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What's your thoughts on PVE?

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I like to have fun logging in. It's more fun to fight a moving live target than a computer controlled NPC target. get discord, . I never understood why instead moving half of the guild to discord or making it a requirement in pve to use it. Just text chat? You have to learn all the boss fights in advance. It's like you are going to college you have studied the fight in depth. I log in to have fight not study.



You have learned combos, study the fight like a science book. Then just hope you don't mess up. They will sometimes blame you especially the maze dungeons. I hate those. I'm always falling just short of the ledge.


t just doesn't have a big appeal and its not as exciting as PVP. I mostly do PVP all day long. I don't like the high-pressure social situation. Once I did a dungeon and when I died the person was like "do you want me to hold your hand" what is that about? If I do dungeons its a level 80 at low-level dungeons.


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Your post is a little disjointed but from what I can understand it sounds like at least half the problem is you need to find a friendlier guild who understand that you spend most of your time in PvP and have very little experience with PvE so they shouldn't expect you to know all the dungeons and things already.


I'm not sure if you want to use Discord or want to avoid it ("listening to the heavy breathing of guild mates on a mic" sounds like a definite negative to me, but maybe you enjoy that?) but again that's a matter of finding the right guild - some use voice chat almost exclusively, some only for certain events or types of content, some have it optional and some never use it. That's one of the things I always discuss with the recruiter when I'm joining a guild - I usually can't use voice chat and I prefer to avoid it even when I could listen, so I always ask how much they use it and if they say I'll need it I find a different guild to join.


But most of PvE really shouldn't be that difficult that you need to practice each boss fight multiple times to learn the mechanics. Raids are designed like that, intentionally, but other than that most fights use the same mechanics everywhere, and they're the same ones you'll encounter in PvP too. You might want to look at your build (remember you're using totally different equipment, skills, traits etc. to what you get through the PvP browser) to see what you can do to make it easier on yourself, because if anything PvE has more room for things to go wrong than PvP because the enemies are more limited in how they can react to that.

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If you only stick to sPvP the game is very dull and empty. You have ~ 13 maps, which are all smaller than the smallest guild-hall. No questlines, no story just knocking heads against eachother on a very high skill-level or just abusing bad mechanics. WvWvW is a little larger but already requires more team-play, except for thief. The maps even have a few NPCs, but compared to the real thing it is not even a demo. So you are basically ignoring most of the game and focus on a tiny aspect.


As @"Randulf.7614" already said, PvE does not require a high skill level or any certain builds. In most cases you can equip what you like and give it a try. Most of the story-content can be done 100 % solo. If you did PvP before, most boss-fights will appear to you like a walk in the park. There are a couple of mechanics, which are a lot different from what you are used to do, but they are not difficult to learn.


I know it can be a little difficult for PvP-only-players to make a foothold in PvE, especially if you have spent the majority of your time with competitive. A lot of things look stupid, unnecessary and boring. But as long as you remain on your position that PvP is the only reason to play GW2, nothing will change. If you want to give the PvE a serious try, open your mind. You are not an expert yet. Keep asking, if people offer you a helping hand, accept it. When you are in a place you have not seen before, tell your group. We all started some time, somewhere. Our community is one of the nicest and most helpful you can find. If you run into any toxic people, leave and move on.


If you are using the LFG system to find groups, look out for keywords like "relaxed." Some groups even ask if there are any first-timers (especially when the first phase went a little rough). If they do not, just speak up. No one will kick or attack you. People will be a lot friendlier in most cases and probably even offer some help with adjusting your skills & gear.



About the scaling

If you are a level 80 in a low-level dungeon, your level gets downscaled. You are still highly overpowered due to your runes & sigils and passives, but you are a lot weaker than you used to be. It is not like you 1-hit everything in there. Skilled & bored players can solo these dungeons, but they are far away from easy. It is still possible to get wiped with a full party, especially if mechanics are ignored or your groups walks right into a death-trap. Even in story-dungeons, which are considered a lot easier than the explorable versions. HoTW Story has a couple of places where you can wipe over and over, even with a party with fractal-gear.

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Sounds to me like you're a PvP player complaining PvE is too toxic. I'm thinking, have you ever listened to PvPers in this game. I've done some of both, and I'm far more likely to find toxic PvPers than toxic PvE'ers.


Of course, PvE is far more in this game than just dungeons, fractals and raids, because open world PvE is arguably what this game is focused on. And sure, you'll occasionally here someone yelling about a failed dragon stand or a failed AB, but more often than not you don't.


PvP, on the other hand, you often only have 5 people in a map on your team and if one person gets angry, it's 20 people of the people. That almost never happens in open world PvE, at least when I'm playing it. Maybe two guys in an AB meta get really angry if it fails, but there were forty or fifty people doing it.


Anyway it's all about your friends and your guild and the company you keep.


But I dislike PvP as a game mode for more than PvE, which I find more entertaining. It's just a matter of taste.

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I basically do open world PvE for the most part. WvW isn't bad. I've played it off and on but stay away from PvP and forced multi-player instanced content (Raids, dungeons, fractals). The attitudes really put me off it. I also prefer to take my time to complete content that follows a story so I can really explore it but forced multi-player contents drives players to keep up with the group. Failure to keep up usually results in death from left over baddies and griping from whoever is driving the group. The few times I've gone into dungeons, the groups don't take time to enjoy the story. It's kill, move on, kill, move on, stand here then kill, jump to another part of the dungeon, kill some more then done and bye.


To be honest any kind of story in forced content is mostly lost in the long term. The first players doing it on release might have a chance to absorb the content as they learn it but eventually it becomes this thing where players experienced just drive players new to it through the content to finish it as quickly as possible. ANet might save time by just making simple instanced kill maps that players start at one point, kill their way through progressively harder kills to the endpoint and leave the story out. ;)

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I do unranked PvP once a day for the dailies because they are faster than PvE dailies. I'm amazed at how many angry/rude people PvP has even in unranked. I don't understand that kind of behavior in a video game, it's supposed to be fun. Some people act like losing a match is the end of the world which is ridiculous. It's the main reason why I can't play PvP for hours, people are annoying. I also don't enjoy hardcore instanced group content (T4 Fractals and Raids) for similar reasons. I play open world PvE because it's relaxed, fun, profitable and I can play the profession/build I truly enjoy.

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> @"Fantasy.5321" said:

> I do unranked PvP once a day for the dailies because they are faster than PvE dailies. I'm amazed at how many angry/rude people PvP has even in unranked. I don't understand that kind of behavior in a video game, it's supposed to be fun. Some people act like losing a match is the end of the world which is ridiculous. It's the main reason why I can't play PvP for hours, people are annoying. I also don't enjoy hardcore instanced group content (T4 Fractals and Raids) for similar reasons. I play open world PvE because it's relaxed, fun, profitable and I can play the profession/build I truly enjoy.


As someone that has constantly come across those same people, I totally understand what you mean. I just don't understand how some people apparently get off on being such toxic, ill-mannered internet babies.

But really, it's because there are little to no consequences for peoples actions online. So they can be the biggest toxic jerks in the world without fear of repercussions. It's the same reason why these same people are usually /not/ like that in Real Life... They know if they act like a total dickwad, there is a chance they will get their teeth knocked down their throat. (And they would deserve it too.)

As for high level instanced content. Same thing applies, I think. Some people just take it too seriously, and if it's not going /exactly/ the way they want it to, they fly off the handle... Again, they do it because they can and there are zero repercussions for their actions.

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> @"Icemanfrost.5428" said:

> I like to have fun logging in. It's more fun to fight a moving live target than a computer controlled NPC target. get discord, . I never understood why instead moving half of the guild to discord or making it a requirement in pve to use it. Just text chat? You have to learn all the boss fights in advance. It's like you are going to college you have studied the fight in depth. I log in to have fight not study..."



PvP players can be even more aggressive than dungeon runs if you screw up. Contrary to your experience, I find that there's more pressure to perform in a social situation in a ranked match (I play ranked, you may play unranked, I don't know) than in a dungeon, but that could be because I played the heck out of the dungeons at launch because they were considered the de-facto end game content before living story and expansions were even a thing. I know dungeons very well. I also am fairly proficient at PvP, but still find saltier players in PvP than in dungeons. If you're playing unranked pvp where literally nothing really matters and there's no real imperative to win like in ranked, I could see how you might end up feeling this way when someone expects you to know dungeon mechanics after they could very well have been running the dungeon for 6 years and grew impatient. Either that particular person you mentioned was very rude or you were not listening or cooperating with the rest of the group. Who knows?


Either way, my thoughts on PvE are that it's generally very casual and easy outside of CM raids and CM fractals of course. I think as time goes on, you will become more familiar with dungeon mechanics and then you'll have the opportunity to help new players and be the change in behavior you wish to see in the community. G'luck!

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> @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> It's only really toxic in raids and CM fractals. You can just wing it in everything else. Pugging fractals can be quite fun and chaotic at times.


Yeah, I love Fractals. I got away from them after grinding through Ad Infinitum, but I'm getting back into it now, and I like it. The only hardcore players are the tier 4 players, and the ones that care are pretty good about saying so in their ad. I just avoid those groups.

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> @"Daddicus.6128" said:

> > @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > It's only really toxic in raids and CM fractals. You can just wing it in everything else. Pugging fractals can be quite fun and chaotic at times.


> Yeah, I love Fractals. I got away from them after grinding through Ad Infinitum, but I'm getting back into it now, and I like it. The only hardcore players are the tier 4 players, and the ones that care are pretty good about saying so in their ad. I just avoid those groups.


Oh, and I should also say that I don't begrudge the more hardcore players. Tier 4 is tough; it cries out for more organized play. As a casual player, though, I'm willing to put up with more failures than have my build analyzed every time I go in.

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