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External Poll - Rank all classes for WvW Roaming as we enter 2019


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There is a similar thread on the PvP forum for most OP class entering 2019 so I thought it would be cool if we had one of our own.


I created an external poll as it allows us to rank all the classes from best to worst.

Drag and Drop the classes to place them in order from best (on top) to worst (at the bottom).


Rank all the classes based on their OP-ness in WvW Roaming and share how and why you voted the classes in that ranking here!


Poll link:



Poll results:


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1. Mesmer

2. Thief

3. Ranger

4. Engineer

5. Revenant

6. Elementalist

7. Warrior

8. Guardian

9. Necro


Because of it's build versatility and general power, Mesmer is an obvious choice for #1. There are various builds to choose from with each being extremely dangerous. Some require a greater degree of skill to play effectively, others can get results with low effort. It is capable of outnumbered fights as well as 1v1's, the latter of which is often oppressively so due to being so powerful against a wide array of builds and professions.


Mobility being one of the main things necessary for a successful roamer, Thief is #2. Thanks to a slew of nerfs over the years, many of the builds available to Thief have become significantly less effective. Though it is not irrelevant in a 1v1 if played well, at this point, it often requires outskilling the opponent to win. Still, the mobility, utility and slippery nature of Thief will always guarantee it a spot in the roaming scene.


Another profession with extremely high build diversity, I would place Ranger at #3. Again like Mesmer, each of the common builds it can choose from are extremely dangerous. Though many of them require less skill, many of them also struggle in 1v1's or are only powerful as a gimmick. Thanks to it's ease of use, mobility and durability, many people favor it for solo expeditions.


Over time, Engineer has seen it's build options slowly reduced to a very small selection. Although one can make due with less optimal builds, it then begins to fall on the list in terms of viability. Speaking strictly of the meta Holosmith or the Static Discharge builds, it earns it's place at #4 due only to the immense strength of Holo and how many professions will struggle against a decent one.


Revenant has been a strong competitor in the roaming scene since it's inception. Though it lacks the build diversity of some of the other professions, the meta power build is capable of shutting down just about anything it meets. It has high in combat mobility, extremely high damage and the necessary utility to flat out deny many professions of their primary offenses and defenses. The only thing holding it back from being placed as high as #3 on the list is the skill needed to be successful with it. Very, very few players manage to reach the plateau that makes just about every encounter in favor of the Revenant.


Like Engineer, Elementalist has seen it's build options reduced over time. There are a couple powerful options still available but, unlike Engineer, they're more gimmicky than duelists. Relying heavily on catching it's opponents off guard if playing Fresh Air, or it's opponents not cluing in to what's happening if playing the S/D sustain Weaver, it's difficult to call what it can use effective. But, due to how well it can survive outnumbered fights, 100 - 0 even tanky builds and be basically immune to conditions, it's still worthy of place #6.


Since everyone who isn't completely new to the game knows exactly how Warrior works, it can't be placed much higher than #7. A frequent sight due to it's ease of use, but not one of the strongest. It has everything it needs to be great; mobility, durability and damage, but is outclassed by too many professions to rank it any higher. Core Warrior has a better chance against much of what it might meet but at this point, it's basically a Reaper with Stances instead of Shroud.


Strong in groups but an easy pressure alone and not on the favored side of many 1v1's, Guardian sees it's place at #8. It does have a few powerful build options with the medi-hammer being just enough of a real build to not call it a gimmick, but because of Guardians overall reliance on a team to succeed, it is not a particularly strong roamer.


At the bottom of the barrel, we have Necromancer. Everyone is aware of it's weaknesses and what makes it the worst option for solo roaming. Though it is absolutely not a harmless kitten, it is far too easy to have control over a Necromancer in a 1v1 or outnumbered fight. With low mobility and no scaling defenses, it struggles in the vast majority of it's fights assuming it's opponents are smart enough to kite and bait. But, with the tools to dismantle anyone who commits, you could say it may be a bad roamer but a strong fighter.

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> @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:

> 1. Mesmer

> 2. Thief

> 3. Ranger

> 4. Engineer

> 5. Revenant

> 6. Elementalist

> 7. Warrior

> 8. Guardian

> 9. Necro

I would definetly flip ele and warrior. Maybe even flip rev and warrior again after that.


The thing is, I dont disagree with the *potential* strength of an ele being above a warrior... but from practical encounters, its clear that warrior is a far more popular and easier choice even with the latest nerfs.


The problem with these polls is that its mostly just percieved "OP-ness" based on the number of decent counters people meet for their own class - which is never OP of course.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:

> > 1. Mesmer

> > 2. Thief

> > 3. Ranger

> > 4. Engineer

> > 5. Revenant

> > 6. Elementalist

> > 7. Warrior

> > 8. Guardian

> > 9. Necro

> I would definetly flip ele and warrior. Maybe even flip rev and warrior again after that.


> The thing is, I dont disagree with the *potential* strength of an ele being above a warrior... but from practical encounters, its clear that warrior is a far more popular and easier choice even with the latest nerfs.


> The problem with these polls is that its mostly just percieved "OP-ness" based on the number of decent counters people meet for their own class - which is never OP of course.


I feel similarly but I do believe Rev should stand where it is. I wouldn't disagree with Warrior replacing Ele however, I'm on the fence about both of them. Rev though, I've fought a few very good ones and have been playing it almost exclusively for a few months now. I know what it's capable of and I strongly feel it has more potential than some people believe. But, like you say, it's mostly perceived OP-ness. So I don't doubt that my list is based more on personal experience than it is actual performance;

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I based my choices in the poll on proficiency in roaming rather than what I find personally OP (everything is OP in WvW). It's hard to list them all 1-9 as some classes are as just as good as each other. Definitely have Thief/Mesmer at the top due to escape and mobility options though. Then I'd actually put Warrior, Guardian, Revenant, Ranger, Engineer within the same tier. Necro at the bottom of course - it's just not designed for roaming.


Elementalist is so hard to place currently. It's a better roamer than Necro but they are so rarely seen in the roaming scene so it's tough to place them amongst the other classes. So I guess just above Necro then.

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> @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:

> 1. Mesmer

> 2. Thief

> 3. Ranger

> 4. Engineer

> 5. Revenant

> 6. Elementalist

> 7. Warrior

> 8. Guardian

> 9. Necro


Pretty much this, good explainations too.


I would switch as well warrior with ele, and guardian with ele.


Core warrior is still one of the strongest roamer builds to use, especially full zerk.

The problem is, being an easy profession, with a common build and with high telegraphed skills, every decent roamer with any profession can outplay a warrior.


But since the level of roamers and people walking around the map is not the best, you can still achieve pretty good results playing with it, especially thanks to double endure pain, passive and active stab, passive health regen and mobility.


Till now I didn't find a good elementalist roamer who gave me some trouble, they plays usually in 3 builds.

First build is a kitten evade healing power spell spam and they recover from 10% hp to 100% in 3 to 4 seconds, but they barely do any kind of damage and you can easily outheal and kite their damage.

Second build is a oneshot fresh air, weaver tempest or core are playable with this build, but yeah they might caught you off guard and oneshot you once, but usually won't happen twice, only good players can make it work efficiently.

Third build is a mix of sustain and damage (more focused on damage), if you don't watch out you die very easily, but you can counterplay them as well, they won't be so tanky like first build, but still this variant not very popular.


For this reason I would place guardian above ele as well, dragonhunters are decent roamers and they are defenitely seen more than eles (at least in my server).


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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> I’m waiting for the thief haters to start chirping that it’s not on top of everyone’s list,claiming it’s still a op 1v1 dueling god that no matter the build can destroy all other builds. Of course their post will end with if u have trouble killing on ur thief ur not a good thief haha

The poll isnt the ranking of **1v1** however, its a ranking of **roamers**. And placing the thief lower than... well rank 2 since arguably it's the equal of the mesmer... in such a list is an outright lie.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > I’m waiting for the thief haters to start chirping that it’s not on top of everyone’s list,claiming it’s still a op 1v1 dueling god that no matter the build can destroy all other builds. Of course their post will end with if u have trouble killing on ur thief ur not a good thief haha

> The poll isnt the ranking of **1v1** however, its a ranking of **roamers**. And placing the thief lower than... well rank 2 since arguably it's the equal of the mesmer... in such a list is an outright lie.


Well it’s mobility is up there with mirage but as far as clearing camp solo or small group or any kind of combat scenario that Ud encounter during roaming id say even guard does those more efficiently if we’re considering all specs of a class,theif just gets there faster lol

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> @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

> What is roaming? Defending/flipping camps, only "fighting" npcs and killing dollys avoiding any player, or going around tagging enemy keeps because the lists above seems to spot on, only for some parts of wvw.


for me its.

" roaming" between camps and kill enemy solo players ( their rank must be over bronze rank and have to attack me first - i dont chase them ) killing dollies, watching out for enemy zerg ( giving information to my server ).

I'm normally the first one which defends important towers or higher buildings. ( waiting for allied zerg and move on to nearest camp ... )


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> @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> The current polling results as we pass the 50 votes milestone:


> 1.6 Mesmer

> 2.6 Ranger

> 2.9 Thief

> 4.6 Engineer

> 5.0 Warrior

> 6.0 Revenant

> 6.8 Guardian

> 7.0 Elementalist

> 8.4 Necro


> Any surprises among the rankings?


Yeah, that some people voted necro above place 9.

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> @"gebrechen.5643" said:

> Most likely bad players that really lost a 1v1 versus a necro.


A full LF stacked and capable necro can be a force to be reckoned with in a straight up 1on1, when they defend an area you want to take or they catch you in a bad moment. What makes them sub-optimal in the wider context of roaming is their little mobility / escape-ability and scaling defenses. Worm port and spectral walk still allow for some good positional play, but fall short when you have to "race" other classes for a longer period of time, be it chasing or fleeing. Imo Reaper's just one good mobility skill on GS away from being decent for roaming.

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I think some people are mistaking 1v1 proficiency for roaming proficiency. Winning 1v1s is important for roaming but it's not the only thing that matters. You have to be able to escape/peel from pressure and move across the map quickly. You need versatility and the ability to deal with all different kinds of builds. You need burst in at least some capacity rather than just being a dps bruiser. Someone who is able to pick their fights (like a thief) I would say is a better roamer than someone with the ultimate 1v1 build but that is also incapable of chasing even a necro (like a harrier's firebrand).

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