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Stop calling it class


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> @Aeolus.3615 said:

> warrior is one class, spellbreaker and bzerker are another classes that derivate from warrior......


I believe that Heavy Armour/Soldier would be the class, then warrior, guardian and revenant are the professions, and the elite specialisations are when a profession focuses exclusively on one tactic.

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> @Zalavaaris.5329 said:

> You know what annoys me? How some people are soooo against WoW that nothing can be similar or cross over without them being offended. In fact, maybe we shouldn't call gw2 an mmo. Let's call it a massive online multiplayer rpg. There we go... it's a momrpg. This isn't WoW afterall


This is unrelated to wow.... it's been profession since GW1 back in 2005,

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> @Kuulpb.5412 said:

> > @Aeolus.3615 said:

> > warrior is one class, spellbreaker and bzerker are another classes that derivate from warrior......


> I believe that Heavy Armour/Soldier would be the class, then warrior, guardian and revenant are the professions, and the elite specialisations are when a profession focuses exclusively on one tactic.


So basicly:


Professions : not actually a heavy, medium or light on lies, caster of lies, smack on melee range with placebos, thinks it can support.

Classes : core useless, boring, no longer works, good against one build,

Specializations: easy win with somewhat effort, low skill with ez win, last expantion and a bit useless, , i can spam, broken to make players buy and the build/spec all players should be playing.




Joking asside (with how really the game works)... quoting from gw2 wiki wich it felt i was reading the wiki from another game ._."


Professions: Soldiers, Adventurers, Scholars... LIKE WTF??


"Professions are not restricted by race or gender and each is able to contribute damage, control and support during combat. Once a profession is selected for a character, it cannot be changed."


While Professions is the category as in caster, support, melee, classes would be the core classes, and their elite specialization would be the gimmick to use for that class.






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> @Aeolus.3615 said:

> > @Kuulpb.5412 said:

> > > @Aeolus.3615 said:

> > > warrior is one class, spellbreaker and bzerker are another classes that derivate from warrior......

> >

> > I believe that Heavy Armour/Soldier would be the class, then warrior, guardian and revenant are the professions, and the elite specialisations are when a profession focuses exclusively on one tactic.


> So basicly:


> Professions : not actually a heavy, medium or light on lies, caster of lies, smack on melee range with placebos, thinks it can support.

> Classes : core useless, boring, no longer works, good against one build,

> Specializations: easy win with somewhat effort, low skill with ez win, last expantion and a bit useless, , i can spam, broken to make players buy and the build/spec all players should be playing.




> Joking asside (with how really the game works)... quoting from gw2 wiki wich it felt i was reading the wiki from another game ._."


> Professions: Soldiers, Adventurers, Scholars... LIKE kitten??


> "Professions are not restricted by race or gender and each is able to contribute damage, control and support during combat. Once a profession is selected for a character, it cannot be changed."


> While Professions is the category as in caster, support, melee, classes would be the core classes, and their elite specialization would be the gimmick to use for that class.


> source:

> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Profession


> "


My main point of this post was because I am stubborn and will stick to what the name has been since 2005. People keep saying class, even the developers in the PoF elite spec trailer, but since 2005 it has been profession, so when people say it's me being against things called class because of wow, ( which only came out a few months prior), it's actually wrong, I am just trying to stay "true" to the term it has been for years. ( Pluto will always be a planet to me, even if others say it isn't) Also, From the page - Professions are divided into three categories based on their armour type - Meaning that the 3 heavy professions are warrior, guardian and revenant ( as I said : D).

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Please, guys, this isn't a bar fight. Have some class.


*exits the room*


*peeks back in*


In all seriousness, I don't see why calling our classes "class" is a bad thing. Maybe if you were writing a fan fic or RPing, you'd use "profession," but in-game otherwise? I don't see the need. The word "profession" also takes a little longer to write in chat than "class."



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> @AegisRunestone.8672 said:

> Please, guys, this isn't a bar fight. Have some class.


> *exits the room*


> *peeks back in*


> In all seriousness, I don't see why calling our classes "class" is a bad thing. Maybe if you were writing a fan fic or RPing, you'd use "profession," but in-game otherwise? I don't see the need. The word "profession" also takes a little longer to write in chat than "class."


> *exits*


it's not a "bad" this per se, it's just people keep saying class over and over and over, so much so that the developers have started to say it, (PoF elite spec trailer "one for each of the classes" ). I feel people are forgetting it's been profession since 2005.


Final fantasy had Jobs since 1987, Guild wars has Profession since 2005 and World of Warcraft had classes since 2004 ( Since I don't believe the strategy game had classes, but had characters). So when people say "it's been class forever etc. Dungeons and Dragons did have classes since 1974, however I believe that was used in this sense. Warrior class in DnD = Soldier Class in GW2, with the skills and spells chosen in DnD determining if you were a warrior, revenant or guardian in gw2 ( if that makes sense).


I am under the impression that the term Class is the archetype or group, as I said just above - Warrior, Revenant and guardian would be professions inside the Soldier Class, which determines the armour weight - Heavy.

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> @Kichwas.7152 said:

> I'd say... stop calling it profession. Like in FFXIV... I roll my eyes everytime somebody mentions what "job" they play...



Why? The reason final fantasy differentiates it's terms from class to job is because it works fundamentally different from the iteration of "class" you associate it with. One major difference of ff's job system is that you can change a single characters job and train that job separately from other jobs. If you feel it's unnecessary to differentiate the term for that reason, that's your opinion but ff's job system is NOT your typical class system.


But that's the base of the discussion here, why different these terms? It's so you don't confuse the goals and outcomes of these systems. In many final fantasy games, jobs must be trained separately but a single character can potentially use every skill. In gw2 skills are divided by profession and you can potentially use all skills of that category but not other categories however you don't have to "level up" to access them, just buy them with points. Not familiar with WoW but skill trees and respecs are isolated to a class. In CoH, Archetype determined the role you took in a group while your powers determined how you accomplished that role and as more powers were released to the game, it broadened the visuals of all archetypes but you could not change either your archetype or your primary/secondary powers.


tl;dr while some term changes might seem arbitrary or unnecessary, so long as the system is substantially different, then it's warranted for clarity.

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> @Warlyx.6732 said:

> > @Kichwas.7152 said:

> > I'd say... stop calling it profession. Like in FFXIV... I roll my eyes everytime somebody mentions what "job" they play...

> >


> FF franchise has always used "job"


That doesn't mean it isn't silly.


I may think of pretty lowly of Gygax for some of his choices... but he also standardized all this stuff back in 1974, and everytime somebody tries to be 'cute' and make up new words for no good reason, it just confuses everything.



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> @Llethander.3972 said:

> No.


> Professions are crafting/gathering roles. Classes are combat designations. This has been a staple of MMO games for many years.


> Deal with it.


I am actually confused if someone answers with weaponsmith, when i ask what profession he is using. I actually us both terms, because they are synonyms for me. I dont make a fuzz about it like OP though. Crafting method is crafting method and the easiest way to avoid confusion.

In my mother labguage i use the appropriate term for class, not profession. In english i mainly use profession.

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> @Kuulpb.5412 said:

> > @KeoLegend.5132 said:

> > Its class because my mesmer can't suddenly choose another profession!


> That makes no sense... In Guild wars 2 You can split the 9 professions into this -


> 3 Classes (Armour types) Soldier, Adventurer and Caster

> 9 Professions, 3 in each class,

> 18 Elite Specialisations, 2 for each profession

> Of course your Mesmer can't change class as it can't wear heavy armour, or medium armour.



I have never once heard of an adventurer in gw2 outside of random npcs. ever. If you are really going to group them by armor type then its heavy medium and light.

Soldiers is actually a stat combo not a armor weight type.

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I for one am just happy we have so many classes to choose from like....warrior, elementalist, thief, or guardian......so many great player classes to pick B)



on a side note.....when was the last time you heard someone say "Profession balance" rather than "class balance" in a discussion. The player classes are going to be classes until the sun blows up because that's what has been ingrained in MMO players for decades.

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People will call it what most other people call it. I get annoyed when people say dank for memes. Dank means something completely different then what it used for. But people will continue to use it. Just relax and accept it. To much stress in the world to worry about the minor things.

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Good luck with that. Old habits die hard.

Even developers forget the different terminologies and keep saying "class" instead "profession", or "dead" instead "defeated".

There's even remnants of old terms from development in the game. Some NPCs still refer to player defeat as "death", the command to check your defeats is still /deaths, and even the context revive on interact appears as "Resurrect" in the combat log even though it is actually a revive.


For me, as long as it isn't used in-game or the wiki, I don't mind too much. If someone were to go into the wiki and started changing every instance of "profession" into "class" I would definitely do whatever it takes to get their editing permissions removed. But other than that, meh, what are you going to do?

Indolence and apathy are part human nature and that won't change anytime soon.


> @Rhomulos.2089 said:

> Stop calling it profession, it's cringy and forced. Call it class like everyone else.


I don't. I've been calling them profession since GW1. It's not something I do on purpose to contradict people or anything like that. It just comes naturally because they have been always called that. Calling them class feels off. Like calling guilds "brotherhood" or "clan", or like calling rangers "hunter". It's just feels wrong wen playing GW. And no one is going to force me to use the wrong terms.


Some get used to "job" in final fantasy, "profession" in GW, GW2 and Ultima. Other games may call them "calling", or "path" or "archetype" and the list goes on an on. And if they didn't experience a previous game, they are more likely to stick with the terms of the game they played the most.

Some people swift gears when they change games and keep the terminologies separate. If I go play diablo or D&D I'll witch to "class", if I go play FF I switch to "job".


Others are unable to do it? Ok. But that's their problem. They can't expect others to do the same, or to be fine with it, or to understand them when they use terminologies from an entirely different game others may not have played. Some people will understand them, some people won't.

And they definitely do not have the right to flip out at people when they do things like asking for "tips for hunter" expecting builds for ranger, and get instead answers about how to get the hunter crafting discipline leveled quicker.

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> @MithranArkanere.8957 said:

> Some people swift gears when they change games and keep the terminologies separate. If I go play diablo or D&D I'll witch to "class", if I go play FF I switch to "job".


> Others are unable to do it? Ok. But that's their problem. They can't expect others to do the same, or to be fine with it, or to understand them when they use terminologies from an entirely different game others may not have played. Some people will understand them, some people won't.

> And they definitely do not have the right to flip out at people when they do things like asking for "tips for hunter" expecting builds for ranger, and get instead answers about how to get the hunter crafting discipline leveled quicker.


Pretty much agreed. Although I think the OP is more tongue-in-cheek as it's something most people just ignore/forget about. But if this is a platform for discussion, bringing up these types of subjects is more like a poll without actually being a poll (because polls are useless).


But yeah, I tend to shift terms from game to game. To me, the term "boons" and "conditions" felt superfluous and odd (I don't think I ever really used "boon" in regular conversation until I started playing GW2) as buff and debuff are common terms that seem tailor made for games and easier to type. So if people can somehow manage to shift terms for these examples, how is shifting from the term "class" to "profession" too big a leap? Not that I'm bothered either way but double standards like that are exactly why I personally am careful to shift terms. Some people are OCD about game achievements or how neat their desk is and I'm just particular when using terms and speaking. I also don't like to use acronyms unless constantly repeating the term within a conversation.

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> @Lazeris.1725 said:


> on a side note.....when was the last time you heard someone say "Profession balance" rather than "class balance" in a discussion. The player classes are going to be classes until the sun blows up because that's what has been ingrained in MMO players for decades.


In my experience people always say profession balance. Class balance just sounds like socialism =P

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> @zombyturtle.5980 said:

> > @Kuulpb.5412 said:

> > > @KeoLegend.5132 said:

> > > Its class because my mesmer can't suddenly choose another profession!

> >

> > That makes no sense... In Guild wars 2 You can split the 9 professions into this -

> >

> > 3 Classes (Armour types) Soldier, Adventurer and Caster

> > 9 Professions, 3 in each class,

> > 18 Elite Specialisations, 2 for each profession

> > Of course your Mesmer can't change class as it can't wear heavy armour, or medium armour.

> >


> I have never once heard of an adventurer in gw2 outside of random npcs. ever. If you are really going to group them by armor type then its heavy medium and light.

> Soldiers is actually a stat combo not a armor weight type.


wiki - Professions are divided into three categories based on their armor type:

Three heavily armored soldiers

Three moderately armored adventurers

Three lightly armored scholars

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