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Getting a mount

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It's ideal to be level 80 _and_ to play through the core game's [living story](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Living_World "living story") (and maybe also the [Heart of Thorns](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Guild_Wars_2:_Heart_of_Thorns "Heart of Thorns") expansion). If nothing else, you won't be asking 'what's that?' 'who's she?' 'what is THAT?' 'where did THEY come from?!' every three seconds. Double bonus: You'll have some idea of how to use your weapons and class skills after you've had a chance to work with them.


Past that, the mounts are only available through Path of Fire, which is level 80 content across all of its maps and filled with irritating mobs who can and will bamboozle you with their weird skill sets and aggressive crowd control. Attempting the expansions on a lower-level character is just asking for pain.


As for mounts themselves, [this page](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mount "this page") tells you where to get them in Path of Fire as well as what is required for each step and what sort of costs are associated.

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You can get the base raptor before you’re level 80 and not go through spoilers.


- Ask a level 80 player to take you through the PoF story mission to help you get the raptor. Your level doesn’t matter at all.

- Turn audio all the way down so you don’t hear the NPC conversations. Also, do not read any of the NPC dialogues.

- Keep your distance and not fight so you don’t get insta-killed by enemies.

- Still keep reading chat to communicate with the player so you know what to do to get your mount.

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Alrighty then!!!!! First off I dont intend to use a level 80 token, I always pay my dues as far as playing goes. I just find it odd not to have mounts. Most of the games I played let you have mounts at an early level. What is the deal...... Anyways thanks for the response guys!!!!

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> @"Firesale.6817" said:

> Alrighty then!!!!! First off I dont intend to use a level 80 token, I always pay my dues as far as playing goes. I just find it odd not to have mounts. Most of the games I played let you have mounts at an early level. What is the deal...... Anyways thanks for the response guys!!!!


The answer to that is simply mounts were not something they decided to add early on. They waited until doing something worthwhile rather than just doing it because everyone else did it.

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> @"Firesale.6817" said:

> Alrighty then!!!!! First off I dont intend to use a level 80 token, I always pay my dues as far as playing goes. I just find it odd not to have mounts. Most of the games I played let you have mounts at an early level. What is the deal...... Anyways thanks for the response guys!!!!


For most of the games life there were no mounts. They were only added with Path of Fire, which is why they're only available in that expansion. Needing to be level 80 is a consequence of that - the expansions are all level 80 content.


The good news is that once you've got one unlocked it's available to all your characters from level 2 (in theory level 1, but you can't use them in the tutorial instance and can't leave without levelling up). So you only need to unlock each mount once.


Some people will boost a secondary character, run them through the first story instance in PoF to get the raptor and then go back to playing their main character normally. But you don't need to do that. Because they weren't added until PoF absolutely nothing in the base game or HoT requires mounts. Some things are certainly easier with them, but IMO there can be advantages to doing it the "hard" way because it gives you more opportunities to learn about the game. I've encountered a few people who were completely stuck on how to get to places where they couldn't use mounts, because they'd never done it any other way. So you're free to unlock them any time you like, but there's certainly no harm in waiting until you get to that point in the story.

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> @"Firesale.6817" said:

> Alrighty then!!!!! First off I dont intend to use a level 80 token, I always pay my dues as far as playing goes. I just find it odd not to have mounts. Most of the games I played let you have mounts at an early level. What is the deal...... Anyways thanks for the response guys!!!!


Do what you like but I recommend using your level 80 boost and finish PoF. You will also earn gold much faster doing metas in the new maps and be able to start unlocking masteries/mounts through the story line. The griffon will take you a while to acquire as it is the end goal for mounts. By unlocking mounts you will have an easier time with overall map completion in Tyria "the world". Thus making it easier to level other new characters after your main.


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> @"Firesale.6817" said:

> Alrighty then!!!!! First off I dont intend to use a level 80 token, I always pay my dues as far as playing goes. I just find it odd not to have mounts. Most of the games I played let you have mounts at an early level. What is the deal...... Anyways thanks for the response guys!!!!


The game existed in a state without mounts for nearly half a decade or more. In fact, most of the content in the game was created to be played without mounts of any sort. It's only until Path Of Fire did mounts and mount mastery become central to the PvE progression mechanics of the game. So that's why there hasn't been integration with mounts in the beginning of the game as the content isn't designed for it. Mounts in GW2 are meant to be an endgame feature. And personally, I think mounts cheapen the element of exploration that is so central to GW2's design and gameplay in core maps for brand new players. Brand new players should ideally level up naturally and acclimate to the game as it was intended to be played without mounts until the PoF expansion.

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