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You encounter a 1v1 (enemy vs server mate) anywhere on the map, what do you do?


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A Red Name is a Dead Name. Do whatever you want. Never get salty if you get jumped by multiple people either. It is up to you to decide whether you abide by these supposed community rules. Rules which people can't even seem to fully agree on, looking at the evidence set by this discussion, are of little consequence in the end.

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  • 2 months later...

This is such a hard question!


I was just riding around on my warclaw kitty earlier when I encountered a Condi Mirage (my server) fighting a Power Rev (enemy server) near the ruins.

It was a 1 vs 1 and likely a random encounter.

I chose to sit aside and watch them fight because:

* Roaming 1 vs 1 fights are so rare these days. As an ex-roamer myself, if I had a 1 vs 1 encounter, I wouldn't have wanted anyone to intervene!

* My server side was a Condi Mirage and they tend to have an advantage against Revs even in this anti-condi meta.


True enough, my server side Condi Mirage was winning but it was a close margin as the Rev was putting up a strong fight.


However, towards the end of the fight, 2 enemy roamers on the Rev's side happened to ride by and intervened, killing my server side's Mirage before I could jump in too.


I feel bad now that I had stood aside to let them 1 vs 1.

If I had intervened sooner, we could have killed the Rev and took on the other 2 enemy roamers that came by later in a 2 on 2.


This is so sad!

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Where is the option:

* I jump in because I despise gankers in WvW and most likely the enemy has ganked me before, So he deserves it.


I used to have mercy on these 1 vs 1 duels, but not anymore since WvW has turned into a gank fest. I kill everything that moves, including ambient creatures!

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The introduction of mounts created so many coward players.

90% of players just pass through your hitbox and run away because they don't wanna fight.

As soon they see you are getting attacked, they join back like cowards to secure the kill ganking you in an outnumbered situation.

Why those coward players can choose to skip a fight and instead I can't force them to have the fight?

Remove completely the hp from mounts and as soon you get even 1 damage hit, you get dismounted.

Leave the mount as a travelling utility only.

Give people more tools to fight and not coward tools to escape fight or encourage trash ganking.

I always watch 1vs1s and leave them alone and ready to join if a trash ganker comes to outnumber my server mate.

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