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Why are you playing WvW?


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> @"K THEN.5162" said:

> I play so I can share my finest creation with the world

> ![](https://i.imgur.com/oR4ifQV.png "")



I Recognize This Asura!

He walks my waking nightmare every hour.

You are the one-shot shatter mesmer from invis!

I saw you lose to kiritsugu though in his video so I guess your build can be countered haha...

Still that was from a duel when he knew you were around...

So you see him chaining dodges and evades and defenses etc.

But in open field roaming when you don't know an high invis uptime opponent is around...

No sensible person is going to dodge and evade all the time and can't do that anyway...

So no, I'm still not okay with high spike damage done from invis...

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Love my server and the good folks on NSP and the guild I've stuck by still does WvW so I stay with it. Not to mention its probably the most fun part of the game for me aside from the fashion and social interaction. While I'm still awaiting something new either in the form of alliances or just events in general I'll still be out and about scouting, building siege, and defending our colors as long as I have allies to do it with me.

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I like flying kites with enemy's, playing music with enemy's, hanging out with enemy's, befriending enemy's/enemy zergs, nice pvp/pve mix, meme chat is generally fun.

quaggan marches are great, seeing large numbers of enemy's come together, and defend each other, similar for dueling.

I think it's the most free to do as you please game modes, it's no place for elitist.

I thought for awhile about making a rank for each server in my guild, and recruiting like minded people to farm keeps/castles/towers for achievements, though it would be difficult/slow to start.

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I've tried all parts of wvw and I liked all of it, but it's getting a bit stale so I'm not very active. Nowadays, when I do play I mostly play with large zergs.


Derrping around with nuhoch tonic and PoF kite is the new end game! And occasionally wiping pugs with the rain of fire :pepega:



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My main has a full set of the glowing WvW legendary armor, both weapon sets are legendary, Warbringer, and aurora. Ive won the game, theres nothing left to do except WvW (the true endgame)


Because it's the only content in game that isn't boring. The rest of the game can be played in zombie mode, even raids once you know the mechanics. WvW is the only place where you have to pay attention because the fights aren't scripted.

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