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Sex appeal and armour design in Guild Wars 2

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Let's just say... more armor. I'm down with that.


More sexy armor, more normal armor, more elaborate armor, more cultural armor, more gender diverse & gender neutral.... just MORE.


Leave older armor alone (aside from fixing clipping) since some people might _like_ them as is.


Why you gotta be so undemanding

One thing I know

I want more

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> @"Dragon Priestess.9760" said:

> I think anet is just being lazy. I could come up with a tonne of different designs for them to use if they wanted, I bet many people on here would. But instead, we're just stuck with these boring old armours.

> Also, slightly off topic, but I wish we had a boob slider because Big ol' Bitties just aren't my thing.


> Anyways, I'm a girl who is really into femininity and 'if you got it, flaunt it'. I'm really hoping they add some ball-gown type designs in the future. I want princess dresses. Maybe even lolita, because it's classical and very varied in design.


> The only thing I don't want is modern day jeans and hoodies type stuff, but if it happens, I'm not going to flip. It doesn't bother me /that/ much.


> Now that I'm done, here's some images of dresses/ outfits that I think would be cool to see in game:


> - https://i.pinimg.com/564x/aa/62/c4/aa62c4709d553345fc09d666ffe7f8b1.jpg

> - https://i.pinimg.com/564x/7e/f9/14/7ef914fdb388a8d6ee720aeb50d42452.jpg

> - https://i.pinimg.com/564x/7d/ad/fa/7dadfaf6e0e99f5df6611076968ad1a6.jpg

> - https://i.pinimg.com/564x/28/44/56/2844563c1d53c1823ab95c01e08c99d0.jpg

> - https://i.pinimg.com/564x/6d/4c/5e/6d4c5efcb0ee016f24f4988496ee6a1d.jpg


> And there's a mobile game called Love Nikki that has a whole massive bunch of ideas because it's a dress-up game! I draw outfits inspired by the ones there sometimes. (https://ln.nikkis.info/wardrobe/dress/)




Isn't there a model in the human female char customisation with a smaller bust? Think it was page 2 bottom left

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Let's not forget this is a fantasy game after all. As a generalization (and no, that doesn't mean everyone's the same) you can state that whether men or women play female characters, how sexy they look is part of that fantasy. Again, not everybody is like that but look at real life around you and you see that most men tend to like sexy women and a lot of women have a big focus on how they look. Some people may not like me saying that perhaps but there it is.


Then there is the other point that women were not often on the front lines of battle. Particularly in the Middle Ages where combat was much more physical than now with melee weapons and armored suits, women were generally at a disadvantage by definition. Now there are some examples of women wearing armor historically but very very few. So that means that there isn't as much available to draw upon for realistic designs either. But then this is a fantasy game which has magic. And magic can take care of all those inconsistencies. I mean these armor sets even make you more powerful. Just think about it. Your armor makes you better at doing damage or healing. If anything wearing armor makes you more sluggish but not in fantasy video games. So expect sexy armor sets with formed boobs because even though it'd be a bad idea in real life, it does look distinctly feminine as well as sexy.


But as far as design there is a lot that could be better in this game. First of all the character models themselves. The way a lot of skirts sit around a characters body is like your body is almost round and it often looks ridiculous. Especially Norn female characters suffer from this greatly. Makes em look like a tub when they are in fact nowhere near that.


Then there is the issue of thickness of materials. There are cloth skirts/dresses where the leg parts which end around the waist are so thick that in real life it would be cloth that is an inch thick or something. Which looks very odd and is an additional issue for the last point: Mixing and matching. This game is absolutely terrible for mixing and matching. So many tops, bottoms and shoes do not line up, end suddenly leaving gaps, have major clipping issues, have unfinished lines in their designs that become more obvious when mixing it up etc. And that's really the main issue for the visual appeal, whether sexual or aesthetical. It's one of the worst games I've played for mixing different things together. I really wish they took some time during their design phase to see how it matches up with other things. For heavy armor there are so many odd things sticking out in the area where the top and legs meet around the waist because the top has an odd outward line or that down come down far enough so it actually leaves a horizontal opening that is such a straight line it looks totally odd.


For me that's what this game should do better when it comes to how our characters look.


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More violets less butt capes


I would just like to see more form fitting stuff. We have enough trench coats and bulky armors and flowing light items as it is. And I'm going to go a head and say it because I often think it... Enough of the outfits or at least break the outfits up so you can use pieces of them. I know they have their reasons I'm just tired of them.

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All of the female armors are ridiculous, bland and have alot of sex appeal.

If a woman REALLY went into combat, she did not have a breast plate for each breast. It was a regular chest plate just like what the men would wear so the breasts actually being shaped out is just an unrealistic sexualized feature. The bad thing is, it doesn't even look good!


I would love more armors that where as appealing as the ones in Black Desert.


The Arah heavy armor, where the hands grasp the breasts plate? It used to be exposed so it literally looked like a hand barely covering an exposed breast. Then some people complained about it, it got fixed but the rest of the armor didn't because exposing 95% of your body is okay, so long as a metal skeletal hand isn't groping a boob.


I'm a woman, I want more sexy armor but that also looks badass. Similar to what Eir wears, her ranger armor but as heavy armor.


Edit: I want sexier armor, but I also want more lore based armor. Like Tier 4, Tier 5, tier 6 armor for each race.

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There's a bit of a trap in talking about realism: All of our armor (and weapons) were designed specifically to fight other humans. It's made to protect against human weapons. If you fight against something bigger than a human, it is less than effective.


Rhetorically, lets say there is a bull elephant outside, and it really hates you. What good would full body platemail be to this elephant? It can still chase you down, squash you like a bug, gore you, and throw you around like a ragdoll. Likewise, a bulletproof fest, whether it be ceramic or kevlar, will also provide no protection against Dumbo out there. Hell, even if you had a steel-reinforced automobile designed to protect the president, that elephant will just topple it and crush you. Realistically, your best chances for survival are to either climb a tree and hope the elephant doesn't knock it down, or to squeeze between houses and alleyways in the hopes that the elephant gets stuck or loses interest.


A real world example of this would be Bullfighters. Bullfighters will fight and kill a horned animal that weights over a ton wearing [ceremonial clothes.](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d5/HildaTenorioOvacion.jpg "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d5/HildaTenorioOvacion.jpg")


In Guild Wars, we fight enemies like this all of the time. Ettins, abominations, giants, large sharks, Jotun, ogres, trolls... these gigantic towering monstrosities are all over the place. Platemail is no good against a Risen Abomination, who could crush steel plates like they were tin foil. At most, it would stop you from getting scuffed as you shuck and dive away from it's steel-crushing club. This idea translates into the game's philosophy as a whole, wherein the best way to avoid damage isn't to stack up on toughness and take it, but to avoid getting hit altogether.


In a fantasy setting, there are limitless ways to explain why it is that different armor classes exist. It could be philosophies of combat, it could be the fickle nature of magic, it could be that our offensive abilities progressed far beyond what our defenses have to offer, etc. In Guild Wars 2, every fighter worth their salt knows healing magic, so the wear and tear of combat is negligible. It's all about the killing blows. Any non-lethal damage that doesn't lead to a defeat will be healed away within half an hour (scaled for in-game time).

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Yea the "realistic" angle conveniently omits other details.


Can you realistically swim in full plated heavy armor, let alone fight underwater? Even the leathers, capes, and loose fancy fabric is just extra drag.


What about weight and density issues when riding mounts and gliding? You and your mount would have to work extra hard to generate enough lift and buoyancy against the extra weight and density. Real birds are really lightweight and low density relative to their size, hence why they can fly so well. There's no way a griffon could lift an extra 150 to 300 pounds (even before the armor).

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"KeoLegend.5132" said:

> > Yes for more female sex appealing armors

> > hell no for more male sex appealing armors


> Wow, sexist much? :angry:


> I am female and I refuse to play females for most parts, because there is no good looking adventurer's gear for them, but only ugly high heels version of armor sets or ridiculous half-naked or overly "femmy" designs that no serious adventurer would wear.


> I don't want more "saucy armor" designs in this game, but if there is any to be added, I want it to be equal for both genders and not sexualizing just women.


So now i am a sexist because i can't disagree?

If i say that i dont like a gay couple on a game i play im being homophobic now? really?


You have to understand that people can have different opinnions and wishes to game. It is good to respect them instead of calling 'em "ists" or "phobics".


The last thing we need here is a cancer called SJW. I just stated my opinnion: I want sexy females and metal-plated covered males. That's my opinnion. If you are not okay with it then you are being prejudiced towards me and my opinnion...

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> @"KeoLegend.5132" said:

> If i say that i dont like a gay couple on a game i play im being homophobic now? really?


Yes. Not liking a couple in fiction specifically because they are gay is a good example of homophobia. Did you have any other words you wanted to clear up the meaning of?


Anyway, I agree that there needs to be more female armour that doesn't have a design that accentuates their breasts. Not that the other options should go, but there needs to be more Velma or Brienne options among the sea of Daphnes and Melisandres.


A lot of the male light armour looks far too high fantasy... I really want something simple and form-fitting, which is what I think it lacks.

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> @"Elspereth.1280" said:

> > @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > > @"Trise.2865" said:

> > > > @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > > > what's wrong with wanting a skintight shiny leather outfit?

> > > > i mean, to me skin doesn't really cut it, i can understand we can't have anything latex in GW2 but leather can.

> > >

> > > [There ya go](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sneakthief_armor "There ya go").

> >

> > hahahahaha that's all you got, some flat leather with allot of skin?

> > if i could show you what i am talking about i would be banned, you're way to easy to please.


> I find your ideas intriguing and would like to subscribe to your newsletter


i had this thread on my mind for a bit and then it hit me, i found a way to show what i mean without the backslash of banning.

![](https://imgur.com/onXbRPa.jpg "")


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> @"Gulbasaur.1865" said:

> > @"KeoLegend.5132" said:

> > If i say that i dont like a gay couple on a game i play im being homophobic now? really?


> **Yes. Not liking a couple in fiction specifically because they are gay is a good example of homophobia. Did you have any other words you wanted to clear up the meaning of?**


> Anyway, I agree that there needs to be more female armour that doesn't have a design that accentuates their breasts. Not that the other options should go, but there needs to be more Velma or Brienne options among the sea of Daphnes and Melisandres.


> A lot of the male light armour looks far too high fantasy... I really want something simple and form-fitting, which is what I think it lacks.


You need to study the real definition of homophobic before trying to talk honestly.

Let me try to draw it from you:

Let's say we have 2 scenarios.


1) There is a gay couple and i demoralize them, treat him as inferior people, mock or disrespect them because they are gay

I am homophobic


2) There is a gay couple and i say that i dont agree with it and imo couples should only be straight. Yet i didn't treat them as inferior, mocked or disrespected them

I am not a homophobic, i just made my statement.


You need to understand the difference. This applies on all other kinds of prejudice aswell.

I liked Logan and Queen "romance". I didn't like Caithe and F romance. That doesn't make me a homophobic!


I hope thats enough to make everyone understand so we can get back to the main focus of the topic.

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> @"KeoLegend.5132" said:

> > @"Gulbasaur.1865" said:

> > > @"KeoLegend.5132" said:

> > > If i say that i dont like a gay couple on a game i play im being homophobic now? really?

> >

> > **Yes. Not liking a couple in fiction specifically because they are gay is a good example of homophobia. Did you have any other words you wanted to clear up the meaning of?**

> >

> > Anyway, I agree that there needs to be more female armour that doesn't have a design that accentuates their breasts. Not that the other options should go, but there needs to be more Velma or Brienne options among the sea of Daphnes and Melisandres.

> >

> > A lot of the male light armour looks far too high fantasy... I really want something simple and form-fitting, which is what I think it lacks.


> You need to study the real definition of homophobic before trying to talk honestly.

> Let me try to draw it from you:

> Let's say we have 2 scenarios.


> 1) There is a gay couple and i demoralize them, treat him as inferior people, mock or disrespect them because they are gay

> I am homophobic


> 2) There is a gay couple and i say that i dont agree with it and imo couples should only be straight. Yet i didn't treat them as inferior, mocked or disrespected them

> I am not a homophobic, i just made my statement.


> You need to understand the difference. This applies on all other kinds of prejudice aswell.

> I liked Logan and Queen "romance". I didn't like Caithe and F romance. That doesn't make me a homophobic!


> I hope thats enough to make everyone understand so we can get back to the main focus of the topic.


IMO that is an opinion that should not be brought up at all; it is extremely rude, no matter how politely you word it. It's like telling any couple that you don't agree with them. It is insulting.

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> @"KeoLegend.5132" said:

> You need to study the real definition of homophobic before trying to talk honestly.

> Let me try to draw it from you:

> Let's say we have 2 scenarios.


> 1) There is a gay couple and i demoralize them, treat him as inferior people, mock or disrespect them because they are gay

> I am homophobic


> 2) There is a gay couple and i say that i dont agree with it and imo couples should only be straight. Yet i didn't treat them as inferior, mocked or disrespected them

> I am not a homophobic, i just made my statement.

You're not OK with the fact they love each other, BUT you don't disrespect them ? Don't you see there's a problem with that ? The fact you invalidate their love by saying you don't agree is disrespectful. You are free to think what you want, but as soon as you say it, you have to face the consequence of your saying. Ergo, you will be seen as homophobic.

> You need to understand the difference. This applies on all other kinds of prejudice aswell.

> I liked Logan and Queen "romance". I didn't like Caithe and F romance. That doesn't make me a homophobic!

The question is : Why ? Did you like Logan/Jennah because they're straight? Did you dislike Caithe/Faolain because they're gay ? That's homophobic. Not the obvious violent kind of phobia, but a more diffuse, and MUCH more tenacious kind : latent homophobia.

> I hope thats enough to make everyone understand so we can get back to the main focus of the topic.

Tough luck


As a gay man, i feel offended by your statements, and you can't tell me what to think or feel. Once you understand that, you may be able to rephrase your opinion, or keep it to yourself.

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> @"Warobaz.9543" said:

> > @"KeoLegend.5132" said:

> > You need to study the real definition of homophobic before trying to talk honestly.

> > Let me try to draw it from you:

> > Let's say we have 2 scenarios.

> >

> > 1) There is a gay couple and i demoralize them, treat him as inferior people, mock or disrespect them because they are gay

> > I am homophobic

> >

> > 2) There is a gay couple and i say that i dont agree with it and imo couples should only be straight. Yet i didn't treat them as inferior, mocked or disrespected them

> > I am not a homophobic, i just made my statement.

> You're not OK with the fact they love each other, BUT you don't disrespect them ? Don't you see there's a problem with that ? The fact you invalidate their love by saying you don't agree is disrespectful. You are free to think what you want, but as soon as you say it, you have to face the consequence of your saying. Ergo, you will be seen as homophobic.

> > You need to understand the difference. This applies on all other kinds of prejudice aswell.

> > I liked Logan and Queen "romance". I didn't like Caithe and F romance. That doesn't make me a homophobic!

> The question is : Why ? Did you like Logan/Jennah because they're straight? Did you dislike Caithe/Faolain because they're gay ? That's homophobic. Not the obvious violent kind of phobia, but a more diffuse, and MUCH more tenacious kind : latent homophobia.

> > I hope thats enough to make everyone understand so we can get back to the main focus of the topic.

> Tough luck


> As a gay man, i feel offended by your statements, and you can't tell me what to think or feel. Once you understand that, you may be able to rephrase your opinion, or keep it to yourself.


Well, as a straight man i feel offended by you calling me a homophobic. Disagreeing with something is not "phobic". Its freedom of speech. I didn't say anything towards the people involved, just disliked their attitude. That doesn't make someone a Xphobic because he or she doesn't agree and state their opinnion. You need to study a bit more about freedom of speech and prejudice. What you are clearly telling is: If you say that you don't agree you are being phobic. Thats stupidly wrong!


About the couples i love Jory as Kas relationship. Not because they are gay, but because i found it interesting. I can't say the same for Caithe and Fao because to me it sucked a lot. But now because i said it was a very bad romance you will call me homophobic and intolerant. I would prefer Caith/Trehearne over Caith/Fao anytime, or Caith and the new plant member of the commander. That doesn't makes me homophobic!

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> @"KeoLegend.5132" said:

> Well, as a straight man i feel offended by you calling me a homophobic. Disagreeing with something is not "phobic". Its freedom of speech. I didn't say anything towards the people involved, just disliked their attitude. That doesn't make someone a Xphobic because he or she doesn't agree and state their opinnion. You need to study a bit more about freedom of speech and prejudice. What you are clearly telling is: If you say that you don't agree you are being phobic. Thats stupidly wrong!

Well, it's all about nuance an diplomacy, but you lack in these skills. I do too, by the way. When i say i felt offended by your posts, i meant it, and that probably had an effect on my previous message.

And about freedom of speech, as i said you're free, as long as you accept to face any consequences. One person's freedom ends where another's begins.

> About the couples i love Jory as Kas relationship. Not because they are gay, but because i found it interesting. I can't say the same for Caithe and Fao because to me it sucked a lot. But now because i said it was a very bad romance you will call me homophobic and intolerant. I would prefer Caith/Trehearne over Caith/Fao anytime, or Caith and the new plant member of the commander. That doesn't makes me homophobic!

Understand that you provided no details as to why you liked/disliked these couples before, and given the general tone of your posts, one can only deduct what one can.

So yeah, talking about how the relationships were written, leaving gender aside, isn't homophobia, of course. (and that's for another thread, because logan/jennah better written than caithe/faolain? WHAT ? :scream: :lol: ).


My point about all this is context and phrasing. You don't want to be seen as homophobic ? Don't act like one.

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