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Place your bets. Is ________ (massive spoiler)

Daniel Handler.4816

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> @"ThatOddOne.4387" said:

> She doesn't have Divine magic at her disposal and neither does Kralkatorrik.


Well, maybe not in the sense of whatever it means to be one of the Six. But whatever Balthazar was and whatever magic he had, is still discernible inside her, as separate from her own crystal magic, according to the priestess.


On something of a side note: Some people have complained that PoF was a beat-for-beat retelling of Nightfall (considering that nothing got turned into Fissue of Woe on Tyria, not exactly, but I get the complaint.).


But the whole PoF+LS4 is starting to feel like a little like GW1 as a whole. Basically, it's a three-villain show. The lich, the dishonored warrior who likes to fight us one on one and kick our butts, and the final one, the incomprehensibly powerful being who is reshaping reality and has to be replaced by our NPC buddy, with Glint's prophecies sending us down a convoluted path to victory (along the way, someone loses an eye or two). It's not exactly the same -- here it's Tyria threatening the Mists rather than the other way around, and Balth and Joko weren't guided by Kraalk. But, still. Of course, that means we should call the war god Balthiro, not Balthaddon...

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Did you notice that Kralkotorrik was devoid of magic as he pulled away...none visible at all...no Brand storm, nothing...personally I think he released what little magic he had left and Aurene actually used that take over his body(while hiding her connection with Caithe so she could heal)...now that would be a twist.

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> @"perilisk.1874" said:

> I'm coming around to thinking that the Joko theory is mostly the right one, mostly because they actually went to the trouble of answering the question "can dragon minions be awakened" by putting an Awakened Sylvari in the last instance.


> Though it could be a combination of two things -- maybe she had go to the Mists as a spirit to gain the power needed to defeat Kraalkatorik (possibly to do something related to ascension or learning to use the divine magic at her disposal) , but also had to be alive to be able to fulfill her role as a scion (that is, if ghost dragons could replace elder dragons, glint would have still been a candidate for replacing Kraalkatorik all this time). Which is sort of a catch-22, unless you die and then come back.


Perhaps the spikes through her body are preventing her from regenerating.

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I didn't read all of the comments so this may have already been said.

>! Glint sent Aurene to learn about Ascension. Glint sent you to learn how everything started. Glint then tells you that Aurene must do something that is going to be very hard for her. She makes it clear that Aurene needs to be able to count on you to get her through it. I think that what Aurene learned is that to Ascend she has to die. Think about it, what is harder than knowing that you are going to die and doing what needs to be done anyways? That is why she needs you, to give her the strength to do what must be done, knowing that you have her back. I believe that Aurene is going to Ascend and return to help us take Kralk down once and for all.

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> @"Teratus.2859" said:

> I was predicting a loss and i'm glad we got one.


> It's not entirely how I thought it was going to end, I wasn't actually expecting Aurine to die although I can't see it being permanent since we've already established that Kralkatorrik cannot be destroyed without being replaced.


> Aurine is the only being we know of who can achieve this goal and I hightly doubt Anet will settle with building Aurine up since living world season 2 which is the first appearance of her egg only to have her die now and fail in the one thing she was born to do and that the entire Glint's legacy is based on.

> She'll be back.. she can't die off like this, if she is perma dead then Kralkatorrik more or less becomes invincible.

> Plot armor dictates Aurine cannot stay dead and Kralkatorrik cannot be invincible.


> I've seen people say things like she'll fight in the mists.. die and become an Elder dragon or transfered her mind elsewhere etc but I prefer a far more simple solution which Anet has been showcasing us for a while now which some have overlooked.


> Kralkatorrik can brand the dead.. and we see in this very patch that they've already made a Branded Aurine model and I don't think we've seen the last of it.


> We've significantly hurt Kralkatorrik after this latest battle and I expect that he'll take some time to recover now that we've blown a hole in his face and kitten near killed him.

> Aurine is no longer a threat to him and neither are we without her.. add to that he lost his Death Branded Shatterer in Jahai as well so he's currently absent of a champion as well.


> I predict that Kralkatorrik will seek to recover from this battle and he will brand and revive Aurine as his new champion at the end of the next episode to continue his destruction while he rests.

> I expect Kralkatorrik may go into a sleep like state for the duration of living world 6 and Aurine will be the main focus, specifically repelling her attacks and trying to find a way to save her.. killing her will not be an option as we still need her to replace Kralkatorrik.

> This leads us into seeking out and tracking down the Forgotten who are currently believed to be extinct in the desperate hope that they may be able to help us break Aurines corruption and free her just like they did for Glint a very long time ago.. and also capturing Aurine to perform the ritual that will free her.


> This will be a very interesting thing to see since we have never seen this process in the Guildwars franchsie and only heard about it yet it remains a very mysterious event we know little about.

> The forgotten too are a very facinating race that many fans like myself have long been wanting to see in Gw2.

> I expect once we've freed Aurine, Kralkatorrik will once again awaken to deal with the threat of a bigger and stronger Aurine who's been empowered with his own magic after being branded.

> And the next time we fight that monster.. he's going to die.



This is an interesting theory. I like it!

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> @"brenda.9723" said:

> Aurene is just the last victim to this "a good story is when you dare to kill your characters" trend.

The problem, as mentioned above, is that the narrative so far is that we cannot kill Kralkatorrik without a dragon to replace him. If Aurene is dead for good, there's nothing to do except await destruction. Killing Kralkatorrik without her just means it happens in a different manner.

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> @"ViolentMuffin.9573" said:

> > @"brenda.9723" said:

> > I hope she is not revived next episode. BC next episode is likely created by team 3, who is narratively the weakest team. They will not be able to create a good story arc where aurene comes back.


> Huh? What are you talking about? Isn't there one team of writers?


There are 3 teams working on different LW episodes.

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I'm going to say... no?


From the moment we got the vision that showed no other possibility, my first thought was "well, that's okay, because we don't know the context of this happening to Aurene, and that makes all the difference." They also have Caithe go out of her way to say that Aurene is gone. This seems to confirm that Aurene is dead (even to Caithe), but there are a lot of ways to have Aurene leave behind her body or her connection to Caithe in a world like this.


In what way Aurene will remain, however, I can't guess. My initial thought when playing the chapter was that her mind entered Kralkatorrik's body (_somewhat_ like Snaff, but not exactly). Since reading about it, however, I can imagine other possibilities. People have brought up how we never heard what Aurene did about Ascension (at the time, I forgot about the Ascension we know about, and was assuming Glint meant ascending into the role of an Elder Dragon, but perhaps that might be relevant in some way). Others have also brought up Aurene eating Joko, and the game certainly made a big point out of that when it happened.


What I'm more interested in is whether we're going to see a character suddenly sporting an eyepatch after this chapter. ;P

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my dragon to English translator has Aureine saying to Krackletoes “If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.”

We have no idea what thing that could only be understood between dragons was. perhaps dyeing is part of the process to becoming a elder dragon replacement, however if she is dead that makes things interesting from the perspective that if you look at Teq. Dragon Champions become more powerful when there "master" dies and we were Aureine's Champion perhaps the new elite specs in the next ex-pack will reflect this allowing us to embody the rage of the fall of our beloved hatching.


or it could just get sappy and Asura tech is brought into the picture and we get Mecha - Aureine XD

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> @"Sajuuk Khar.1509" said:

> > @"Abraxxus.8971" said:

> > There are 3 teams working on different LW episodes.

> Three teams make the maps, and events, and such for LW episodes, but writing isn't done in a bubble where each team just does whatever they want.


> The narrative is decided by the company/writing staff as a whole.


It was. There were some people who worked on multiple teams, but it wasn't done "as a whole" except arguably the overall story direction / initial planning of each season, which while it'd likely include the death and return of Aurene, would still mean that individual episodes have different quality of writing. And it's pretty blatantly obviously so with Season 3 and the first half of Season 4 - the third team (Bitterfrost Frontier, Siren's Landing, Domain of Kourna) has been overall the lowest quality, narratively and map design-wise.


That said, they did reorganize things during late development of Episode 3, causing it to be delayed, and it seems that some of the restructuring involved the narrative team. How much is unclear.


Besides, you make it sound like the story is written independently from the maps and the like, when it isn't.

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I believe Aurene is dead now but not permanently, I believe we will see her again. What I am curious about though is, Kralkatorrik delivered that death blow to her and killed her off as he desired, but why did he leave the commander? Obviously we are needed to make the story go in, but would he not be aware the commander has been present killing off his brethren Elder Dragons. The commander lay wounded there, his brand corruption destroyed Queen's but then he retreats - albeit wounded himself - leaving the commander weakened... to return and avenge her most likely. Why not finish us off when he had already killed Aurene, surely he could take the time to be thorough and ensure all threats to him were eliminated?


Because if Kralk doesn't ressurect her as a corrupted champion, the commander and co. will find a way to bring her back and fight him again.

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> @"Dondarrion.2748" said:

> I believe Aurene is dead now but not permanently, I believe we will see her again. What I am curious about though is, Kralkatorrik delivered that death blow to her and killed her off as he desired, but why did he leave the commander? Obviously we are needed to make the story go in, but would he not be aware the commander has been present killing off his brethren Elder Dragons. The commander lay wounded there, his brand corruption destroyed Queen's but then he retreats - albeit wounded himself - leaving the commander weakened... to return and avenge her most likely. Why not finish us off when he had already killed Aurene, surely he could take the time to be thorough and ensure all threats to him were eliminated?


> Because if Kralk doesn't ressurect her as a corrupted champion, the commander and co. will find a way to bring her back and fight him again.


The Elder dragons are not allies to one another.. they actually don't like each other at all and think of each other as rivals which is why you never really see their minions working together.

I can only speculate why he left us alive but the three most likely scenarios are:

1. He thought he did kill us..

2. He was severely injured and having killed Aurine his primary target.. didn't want to risk further conflict just incase we got lucky.

3. He's actually more intelligent and malevolent than we give him credit for and he's aware that without Aurine to replace him we can't kill him now and he left us alive out of spite and cruelty.. to suffer from this defeat.. and endure the pain of loosing Aurine who in many way's is like our adoptive child.


If option 3 is the case then that's only more empowering for my previous theory comment as another motive Kralkatorrik has for reviving Aurine as his branded champion would be to torment both us and her more so as he forces her to commit atrocities and harm those she loves.. and forces us to harm her trying to stop her..

I very much hope that Kralkatorrik is exactly like that.. I've never been a big fan of the dragons just being forces of nature and doing what they do.. they are far more interesting if they are vile and evil monsters who enjoy what they do.

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> @"Teratus.2859" said:

> If option 3 is the case then that's only more empowering for my previous theory comment as another motive Kralkatorrik has for reviving Aurine as his branded champion would be to torment both us and her more so as he forces her to commit atrocities and harm those she loves.. and forces us to harm her trying to stop her..

> I very much hope that Kralkatorrik is exactly like that.. I've never been a big fan of the dragons just being forces of nature and doing what they do.. they are far more interesting if they are vile and evil monsters who enjoy what they do.


I believe Kraalkatorik fully intended to Brand Aurene and the Commander (the Commander was his primary target in the cutscene until Aurene intervened). But while her pose at the end is identical to those from her visions, she is still flesh and blood (aside from a bit of branding on her wings and where she was pierced with crystal), while she was Branded in her visions. There are Brand crystals all around her, and through her, but she herself is not Branded.


My theory is that we did change the future by undergoing Glint's trials. Either it was due to Ascension, or it was due to what we learned in the first trial (helping her absorb additional energy by leveraging her bond with the Commander), or maybe both, but I think she absorbed the energy that was supposed to have branded her. Come to think of it, it had to involve the first trial, to explain why the Commander also avoided being Branded -- they were both absorbing the energy together.

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I know this isn't a popular opinion, but I think that she is dead, and will stay that way, morally, that is. I feel like they set the end up that way intentionally. I feel like this episode will have been cheapened if the next thing we get is a communication from Taimi saying that Aurene is moving. Also, about the visions of the future, Glint may have been alone in being unable to forsee her own death, because Kralkatorrik foresaw life after his own death, if not his death itself. But I won't argue the subject. It is just my opinion.

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I don't think she will be "dead", will be such a waste but my opinion:


-Arenanet just wanted to make us cry and revive in the next episode, if that the case, even if I want her back, would be dissapointed for the trolling.


(Hope it will be) -Aurene knew she have to die, she fight Kralkatorrik because she tried to kill him even if she was aware she have not yet the strength, "All or Nothing" after all, she get "nothing" but since Kralk attack as well the Mist, Glint, Vlast and Aurene are together now and could perhaps take him down together with the commander, and why not with his magic if he die ressurect, one or why not, all together and mostly...WHY NOT Glint to be the new Elder Dragon of Crystal with Vlast and Aurene as Champion like Kralk with The Shatterer!


-Aurene is definitely dead but I think that would be bad that end in that way, indeed she died in battle but what will happen after? We can't stop him now and would be dissapointing to have create a skin for Caithe or not use the Joko magic...


And at last, my most probable though:


-Aurene died for good, but Caithe could later feel back her presence as Aurene still guide us into victory, she might not be here but perhaps she will help us to kill that crystal dragon.

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