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Here's hoping I can convince the devs to include a brand new quality of life system into GW2

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What might this system be, you ask? Well good sir/madam, have you ever found yourself playing ever so intensely, but suddenly, oh no, your fingers slips, the wrong button is pushed and the next time you're pressing that W key, you're not moving forward!


Only to find out you've just typed wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww into the chat and have to remove that as well, losing valuable seconds which in some cases, might lead to your untimely demise.


I would love for there to be a system that checks specifically for the letters ASWD and when that system sees you've just held that button down for a long time, it concludes you're not trying to actually say that to a person, you just had the chat on without knowing it!

It will then delete those insulting double u's and give you contol back over your character, all within a short time span, and not the long arduous task you otherwise need to do to get control back!


Now, this is obviously a little exxagerated, the issue isn't a very large one, you can just click somewhere and get control back, but then still, you've got a chatbox full of w's just looking to be sent, eventhough you obviously didn't mean to send those later on.


And that's the system, just a small quality of life change that I believe, might stave away some frustration from these momentary slips of the finger in stressful, time sensitive situations!


Thank you for reading, let me know what you think, and if you agree, give me a nice "here here!", if you don't, I would love to hear your reasoning! I also hope I picked the right forum for this, thinking maybe it should go into technical support, I'm not sure, let me know please!

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I think what Jeknar.6184 and Ashantara.8731 are failing to recognize is that a development team is capable of looking into, and developing, more than "a singular" amount of QoL changes. Post your idea in the QoL Mega-thread, or look to see if someone else already posted it.

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> @"Beast.8506" said:

> Post your idea in the QoL Mega-thread, or look to see if someone else already posted it.

Like this one here: [https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/53097/suggestions-qol-quality-of-life-ideas](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/53097/suggestions-qol-quality-of-life-ideas#latest "https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/53097/suggestions-qol-quality-of-life-ideas")

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I think this system would need to be much more robust to actually work. For a start if it only checks those 4 letters it will be useless for everyone who has rebound their movement keys, including many people using gaming mice and keypads.


It would need to also check for repeated taps, not just holding down the key. Some keyboards are programmed to "split" one long key press into several shorter ones, and some people (me for example) will try tapping the key or try a few if holding it down doesn't immediately work.


There would also need to be a way for it to know if you meant to type in the chat box. For example if something annoying happens and I want to write "Aaaaaaaarrrgh!" the last thing I want is the game "helpfully" kicking me out the chat box every time I start typing.


It probably could be done and it might be useful but I doubt it would be simple, it would need careful planning and a lot of testing.


What could be simpler is a visual indicator when you start typing in the chat box, something which is unobtrusive if you meant to do it but let's you know what happened immediately if you didn't so you can switch back.

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> @"Beast.8506" said:

> I think what Jeknar.6184 and Ashantara.8731 are failing to recognize is that a development team is capable of looking into, and developing, more than "a singular" amount of QoL changes. Post your idea in the QoL Mega-thread, or look to see if someone else already posted it.


Perhaps they are successfully realizing that anything that receives development resources does so at the cost of some other project. They just dont value this suggestion over the countless other potential projects that would be delayed or set aside in order to implement the OP's suggestion.


Resources are not infinite.

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> @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > @"Beast.8506" said:

> > I think what Jeknar.6184 and Ashantara.8731 are failing to recognize is that a development team is capable of looking into, and developing, more than "a singular" amount of QoL changes. Post your idea in the QoL Mega-thread, or look to see if someone else already posted it.


> Perhaps they are successfully realizing that anything that receives development resources does so at the cost of some other project. They just dont value this suggestion over the countless other potential projects that would be delayed or set aside in order to implement the OP's suggestion.


> Resources are not infinite.


However silly ideas are!


This is more of an argument for why mod/addon/plugin should be supported with an actual client API ...

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Or you could remove all the keyboard shortcuts for starting a chat, which are (by default) `/`, `Enter`, `Return (Num)`, and `Backspace`. Then you'd have to use your mouse to initiate chat.



I suppose ANet could add a keybind for "toggle chat Off|On" which one could set to something unlikely. But even that seems like more trouble than it's worth.

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> @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> > @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > > @"Beast.8506" said:

> > > I think what Jeknar.6184 and Ashantara.8731 are failing to recognize is that a development team is capable of looking into, and developing, more than "a singular" amount of QoL changes. Post your idea in the QoL Mega-thread, or look to see if someone else already posted it.

> >

> > Perhaps they are successfully realizing that anything that receives development resources does so at the cost of some other project. They just dont value this suggestion over the countless other potential projects that would be delayed or set aside in order to implement the OP's suggestion.

> >

> > Resources are not infinite.


> However silly ideas are!


> This is more of an argument for why mod/addon/plugin should be supported with an actual client API ...



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> @"Beast.8506" said:

> I think what Jeknar.6184 and Ashantara.8731 are failing to recognize is that a development team is capable of looking into, and developing, more than "a singular" amount of QoL changes.


No, I don't "fail to recognize" it, I just couldn't care less for such a minor "QoL" update when there are more important things that need to be taken care of.


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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> I suppose ANet could add a keybind for "toggle chat Off|On" which one could set to something unlikely. But even that seems like more trouble than it's worth.

I'd actually like that more that the initial suggestion. Sort of a locked chat mode.


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