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Episode 5 SPOILERS topic.


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We start by going to Glint's Lair to get Aurene back with Caithe. Do some trials, learn that Kralkatorrik is actually not some great unknowable force of nature but is actually an evil SOB that saw a vision of everyone getting along without him around and is having an ages long fit over it.


Trials are successful, though Glint's voice takes Aurene away briefly to explain Ascension to her properly.


We go to Thunderhead Keep after this, use a forge underneath the keep manned by Exalted and Zephyrites to start making Dragonblood weapons.


We spend more of the episode getting doohickeys and knickknacks such as Dredge mirrors to boost the resonance output of crystals (Because Branded crystals are Kralk's weakness).


During this more ghosts start popping up because Kralk is in the Domain of the Lost eating souls and getting more and more powerful so the plan is to fight him NOW.


There is more elaborate plotting including bringing a mountain down on him to pin him in place.


We fight him in big cave, end up wounding him, he plays dead though and when we get near he blasts us point blank that Aurene defends us from. We get blasted through a mountain, somehow survive, start staggering our way up the path passing people going "OH NO HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN" and then we see Aurene impaled on Branded spikes and dead.


Kralkatorrik slinks off.


That is the cliff notes version ask about specifics and I will try answer.

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Also where the kitten were Marjory and Kasmeer.


And the answer to what we can do is simples, go find the Gods and get them to help in some manner because CLEARLY everything we're coming up with doesn't work.


That manner would probably involve resurrecting Aurene but who knows at this point. ArenaNet threw a curveball.

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> @"ThatOddOne.4387" said:

> Also where the kitten were Marjory and Kasmeer.


> And the answer to what we can do is simples, go find the Gods and get them to help in some manner because CLEARLY everything we're coming up with doesn't work.


> That manner would probably involve resurrecting Aurene but who knows at this point. ArenaNet threw a curveball.



Oh man, I honestly forgot about them completely!

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That was a great episode. I did not expect it to unfold that way. I actually didn't even expect that we actually fight Kralkatorrik. For the whole time I was just sitting here "Ok, where is the cliffhanger ending just before the fight?" and then boom, everything happened all at once and ah.. well..


Very sad and emotional ending, kinda wish it wouldn't end so apruptly. We should've been let to stay in the instance for as long as we want and "mourn" / watch every one else mourn.


Also, after leaving the instance and getting my rewards, my sylvari just said "Ah, it was nothing." that really ruined the mood lol!

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> @"Arden.7480" said:



This is what I am asking since nonsense PoF Balthaddon.


Arenanet keeps it simple. All possible visions showed the same outcome. When Aurene confronts Kralk she will die. Now she faced Kralk and is dead.

But dont forget the "connection" of Aurene to the murderer Caithe established in this episode. My guess is thats the backdoor out of this. Aurene is now in Caithe or something like that. Or in regard of Mordremoth power... Aurenes Mind is now in Caithe.


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Oh my God!!!!

That was so unexpected but my my...that story...NOW THAT'S A STORY!!!!

Anet you have outdone yourselves here!!! Fantastic, just fantastic. Needless to say, I did cry. I really hope Aurene lives on in the next episodes, but this is exactly the depth I expected from the story.


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> @"Nogothanc.5014" said:

> > @"Arden.7480" said:



> This is what I am asking since nonsense PoF Balthaddon.


> Arenanet keeps it simple. All possible visions showed the same outcome. When Aurene confronts Kralk she will die. Now she faced Kralk and is dead.

> But dont forget the "connection" of Aurene to the murderer Caithe established in this episode. My guess is thats the backdoor out of this. Aurene is now in Caithe or something like that. Or in regard of Mordremoth power... Aurenes Mind is now in Caithe.



Caithe said, Aurene is gone, and her connection broke down.

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I feel so sad.

Poor Aurene :'(

Rest in Peace.


I would have liked an instance to mourn her death afterwards with the rest of the team.

The end just does not feel right. After this emotional scene, you immediatly go back to the map and hear some stupid skritt npc screaming.

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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> I fear they are writting themselves in a wall with this.


They seem to be sending us to our darkest hour forcing us to find the weapon that would allow Mortals to take the place of Elder Dragons(which we foolishly mistook for the spear... Aurene wouldn't have been capable of handling Kralkatorrik's power and hunger anyways being so young so she was fortunate to go out fighting.


Kralkatorrik is wounded to the point where he played dead so he has lost power from our battle. We have bought ourselves a reprieve to say the least.

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> We start by going to Glint's Lair to get Aurene back with Caithe. Do some trials, learn that Kralkatorrik is actually not some great unknowable force of nature but is actually an evil SOB that saw a vision of everyone getting along without him around and is having an ages long fit over it.


So, Anet ruined yet another elder dragon. What a waste.

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> @"Edelweiss.4261" said:

> > We start by going to Glint's Lair to get Aurene back with Caithe. Do some trials, learn that Kralkatorrik is actually not some great unknowable force of nature but is actually an evil SOB that saw a vision of everyone getting along without him around and is having an ages long fit over it.


> So, Anet ruined yet another elder dragon. What a waste.


How come?

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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> > @"Edelweiss.4261" said:

> > > We start by going to Glint's Lair to get Aurene back with Caithe. Do some trials, learn that Kralkatorrik is actually not some great unknowable force of nature but is actually an evil SOB that saw a vision of everyone getting along without him around and is having an ages long fit over it.

> >

> > So, Anet ruined yet another elder dragon. What a waste.


> How come?

The elder dragons were originally sold to us as forces of nature rather than dragons. This had a very cosmic horror vibe and being able to overcome an opponent that didn't even notice you sounded extremely satisfying. Instead, the dragons have personalities that are very similar to people. So similar that you could replace the elder dragons with people and very little would actually change. Writing interesting unknowable monstrosities is a much simpler task than writing compelling people. For my part, I've found the devs ability to do the latter inadequate. They flush interesting takes for mundane mediocrity. I just want the elder dragons we were sold.

Edit: I should note that "I've found the devs ability", I should have said, "I find that video game writers' ability...". This is an issue with video game writing as a whole.

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It was mostly a fetch and carry episode with a reasonably decent Dragon fight (well his head) and ending with Aurene's death, which was absolutely the right thing to do given I feel she's hurt the plot since she was introduced. Not a lot really happens throughout the episode until the end - it's mostly just filler stuff to highlight the Pact is "prepping"



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