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New salvage-o-Matic BUGGED?

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> @"Kreony.6240" said:

> Hi,

> I just bought the new runecrafters salvage-o-Matic.

> It is written 100% chance to salvage upgrades.

> That meens runes and sigil right?

> Well i tryed to salvage the runes from green and yellow armor but no runes.

> Do i not understand or is it bugged?


> Runecrafter's: 100% chance to **salvage** upgrades.

> Black Lion Salvage Kit: 100% chance of **recovering** upgrades


Most salvage kits only have a chance of salvaging upgrades: first it has to remove the rune|sigil first, which has a random chance; then it salvages whatever was removed. The advantage of runemaster's: the chance that the upgrade gets salvaged is 100% for a cost of 30 copper, compared to 80% chance for silver-fed at a 60 copper cost, and 20% for copper-fed at a 3 copper cost. That makes runemaster's ideal for masterwork, whereas last week, the silver-fed was the better option.

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> @"Kreony.6240" said:

> Hi,

> I just bought the new runecrafters salvage-o-Matic.

> It is written 100% chance to salvage upgrades.

> That meens runes and sigil right?

> Well i tryed to salvage the runes from green and yellow armor but no runes.

> Do i not understand or is it bugged?


it's a scam!


Runecrafter's kit should give rune not salvage the rune!!!!!!!!!!

I bought this and now i regret that.

i want my 200g back!

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> @"Kreony.6240" said:

> Hi,

> I just bought the new runecrafters salvage-o-Matic.

> It is written 100% chance to salvage upgrades.

> That meens runes and sigil right?

> Well i tryed to salvage the runes from green and yellow armor but no runes.

> **Do i not understand or is it bugged?**


You did not understand.

New tool has 100% chance of **SALVAGING** Runes and Sigil, this means that you won't get the rune/sigil itself but its salvaged results (Motes/Charms) instead.

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> @"Susy.7529" said:

> > @"Kreony.6240" said:

> > Hi,

> > I just bought the new runecrafters salvage-o-Matic.

> > It is written 100% chance to salvage upgrades.

> > That meens runes and sigil right?

> > Well i tryed to salvage the runes from green and yellow armor but no runes.

> > **Do i not understand or is it bugged?**


> You did not understand.

> New tool has 100% chance of **SALVAGING** Runes and Sigil, this means that you won't get the rune/sigil itself but its salvaged results (Motes/Charms) instead.


> @"totaloverride.3240" said:

> > @"Kreony.6240" said:

> > Hi,

> > I just bought the new runecrafters salvage-o-Matic.

> > It is written 100% chance to salvage upgrades.

> > That meens runes and sigil right?

> > Well i tryed to salvage the runes from green and yellow armor but no runes.

> > Do i not understand or is it bugged?


> it's a scam!


> Runecrafter's kit should give rune not salvage the rune!!!!!!!!!!

> I bought this and now i regret that.

> i want my 200g back!


No, it's not a scam, you just have to read carefully before buying something but hopefully for you, you can still hope for Customer Support to refund you.


By the way in my opinion if this new Salvage Tool would've worked the way you thought, it would have been a bad move from Anet, since it would mean that Black Lion Salvage Tool would become obsolete.

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It's a Rune**crafter** kit, not a Rune**hoarder** kit.


To craft runes, you need the materials. So this gives you the maximum chance to get the materials by always salvaging the rune, unlike toher kits which only have a chance to salvage the rune.


And 'salvage the rune' means now what it should have always meant, "salvage the rune", not "extract the rune out of the item".


Items that take out the upgrade now should say "recover" or "extract".

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> @"Kreony.6240" said:

> Ok, but i find the wording still kitten. It could be written better.


With the rune patch, the wording for getting upgrades out of an item is "recovering." I'm not sure if it was the same beforehand, but that's how it is now last I knew.


"Salvaging" means it will break the item down for materials.

"Recovering" means you get the rune/sigil back.

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> @"Emberstone.2904" said:

> > @"Kreony.6240" said:

> > Ok, but i find the wording still kitten. It could be written better.


> With the rune patch, the wording for getting upgrades out of an item is "recovering." I'm not sure if it was the same beforehand, but that's how it is now last I knew.


> "Salvaging" means it will break the item down for materials.

> "Recovering" means you get the rune/sigil back.


I think the only way ANet could improve the wording would be to go overboard

> Double-click to salvage crafting materials from an item in your inventory. 20% chance of rarer materials. 100% chance of salvaging upgrades.

> **Warning, Will Robinson, Warning:** you will not get any runes or sigils, none, zero, nada, zip, zilch, zero. As written above, this kit _salvages_ upgrades into lucent motes and a small chance of symbols or charms.


Anything short of that and some group of people are going to claim they didn't realize it worked that way.



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> @"totaloverride.3240" said:

> > @"Kreony.6240" said:

> > Hi,

> > I just bought the new runecrafters salvage-o-Matic.

> > It is written 100% chance to salvage upgrades.

> > That meens runes and sigil right?

> > Well i tryed to salvage the runes from green and yellow armor but no runes.

> > Do i not understand or is it bugged?


> it's a scam!


> Runecrafter's kit should give rune not salvage the rune!!!!!!!!!!

> I bought this and now i regret that.

> i want my 200g back!


It's a "Customer failed to read product description before making purchase."

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Considering the definition of the word “salvage” in general (and not how it is used in this game), it is understandable that some players will interpret that the gear will be destroyed, but the rune/sigil will be saved.


A better description might be, "100% chance of salvaging rune crafting materials from upgrades." This way, players won't interpret this as, "100% chance of saving upgrades from gears."

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> @"Susy.7529" said:

> > @"Kreony.6240" said:

> > Hi,

> > I just bought the new runecrafters salvage-o-Matic.

> > It is written 100% chance to salvage upgrades.

> > That meens runes and sigil right?

> > Well i tryed to salvage the runes from green and yellow armor but no runes.

> > **Do i not understand or is it bugged?**


> You did not understand.

> New tool has 100% chance of **SALVAGING** Runes and Sigil, this means that you won't get the rune/sigil itself but its salvaged results (Motes/Charms) instead.


They really should have worded it differently, and advertised what it does. I read the word salvage but translated that to "recover".


Clever wording got ANet a ton of gems by now from people who really didn't understand what was going to happen. They should have said salvage/destroy the upgrade and been VERY clear about that.


I mean I do get it now... runecrafter's! For those that want to salvage the exotic to get mats to craft more runes. but... still not clear enough for most people obviously.

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> @"Kreony.6240" said:

> Hi,

> I just bought the new runecrafters salvage-o-Matic.

> **It is written 100% chance to salvage upgrades.**

> That meens runes and sigil right?

> Well i tryed to salvage the runes from green and yellow armor but no runes.

> Do i not understand or is it bugged?


It does what it says. It **salvages** the upgrades. It does not **extract** them. Tricky wording, but it's honest.

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> @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

> > @"Susy.7529" said:

> > > @"Kreony.6240" said:

> > > Hi,

> > > I just bought the new runecrafters salvage-o-Matic.

> > > It is written 100% chance to salvage upgrades.

> > > That meens runes and sigil right?

> > > Well i tryed to salvage the runes from green and yellow armor but no runes.

> > > **Do i not understand or is it bugged?**

> >

> > You did not understand.

> > New tool has 100% chance of **SALVAGING** Runes and Sigil, this means that you won't get the rune/sigil itself but its salvaged results (Motes/Charms) instead.


> They really should have worded it differently, and advertised what it does. I read the word salvage but translated that to "recover".


> Clever wording got ANet a ton of gems by now from people who really didn't understand what was going to happen. They should have said salvage/destroy the upgrade and been VERY clear about that.


> I mean I do get it now... runecrafter's! For those that want to salvage the exotic to get mats to craft more runes. but... still not clear enough for most people obviously.


Anyone who feels that they didn't get the kit they wanted can submit a refund request to Customer Support. Many such requests have already been honored.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

> > > @"Susy.7529" said:

> > > > @"Kreony.6240" said:

> > > > Hi,

> > > > I just bought the new runecrafters salvage-o-Matic.

> > > > It is written 100% chance to salvage upgrades.

> > > > That meens runes and sigil right?

> > > > Well i tryed to salvage the runes from green and yellow armor but no runes.

> > > > **Do i not understand or is it bugged?**

> > >

> > > You did not understand.

> > > New tool has 100% chance of **SALVAGING** Runes and Sigil, this means that you won't get the rune/sigil itself but its salvaged results (Motes/Charms) instead.

> >

> > They really should have worded it differently, and advertised what it does. I read the word salvage but translated that to "recover".

> >

> > Clever wording got ANet a ton of gems by now from people who really didn't understand what was going to happen. They should have said salvage/destroy the upgrade and been VERY clear about that.

> >

> > I mean I do get it now... runecrafter's! For those that want to salvage the exotic to get mats to craft more runes. but... still not clear enough for most people obviously.


> Anyone who feels that they didn't get the kit they wanted can submit a refund request to Customer Support. Many such requests have already been honored.


I’m now considering whether or not this is worth it. I don’t craft upgrades so probably will do what you suggest ?

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