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Less discuss the "Leaching tank builds" that some guilds are abusing in WvW.


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> @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

> > @"Hitman.5829" said:

> > > @"Israel.7056" said:

> > > The amount of extra healing from something like vampiric aura is negligible. The best group siphon is probably kalla elite but then they're running kalla renegades and that's a big investment since the rest of that legends kit is terrible. Life steal has always bypassed ep though this is nothing new.

> >

> > Na you guys have no idea what you are talking about or maybe you are members of such guilds and are trying to cover it up and make it look like it is nothing to worry about.

> >

> > Life siphoning works like a diffusion membrane, but in this case the process is controlled and exploited in favor of the exploiters.


> If it’s truly an exploit/buggy thing as you suggest then open a bug report instead of coming in here and facing all this opposition. Not to mention giving me ideas...


Unfortunately, Anet will not do anything if people do not abuse it en masse. So please go ahead and spread the word PLEASE!

We need everyone to start using this ridiculous OP broken builds of life diffusion.


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> @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

> How can you abuse by using the game the way it was designed?


If a mechanic is poorly designed and is over performing, then the players make it a focal point of their gaming experience, it is abuse.

It's why Deathly Chill got nerfed. While the trait was fine under normal circumstances, people were abusing the trait's ability to proc from any source of chill by stacking every source of chill into their build.


If a bunker group stacked every ounce of life steal, short of compromising reasonable gameplay, it could be problematic. Lifesteal is not designed to be a main damage source nor a main healing source. It is infact clearly designed and tightly balanced as a supplement with it's super low coefficients.


Just a vid I made a couple years back regarding the Deathly Chill Reaper plague in WvW,


Yeah people didn't really have any idea to what I was referring to. Made a thread about how badly necromancer's were messing up balance in WvW and pretty much nobody believed me. I said if the trait wasn't nerfed the necro participation ratio would go over 50%. It wasn't until after PoF release that they nerfed it in WvW and the remaining reapers all rolled scourge lol...gg


Lifestealing should be something closely monitored moving forward if we start seeing bunker lifestealing groups.

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> @"Turk.5460" said:

> Is this the first time this siphon mechanic (which has been here forever) is being whined about? This is a non-issue lol


What are you talking about? [i have complained about OP build forever!](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/1075/bug-warriors-endure-pain-is-bugged)

It looks like I am the only one who knows GW2 to perfection or perhaps we have a few who do not want their Guild builds to be nerfed.


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This is the first I've heard about someone complaining of life stealing; however, I know exactly the setup the OP is talking about. The build(s) in and themselves aren't the issue, it's the amount of damage being dealt causing the healing numbers that are the issue. As we know, many people are irritated with the amount of damage being dealt in WvW at the moment. It's not classes that run zerker/marauders or any combination of zerk type builds that are the problem, if you look at them the wrong way they die. It's the tanky builds doing far more damage than they should that are the problem. This is both power and condition builds. Many agree that condition damage shouldn't exist on toughness/vitality gear which would eliminate dire and trailblazers. Power should also not exist on any gear with toughness or vitality on it. Those who choose to run tanky, should be doing very little damage (like crits no more than 100), and thus if they're trying to life siphon, will be getting numbers so low, it will be of no use.

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> @"Justine.6351" said:

> > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

> > How can you abuse by using the game the way it was designed?


> If a mechanic is poorly designed and is over performing, then the players make it a focal point of their gaming experience, it is abuse.

> It's why Deathly Chill got nerfed. While the trait was fine under normal circumstances, people were abusing the trait's ability to proc from any source of chill by stacking every source of chill into their build.


> If a bunker group stacked every ounce of life steal, short of compromising reasonable gameplay, it could be problematic. Lifesteal is not designed to be a main damage source nor a main healing source. It is infact clearly designed and tightly balanced as a supplement with it's super low coefficients.


> Just a vid I made a couple years back regarding the Deathly Chill Reaper plague in WvW,



> Yeah people didn't really have any idea to what I was referring to. Made a thread about how badly necromancer's were messing up balance in WvW and pretty much nobody believed me. I said if the trait wasn't nerfed the necro participation ratio would go over 50%. It wasn't until after PoF release that they nerfed it in WvW and the remaining reapers all rolled scourge lol...gg


> Lifestealing should be something closely monitored moving forward if we start seeing bunker lifestealing groups.


Not trying to be negative here, or confrontational, but I want to address a few things...


There are many aspects of professions that can be considered “broken”, but one of the top culprits is the low ttk. Yes, there are definitely some other areas that need attention, but power creep vs health is a really big one for this game.


Your video clearly shows you downing a necro, and ultimately losing due to being outnumbered. Had you not been outnumbered you would have obviously won.


I remember an old video you posted of highlighting the high damage of Revenant, a class that can be very effective from range. We can contrast that with Necro, who doesn’t have the same damage output from those ranges, and we all know that. The Revenant also has far better access to engage and disengage skills. Range and mobility are the 2 main weak points of Necro.


Edit to add video-



I’ll have to travel way back in time to find the dev quote that states “Revenant was built with a weakness to conditions intentionally”, and it wasn’t until not too long ago (pof maybe? Gotta check) that Revenant gained better condition management with Resistance. Even with Resistance there is still a lot to be desired...


There are issues with how the condition system was designed, and it’s not limited to Necro. I feel the devs made a mistake by not going with a more traditional DoT design where gear and stats were also a mitigating factor in the equation... However, I’d argue that Necro, in its current state, needs certain tools like Condi output to compete.


I’m sure some of us would rather see redos of professions and some combat designs, because these same issues keep circling around and around without really being addressed.


Edit 2- I want to add in that the devs wanted reaper to be a power spec so that’s why certain changes were made to move it away from doing condi damage.

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> @"DeadlySynz.3471" said:

> This is the first I've heard about someone complaining of life stealing; however, I know exactly the setup the OP is talking about. The build(s) in and themselves aren't the issue, it's the amount of damage being dealt causing the healing numbers that are the issue. As we know, many people are irritated with the amount of damage being dealt in WvW at the moment. It's not classes that run zerker/marauders or any combination of zerk type builds that are the problem, if you look at them the wrong way they die. It's the tanky builds doing far more damage than they should that are the problem. This is both power and condition builds. Many agree that condition damage shouldn't exist on toughness/vitality gear which would eliminate dire and trailblazers. Power should also not exist on any gear with toughness or vitality on it. Those who choose to run tanky, should be doing very little damage (like crits no more than 100), and thus if they're trying to life siphon, will be getting numbers so low, it will be of no use.



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Everyone should also keep in mind OP complained about how z-axis teleports were unfair, how kiting is unfair and how people having more mobility than warrior, the apparent undisputed worst,weskest and least played class in the game according to OP, is a problem. Was also upset by corrupt boon since it could be used to remove resistance regularly.Also how adding more orichalcum was bad due to lowering the price and hitting an investment made by them.


As long as it counters warrior or upsets their personal play mentality OP will deam it an exploit or unfair etc. Everything they say should be taken with a very large grain of salt.


> For example, take a look at Vampiric Presence, it share the buff [vampiric aura](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Vampiric_Aura)

> Just a single skill that hits 5 players will siphon life from 5 people and that includes AUTO ATTACKS.


Just to correct thing. Vampric the neco only bit has no ICD but very low values.

The buff from Vampiric aura will only siphon health **once** every 0.5s regardless of how many targets you hit at the same time.

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> @"Justine.6351" said:

> > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

> > How can you abuse by using the game the way it was designed?


> If a mechanic is poorly designed and is over performing, then the players make it a focal point of their gaming experience, it is abuse.

> It's why Deathly Chill got nerfed. While the trait was fine under normal circumstances, people were abusing the trait's ability to proc from any source of chill by stacking every source of chill into their build.


> If a bunker group stacked every ounce of life steal, short of compromising reasonable gameplay, it could be problematic. Lifesteal is not designed to be a main damage source nor a main healing source. It is infact clearly designed and tightly balanced as a supplement with it's super low coefficients.


> Just a vid I made a couple years back regarding the Deathly Chill Reaper plague in WvW,



> Yeah people didn't really have any idea to what I was referring to. Made a thread about how badly necromancer's were messing up balance in WvW and pretty much nobody believed me. I said if the trait wasn't nerfed the necro participation ratio would go over 50%. It wasn't until after PoF release that they nerfed it in WvW and the remaining reapers all rolled scourge lol...gg


> Lifestealing should be something closely monitored moving forward if we start seeing bunker lifestealing groups.


About the video...


I don't see how this shows anything wrong with deathly chill (the trait was stupid tho) all it shows is some Rev playing pretty poorly and downing some reaper then getting ganged up on by some other reapers and dying, there isn't even any exciting amounts of bleeds in it, the highest I see is 4 and most of it is even fighting a power reaper??

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There is a Renegade build that's capable of going from 5% to 100% health in less than a second with Siphons. I don't know all the details that make it work but since the fellow that showed me was the sweetest person, I also don't intend to share. Not only that, but I know the way certain aspects of the build interact are probably unintended, which could warrant a nerf if ANet were to find out. As OP as it might be, it's still a non-issue. I'm not certain how it might perform in a large scale scenario but I have seen it in a 1v1 and all it amounts to is giving up stronger options (Herald) for a strong gimmick. In fact, there is a similar, but more exploitative thing you can do with Necromancer that allows you to get core Shroud on Reaper or Scourge. This one I would consider to be more worthy of a patch since unlike the Renegade build, it can make the Necro near unkillable.


But I digress, those that are saying Siphons are crap are correct but I also think many of the people here haven't seen what OP is talking about. In fact, I'm not even sure OP is talking about the same thing I am but, I could be wrong. As of now I've never seen this supposed super tank Siphoning zerg, only a solo player who likes to meme. And the OP has historically been a very low tier troll so, I'd say just ignore him :P.

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> @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:

> There is a Renegade build that's capable of going from 5% to 100% health in less than a second with Siphons. I don't know all the details that make it work but since the fellow that showed me was the sweetest person, I also don't intend to share. Not only that, but I know the way certain aspects of the build interact are probably unintended, which could warrant a nerf if ANet were to find out. As OP as it might be, it's still a non-issue. I'm not certain how it might perform in a large scale scenario but I have seen it in a 1v1 and all it amounts to is giving up stronger options (Herald) for a strong gimmick. In fact, there is a similar, but more exploitative thing you can do with Necromancer that allows you to get core Shroud on Reaper or Scourge. This one I would consider to be more worthy of a patch since unlike the Renegade build, it can make the Necro near unkillable.


> But I digress, those that are saying Siphons are kitten are correct but I also think many of the people here haven't seen what OP is talking about. In fact, I'm not even sure OP is talking about the same thing I am but, I could be wrong. As of now I've never seen this supposed super tank Siphoning zerg, only a solo player who likes to meme. And the OP has historically been a very low tier troll so, I'd say just ignore him :P.

And how often can they do that? How long can they keep that up? Because if its even close to a regular rev... we just down them again.


GW2 builds isnt a secret. If it exists and its effective, it would be in the open and used by alot of people. Now, how many renegades do you see in WvW...

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> @""Swagger.1459"

> @""lodjur.1284"


You two are exactly the type of people I am referring to.

I engage in a 1v1 with a reaper and am +3 by reapers. I tab through 4 reapers. That was my concern at the time that WvW was getting over run by reapers. And yet all people could do was call me bad and say I was crying for dying outnumbered. Zoooooom right over their heads. Too many people were rolling trailblazer/viper reapers because of deathly chill leading to an easy to play build that was overly effective.


To most people lifesteal means little because they probably cannot even tell if it's being used compared to normal damage and normal sustain. The first people to notice it are going to be warriors though if they are getting their hp stripped through ed/df. All I am saying is do not be so dismissive of a warrior complaining about groups stacking lifesteal because there is a possibility it's true. Just because you haven't figured it out doesn't mean it's not true.

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> @"Justine.6351" said:

> > @""Swagger.1459"

> > @""lodjur.1284"


> You two are exactly the type of people I am referring to.

> I engage in a 1v1 with a reaper and am +3 by reapers. I tab through 4 reapers. That was my concern at the time that WvW was getting over run by reapers. And yet all people could do was call me bad and say I was crying for dying outnumbered. Zoooooom right over their heads. Too many people were rolling trailblazer/viper reapers because of deathly chill leading to an easy to play build that was overly effective.


> To most people lifesteal means little because they probably cannot even tell if it's being used compared to normal damage and normal sustain. The first people to notice it are going to be warriors though if they are getting their hp stripped through ed/df. All I am saying is do not be so dismissive of a warrior complaining about groups stacking lifesteal because there is a possibility it's true. Just because you haven't figured it out doesn't mean it's not true.


But 1 encounter is proof of nothing. I fought 4 Eles at the same time last week, by your logic wvw it's overrun by Eles...


Also you do literally make a video about it winning about deathly chill after losing 65% of your hp to a power reaper not running the trait only to get your last 35% bursted by 2 reapers 1 without path of corruption (so definitively power) and 1 with axe and spiteful Spirit (so also power).


So you die to 3 power reapers and make a video where you whine and call condi reaper op...


To me this just screams clueless

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> @"lodjur.1284" said:

> > @"Justine.6351" said:

> > > @""Swagger.1459"

> > > @""lodjur.1284"

> >

> > You two are exactly the type of people I am referring to.

> > I engage in a 1v1 with a reaper and am +3 by reapers. I tab through 4 reapers. That was my concern at the time that WvW was getting over run by reapers. And yet all people could do was call me bad and say I was crying for dying outnumbered. Zoooooom right over their heads. Too many people were rolling trailblazer/viper reapers because of deathly chill leading to an easy to play build that was overly effective.

> >

> > To most people lifesteal means little because they probably cannot even tell if it's being used compared to normal damage and normal sustain. The first people to notice it are going to be warriors though if they are getting their hp stripped through ed/df. All I am saying is do not be so dismissive of a warrior complaining about groups stacking lifesteal because there is a possibility it's true. Just because you haven't figured it out doesn't mean it's not true.


> But 1 encounter is proof of nothing. I fought 4 Eles at the same time last week, by your logic wvw it's overrun by Eles...


> Also you do literally make a video about it winning about deathly chill after losing 65% of your hp to a power reaper not running the trait only to get your last 35% bursted by 2 reapers 1 without path of corruption (so definitively power) and 1 with axe and spiteful Spirit (so also power).


> So you die to 3 power reapers and make a video where you whine and call condi reaper op...


> To me this just screams clueless


Uh what? Just because they deal power damage doesn't mean they are not deathly chill + viper... Like as I was dropping I clearly had all boons stripped and 7 different conditions on me in the blink of an eye. And yes deathly chill reapers were using axe, cause you know the whole pbaoe boon corruption on skill 3 and all...and yes deathly chill reapers were known to skip out on corruption line in favor of soul reaping cause you know, unblockable marks. We really wont ever know what exact builds they were using but realize that at that time power reapers were not super buffed, they just were not a thing in wvw unless it was viper gear and even those were rare. It wasn't until after PoF released that Deathly Chill was nerfed while the power damage on reaper stuff started to get super buffed.


You must not have been playing WvW in 2017 if you don't think over representation of reapers was a problem.

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> @"Justine.6351" said:

> > @"lodjur.1284" said:

> > > @"Justine.6351" said:

> > > > @""Swagger.1459"

> > > > @""lodjur.1284"

> > >

> > > You two are exactly the type of people I am referring to.

> > > I engage in a 1v1 with a reaper and am +3 by reapers. I tab through 4 reapers. That was my concern at the time that WvW was getting over run by reapers. And yet all people could do was call me bad and say I was crying for dying outnumbered. Zoooooom right over their heads. Too many people were rolling trailblazer/viper reapers because of deathly chill leading to an easy to play build that was overly effective.

> > >

> > > To most people lifesteal means little because they probably cannot even tell if it's being used compared to normal damage and normal sustain. The first people to notice it are going to be warriors though if they are getting their hp stripped through ed/df. All I am saying is do not be so dismissive of a warrior complaining about groups stacking lifesteal because there is a possibility it's true. Just because you haven't figured it out doesn't mean it's not true.

> >

> > But 1 encounter is proof of nothing. I fought 4 Eles at the same time last week, by your logic wvw it's overrun by Eles...

> >

> > Also you do literally make a video about it winning about deathly chill after losing 65% of your hp to a power reaper not running the trait only to get your last 35% bursted by 2 reapers 1 without path of corruption (so definitively power) and 1 with axe and spiteful Spirit (so also power).

> >

> > So you die to 3 power reapers and make a video where you whine and call condi reaper op...

> >

> > To me this just screams clueless


> Uh what? Just because they deal power damage doesn't mean they are not deathly chill + viper... Like as I was dropping I clearly had all boons stripped and 7 different conditions on me in the blink of an eye. And yes deathly chill reapers were using axe, cause you know the whole pbaoe boon corruption on skill 3 and all...and yes deathly chill reapers were known to skip out on corruption line in favor of soul reaping cause you know, unblockable marks. We really wont ever know what exact builds they were using but realize that at that time power reapers were not super buffed, they just were not a thing in wvw unless it was viper gear and even those were rare. It wasn't until after PoF released that Deathly Chill was nerfed while the power damage on reaper stuff started to get super buffed.


> You must not have been playing WvW in 2017 if you don't think over representation of reapers was a problem.


"7 different conditions on me in the blink of an eye" You got hit with https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Signet_of_Spite


You can complain about Necro being Condi heavy, just like Necro can complain about Revenant being power heavy... You can complain about the old Deathly Chill all you want, and Necros can complain about your super heavy hitting hammer skills from 1,200 range... that Revenant still has... Goes both ways.


Revenant currently has the equivalent of the old Reaper Deathly Chill build... look... https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Torment. And most Necros went condi builds because their power builds kinda sucked, mobility still sucks and are extremely vulnerable to ranged damage builds...


You video shows nothing except you were outnumbered. Revenant sucked worse at condition management by design back then, and that's not the fault of Necro design, that's the fault of Revenant design. Had your main/most played class been one with better Condition removal you wouldn't be complaining. But you main a Revenant that sucks vs Conditions.


You can't talk about " I saw lots of X professions so that indicates a problem", because there are lots of X professions around.


Edit- You need to be more objective


You- "Deathly Chill OP"...


Community- "Yeah? How about this? https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Coalescence_of_Ruin 1.200 range, 4s cooldown that can hit 5 targets for burst in the high teens... every 4 seconds "


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> @"Justine.6351" said:

> > @"lodjur.1284" said:

> > > @"Justine.6351" said:

> > > > @""Swagger.1459"

> > > > @""lodjur.1284"

> > >

> > > You two are exactly the type of people I am referring to.

> > > I engage in a 1v1 with a reaper and am +3 by reapers. I tab through 4 reapers. That was my concern at the time that WvW was getting over run by reapers. And yet all people could do was call me bad and say I was crying for dying outnumbered. Zoooooom right over their heads. Too many people were rolling trailblazer/viper reapers because of deathly chill leading to an easy to play build that was overly effective.

> > >

> > > To most people lifesteal means little because they probably cannot even tell if it's being used compared to normal damage and normal sustain. The first people to notice it are going to be warriors though if they are getting their hp stripped through ed/df. All I am saying is do not be so dismissive of a warrior complaining about groups stacking lifesteal because there is a possibility it's true. Just because you haven't figured it out doesn't mean it's not true.

> >

> > But 1 encounter is proof of nothing. I fought 4 Eles at the same time last week, by your logic wvw it's overrun by Eles...

> >

> > Also you do literally make a video about it winning about deathly chill after losing 65% of your hp to a power reaper not running the trait only to get your last 35% bursted by 2 reapers 1 without path of corruption (so definitively power) and 1 with axe and spiteful Spirit (so also power).

> >

> > So you die to 3 power reapers and make a video where you whine and call condi reaper op...

> >

> > To me this just screams clueless


> Uh what? Just because they deal power damage doesn't mean they are not deathly chill + viper... Like as I was dropping I clearly had all boons stripped and 7 different conditions on me in the blink of an eye. And yes deathly chill reapers were using axe, cause you know the whole pbaoe boon corruption on skill 3 and all...and yes deathly chill reapers were known to skip out on corruption line in favor of soul reaping cause you know, unblockable marks. We really wont ever know what exact builds they were using but realize that at that time power reapers were not super buffed, they just were not a thing in wvw unless it was viper gear and even those were rare. It wasn't until after PoF released that Deathly Chill was nerfed while the power damage on reaper stuff started to get super buffed.


> You must not have been playing WvW in 2017 if you don't think over representation of reapers was a problem.


Let's see here first one is only power damage, you even facetank a chilled to the bone and get no bleeding.


The only condis you actually get is from a boon corrupt (spiteful), yet you die basically instantly from the power damage of the skill, making it unlikely that any of them was even condi. You take 95%+ power damage and your conclusion is CONDI OP PLZ NURF.


Power reaper also corrupts boons.......


Soul Reaping+Curses was the Meta for condi reaper outside of zergs. Axe and/or spite definitively wasn't (outside of signet builds, which ran curses+spite).


Spite line+axe was a joke outside of zerging and questionable in zerging too.


Oh I played during 2017 and reapers weren't that common in smallscale, zerging sure but that's always been the case. Reaper was garbage tier for solo/duo play.

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We called this a siphon bomb and I think a lot of people had trouble wrapping thier brains around using multihit skills inside of the Kalla elite for some reason. The support Scourges were just there but pretty much anything + lots of corrupts in the same spot could evaporate pretty much anything. Same amount of skill in coordinated groups that you wouldn't normally find in pug groups. It was for melee ball oriented comps, which kind of didn't fit the pirate ship stuff currently in NA. Not that OP but haven't seen it successfully pulled off tbh.

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> @"Hitman.5829" said:

> What are you talking about? [i have complained about OP build forever!](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/1075/bug-warriors-endure-pain-is-bugged)

> It looks like I am the only one who knows GW2 to perfection or perhaps we have a few who do not want their Guild builds to be nerfed.


Okay here my little warrior friend. You know nothing about the game at all, because you've been always playing on easy class that carry it's user into oblivion. Life Siphon is nowhere near as strong as you're trying to make it, even in a groups. You're either trying to solo group of 10+ people or just rush inside enemy blob and get killed instantly. Here, I'm gonna use "yours" favourite countrerargument: "Endure Pain is not true Invulnerability, since you still can get condi bombed and cc'ed, unlike Mist Form or Elixir S".

IMO things that need nerfs are:

**Overall**: Condition & boon application(aswell duration), amount of hard/soft cc's, passive heal and sustain, damage, auto-proc traits(some were nerfed already but that's far from being "enough"), amount of possible iframes on certain classes, food that have %reduction(condi and physical) need to be removed aswell food that increases evasion by x% etc. etc...

**Firebrand:** Access to 3 additional "utility" bars shouldn't happen ever, they should just have access to one of three possible "books" (f1-f3 skills, since they can reset them via traits or skills), amount of boons they spam should be atleast halved.

**Dragonhunter:** reduce damage on traps and that's pretty much it?

**Guardian:** pretty much balanced.

**Scourge:** rework how shades work(make them work only around it's user and range + melee only via traits), increase cd on shade skills, remove torment from punishment skills, fix torch 5 that hits "deep" AC's(or was it fixed already?).

**Reaper:** reduce damage in reaper shroud on few skills, reduce amount of chill(or its duration), maybe even buff speed of gs skills via traits...

**Necromancer:** it need some buffs here and there to be even viable.

**Deadeye:** reduce amount of access to stealth on that e-spec(make it more mobile than core, but not heavily stealth dependant), reduce damage potential and that's pretty much it?

**Daredevil:** reduce damage on staff(especially vault, pick damage or evade, not both) and that's pretty much it?

**Thief:** reduce amount of possible disengages from battle.

**Spellbreaker:** barely acceptable(as a spec on it's own).

**Berserker:** reduce damage or range/area of primal burst skills.

**Warrior:** pretty much everything need nerfs on this class since like forever: damage, mobility, sustain, traits.

And the list can go on... I didn't mention other classes not because they're "fine" or "balanced", I didn't mention them because I'm simply lazy(Mesmer(mirage) nerfs to pretty much everything, Engi(yolosmith) access to boons and damage, Ranger(overall) damage, access to boons and unblockables, Revenant(overall) damage, rework animation of hammer skills, Elementalist(weaver) access to evasive skills(it's just some bad copy of thief...)).

As I wrote, it's my opinion, you can agree or not, but HoT(and PoF) certainly has damaged game, balance-wise atleast.

Aaand back to the topic, I've never seen since 2012 even once a build that was fully based on any kind of "Life-steal", because it's simply not powerful(even in zergs).


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> @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:

> There is a Renegade build that's capable of going from 5% to 100% health in less than a second with Siphons. I don't know all the details that make it work but since the fellow that showed me was the sweetest person, I also don't intend to share. Not only that, but I know the way certain aspects of the build interact are probably unintended, which could warrant a nerf if ANet were to find out.


Maybe, maybe not. I run a life-steal Renegade that can do that, but only in specific situations. The problem is those circumstances rarely occur against real players, and it's sacrificing a lot of things you should normally be using if you need to kill more than NPCs.

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