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My argument for an official dps tool

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Now, i know this is a beaten horse by now, but i just wanna make this statement.

ArcDPS is fine and all, and banning or supporting it won’t change the toxicity of some people.


My reason for wanting an official dps tool is simply, ArcDPS is a lottery.

And i mean it in the literal sense.

Upon installation it works fine, but in less than a week your fps will drop, the game will crash, and the big updates of the game will completely ruin the synergy the two have.

So a manual third party tool simply doesn’t work well, its needs to be integrated for it to work properly.


On a similar note, i also cannot live without the mount wheel, and i know a dev once said “we’ll implement it if there is enough popularity for it” to which i can say, there is. People were asking for a mountwheel even before the statement so why anet thought there wasn’t enough demand i dunno.


Just chiming in on all the dps tool debates. Enjoy the new year and best wishes everyone.

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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> Why cant you use keybinds instead of a imo cluncky mount wheel?

> Never had fps drops becouse of arcdps tho and the people useing arcdps should know by now that on patch day you uninstall arc if there is a problem running the game untill it gets an update.


Why do i have to use clunky keybinds instead of a wheel?

The mount wheel allows me to select mounts without ever letting go of the WASD and mouse.

Keybinds for mounts are pretty much restricted to the numpad keys.


As for ArcDPS, every update causes the game to drop to < 3-5 fps, with occasional freezes.

I can completely reinstall the addon every update, but inbetween it also causes the game to crash. A lot. You dont want to be in raids and the game being at a constant risk of crashing.

Fps drops are bound to the updates, but the constant crashing a permanent ‘feature’ of the addon.


> @"Opopanax.1803" said:

> My big deal is that third party software can get you permabanned. No one likes risking that. If they want raiding to be a thing, they should support what it takes to play it.


Thats not so much a problem, there is a dev statement defending the current model of arcdps.as long as no new features are added the thing is safe to have your game crash

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> @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > @"Linken.6345" said:

> > Why cant you use keybinds instead of a imo cluncky mount wheel?

> > Never had fps drops becouse of arcdps tho and the people useing arcdps should know by now that on patch day you uninstall arc if there is a problem running the game untill it gets an update.


> Why do i have to use clunky keybinds instead of a wheel?

> The mount wheel allows me to select mounts without ever letting go of the WASD and mouse.

> Keybinds for mounts are pretty much restricted to the numpad keys.


> As for ArcDPS, every update causes the game to drop to < 3-5 fps, with occasional freezes.

> I can completely reinstall the addon every update, but inbetween it also causes the game to crash. A lot. You dont want to be in raids and the game being at a constant risk of crashing.

> Fps drops are bound to the updates, but the constant crashing a permanent ‘feature’ of the addon.


> > @"Opopanax.1803" said:

> > My big deal is that third party software can get you permabanned. No one likes risking that. If they want raiding to be a thing, they should support what it takes to play it.


> Thats not so much a problem, there is a dev statement defending the current model of arcdps.as long as no new features are added the thing is safe to have your game crash


No change being the operative word. If Anet made it, there would be no concerns at all, ever.

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> @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> Upon installation it works fine, but in less than a week your fps will drop, the game will crash, and the big updates of the game will completely ruin the synergy the two have.

That is what some people accuse the `gw2.exe` of doing to their game. And in this case, as well as theirs, it's probably something systemic, unrelated to GW2 or Arc.


> So a manual third party tool simply doesn’t work well, its needs to be integrated for it to work properly.

The thing is: this is one of those "nice to have, but not essential features." To have ANet develop & maintain a tool would be expensive. I'd rather seem them spend their energy on something else.


> On a similar note, i also cannot live without the mount wheel, and i know a dev once said “we’ll implement it if there is enough popularity for it” to which i can say, there is. People were asking for a mountwheel even before the statement so why anet thought there wasn’t enough demand i dunno.

I strongly recommend creating a separate thread about this. This just confused the message you want ANet to receive.


> @"Opopanax.1803" said:

> My big deal is that third party software can get you permabanned. No one likes risking that.

The devs have specifically greenlit ArcDPS.


> If they want raiding to be a thing, they should support what it takes to play it.

DPS meters aren't needed to do raids. (They offer a lot to people who PUG, who want to improve their squad or their personal rotations, but those are "nice-to-haves" not requirements.)



I'd love to see an official DPS meter, but I don't think it would do enough for the game to make it worth the trouble.


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Iirc a while back theres was some discussion about the hp values on the % the gave us vs monsters (back in s3 i think) wasnt accurate (it could so like 50% while it was 51-52% or smth?) Point is, i dont think an official tool would necesarily be flawless or rid us from the shortcommings of arc, im also not sure id rather have a dev(s) on top of it for each update to not break or break something else.


With arc i dont have to care about man power and resources spread thin, the guy does it out of passion (and maybe has some support from the community)

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:


> > @"Opopanax.1803" said:

> > My big deal is that third party software can get you permabanned. No one likes risking that.

> The devs have specifically greenlit ArcDPS.


> > If they want raiding to be a thing, they should support what it takes to play it.

> DPS meters aren't needed to do raids. (They offer a lot to people who PUG, who want to improve their squad or their personal rotations, but those are "nice-to-haves" not requirements.)


> ****

> I'd love to see an official DPS meter, but I don't think it would do enough for the game to make it worth the trouble.


We'll just have to disagree on needing a dps meter to play raids, but agree on loving to see and official dps meter [which likely wont happen].


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