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Noob things you've done in GW or GW related

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A few years ago, I started playing my first MMO ever. Before that, GW1 was the only similar type of game I played, so everything I was doing was based off of what I learned in GW1. As a new player, I had no idea how to make money in an MMO so a co-worker of mine told me that gathering crafting materials out in the world and selling them is an excellent way for new players to make money. So I picked up some gathering tools and spent several weeks gathering mats and selling.


After a few weeks of gathering mats and selling, I made very little money and thought, "What is he talking about? I'm making jack for money." One day, another co-worker of mine saw me selling the mats I gathered and asked me in shock, "DUDE, why are you vendoring all your mats?!"

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GW2 was my 1st MMO and my first large open world exploration game. My fiance played GW1 and knew most of how everything would work.


I created a human as my 1st character and explored a little, my 3rd character was a Charr. Before wps in starter cities were unlocked for newbies, one day I decided to trek my level 10 Charr from Black Citadel to Queensdale across maps a level 10 character had no business being in. My adorable fiance didn't bother to say a word when by the time I'd made it to Snowden Drifts I'd spent all my revive orbs and gold making it that far. Luckily, thru Gendarran people kept reviving me, so I pushed on, slowly and quite unenthusiastically I reached the gates of Queensdale...I discovered Asura gates a week later.


Anyway, that's the story about how I single handidly got starter wps unlocked for everyone, you're welcome :).

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My first "MMO" was GW1. Back then I was a total noob to online multiplayer gaming in general. I quickly found out about the wiki and admired the work other players did there. I'd also wondered how they got all the screenshots of those weapons on the wiki. The amount of platinum needed for that was way more than I'd imagined someone could ever farm. One day someone in Great Temple of Balthazar asked in map chat if he could make screenshots of rare weapons, presumably for the wiki. I trusted him and showed him the rarer ones I'd gotten to that point. At some point he wanted to screenshot the weapon lying on the ground. He even pinged me his build to show me he didn't have any teleport skills and sayd he'd stand some distance away for the screenshots. And that's how I lost a weapon worth about 3p and learned not to trust other players.

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When I first started GW2 I didn't even know how to move. It had been years since I'd played a PC game without click to move so I actually had to check what the controls were before I could do anything. I have a bad feeling I'm part of the reason there's now a pop-up telling you what the movement controls are when you start a new character (because I've posted that story on the forum several times, I doubt Anet noticed my hesitation among all the other people in the betas).


I also took the marketing hype about dynamic events a bit too literally - everything I'd read about the game said if an NPC tells you centaurs are attacking and they need you to save the town they mean **NOW** and there's no time to waste, so when I made my first character and got told centaurs were attacking and they needed me to save the town I skipped checking out menus and trying to work out anything beyond the basic controls until after I'd rushed through the tutorial. It was only later I realised that's totally different and the attack is essentially frozen in time.


More recently there's the on-going problem of forgetting that my second account doesn't have HoT and therefore doesn't have a glider until just _after_ I've jumped off a cliff.

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Early on during my time in GW1 I found my first rare weapon. I excitedly equiped it and went looking for the next charr to kill. Then I noticed that my health was going down. Woah, invisible mesmer or necro I thought. I ran around hunting for the monster. Used my self heal. Still not enough to keep me alive. I died without ever finding the invisible mesmer/necro.



I later learned that my new vampiric sword might have had something to do with my demise.

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> @"Ashen.2907" said:

> Early on during my time in GW1 I found my first rare weapon. I excitedly equiped it and went looking for the next charr to kill. Then I noticed that my health was going down. Woah, invisible mesmer or necro I thought. I ran around hunting for the monster. Used my self heal. Still not enough to keep me alive. I died without ever finding the invisible mesmer/necro.



> I later learned that my new vampiric sword might have had something to do with my demise.


I actually bought a vampiric weapon from someone in GW1. Went into an explorable map to try it out and immediately noticed my health was constantly going down and my monk was wasting energy healing me. Looked up vampiric weapons, realised this really wasn't going to work for me (I like to take my time instead of rushing from one battle to the next so the life steal would never balance out the draining). Went back to town and very apologetically explained to the seller that I didn't know what it was and asked if he would let me swap for one of his other weapons. I don't know if it was because I was on a low level character and obviously new or if he was just being nice but he let me swap it.


> @"Plexxing.2978" said:

> On the first MMO I played people would talk to me. I jumped up and down in front of them until someone told me how to enter chat. Later I asked how they made their chat a different color and they introduced me to the concept of chat channels.


This reminds me of one of my favourite 'noob moments', not from GW2 but a similar game. A brand new player entered the world for the first time, looked around, and then excitedly started asking people how they got "invisible letters" in their name and if they could teach him what to type to get invisible letters. No one knew what he was talking about at first until he gave some examples "your name, between the N and the A there's an invisible letter, how do you do that?".


Eventually we worked out he was talking about spaces - apparently his previous game didn't allow you to put a space in your character name and he never imagined any game would, so he thought we'd all figured out some special trick where a particular character wouldn't show and could be used to create a space. He was amazed to learn all you had to do was hit the space bar.

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> @"Cerioth.7062" said:

> I mostly have made silly crafting mistakes, some of which turned out to be quite expensive.... like using think elonian cords to the wrong type of material, not elonian leather squares.


How about spending weeks or months saving a tier of wood (or buying it from the TP) and then clicking the wrong option and turning it all into dowels? I think everyone's done that one sooner or later.


Also very early on (but after the betas, because I actually cared about wasting the materials) I turned all the Jute I'd managed to collect into Runes of Life before learning that a) +20 health isn't remotely the amazing bonus it was in GW1 and b) that's not how you level crafting.

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