in such a way that we need mounts. [...] with the new map design, its awesome because mounts are needed, and not just for aesthetic purpose only.


PoF maps were designed for mounts, but HoT and core Tyria weren't.

And the maps of the next expansion probably won't be adjusted to mounts either anymore - if they stick to selling expansions separately.

If PoF isn't required for expansion 3, then why would they make the maps larger than before or add several obstacles that can't be traversed without mounts?

Logically, they would go back to normal again - in order to get new players and HoT players to buy expansion 3 without having to buy PoF for the mounts.

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> @Tekey.7946 said:

> The whole discussion about mounts seems to have shifted 180 degrees since Path of Fire.

> In the old forums there were lots of people opposed to mounts **in general**. As well as people who said they're alright with mounts as long as they're **pure cosmetic items**.

> Or if they add the common **25% or 33% speed buff** - to get rid of the signets in your builds.


> Other than one thread (which dealt more with the griffon in particular), I couldn't see many people that are opposed to mounts anymore.

> I know there are several people who first thought mounts weren't a good idea but then changed their minds about it when they saw them (because of their special implementation and abilities in GW2). But I don't believe that **every single one** of them (hundreds or thousands of people) **drastically changed their minds** about them and no skeptics remained.

> There were people who didn't want to see mounts at all and now we even have a griffon being able to fly infinitely if you do it right. Did they leave the game? Did they just accept it?


> This is not a thread to discuss the features in general since they're already fully implemented now.

> I just want to undestand the shift of opinions that happened within an **extremely short amount of time** - I just can't explain it by myself.

> **Are there still any mount skeptics left?**


I don't really get your point, sorry. Is this a form of teabaging? The mounts are here. Want us to riot in underwear, drooling and shouting like wild animals infront of the ANet HQ? Knocking our heads again and again at the concrete-wall? NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! - We are not that primitive. The WoW-fanboys did that since launch, "give us mounts!" over and over. It worked, but seriously at what cost?


Your genius mounts ruined a good load for game-mechanics which worked excellent before. As the others wrote above, they make several ways to travel obsolete. They ignore a good load of trap-mechanics and even allow lowlevels to savely travel Orr and the Heart of Maguuma. That is the big improvement, you were looking for?


Mounts were not needed in central tyria, the net of waypoints was perfected. The areas that had longer distances, were designed that way - like SW and Drytop. The gliders already made a lot of things possible, which should not be possible at all. The mounts are bringing up the impossible to the next level.


We are currently standing infront a of a very large pile of something. From your point of view, it is candy-corn. From our point of view it is hardened mount-poo. You just used your shiny griffon, landed on top of it and said "What do you say now?" We will not applaud to you. ANet has to balance these creatures now and repair what was broken, which will take several months. We are using mounts as well, for the same reason you still use swiftness, shadowstep and walking/running. We have to get used to the situation and make the best out of it. I just feel sorry for the Devs. This mess was avoidable. And the WoW-kids will vanish once the next addon is out ...


PS: In the Path of Fire maps however, the mechanic works as intended. The immersion is perfect. But the griffon is still some sort of overkill.





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I am a 5-year vet.


I was very vocal about mounts, and didn't want to see them in the game for all of the reasons listed here, and a few more. I was afraid that once we got mount, any ground content would be rendered obsolete. I was afraid JPs (as much as I hate them) would become obsolete. I worried that the mounts would look like Hello Kitty cars and Mario Brothers' little Yoshi. My opinion of a few issues have changed.


1. The mounts were implemented in a way that made them fit in with the other fauna of the game and didn't make them look like some cartoon afterthought. Everything looks like it might have actually evolved on Tyria, and not in some storefront.

2. They didn't negate anything I want to do on the ground. Yes, there are places where you have to have them for certain things, but in general, if I wanted to walk from Amnoon to Vabbi, I can. Just because someone avoids real combat doesn't mean I have to.

3. Being totally honest here... they're FUN. I have been in other games where you have mounts, and they are cartoonish, and other than using them for basic travel, you put them away and rarely bring them out. In GW2, it's fun to take out a skimmer and go dune surfing or horse around in the bay in LA.

4. They are not redundant. A skimmer doesn't do what a jackal does, and a raptor doesn't do what a springer does. (Getting a griffin that does everything is not important to me. If I get one down the road, it will be from a completionist's standpoint and not an "I gotta have this mount" standpoint.)

5. The core game hasn't changed. If it's being "ruined" for some people, it's by their own choice. They don't have to use mounts, but since they choose to use them, they rained on their own parade.


So, the verdict is yes, I have changed my mind. I am not "gushy" about them, but as long as ANet keeps mounts true to the nature of the game, I'm ok with them.

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> @Adenin.5973 said:

> > @Ryvaken.3261 said:

> > They control like a drunk motorcycle, the camera hates you from the moment you get on them, the animation is both annoying and kitten, the attack skills are basically pointless, the implementation is awkward, they look ugly, and they gate content to force you to keep playing in this travesty of Guild Wars history to build up masteries AGAIN.

> Controls are awesome for the mounts, they feel heavy enough but the player can still do pretty precise maneuvers.


I firmly disagree with "controls are awesome". Some of my opinion comes from comparing to other games with mounts, like WoW, where the mount is in fact very responsive and you can steer it as you wish. Some of it is the frustration of trying to go down the center of an alley or lining up for a bridge jump: awkward. Or trying to run through a dense crop of trees and having it sway around like the OP's "drunken motorcycle".


Try to get your bunny onto a particular rock to give you that extra foot of jumping to get you up onto a tough ledge. Um, no, it's pure awkwardness. Try to keep your Skimmer in the middle of a canal to maintain maximum speed. Again, awkward.


I'll admit that ANet's in a hard place: if the mounts responded just like a character, it would be unrealistic -- and with the way the camera works, it would give you vertigo. But as it is, the mounts are difficult to steer and some of them respond poorly to strafing, so you have a lot of awkwardness in any situation where you really want to hit a particular point rather than going in a general direction. Strangely enough, the mounts are more responsive in mid-air than on the ground! (Actually, this gives me an idea I'll have to try out: get into the air to steer.


Again, I like them and have gotten the basic four and use all four. But I use the Jackal most of the time because it comes the closest to responsive handling.

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> @Loosmaster.8263 said:

> My issue was allowing them in the core game maps where they were not needed except for convienence /annoyance.


Actually, I've had some joy in reaching points that I never could figure out before. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed getting to the point down in the far SE of -- arg, I forget the zone in HoT -- without lay line gliding. I managed to glide the whole length of the map, and it felt good. In the same zone, there was a high-up skill and vista that I tried for hours to get to and could never figure out. I have to admit that it felt good to use the bunny to get there. (Even then, it wasn't trivial to do so.)


Anyhow, the mounts aren't needed, but for folks who spent a lot of time in those zones and had one or two frustrating issues left, it feels like justice.



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> @thrdeye.1028 said:

> > @Tumult.2578 said:

> > For example, doing the Teq World boss fight now consists of being constantly trampled or having several mounts standing on top of you, obstructing your view, and then when Teq arrives and those same players miss time their jump or dodge and are downed, they yell at you for not instantly rezzing them. Having to defend the batteries seems to have become a perfect example of pay to win because there is no way a non mount player can do equal damage to Teq and then get to the batteries and do equal damage there too and get back again. The mount speed difference is massive and allows doing more damage, for longer periods, and still get back in time to beat the non mount players back.

> > While this should be fine in PoF maps, but I'm afraid it will destroy cooperative PvE if it remains unchanged. If you think this inaccurate, please try it without mounts and watch all the mounted players way off ahead of you in the distance already doing damage.

> > I'm not trying to imply a problem with mounts or that they shouldn't be in the game. I'm saying if they are going to be allowed in core Tyria and Hot, and affect everyone everywhere, then there needs to be a way to reach the same speeds without mounts, in core Tyria and Hot maps. I do not understand how the speed difference can be considered acceptable. I am unsure whether a generic mount being added to the game for all players to obtain would be an acceptable solution at this point but I strongly hope they are working on a fair response to this issue.


> I'm sorry, "trampled?" Is there some knockdown effect I've missed? If you're bothered by stacking on top of other players you're at the wrong event. Is there some special correlation between mounted players and those who refuse to rez and run back? That problem didn't appear last week. Is there any real benefit to doing more damage? Unless you were afk or arrived in the last five seconds of the fight, you got gold. I'm not aware of an fps meter that can accurately track all the participants in such an event so even bragging rights are purely theoretical. If anything, the mounted players are increasing the chance of success for everybody, including those without PoF. This isn't a raid where you get kicked if you don't have the mount. You show up, you put in a reasonable effort, you get the same rewards as anybody else.


> I'm not saying there are no issues around mounts but presenting them as a "pay to win" mechanic is ridiculous. Game developers don't work for free. If you even want a game for anybody to win at, somebody needs to pay and Anet's arrangement is as fair as it gets. They've offered a constantly evolving world with two paid expansions over a five year period, all without a monthly fee. If you can show me another MMO that offers as much value as GW2 does to those who purchased the core game and nothing else, I'd love to hear about it.


You don't get to decide who does each event. Anyone can try any event. Constantly having players jump on top of you only obstructs your view before the event. That doesn't make it any less disgusting in a cooperative PvE event. If you don't understand the benefit of gaining experience and karma, why are you doing events at all? You seriously think every player is getting gold level? So you think everyone there is level 80 and maxed out in ascended gear? if you actually got off the mount for one event you would see that when Teq is damaged 25% and you turn to do the batteries, you see a mass of pets jumping to the closest mobs and they are dead before you get there. Then the next set of mobs and then the next. Of course all the mounted players are getting gold level. Sure the unmounted can do damage but gold is not assured under this change. In this example, how is this not pay to win? And if you think they will leave the event as it is after they see the new success rate, I have a bridge for sale you'd love. Try it once and you will see. Then multiply the affect over time.


I never said anything about not contributing financially to the game. I totally agree the game needs to be funded. Although I also believe developers who create pay to win should be working for free. As a 5 year vet, I have been paying my fair share. Given the established past expansion, many of us are waiting to see what this one is before buying. That is our right and your opinion of that is not significant to the issue.

Also, I never said mounts are pay to win, or that they should be removed. I said in certain instances they create that effect and gave one example of many. Having that information allows for the development of a more fair system. That is why I posted it. It's called constructive feedback.

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I see people complain about mount movement handling. They call it akward or sluggish.


That is the difference between a mount and a personal speed buff. You are giving movement commands to another creature, which must then process and act upon them. Further, that other creature out masses you by a significant amount, or (in the case of the skimmer) lacks direct physical contact with a surface to provide traction.


Mount handling as implemented is a significant part of what makes them mounts, not just a perma-buff to speed.

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> @Khisanth.2948 said:

> Still here but now that the rice is cooked and the poor horse has been beaten into a paste what is the point of saying repeating? The controls are still sluggish and clumsy. They went ahead and made large empty maps while reducing the number of waypoints. ANet didn't care before why would they start caring about that now?


Basically this.


Mounts do have the advantage of totally breaking the HoT maps. The HoT maps actually prove the point that mounts break the way a game is supposed to work...


Only in this case... is there anyone who actually thought the overcrowded HoT maps were done right? It's almost a blessing that they're broken now.


But then we hit PoF and these wide open spaced out maps full of dead zones - show us what you have to do in the opposite extreme to make mounts fit in.


That reminds me of WoW's Cataclysm expansion - largely seen as the worst expansion they ever did - they decided that since they'd broken their game with flying mounts, they'd design maps for it... but the result was... clunky...


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I'm not a "mount skeptic" who's left, I'm a new one.

While I was getting sick of the mount threads on the old forum I was always fairly ambivalent about mounts themselves.


I did want a 25-33% out of combat speed boost (with signets/traits and possibly swiftness then only working in combat (and PvP and possibly WvW)) but I never thought that needed mounts (a "simple" change to out of combat speed would've been fine).


Now that I've seen what mounts have become I think they were a terrible mistake because they seem to limit design options by a lot. Anything vertical is basically senseless because of the springer, regular enemies barely matter anymore because of the raptor.


I'm not fond of the big, largely empty maps either which we presumably got so mounts seem to have a purpose.


To me this seems one of the worst ways to handle mounts with the exception of true flying mounts.


As for why people aren't arguing against mounts anymore; that's probably because it's too late for that, an expansion has been sold on the promise of mounts, they can't really be removed anymore.

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I was one of the people who said this game didn't need mounts and there was no reason to add them. And I still think that. In most other games I've played (and not even just RPGs) mounts are a glorified speed boost with maybe 1 special mechanic that lets you do some different things - like jumping further. GW2 didn't need that and it still doesn't.


I much prefer the way Anet did it. Even the raptor is more than just a speed boost, all the mounts actually change the way you move around the maps instead of just doing more of the same. (I also like that there's often reason NOT to use them, even if it's just because it's more convenient to gather stuff as you're going along.) But even so I don't think we need them. Even keeping the map design in PoF they could have achieved the same thing with situation-specific masteries like HoT's bouncing mushrooms, ley line gliding etc. And the old maps definitely don't need mounts, in places trying to navigate maps on mounts can actually be more trouble than it's worth because the maps weren't made for them (for example many bridges are too narrow for mounts).


But then I also said I wouldn't mind mounts (as long as they were either purely cosmetic or included good mechanics) and I don't mind them. I was extremely sceptical at first, but I'm happy with the way they've been done.

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> @Tumult.2578 said:

> > @thrdeye.1028 said:

> > > @Tumult.2578 said:

> > > For example, doing the Teq World boss fight now consists of being constantly trampled or having several mounts standing on top of you, obstructing your view, and then when Teq arrives and those same players miss time their jump or dodge and are downed, they yell at you for not instantly rezzing them. Having to defend the batteries seems to have become a perfect example of pay to win because there is no way a non mount player can do equal damage to Teq and then get to the batteries and do equal damage there too and get back again. The mount speed difference is massive and allows doing more damage, for longer periods, and still get back in time to beat the non mount players back.

> > > While this should be fine in PoF maps, but I'm afraid it will destroy cooperative PvE if it remains unchanged. If you think this inaccurate, please try it without mounts and watch all the mounted players way off ahead of you in the distance already doing damage.

> > > I'm not trying to imply a problem with mounts or that they shouldn't be in the game. I'm saying if they are going to be allowed in core Tyria and Hot, and affect everyone everywhere, then there needs to be a way to reach the same speeds without mounts, in core Tyria and Hot maps. I do not understand how the speed difference can be considered acceptable. I am unsure whether a generic mount being added to the game for all players to obtain would be an acceptable solution at this point but I strongly hope they are working on a fair response to this issue.

> >

> > I'm sorry, "trampled?" Is there some knockdown effect I've missed? If you're bothered by stacking on top of other players you're at the wrong event. Is there some special correlation between mounted players and those who refuse to rez and run back? That problem didn't appear last week. Is there any real benefit to doing more damage? Unless you were afk or arrived in the last five seconds of the fight, you got gold. I'm not aware of an fps meter that can accurately track all the participants in such an event so even bragging rights are purely theoretical. If anything, the mounted players are increasing the chance of success for everybody, including those without PoF. This isn't a raid where you get kicked if you don't have the mount. You show up, you put in a reasonable effort, you get the same rewards as anybody else.

> >

> > I'm not saying there are no issues around mounts but presenting them as a "pay to win" mechanic is ridiculous. Game developers don't work for free. If you even want a game for anybody to win at, somebody needs to pay and Anet's arrangement is as fair as it gets. They've offered a constantly evolving world with two paid expansions over a five year period, all without a monthly fee. If you can show me another MMO that offers as much value as GW2 does to those who purchased the core game and nothing else, I'd love to hear about it.


> You don't get to decide who does each event. Anyone can try any event. Constantly having players jump on top of you only obstructs your view before the event. That doesn't make it any less disgusting in a cooperative PvE event. If you don't understand the benefit of gaining experience and karma, why are you doing events at all? You seriously think every player is getting gold level? So you think everyone there is level 80 and maxed out in ascended gear? if you actually got off the mount for one event you would see that when Teq is damaged 25% and you turn to do the batteries, you see a mass of pets jumping to the closest mobs and they are dead before you get there. Then the next set of mobs and then the next. Of course all the mounted players are getting gold level. Sure the unmounted can do damage but gold is not assured under this change. In this example, how is this not pay to win? And if you think they will leave the event as it is after they see the new success rate, I have a bridge for sale you'd love. Try it once and you will see. Then multiply the affect over time.


> I never said anything about not contributing financially to the game. I totally agree the game needs to be funded. Although I also believe developers who create pay to win should be working for free. As a 5 year vet, I have been paying my fair share. Given the established past expansion, many of us are waiting to see what this one is before buying. That is our right and your opinion of that is not significant to the issue.

> Also, I never said mounts are pay to win, or that they should be removed. I said in certain instances they create that effect and gave one example of many. Having that information allows for the development of a more fair system. That is why I posted it. It's called constructive feedback.


I just finished Tequatl without using a mount. I used an Exotic geared Necromancer with a few Ascended accessories. I used the 25% speed boost from Quickening Thirst and the 10% boost from a guild banner. Not only did I get gold on the Teq kill, I was able to get gold on the battery defense events because I actually beat mounted players to the battery all the way at the other end of the beach. It was quite easy, I just had to use the launch platforms that 90% of players ignore. So if this is pay to win (and you did make that claim) I deserve a refund. Also, my view of the event before, during, and after was never blocked by mounts. I'm not even sure how somebody with a basic understanding of camera control could think it would be.

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Still here, still think the mounts were unnecessary. But seeing as ArenaNet went ahead and put them in anyway, what's left to be done? I ended up voting with my wallet and not buying Path of Fire anyway, simply because I wasn't interested in the second expansion after the first had been a disappointment, left questions unanswered, and that LWS3's story went to crap the moment Balthazar popped up. And if what I've read about PoF's story is any indication, it's just as disappointing too, if not more so. But I digress...

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> @Tekey.7946 said:

> **Are there still any mount skeptics left?**


Of course they are. They are here, silently waiting untill next expansion, where Anet will trash mounts as they trashed gliders and replace them with some even more broken and overpowered gimmic. Like underwater exp with masteries to turn into krait and largos (alternative skins available at the gemstore). Or mist exp where player can become a god (Abaddon skin available for a limited time).


As for me, I was a bit skeptical on mounts, cause I doughted Anet will make them right. On the bright side, they are not as bad, as WoW mounts. On the other, they are not done right. The rabbit is the worst mount design in all the games I played. Mount for JPs that can't into presice positioning, looks revolting, sounds revolting, and yet is needed too often to be totally ignored (even if I have a griffon). Mounts break Core. And don't tell me "oh just don't use them there". No. If they were not intended there, devs would put a no-mount zone, like at some JPs. Or an invisible wall. The fact that I got on top of Divinity Reach castle and fell into the blu-ish void was an intended by devs gameplay feature. Otherwise they would think before alowing mounts in Core.

But my largest concern was that mounts will be laking innovation. On one of the streams dev said that they wanted players to think of mounts as of loyal companions. How cool it would be, if they were actual companions. Like not disappearing in a puff of smoke when you engage an enemy, but fighting by your side. Like having to be revived if enemies knock you down off the mount. Like sticking around you after you dismounted. Like being customisable with saddlebags to help you carry stuff (instead of those 32 slot bags) or gear to adjust their capabilities to your needs. **Like, you know, Roach from Witcher 3.** That little game made by a no-name poor polish developer.

Buuuut it never happened. We didn't get the worst senario (aka WoW mounts-speed buffs), but we got mounts that are just aspect crystals from Dry Top with a fancy look. For me the mount potencial was wasted.

Exept the griffon, which is totally not broken, most balanced thing in the game and <3 for life.

![](http://oi67.tinypic.com/28wm2x4.jpg "")

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> @Tekey.7946 said:

> The whole discussion about mounts seems to have shifted 180 degrees since Path of Fire.

> In the old forums there were lots of people opposed to mounts **in general**. As well as people who said they're alright with mounts as long as they're **pure cosmetic items**.

> Or if they add the common **25% or 33% speed buff** - to get rid of the signets in your builds.


> Other than one thread (which dealt more with the griffon in particular), I couldn't see many people that are opposed to mounts anymore.

> I know there are several people who first thought mounts weren't a good idea but then changed their minds about it when they saw them (because of their special implementation and abilities in GW2). But I don't believe that **every single one** of them (hundreds or thousands of people) **drastically changed their minds** about them and no skeptics remained.

> There were people who didn't want to see mounts at all and now we even have a griffon being able to fly infinitely if you do it right. Did they leave the game? Did they just accept it?


> This is not a thread to discuss the features in general since they're already fully implemented now.

> I just want to undestand the shift of opinions that happened within an **extremely short amount of time** - I just can't explain it by myself.

> **Are there still any mount skeptics left?**


Right here, what do you want to know? That I still do not like mounts? check. Not buying the game when it has them? Also check. I do not like them and I never will.

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Don't know about that. Sounds like someone is gloating here as if people have never changed their opinion on some new feature in their game before.

And besides, the greater majority seemed to have been rather excited about the addition of mounts and I am happy for them that mounts ended up being done well. Watching the playerbase enjoy themselves and enjoy the shiny things they are given is nice.

Don't get me wrong. I like the mounts fine myself but I would have had them work on other features if it had been up to me nor do I think we needed mounts or areas designed with the mount use in mind. It is simply one of the features people expect to see in MMORPGs and they ended up giving in to that. I also expect to see mount skins in the cash shop soone or later which is fine since this is not a charity after all.

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> @Kichwas.7152 said:

> > @Khisanth.2948 said:

> > Still here but now that the rice is cooked and the poor horse has been beaten into a paste what is the point of saying repeating? The controls are still sluggish and clumsy. They went ahead and made large empty maps while reducing the number of waypoints. ANet didn't care before why would they start caring about that now?


> Basically this.


> Mounts do have the advantage of totally breaking the HoT maps. The HoT maps actually prove the point that mounts break the way a game is supposed to work...


> Only in this case... is there anyone who actually thought the overcrowded HoT maps were done right? It's almost a blessing that they're broken now.


> But then we hit PoF and these wide open spaced out maps full of dead zones - show us what you have to do in the opposite extreme to make mounts fit in.


> That reminds me of WoW's Cataclysm expansion - largely seen as the worst expansion they ever did - they decided that since they'd broken their game with flying mounts, they'd design maps for it... but the result was... clunky...



Just out of curiosity, how do you consider Cataclysm to be the worst expansion.

Because I played during the Lich King and Deathwing era, and most people were extatic. The gigant battles, the massive worlds, etc, they all loved it. In my experience, Lich and DW were the peak of WoW, and the community only died down with pandaria, which most people considered a 'bad joke campaign'


(sorry for digressing)

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> @Meestercat.2748 said:

> > @Areala.6928 said:

> > I never saw much point in having mounts in a game where one could teleport pretty much anywhere. But now that they are here, the only thing I have noticed is that they put new players and those with low level characters at a huge disadvantage. Because of their great speed, players on mounts arrive at events much faster than everyone else and as such, will pretty much finish an event (dailies especially) before others can arrive. Perhaps it would be best to restrict the use of mounts in low level maps and give the newer players a chance to evolve and develop their own playing style.


> This was my only real concern about Mounts. I’ve witnessed this in Kessex doing dailies, and I really felt sorry for the obviously newer players - mounted players roaming ahead of the escort npc killing everything before the new guys could tag.


I agree.


I have noticed the same thing before mounts existed in the form of people scouting ahead and AOE any size group of mobs in 1-2 seconds.


If you are a low level melee in such a group you are hard put to get a tag in before the event ends. I experience this every time i join with a leveling alt.


As a high level in a low level daily zerg i always try to not use my AOE's. A few single hits are enough to assure that you get credit for doing it and the people that are still leveling get the 'meat'. At some point i usually even leave the zerg and head for the next event.


With a mount the battles are over even faster.


What is the use of adding a few maps and mechanics at the far end of the game and ruin part of the design philosophy of the core game in the process?



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> @Khisanth.2948 said:

> Still here but now that the rice is cooked and the poor horse has been beaten into a paste what is the point of saying repeating? The controls are still sluggish and clumsy. They went ahead and made large empty maps while reducing the number of waypoints. ANet didn't care before why would they start caring about that now?


> @Ryvaken.3261 said:

> They control like a drunk motorcycle, the camera hates you from the moment you get on them, the animation is both annoying and kitten, the attack skills are basically pointless, the implementation is awkward, they look ugly, and they gate content to force you to keep playing in this travesty of Guild Wars history to build up masteries AGAIN.


> But who cares? As long as the unwashed masses have new things to show off and grind for, that's the majority of the playerbase. People that actually want quality can suck it.


wow, that some big chunk of salt there... I guess people can be rude and ungrateful even about something so well implemented as gw2 mounts. Right GW franchise may never had mounts, but now that they introduced them - those are best mounts from all MMO genre.


As for bad controls, sluggish or so, just git gud. Controls feels heavy when needed. I would correct a bit bunny... but generally this is the same whining like "the chef mastery is too hard". I would quote Sandor Clegane from GoT most fav. word here, but I would get a ban probably.

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I was squarely in the "NO MOUNTS" camp. As many have said, however, it doesn't matter any longer because they are here and here to stay.


That doesn't mean many of the reasons I didn't want mounts no longer exist.


1. Mounts clutter view. Often now when you are standing at a vendor some jerk will come and stand in the crowd with their raptor covering the players and NPC. There are many other instances where mounts obstruct the view.

2. Also said before, the permanent speed boost and lost of need to determine verticality have diminished other parts of the game especially in core Tyria but also in HoT and LS maps as well.

3. Waypoints, which I liked as a mode of movement, now are fewer and many of the ones that remain are less important.

4. While I don't believe that gliding's use has been negated, it is now diminished as well.


I have other reasons I could list why I still don't believe mounts were a good addition to the game, but again, mounts are here and here to stay. Despite objections, I am not going to let their inclusion affect my enjoyment of the game or the expansion. I intend to enjoy using mounts now that they are here.


tl/dr: I didn't want mounts but they're here. Why continue to object?

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While I must give ArenaNet props for having done the best job implementing mounts that I've ever seen, my original point still stands. They were unnecessary, and only became "necessary" due to the way the new maps were designed to force you to need them.


I would have preferred to have the time spent developing mounts spent on something else, such as build saving, a lore storage area, a keyring, etc.


There's no sense in repeating the discussion now, as they are in the game and with the way time operates in a linear format, anything posted here is rendered moot.

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