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You encounter a 1v1 (enemy vs server mate) anywhere on the map, what do you do?


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> @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> The introduction of mounts created so many coward players.

> 90% of players just pass through your hitbox and run away because they don't wanna fight.

> As soon they see you are getting attacked, they join back like cowards to secure the kill ganking you in an outnumbered situation.

> Why those coward players can choose to skip a fight and instead I can't force them to have the fight?

> Remove completely the hp from mounts and as soon you get even 1 damage hit, you get dismounted.

> Leave the mount as a travelling utility only.

> Give people more tools to fight and not coward tools to escape fight or encourage trash ganking.

> I always watch 1vs1s and leave them alone and ready to join if a trash ganker comes to outnumber my server mate.


I Imagine the downside for blue on ebg on this

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> @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> The introduction of mounts created so many coward players.

> 90% of players just pass through your hitbox and run away because they don't wanna fight.

> As soon they see you are getting attacked, they join back like cowards to secure the kill ganking you in an outnumbered situation.

> Why those coward players can choose to skip a fight and instead I can't force them to have the fight?

> Remove completely the hp from mounts and as soon you get even 1 damage hit, you get dismounted.

> Leave the mount as a travelling utility only.

> Give people more tools to fight and not coward tools to escape fight or encourage trash ganking.

> I always watch 1vs1s and leave them alone and ready to join if a trash ganker comes to outnumber my server mate.


Well.... when im on a zergling build, i know i have 0% chance of winning a 1on1.


Why should i give out free lootbags?



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> The introduction of mounts created so many coward players.


Welcome to real life, where advantages get used. It's not called cowardice, it's called cleverness.


> As soon they see you are getting attacked, they join back like cowards to secure the kill ganking you in an outnumbered situation.


I could also ask: "Why do players of a higher skill level target me **repeatedly**"? Or "why does a build, that works **so well** against my own, that it usually instakills me get used against me **repeatedly**?" The answer is the same: It's the gamemode. It's World vs World, not safety-duel-zone with balance checks. Following your own logic the above also shouldn't happen. People should look for fair duels, but that's not how this game works.


This isn't only true on an individual (1vs1) level, but also in a zerg vs zerg level. You will meet situations you cannot escape from, you get forced into them **repeatedly**, after the other side has already made their point.


> Give people more tools to fight and not coward tools to escape fight or encourage trash ganking.


To counter that I will propose this:

Give more players the tools to avoid fights they don't want, or develop mechanics like some kind of "handicap-system", which helps even out the different skill level somewhat, in turn creating more fair situations for everyone.



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I commented before but I want to comment again.


Dueling does not contribute to the score and it's true that by doing so, you're not doing much to support your server (though you are entertaining roamers that could otherwise be causing havoc, this is a minimal benefit). But the people who zealously protest against duelers are almost never the players who stay behind to roam or scout when a commander leaves the map. They're the first players _off_ the map when there's no one to follow and the first people to complain when their zerg wipes in a fight. They exacerbate the problem by creating greater gaps when the server needs coverage the most and yet they point fingers at duelers as being the leeches.


I assure each and every person that thinks roaming or dueling is a waste of time that these players are more skilled, dedicated and passionate than you. Some of these players may not care as much about the score as those that complain about them, but they stay behind to fight when every one else thinks it's hopeless.


A dueler should be polite when their duel is interrupted because not everyone is aware when a duel is happening and often times, duels take place in less than ideal spots. They should understand that their allies may just be trying to help or are oblivious to the situation. If they become aggressive or rude towards the person who's interrupting, they deserve to be trolled. If they nicely state that they are dueling and ask for the other player(s) to stop, that player should respect their wishes instead of trying to push their agenda of "red is dead."

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> @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

> There's plenty of space in Obsidian sanctum and the Edge of the Mists for 'duels'. In the Mist War maps, we need players who will be scoring.


Typically duelers will cap camps as most spots are just outside them, thus increases warscore. Some even act as scouts when not dueling.


Also they enjoy fighting outside duels and when they win, also increases warscore



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> @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

> > @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> > The introduction of mounts created so many coward players.

> > 90% of players just pass through your hitbox and run away because they don't wanna fight.

> > As soon they see you are getting attacked, they join back like cowards to secure the kill ganking you in an outnumbered situation.

> > Why those coward players can choose to skip a fight and instead I can't force them to have the fight?

> > Remove completely the hp from mounts and as soon you get even 1 damage hit, you get dismounted.

> > Leave the mount as a travelling utility only.

> > Give people more tools to fight and not coward tools to escape fight or encourage trash ganking.

> > I always watch 1vs1s and leave them alone and ready to join if a trash ganker comes to outnumber my server mate.


> Well.... when im on a zergling build, i know i have 0% chance of winning a 1on1.


> Why should i give out free lootbags?




Go in a damn zerg?

It's not my fault if you have a zerg build not suited for 1vs1s.


I have a roaming build, I don't go in a zerg.


And you know, it's a war zone map, traveling alone should be dangerous and not easy mode riding a dodge spammer mount to avoid any fight.

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> @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> It's not my fault if you have a zerg build not suited for 1vs1s.


> I have a roaming build, I don't go in a zerg.


> And you know, it's a war zone map, traveling alone should be dangerous and not easy mode riding a dodge spammer mount to avoid any fight.


Ah, you measure both things differently. For some reason (determined by you yourself of course) your approach is somehow more valid, than those of the players avoiding said fights. You know, you have a warclaw, too, to catch up with players running on foot away from you. Will you not fight then? If so, why do you bring the build argument? The bottom line of your argumentation is "my build is not suited for XY, so I only do Z", but for some reason players, who follow a different approach have to follow a different set of fules. They are not measured by the validity and purpose of their own build and approach to WvW, but by the standards set by your build and mindset.


And when these players follow the same logic - namely measuring your build and approach by the logic of their own, that is somehow suddenly not valid?


And to top things off: I have repeatedly been pulled off my mount by roamers. And I have done the same to others. And I have lost fights after that. And I have made others lose fights after that.


So maybe all you need is a build with different abilities. Or a roaming pal, who help you pull people off the mounts, so you can duel those unwilling duelists ...


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If an enemy attacks me while I am alone I would expect any passing allies to jump in and assist. If I see an ally fighting an enemy I will attempt to assist.

If you want to have a private fight go do it in a more private area such as OS or northwest of the skritt camp or even a PvP arena, don't do it on a common path/route between objectives.

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> @"Nidome.1365" said:

> If an enemy attacks me while I am alone I would expect any passing allies to jump in and assist. If I see an ally fighting an enemy I will attempt to assist.

> If you want to have a private fight go do it in a more private area such as OS or northwest of the skritt camp or even a PvP arena, don't do it on a common path/route between objectives.


Sure if the enemy is in range to threaten an objective, may be even a sentry (not the ruin sentrys) but in the random openness then get on with it. A lot of you like minded people think that people actually plan theres sorts of deuls in advance but no, they just happen, like going to a bar/pub and meeting someone randomly new.

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I've always argued, if you want to PvP, you can go to the PvP lobby and enter the PvP arena. PvP inside a WvW open COMBAT FIELD I find obnoxious. That's just some Pvp player who grew bored with PvP in the PVP related arena. And that's not our problem, that's their problem. However, when I see a Servermate in combat, I assume he needs help, 100% of the time. In the past FOUR years, I've learned to look at their GUILD tags. If certain tags are on like [love] I steer clear of the pvp that i'm seeing. In fact you will reckognize certain PVP GUILDS who located themselves onto the WvW maps. You too will learn to steer clear. One, you entering the fray is considered an "interruption" your servermate will "back out" of the fight, and you won't even notice until your getting cut to pieces. You start to look around, and notice your servermate is no longer in combat, and is now watching your sorry ass get handed to the ground that has a tulip with your name on it. After your dead, they continue on with their own personal 1 vs 1 battle, but not before talking to each other in private chat or discord, of how a bad player you are, how you sucked, how you clearly were overclassed but were too stupid too notice....yah. I don't like PvP players very much if at all. In fact in the entire Guild Wars 2 game...If I could nuke a portion of the game system, it would be PvP. I hate it that much. In some circumstances, I have tagged up and lead my zerg through pvp areas to clean it out. That's how pissed off I get when PvP is on my WvW map. You want to PvP...go to the Pvp lobby. But for those players in WvW….like I said...you'll reckognize certain guild tags. You'll learn who not to trust in a fight too. You can come across a real enemy whose not pvp'ing, who is working to destroy you...and that pvp servermate...will watch you instead of help. Because, they figure if your "good" enough that you should be able to finish off the enemy all by yourself. PvP players, are not Team players when it comes to WvW fights. Do not trust them, do not expect them to help. Do not expect them to defend, or be called upon when needed. Their basically...useless to the team in general. And the worst one's...are the "Lures". The one's where their "pretend" fighting, in order to lure unsuspecting players into the fight...and then they back out to watch you get ganked when more enemy show up. That's when you notice...their all in the same GUILD, including....your own servermate. So let this be a lesson. Know where PvP guilds actually Pvp inside wvw. Know which guilds specifically PvP only. And always place a Pvp member who has backed out of a fight, into your Blocklist...so you know when they are online, and which WvW map they are on....so you know that someone nearby ….might not help you in any fashion. Believe me, it does help to have them on a blocklist and knowing they are actively on the map your on, knowing full well they will not help the team.

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> @"KeyOrion.9506" said:

> PvP players, are not Team players when it comes to WvW fights. Do not trust them, do not expect them to help.


Don't expect anything from anyone but always be willing to help. If someone doesn't appreciate your generosity, you know better for the next time.


It's like expecting someone to hold a door open for you. It's courtesy, not law. You do it to be kind, not because it's a requirement.


Don't assume someone is laughing at you or gets some kind of sadistic pleasure watching you fail if they back out of a fight you joined. There's no proof of it unless they explicitly say otherwise.


The irony is that so many people think duelers are rude and untrustworthy when 98% of the time, someone who jumps in on a duel will spend the next 20 minutes repeating the process and raging in chat to spite them for not helping. Meanwhile duelers just want them to stop and often say "please stop, we're dueling." But apparently that's too much to ask because it doesn't adhere to their personal standard of what the rules of WvW are which makes that dueler a jerk.


I dunno... Maybe I'm weird but I think people should be able to play how ever they want as long as they're not hacking. You get what you give, that's why I'm nice to everyone until I know not to be.

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> @"KeyOrion.9506" said:

> I've always argued, if you want to PvP, you can go to the PvP lobby and enter the PvP arena. PvP inside a WvW open COMBAT FIELD I find obnoxious. That's just some Pvp player who grew bored with PvP in the PVP related arena. And that's not our problem, that's their problem. However, when I see a Servermate in combat, I assume he needs help, 100% of the time. In the past FOUR years, I've learned to look at their GUILD tags. If certain tags are on like [love] I steer clear of the pvp that i'm seeing. In fact you will reckognize certain PVP GUILDS who located themselves onto the WvW maps. You too will learn to steer clear. One, you entering the fray is considered an "interruption" your servermate will "back out" of the fight, and you won't even notice until your getting cut to pieces. You start to look around, and notice your servermate is no longer in combat, and is now watching your sorry kitten get handed to the ground that has a tulip with your name on it. After your dead, they continue on with their own personal 1 vs 1 battle, but not before talking to each other in private chat or discord, of how a bad player you are, how you sucked, how you clearly were overclassed but were too stupid too notice....yah. I don't like PvP players very much if at all. In fact in the entire Guild Wars 2 game...If I could nuke a portion of the game system, it would be PvP. I hate it that much. In some circumstances, I have tagged up and lead my zerg through pvp areas to clean it out. That's how pissed off I get when PvP is on my WvW map. You want to PvP...go to the Pvp lobby. But for those players in WvW….like I said...you'll reckognize certain guild tags. You'll learn who not to trust in a fight too. You can come across a real enemy whose not pvp'ing, who is working to destroy you...and that pvp servermate...will watch you instead of help. Because, they figure if your "good" enough that you should be able to finish off the enemy all by yourself. PvP players, are not Team players when it comes to WvW fights. Do not trust them, do not expect them to help. Do not expect them to defend, or be called upon when needed. Their basically...useless to the team in general. And the worst one's...are the "Lures". The one's where their "pretend" fighting, in order to lure unsuspecting players into the fight...and then they back out to watch you get ganked when more enemy show up. That's when you notice...their all in the same GUILD, including....your own servermate. So let this be a lesson. Know where PvP guilds actually Pvp inside wvw. Know which guilds specifically PvP only. And always place a Pvp member who has backed out of a fight, into your Blocklist...so you know when they are online, and which WvW map they are on....so you know that someone nearby ….might not help you in any fashion. Believe me, it does help to have them on a blocklist and knowing they are actively on the map your on, knowing full well they will not help the team.


Biggest pile or garbage I've ever read lol. "Prentend to fight to lure unsuspecting"??

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> @"KeyOrion.9506" said:

> I've always argued, if you want to PvP, you can go to the PvP lobby and enter the PvP arena. PvP inside a WvW open COMBAT FIELD I find obnoxious. That's just some Pvp player who grew bored with PvP in the PVP related arena. And that's not our problem, that's their problem. However, when I see a Servermate in combat, I assume he needs help, 100% of the time. In the past FOUR years, I've learned to look at their GUILD tags. If certain tags are on like [love] I steer clear of the pvp that i'm seeing. In fact you will reckognize certain PVP GUILDS who located themselves onto the WvW maps. You too will learn to steer clear. One, you entering the fray is considered an "interruption" your servermate will "back out" of the fight, and you won't even notice until your getting cut to pieces. You start to look around, and notice your servermate is no longer in combat, and is now watching your sorry kitten get handed to the ground that has a tulip with your name on it. After your dead, they continue on with their own personal 1 vs 1 battle, but not before talking to each other in private chat or discord, of how a bad player you are, how you sucked, how you clearly were overclassed but were too stupid too notice....yah. I don't like PvP players very much if at all. In fact in the entire Guild Wars 2 game...If I could nuke a portion of the game system, it would be PvP. I hate it that much. In some circumstances, I have tagged up and lead my zerg through pvp areas to clean it out. That's how pissed off I get when PvP is on my WvW map. You want to PvP...go to the Pvp lobby. But for those players in WvW….like I said...you'll reckognize certain guild tags. You'll learn who not to trust in a fight too. You can come across a real enemy whose not pvp'ing, who is working to destroy you...and that pvp servermate...will watch you instead of help. Because, they figure if your "good" enough that you should be able to finish off the enemy all by yourself. PvP players, are not Team players when it comes to WvW fights. Do not trust them, do not expect them to help. Do not expect them to defend, or be called upon when needed. Their basically...useless to the team in general. And the worst one's...are the "Lures". The one's where their "pretend" fighting, in order to lure unsuspecting players into the fight...and then they back out to watch you get ganked when more enemy show up. That's when you notice...their all in the same GUILD, including....your own servermate. So let this be a lesson. Know where PvP guilds actually Pvp inside wvw. Know which guilds specifically PvP only. And always place a Pvp member who has backed out of a fight, into your Blocklist...so you know when they are online, and which WvW map they are on....so you know that someone nearby ….might not help you in any fashion. Believe me, it does help to have them on a blocklist and knowing they are actively on the map your on, knowing full well they will not help the team.


TL: DR You get salty and petty (and kinda ignorant) when people duel in WvW.



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> @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:

> > @"KeyOrion.9506" said:

> > PvP players, are not Team players when it comes to WvW fights. Do not trust them, do not expect them to help.



> Don't assume someone is laughing at you or gets some kind of sadistic pleasure watching you fail if they back out of a fight you joined. There's no proof of it unless they explicitly say otherwise.


I have to expect that. Because for a year I called out individuals and whispered them. Two things occur. Either they are offline, in which case, you have to call them out in /map or /team chat which they may or may not respond, bringing the entire server into the whole pvp argument. Which is a nasty bit of business, believe me. Or, they do respond, but the comments go along the lines of, "L2P", "You suck playing ", "You should have known it was a pvp", "I didn't ask for any help, so that's your fault you got killed, not mine."


Rude, doesn't even begin to describe a PvP player inside a WvW zone. I'm more than sure, you know exactly what PvP players tell everyone, so don't be telling me their not the rudest people when called out in a Teamplay map. Their philosophy is "Why bother me, when I did nothing to you." The idea is it's a open combat area. You believe a team mate is in trouble, you get into the fray...and then...learn your team mate was pvp'ing and is not there to WvW at all. Don't even begin to tell me what a PvP player truelly is. And that's not a team member. That's just some bored jerk who got tired of his portion of the game in Guildwars and decided to lure other people into traps.


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> @"KeyOrion.9506" said:

> I've always argued, if you want to PvP, you can go to the PvP lobby and enter the PvP arena. PvP inside a WvW open COMBAT FIELD I find obnoxious. That's just some Pvp player who grew bored with PvP in the PVP related arena. And that's not our problem, that's their problem. However, when I see a Servermate in combat, I assume he needs help, 100% of the time. In the past FOUR years, I've learned to look at their GUILD tags. If certain tags are on like [love] I steer clear of the pvp that i'm seeing. In fact you will reckognize certain PVP GUILDS who located themselves onto the WvW maps. You too will learn to steer clear. One, you entering the fray is considered an "interruption" your servermate will "back out" of the fight, and you won't even notice until your getting cut to pieces. You start to look around, and notice your servermate is no longer in combat, and is now watching your sorry kitten get handed to the ground that has a tulip with your name on it. After your dead, they continue on with their own personal 1 vs 1 battle, but not before talking to each other in private chat or discord, of how a bad player you are, how you sucked, how you clearly were overclassed but were too stupid too notice....yah. I don't like PvP players very much if at all. In fact in the entire Guild Wars 2 game...If I could nuke a portion of the game system, it would be PvP. I hate it that much. In some circumstances, I have tagged up and lead my zerg through pvp areas to clean it out. That's how pissed off I get when PvP is on my WvW map. You want to PvP...go to the Pvp lobby. But for those players in WvW….like I said...you'll reckognize certain guild tags. You'll learn who not to trust in a fight too. You can come across a real enemy whose not pvp'ing, who is working to destroy you...and that pvp servermate...will watch you instead of help. Because, they figure if your "good" enough that you should be able to finish off the enemy all by yourself. PvP players, are not Team players when it comes to WvW fights. Do not trust them, do not expect them to help. Do not expect them to defend, or be called upon when needed. Their basically...useless to the team in general. And the worst one's...are the "Lures". The one's where their "pretend" fighting, in order to lure unsuspecting players into the fight...and then they back out to watch you get ganked when more enemy show up. That's when you notice...their all in the same GUILD, including....your own servermate. So let this be a lesson. Know where PvP guilds actually Pvp inside wvw. Know which guilds specifically PvP only. And always place a Pvp member who has backed out of a fight, into your Blocklist...so you know when they are online, and which WvW map they are on....so you know that someone nearby ….might not help you in any fashion. Believe me, it does help to have them on a blocklist and knowing they are actively on the map your on, knowing full well they will not help the team.


You know, some of us simply enjoy fighting. That's why I'm primarily a solo roamer and almost never participate in zerg play. I prefer to travel the perimeter, capturing camps while I seek out small scale fights. I don't duel often, but when I do it's generally an opponent that has impressed me with their skill in previous encounters. In fact, I probably have as many names on my contact list from opposing teams as I do from my own! For me, it's a friendly competition. To duel with them shows a measure of respect for their ability.


Having said that, I'm never offended if a duel is interrupted. Part of the attraction to WvW for me is the random "anything goes" nature of the game mode. Besides, if you can kill me then I'd love to fight you! As I said, it's all a friendly competition to me. I don't get angry about dying in a PvP game and I'm not out to ruin anyone's day when I play.


Unfortunately, when you carry a chip on your shoulder, you're likely to interpret the intentions of others based on that bias. Often I find that we reap what we sow. I'm always pleasant when speaking with opponents and they tend to respond in kind. How is it for you? Do you even speak to enemy players in these situations and if you do, how do you approach the interaction?

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> @"KeyOrion.9506" said:

> > @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:

> > > @"KeyOrion.9506" said:

> > > PvP players, are not Team players when it comes to WvW fights. Do not trust them, do not expect them to help.

> >


> > Don't assume someone is laughing at you or gets some kind of sadistic pleasure watching you fail if they back out of a fight you joined. There's no proof of it unless they explicitly say otherwise.


> I have to expect that. Because for a year I called out individuals and whispered them. Two things occur. Either they are offline, in which case, you have to call them out in /map or /team chat which they may or may not respond, bringing the entire server into the whole pvp argument. Which is a nasty bit of business, believe me. Or, they do respond, but the comments go along the lines of, "L2P", "You suck playing ", "You should have known it was a pvp", "I didn't ask for any help, so that's your fault you got killed, not mine."


> Rude, doesn't even begin to describe a PvP player inside a WvW zone. I'm more than sure, you know exactly what PvP players tell everyone, so don't be telling me their not the rudest people when called out in a Teamplay map. Their philosophy is "Why bother me, when I did nothing to you." The idea is it's a open combat area. You believe a team mate is in trouble, you get into the fray...and then...learn your team mate was pvp'ing and is not there to WvW at all. Don't even begin to tell me what a PvP player truelly is. And that's not a team member. That's just some bored jerk who got tired of his portion of the game in Guildwars and decided to lure other people into traps.



I'm afraid you're the one being rude here. I'm perfectly willing to accept interruptions when I duel in WvW. It's an open world PvP game. That's just how it goes. But to attack me, get killed, and then start an argument in chat claiming some sort of moral authority based on your notion of how I should be playing the game? Seriously, who made you king of WvW?

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> @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

> There's plenty of space in Obsidian sanctum and the Edge of the Mists for 'duels'. In the Mist War maps, we need players who will be scoring.


But that person you fight could be capturing camps or killing your random players. You can't really say duelers are necessarily taking up space.


I mean yes there are the tools that duel outisde a keep or something; that's sorta like playing on the highway and consequences should be accepted.

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> @"KeyOrion.9506" said:

> I've always argued, if you want to PvP, you can go to the PvP lobby and enter the PvP arena. PvP inside a WvW open COMBAT FIELD I find obnoxious. That's just some Pvp player who grew bored with PvP in the PVP related arena. And that's not our problem, that's their problem. However, when I see a Servermate in combat, I assume he needs help, 100% of the time. In the past FOUR years, I've learned to look at their GUILD tags. If certain tags are on like [love] I steer clear of the pvp that i'm seeing. In fact you will reckognize certain PVP GUILDS who located themselves onto the WvW maps. You too will learn to steer clear. One, you entering the fray is considered an "interruption" your servermate will "back out" of the fight, and you won't even notice until your getting cut to pieces. You start to look around, and notice your servermate is no longer in combat, and is now watching your sorry kitten get handed to the ground that has a tulip with your name on it. After your dead, they continue on with their own personal 1 vs 1 battle, but not before talking to each other in private chat or discord, of how a bad player you are, how you sucked, how you clearly were overclassed but were too stupid too notice....yah. I don't like PvP players very much if at all. In fact in the entire Guild Wars 2 game...If I could nuke a portion of the game system, it would be PvP. I hate it that much. In some circumstances, I have tagged up and lead my zerg through pvp areas to clean it out. That's how pissed off I get when PvP is on my WvW map. You want to PvP...go to the Pvp lobby. But for those players in WvW….like I said...you'll reckognize certain guild tags. You'll learn who not to trust in a fight too. You can come across a real enemy whose not pvp'ing, who is working to destroy you...and that pvp servermate...will watch you instead of help. Because, they figure if your "good" enough that you should be able to finish off the enemy all by yourself. PvP players, are not Team players when it comes to WvW fights. Do not trust them, do not expect them to help. Do not expect them to defend, or be called upon when needed. Their basically...useless to the team in general. And the worst one's...are the "Lures". The one's where their "pretend" fighting, in order to lure unsuspecting players into the fight...and then they back out to watch you get ganked when more enemy show up. That's when you notice...their all in the same GUILD, including....your own servermate. So let this be a lesson. Know where PvP guilds actually Pvp inside wvw. Know which guilds specifically PvP only. And always place a Pvp member who has backed out of a fight, into your Blocklist...so you know when they are online, and which WvW map they are on....so you know that someone nearby ….might not help you in any fashion. Believe me, it does help to have them on a blocklist and knowing they are actively on the map your on, knowing full well they will not help the team.


lol imagine being this worked up over a pvp-based game mode, assuming everyone needs help after "four years" of playing the game and using the block list as a stalk feature dannng. Well at least you admit it. You're too "stupid" to notice (what a duel looks like). Bonus brownie point for that one.


I especially like this one in particular:


"In fact in the entire Guild Wars 2 game...If I could nuke a portion of the game system, it would be PvP. I hate it that much."


Guess anet should just switch off pvp in WvW and let everyone ktrain pve-land ez sandpit mode, gg?


You should write more posts like this, very entertaining. I give it an 8/8 gr8 b8 m8. B)

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> @"ArchonWing.9480" said:

> > @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

> > There's plenty of space in Obsidian sanctum and the Edge of the Mists for 'duels'. In the Mist War maps, we need players who will be scoring.


> But that person you fight could be capturing camps or killing your random players. You can't really say duelers are necessarily taking up space.


> I mean yes there are the tools that duel outisde a keep or something; that's sorta like playing on the highway and consequences should be accepted.


I would not mind if they actually finished each other. But more often than not they will revive downed, and that doesn't give score.


Sooner or later score will be even more important if they ever rework skirmish rewards.

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